► e l'IH IR S D A Y . OCT. 23. 11124 T H E SPRING FIELI» NEWS PAGE n \ T | Lane County Farmers Union News ____ _________________ _____ ______________ __ FARMERS 10 HEAR ' BILLS DISCUSSER ! O F F IC IA L . OFF,C f R arm V r Ì A u N nio C n UNTV P U B L IC A T IO N .TRENT L o c k * ’ LANE COUNTV u n it am • T IM E AND PLACE OF LOCAL M EETIN G S H*iph Laird, Craawell, P resident. • Will W heeler, T rent, Vlca-Preel- • dent. « H. L. Beck, Springfield, Sec- • Tree». , T. W. Morgan, Cresw ell. Door- • haapar. , J. T. H urley, Cresw ell, Conductor. • w . A. Maby, Creswell, Chaplain. • At the county m eeting held at L or­ The reception io th« te a c h e rs of the Vernon— F irst and T hird • of tu e „. - • Mt. I'nlon high school P leasant Hill ...... . '" s o »< nuoi at rie asan t H ill, ane O ctober lo Hugh * Earl, w i, or • and th pn of the various grade schools :* * ' *' °n the Income Tax (• W ednesday. B rasfleld Store. J o in t Meeting o f Union and i In . • the «... . vicinity . . . . . . . . o f . . th e . high . . school d is I m easure m aking clear the following • H adleyvllle — F irst and T hird • Grange Next T e u td n y; Farm , • T hursdays, H adley will«, School • trlcl sponsored by T ren t local was a points: The m easure to be voted upon Farm ers Union Locals Hold • Dorena-—Second and Fouth Tues- • th is y .a r Is a repeal and In o rd er to ore Union Slate Com m ittee m arked •1MMMMML. • days, D orena Church. « Joint Meetings w ith Creswell M ake* Recommendations. O ur com m unity Is 100 p e r cent retain the Income tax law the voter (n,llca. • C resw ell—F irst and T hird Tues- • Local and Hear P olitical Sub­ F arm ers union and It ought to be, m ust vote 313 N„. F r„ m • days. Cresw ell, M. W. ot A. Hall. • For the purpose of hearing diacu». R esponsibility such as Is require«» tlo rs the taw has not driven out capl je c t Discussed. • Coast F ork—Second and F ourth • • Ion on the "Hire* slater inaaauraa” • j i n prom oting and carry in g to a suc­ U1 as both foreign and dom estic cor- • T hursdays. H ebron C hurch H ouse • a joint m eeting of the F arm er» union [o ra tio n s have Increased In num ber T he W alker, Camas, and Cloverdale c e s s fu l ending th ese com m unity gath- nnd G range has boon called for Tues • ‘ rings ought not to be allowed to be since 1922. The income tax collection ■lay. O ctober 28 a t the Eugene cham-j will be »2 250.000 Inatead of one and COAST FORK T uesday night, O ctober 21. P resident • h‘>rne by only a few. C anary—F irst Sunday and T hird • Morgan presiding. Mrs. Horn of the her of com m erce at 8 o'clock. Prof»» j _____ _ * * * * The ■of“ 1 m eets every 2nd and 4 Wed- a qu arter million as predicted m aking Saturday, F arm ers Union Hall. ■or Jam es H G ilbert, au th o r of the Danebo_F irst ¿Z” " , " a l k e r local gave a piano solo. This H a u l t- u . nesday in th e Union high school ¡tb s percentage of reduction to Ore- ,'gon‘s tax payers approxim ately 3 per Income tax law. will dlscuaa th at ! coll School House. ay' .‘ m htf 0 M’re<’ “ read,ng BabT ,vr*r ° " a “ *n d " 1« ; building at P ie,» .,,« Hill Oregon .0 , A. c>> th , wee„. T e|i y( ur j cent. This does not mean th at a m easure before th«, m eeting and J. 1) L °ran e—Second and F o u rth « ’ .h ,, T 7 ’ t t ‘k ° n Mickle dairy and food comrolaaloner. •n d M r. F C. F ah rer • J ’ C° UnfJr B oar'1 of t h / 2 f n< to m ring , aht >‘ a r ’ tM for ln many cases the the e union b bring T he ( h rl.tla n E ndeavor met at the them them along ,o th next m eeting W« 7’ c,,y or road ’»«*« hae ab- 1 nesdaya. P leasan t Hill ilg t • , ‘ 1“ °® reduct,on 01 A sp eak er will alan explain Ihe work- along io the e next .v " ,u : « , r T h '" r. G" , r '" ' 0,1 like ' Schoo! House. B le r e n t and Marion G unter re- cn in eetln g w ith a i of M u . Cha T ivenra of this place * ’ * • • • • • . . com m ittee from th e town of Cresw ell Chas W hite, Who has been III for I rogram each third T hursday In th e ' an] and Ralph Lain!. — ... . — I l,,u r "day afternoon of last week * MT. VERNON LOCAL • l ° S° before ,he county court and ' -Nona Bales tool: h er little * • • • • • • • • . : ta ke UP the m a tte r of a bridge across For d istrict attorney, John Medley; several week». Is slowly Improving. m onth R efreshm ents were served J W. Beera, who was h u rt a o m e ' " ,n- ,r> CtF. ae- (Pnve Tliurs- The ladles of the Mt Vernon local th. Emit K irk and son. n,« h t- O ctober 25. E very one is re- Gatche11- Mor*a n - P etty and Lord. treasu rer. Edna W ard; surveyor, P. j Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. T arr. H arold, went to E ugene Tuesday, and quc ite d to come In costum e T here Th<* d*,e f° r ’he wa" for M M orse; county school «up-rlm -nd- The farm ers around Ja s p e r are tuk- Ing advantage of th e fine w eath er bv . P L “ “ »'renfus leaves th is week ,h e ,w o cklldran took the serum for a sm all charge for srte c ta - O ctober 25 a t 10 o'clock a t ent, E. J Moore h u rry in g up th e ir fall w ork i r P r**n°- r a ,l ,o r n <«- <” » b u sin e ss.: d lPhtherla. tors. the county court room. H arry Jones, who h a . been sick for , S m l,h ' * ho h « been visit- «'»>« d aughter of Mr. and Mrs. On W ednesday. O ctober 29 th ere MF A llen' cha,rm an of « * S ,ate Ladles F irst. th e past week, went to the Eugene Mr * nd Mra' A B WIU»*®« « th is place, has the dlph- » »• be a box social given a t the “om m tttee. gave a rep o rt of the m eet •q h»—“ How d a re you to sw ear be­ ----------- - « g u fleld e x a by ny th ° " ,B8t S a,u rd ay ' hospital last B saturdw -Monday for P ortland. ¡ ’herla. and ----------------------------- the school closed --------- Mon- «L -------- hall M - ^ ip . rln the e hospiial a tu rla y v r,.e m e d ic s., fore m a?” ‘ley. n r. Frost of C ottage Grove has ,,d1*» of the Ml. Vernon local. A fter S<>VeraI resolutlon8 ^ e r e passed and treatm en t. He—“W ell wanted how In «0 thunderatinn th e case and the child is Im proving a program In w hich Mrs Cooley’s pi j tb* m eeeting adjourned, I know you .w e a r f l r did . t r ' J “* " ■‘”‘al"-™ . t ' 2 ° L L E C E T ° B R O A D C A S T nicely. ano class will give several num ber.? A 8PeCla’ J° lnt m ee,in * has beeD the next reg u lar local m eeting next PROM OREGONIAN STATIO N | Mr and M r.. A. E. Danlcy of Cres- ‘be boxes will be sold to the highest CloTerda,e for Octo­ --------- J W ednesday. A good atten d an ce is i well w ere In Dorena T huredey after- bidders. The funds from th is social bPr 3 t w anted. An ag ricu ltu ral and educational ra ­ K° tow ard ,h e Mt Vernon hall a t j L, R Hack, o u r road supervisor, has dio service will be broadcast bv th nf>° n ' O- A. C. Extension service from thZ 'e-u ' am ' W r‘ M n d made a ha -in.-3 trip to Cot- FOR HAI F— W indfall apples, Bald- l»r 8. Ralph Illppel, D e n tis t Vitus 'tx tlo n and college «racialists, will county convention held at Lorane. i«ge Grove Tuesday m orning. wins. B pltzenhurgs and Newtons. building. Springfield. Oregon. ¡co n stitu te each program . Mr. and Mrs. M. Gillespie and 50c a gunny M ck »< th e ranch. E. •College by radio h as passed the / ’^ nk Haymond B ates LORANE LOCAL d au g h ter visited the George Powell ■ * * • • • • . , B. T inker. P leasant Hill. I n I ak » » nrifi ( m nnw , > S oriurfleld, visited relative« here fad "I«KI and IN now recognized bv Among the W ant Ads, . F rank Moore and s i s te r .' Opal, of fam ily Sunday afternoon. m odern 8 " nday’ They a lio took a hunt wh!le W anted, double bed by elderly lady the extension serv ice a . Elwood Reed of E ugene spent th e the Cloverdale local sp en t the week i'EOlilRElVj) O rang Alrldale imps for with wooden head and foot, w ire i oW,|ty .” says th e announcem ent. "In Floyd and C larence S tarkey w ere end at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. week-end w ith the Powell family. »ale C. E. Beatu, C anary, Oregon. springs and m attress.—C appers Week- flolrles of 1500 liste n e rs by th e Ore- Mrs. Nancy S utherland retu rn ed gonlan show.nl th at m ore than"'2S ^ r <' O' ta r,, Or° Ve y,’ hOr'' frOD> heF* Wm. Moore tf iy. h o m e' Sunday from a visit w ith h er Roy F o ster attended the candidate __ . ... . Tuesday. cent of them a re i m , cent of them a re In terested In ag ri­ ber of daughter. Mrs. C. C. H ayes of Lorane. Vote 83 X R W, Sm ith for City SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr cultural lecture», and 196 radio own The services a t th e church on Sun slate com m ittee a t the cham ______ Mr. and Mrs. W. I Seals. Mr. and Recorder. we comm erce S aturday. O ctober, 18. tf N W. Emery, d en tist S u tto n Bldg era out of 200 In ru ral d istricts, quer days a re very In terestin g and Mrs. M. G illespie and daughter. Mr. would be very glad to have you come **r - and Mrs. F ran k Davis attended . led by the extension service, w ant th , and bring your friend. Eevedy body j 8 birthday d in n er at C ottage Grove Geo. Powell and d aughter w ere Eu­ -ag ricultural lectu res continued.’’ welcome. Sunday school at 10:00. ! S uaday given in honor of th e ir daugh- gene visitors S aturday. T here w ere several a t church Sun­ Cbtireh services m orning and evening ‘e r- Mrs. H orace S utherlin. FEEDING SEEDS TO HUNGRY . and .B ndeavw at 7:3ft. Also bible Miss Luella S anderson w as a Eu day to h ear Mr. K endle of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schonelhal of SQ U IR R EL AND C H IP M U N K <',udY •* P- rn .'e v e ry T hursday. KPne ’ Mltor last W ednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Lourie England and I and Mrs. Edw ard Addison at E ugene visited Mr. and Mrs. W. I. F lagstaff. A rlz —At the S outhw est­ children visited Sunday at the hom e ' ended church at C ottage Grove Sun Seals Sunday evening. F o r RppreHentative in ConKi-eng. Firet D is tr ic t Vote fo r One ern F orest E xperim ent S tation te s ts of th e ir aunt, Mrs. Lebow of Crea- day- W, J. H t’TLEK, of loan* County. Independent --------- . ■ — .— of th e ap p etite of th e av erag e Rocky well. The F o ster fam ily m otored to E u­ G lycerine M ixtu re gene Sunday. For State Treaaurer, Vote fo r One Mountain m antled ground squirrel Prevents A p p e n d ic if 45 JKFFEKHON MTBRB. of Multnomah County. D emocratic and th e San F rancisco m ountain chip­ CO -O PERATIVE OUTLOOK Mrs. Wm. Moore en tertain ed a num­ ber of frien d s a t h e r hom e S aturday munk show an asto n ish in g capacity Sim ple glycerine, buckthorn > F ur Representative, T h ird R reitresentatlve Dia- DECLARDED TO BE B R IG H T evening. for pine seeds. The ground squirrel etc., as mixed In A dlerlna Is exr trlc t. Vote fo r One will e a t 340 -pine seeds In one day and to guard against appendicitis, 55 Oregon A gricultural College, Cor­ EMMETT HOWARD, of Lana County. Republican The Springfield Mill and G rain com­ m edicines act only on low« night, while th e chipm unk accounts vallis, Oct. 23.—A bright outlook for 57 H. C W HEELER, of L ana County. Republican for 237. 69 the co-operative m ovem ent In th b pany shipped a c a r of flour to Rose­ but A dlerika acts on BO" RALPH P. LAIRD, of Ioan« County. D emocratic Dr. W alter P. T aylor of th e Bio­ sta te wa» Indicated at the m eeting burg Tuesday. and low er bowel and r the of th e Oregon C o-operative council gasses and poison«. B ri’ F o r D is tric t A ttorney. Vote fo r One , lo g ic a l Survey, who - la conducting ------------- • —» W ant H unting— H oward B. Free- te r you never thought e»ta finds th at a group of four seed | n P ortland when 16 associations made 61 JO H N S MEDLEY, ot L ane County. D emocratic rees in an acre of cut-over w e s te r n ! reports, according to Paul V. M aris, snd W. H. S tearm er w ent hun tin g In system H elps any c’ F or C ounty S heriff. Vote fo r One yellow pine land would produce about secretary of the council and d irecto rs the P leasan t H ill d is tric t last w eek­ stom ach in TEN m «5 HUGH H. EA1U.E, end. D emocratic 92.000 seeds In a good year. T his of the college extension service. D rug atore. -S Î- would be Just enough seed to carry "T he N orth Pacific C o operative ex­ R>r C ounty CommiBRloner. Vote fo r One one fam ily of sq u irrels and th ree fam ­ change la a going concern and Is be­ «2 R. o . BRADY D em ocratic ilies of chipm unks about two weeka. ing adm inistered ao econom ically and W hat th e rodents are going to do foi Is already producing such resu lts that For C ounty AHH«’ HRnr. Vote fo r One , », . . .........J pa >«4114 ««» r «uvu im u u n UIHl 69 B. F. KEENEY Rapubllcan-D em ncrntlc °.r Wha‘ t h e y i» for the m em bers ‘io In n poor seed year, does not an- seem s assu red ." M. J. Newhouse, For C ounty Treanurer, V ote fo r O ne P»ar. But ln a good y ear at least, j m anager, reported. '¡7 MBNA WARD It I-pulii lenii-D emocratic ""•v ' " rto w b i with th«| I \ R • Bhwwww. c th«< »• »ow sv »a ev I r pmtdgnt ’ • 'Ol’O n aturkl refo restatio n of w estern yet- Oregon Co-operative Grain For Cou ni y Surveyor. V o tr fo r ()iu> Growers. low pine 7t p. M. MORSE R epublican-D em ocratic announced th at his organization was The Monihwestern F orest Expert m erely recessing for a year. He dt l’’o r C o tittly School Superini« ip I c i I. incut S nt Ion |nis been advocating tin o te fo r O ne ! r. I |n favor uf legislation sim ilar 7« r . j moore llciiitlill :ii ii-Dem«>crntle l i m i n ': of . mr m atu re treci In every tin- McNar- -Haugen hill. Twenty a c re cut o\ r. to provide ceils for eight lead ers In tli,- co-operative wo: V F or I 'outit V ('h 11. »ne - a second gn iwth of pin ■ It vonld ap w in present at the m eeting «4 lIARltY L. BECK Uepublk id Ih'ilKH r e s i ’ «mi .f!i •ibi« w ’eur — --- s 1 ire--., (o tl sci su ff New Acting D istrict A ttorney. The mt mbern ate urged to wi ito in 1i 5 naiTì© Hart y L. r » u n -re t h i n m |i, If f f ■ ' -¡I ' .t, v -1 jck fo r County Clerk a.i a pu t e s t a jr r 19t lio n s M I M E MEET Farmers Union EXCHANGE FARMERS UNION TICKET For November 4, 1924, Election VOTE 62 X R. r With The Fz o f R. S. Bryson on tho board of d ticing t '. t- ei on lair'd tiin b i t holdi.if, Oloom nrgnrino and Condensed M ilk B ill VOTE n re­ links. YES W orkm en’s Com pulsory Compensation I <\v fo r hazardous occupations VOTE X 310 YES Income Tax Repeal. VOTE X 313 NO 1 tilt e ll' bloliglcnl worn sri ist ics. In defiance s iili Here from C»mo C re*k—M irvlt, Hpores of Camp Creek w r. In town »Snturilay front hla homo. .1 -1 . :c ,s |. , . q a: i.o ln f.-i a c tin g dis. •let atto rn e y by Ju d g e u . f . Skip-j w orth d u ring (he I fines; of district J a tto rn ey Clyde N. Johntirm . who was I Injured in nn autom obilo accident: th ree w eeks ago. A num ber of crlm 1 Inal eases are now pending which ' Mr. I- i- - r will handle before tho court. COUNTY