PAGE FOUR t h e spring ei ft .n \ eu - s M A R K E T AGENT REPORTS CURE SHEEP OF STOMACH ON WOOL AND MOHAIR ¡W E S TE R N C A T T LE FEUD WORMS TOLD IN E X H IB IT SUBJECT OF DRAMA By C. E. Spence. A pane» exhibit depicting the lit. \ graphl.- p lc tu rlu ilo u of the an. I Re»ui t , of Wool Co-Operation n store, dam a«, ,, and treatm ent a t» a n t feud Of th . w estern ran ae count.v Pocketbook re s u lt, to » ro w er, a re stom ach ........ w o r m s of sheep, prepared by b c w c -u sheepm en and cattlem en „ ■hown hy the statem en ts given out United S ta te . D epartm ent Ofj preaented In the V n lv .r.a l photo­ *>y R. A W ard, m anager of th e co- -M riculture show» Im pressively th e , d ra m a T he Man front Wyoming " operative Wool and of th i. p.-»t , M u ohair G row er, seriousness . I "howln» at the C astle In Kh.gene, th l. T M hia aaSiKlatlen *» but four years •’ •" shown th at stom ach worms Friday and Saturday all V ’4 fU“ l,u*’p ,,r‘ of *r* ix' mnu' a « * « • “ • • ®f? Jack Hoxie, the hard riding row « ' ers It could bo doubt pro- *h,"'P »<* highly destru ctiv e to hoy whose daring horsem an.l.k a duce Bwteh b e tte r showings, a . Mr lambs, and often wipe out profits from graced so # i m 7 s t d e r n ' w m ' •n J states th at th e association ih<* P raising. They cause w eakness. «tarred In the nr.elu -ti ? ootid handle twice as much wool , 3 ' ’ec>urs. *n u trnding to reduce the sulfur content Hawk ' one of the best produced of and Mrs J II Itehhan. In Brow ns­ (he recent filma, was well attended association arera< ed 37 cents per by th e worms. Fortunately, h ard er wh > »’ ’ J! **P t(> t,le po,nf essen tial fo.* nt Its showing at the Hell T heatre ville Sunday They were accom panied pound for non m em bers, while th e as- 'h e rem edy for th e stom ach worm is n elg h b o rtn . L ti* ,,. ’ * " h I n’° " ' ’»r ,,," abl*' production, try Mlsa t 'o l i s l a n i i - Itehhan who was « cto tlo n -a average for rtne and » « - '» ‘«"pie and Inexpensive. Blueatone i „ T v ^ T h v t h . 2 h *, -------- last w eekend home from Salem high achiuil over B u lle t in to f). D is t r ib u t e d — T lo , m atelv 44 U „ . ¿ * , ^ 7 #PprOxi < ’ ° I« 1®B' “ ~ 4 . P rev en t, .to G rap e, may be pruned In Oregon the w eekend. • . ««*» cen ts net for m em bers, iuach-worm injury. The exhibit de . tlv„ h , . .. „ ” « any « » • following the first two ™ X . ‘h’ i , Ce ° f ’he Kvn,UCk’r ^ r b y . ' aad * « * ,h ’ ™ «*«»•"« too soon a fter the full of th e leaves causes lass of plant forni that would | non-m em bers «- h i . . . . » I ®* *“* ran ch owner. _______ . * h » e .h e association’s Im provem ent In flesh and wool. — , , . .o therw iae have been tran sferred la te r, The ,h e root , Vuntn< |o o r°f ” ** C*“ U . "Wy- ' ln , hc w (nU r ra„r . h|(^ , n t ih 7 ,Ota* h ,n 41ing coats of ’he benefits resulting from stomach- WB* «renarlxed by laa- than earlier pruning», sav report« of the awsoclation were a fraction over worm riddance, sa v . th e panel. j dHr' Ber" » , '‘,n N. B radbury. , h„ experim ent station Î ’ “ iCh *r e ’e8S than ' h ” i parties agreeing to pgy --------- on c a ^Pe ra The panel la 5 feet long and 2 feet ______" * * j cesstve flesh and ao retard an early wonl i Cn aBU‘? ‘ - > ” hl’u« - »»«»« had of , B’> Ms-.-sn iiougrB 1141 « U AH th e front t r i c e s V ' “ 1" '" ,o r " buildings paint«!. The Spring- nnanfn,oa4,y approved: , on th e subject, Th», .h ll an<1 . --- .-„uj,,... may uioj be ur , obtained from tric t 1. then prepared « c o rd in g to n«M garag,* la a„w done |n green J i n uAt . . . . farm lands the - _ Zoological a t the olato state exem pt all Division. B ureau of | the sta te law and presented to the ' an I white, the W alker undertaking from taxation until th ere was a poon- Animal Industry. U nited S tates De­ , county court. Fall procedure Is out purlora In gray, and the Drop In t, lanon of three million or more peo­ p artm en t of A griculture. lined in statio n circu lar 47 published white. ple tn Oregon. The affirm ative arg u ­ by the state exp erim en t station. m ents were along the line th at verv H e r e fr o m N o r t h B e n d — Mr«. It Visited at W ashburn« Home— Mrs few resu lts have so far come from \'a t Burch of th e Clark ranch at Gosh­ all efforts to in crease th e farm ing en visited Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Wash Population and th at th e money has hurne a t th e ir home W ednesday. been largely w asted: th a t It has been Leaving for Portland— Dr. S. Ralph a national policy to fo ster and protect m anufacturing Industries, and if , h e Dippel and Eidney W ard a re leaving »»me policy were applied to agricu, for P ortland S aturday to atten d the to re in the way of tax exem ption t h . Stanfortl-Idaho football game. atate would rapidly fin up with sub. 4L’s to Enjoy E n tertain m en t—The •ta n tla l farm residents Springfied local of the Loyal Legion But th ere arises an o th er angle tu of Loggers and Lum berm en Is m aking this argum ent: If th e farm s of Ore- special effo rts to get all Its mem ber gon w ere exempted from all taxation ship out to th e big en tertain m en t to Special prices on SpotHghtu, W indshield Wipers. until «nch tim e as they w ere on an be staged in the W. O. W. hall Monday «•Ten footing with o th er Industries, night The local has been divided into M otom eters. R unning Hoard M ats and etc. Good would th a t tim e ever come? Would groups each with a com m ander to buys on Tires. Goodyear. Gates, V. S. and C. T. C. not the anm of this exemption be pass the word along. »imply passed on to th e fa n n e r and Get O ur Prices F irst R eturned from Convention—George w orker through higher priced goods Daveport, local chairm an of the they a re compelled to buy? It is not exem ption from taxation Springfield local of th e 4L. h as re tu rn ­ th e fa rm e r, need, but Just taxation, ed from th e d istrict convention held equalized taxation, taxation according a t Silverton, w here he was a dele­ to the selling value of farm s and the gate from here. The conventions are Authorized Ford & Chevrolet Service tacom e from them. A single room In being held for the e n tire organization a t various m eeting tim es and places, P ortland will ren t for m ore than will Phone 11 414 Main St. a good farm with bufldlngs. while a each to discuss m easures of in terest and pass resolutions. vacant city lot will sell for m ore than m any producing farm s. If O regon’s taxation was Justly d istributed It I Vote 83 X R Sm ith for City would help the fa n n e r m ore than R ecorder. tf. eom clete tax exemption. •abaon-s R em arkable Prediction. C h arter No. 8941 R oger Babson, internation statistl- REPORT OF CONDITION OF T H E#‘ erV' D i,tr,e t N°. 12 ean. m akes the prediction th a t the tim e la not fa r d ista n t when the U nited S tates will not export a bush- lL -2 L .Wfa^a t.:. ,h at Canada will then • ■ • • • » * ♦ < wfcaat price« Inatead “ t ceM an, „ of Liverpool; th a t C hina and the Loans and discounts. Including " K banks, and foreign bills of exchange o r d r a n ^ w H w in O rient w ill be th e g reat w heat buy­ d o rsem en t of thia bank uraats sold w ith In- er« of th e future and th a t Vancou­ Overdraft«, secured, None; unsecured, fi.;,;-,; 82.825.70 ver, B. C., will be th e w orld's g re a t­ U . 8 . G o v e r n m e n t s e c u r itie s o w n e d : 158.97 e s t w heat port and prices will be fix­ L/pposited to secure circulation if* s A ,‘ o tX ^ ‘ ’ W 60 0° ed there. Babson's prediction« are no doubt baaed on the facta th a t Cana­ Total ................... ' ? .......... ................................. »l«,17«.O# da has hardly been touched a« to O ther bonds, stocks, securities, etc .' ........................ 22.428 09 w heat production, while In th e U nit­ B anking House. 18.00° oo, F u rn itu re and fix tu re. »2 74S Oi 73.134.24 R -a a lw ta te owned o th er than banking house ,2 '748 01 ......... 10 748 01 ed S ta te s many section« a re running 20.1W 90 Lawful raaerv e w ith Federal R eserve Bank ------- - o u t aa w heat land, while In other sec­ ? J BU’i * Dd aw ount due from national banks ....................... 13,422.20 tion« th e land la too high and taxes A m ount due from S tate bank- hank«r> 40,639.14 " th e U nited S ta t« i ’’an k ers, and tru s t com panies In too high to m ake th e crop profitable. 1.940.68 on o th er banks in the sam e eltv or ............... And also the possibility th a t China Cnecka T otals of last th ree Item ? “ b»nk 476.08 wm tom e day become a g reat Indus­ M iscellaneous cash it^nja *............................... 142.954 86 tria l nation. 37.21 R ^ e m p o o n f.n d with U. 8 T r e ^ n r e and due from U. 8. T reasu rer Oderless Cleaning No airing necessary Accessories For Your Auto Y our garm ents can be cleaned and pressed and returned the »«me day w ith o u t a trace of any ordor rem aining in them . PHONE 300 M etric Springfield Garage Between 8th and 3th on Olive Radio Supplies First National Bank l a a T ight Place. A K entuckylan w ent on a trip Into C anada recently. On his retu rn the custom 's office asked him about his luggage. "I have nothing but wearing apparel, ’ said he. The cu sto m , officer th o u g h t he would tak e a look anyw ay and diaevoered a full q u art of Cana­ dian w hisky. “W hy did you lie to me?” h e asked. “I d id n 't lie, sah ,” replied th e K entuckian. “Down In our atate we use liquor for night caps and sure­ ly a night cap Is w earing apparel." 313 60 »271.017.68 LIABILITIES C apital stock paid la Surplus fund ............ ........................... .............................. U ndivided p ro fits ' * ............................~ — C lT X m t^ r1 In terest, and taxes paid c irc u la tin g notes o u tstanding C ashier's checks outstan d in g T otal of above Item Demand d ap o .lt« (o th er th an bank d ep o sit.) subject Rtatr, county or other ................ .. ” M iunlclo,-,l depo • -mand deposits (other tb -n b to R eserv e Tim e deposits su b ject to R eserve <> 'v .b ■ sfi dnvs f.r u h b c ’ to 20 • ■■ >■. , oil« postal si rin g s): F IX T H A T LE A K Y ROOF NOW SEE . F. J. GRIMES ROOFING AND ROOFING »«01.37 ' - s 6.334 44 5,860.00 601.37 ¡ 148,870.20 I ■■ '"■» I bv r,ie,i„(. asset« of th is hank c r su re ty l,„n ' Toti l_of »7,751.96 »2,417.51 » 25,000 00 6,000 00 16,333 21 i 1 , , | . )f.f t 24.1)34.40 ! »190,U 30 All week Price» PINEAPPLE Broken Slices in No. 2’/ 2 Tins, one o f our best Grade Pineapple. P«r Tin 25c 3 T in s 73c TOM ATOES Regular 15 cent Tom atoes in 2 i/j tins, 2 for . 25c ' < t fica'cs r i ,)"• -■ it (o lh er th ■ SUN R R ITE CLEANSOR e th e r line- deposits .................. Total of time deposits snbjact to i: A S w ift Product cf good qaulity. 4 Cans . State cf Oregon. County of Limo, i I I. Lloyd C. Mnrtln, ensbh r of t I t ' at I io ¡,i ,v,. si.itnment It t. i.o t o th < o rront— Atto t LL OYD ( MAIC.'U IVro, O. ILighe«. L K Fugo, 3. M. Me rson, Directors. - M A T E R IA L (SEA L) F r M M t m m ¡ n V '. 'V" t ’ ryi ' " r O r'!K°n < My com m ission expiro» Jan u a ry 8, 1928. Springfield, Oregon All week Price» Feature F /? £ £ BIG K FLOUR Finest G rad* H ard Wheat 49 lb. Bag ................ $2.05 Hid T otal ........ Saturday Spuds ONE FRESH COCOANUT Y akim a Netted Gems per sack ... $1.90 per cw t. W ith each pound o f Gem N ut M argarine. 1 pound CLASSIC SOAP S w ift's Best W hite C arefully wrapped 10 bar Per case " 29c PORK A. BEANS Van Camp No. 2. Reg 15c tin s 5 tf« fo r 5oc ORANGES Small, but nice and sweet, ju s t the th in g fo r lunches 3 doz. 43c A N IM A L CRACKERS Eor the kiddies 25c4 l,kg- 25c Soap 39c $3.89 CRACKERS No. 5 Perfection Sodas in wood boxea, 3 '/2 lb. Box 48c SEA S H E L l MAO Just rig h t )f soups and salads 2 lb 25c UííiíED STORES. 213 Phone 75