‘4 T U P 1 lit* TIURSDAY. OCT 23. 1921 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS ptOE TWO C D D IM P C IC I rt u l K l l X L i r IL . L U Published Every T hursday at Springfield. Lane Coanty. Oregon, by THE W ILLAM ETTE PRESS H. R MAXEY. E ditor F. C. W E ST K R FIE ID tered a t »e»'ond clasa postotflee, Springfield mere»! troni Malti te the e.'ponite the The rMi*r' MU* com m ittee of the Klam ath Falla Chamber of Commerce Is trying to obtain tiie (division point for that city when the N atron c u t­ off is finished. This is a report rendered to the State Cham ber of Commerce M 17W Q I1L W 0 • • E d ito r ia l THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2S. 1924 Editorial Program L Make Springfield th e Industrial C »nter of Wee- tern Oregon. II. Develop a Strong Trading P oint: Build a City of C ontented Home«. III. Improve Living Conditions on th e Farm . Pro- mote the R aising of Purebred Livestock and the Growing of Fruit! W ork for B etter M arkets IV. Tell th e World About Oregon’s Scenic Wonder- land. INDUSTRIES NEEDED AT KLAMATH FALLS Klamath Falls, soon to be on the main line of the Southern Pacific, announces through the new industries com m ittee of the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce, a present need for th»' following new industries: S ag ar beet factory Condensed or evaporated milk plant Woolen mill Saw nulla Box factories V eneer plant Tub and pall factory F u rn itu re factory Moulding factories C urtain roller factory Meat packing plant EFSUP C o m m en t Springfield, soon to be on the main line of the Southern Pacific railorad as well as two or thre»1 other lines, puts in a bid for a Similar list of in- dustries. P eter Cunniff. ed ito r of a Chicago labor union publics tlon. h as refused to use a m atrix sen t out by th e La Fol- lette h ead q u arters because It was stam ped "F le x lle a l G erm any ' “I know It la only th e nam e of the paper used In m aking th e m at from which cut» a re m ade for publication.“ said the labor editor, ‘but it does not «e m consistent to me th at L a F o liette should be parading aroUnd th e country pleading for support hv the American w orkers while he uses th e p roducts of G erm an w orkers Reports are that the Mountain S tates Power L a ,t , M r building co n stru ctiin in :«9 cities am ounted company has asked the public service commission t0 j3.gs9 694.»05 And th e sign ifican t p a n t» that the for a reduction in rates. This shows th at some erection of p rivate g arag es fa r outnum bered tn«- construe corporations have the interests of the public at t ion of any o th er kind of building In th e resid en tial Un heart and do not require a cdub to be held over Of construction th ere w ere 211.935 oneTam ly buiidinr.» their head before granting concessions. 'e re c te d w hile p riv ate garages m intM iw l I I I 825. T he «um • • expended for th e la tte r wan I110.583.189. th e cost of the A Chicago switchm an working on his Ford the form er am ounted to |8S1.5«9.529 — R epublican Publicity other day discovered the art of hardening copper Association, which has been lost to man for thousands of » » » years. Patenting his discovery he immediately S om erset co u n tv tP a .i s t a r —T h e farm er needs from received a check for a million and a half dollars the Government none of th e quack rem edies w hich half Luck is an element that figures in the advance­ baked, vote seeking politicians advoc .te. W bat he needs 1« Just sim plified, econom ical governm ent. m ent of the world as well as science. In 1896, 80 per cent of the eligible voters of the country went to the polls and voted. In 1900, 73 per nent cast their ballots. In 1908, 66 per c e n t In 1912, 62 per cent. In 1920, less than 50 per cent of those eligible to vote, went to the polls! Are you going to be numbered with the vote slackers in 1924? • • 1» largely a m atter of right buying. You buy right, here. Eastman Grocery PHONE • With all the good men running for council that fcodv ought to be a "hum dinger” next y e a r . . • Marion S tar.—A Buckeye p a ra g rao h er »ay». "M r. La F o llette Isn ’t ru n n in g on h is w ar r<3cord.~ We s r s not so ev erlastin g sure of that. • • • 66 T here in a real |deaaure in b i k i n g bread with n texture, a flavor, and a whole tun«' nutrition that the e ole family can appreciate. It's retiliy no cany to make got.d bread, especially If you use- e s s S ash and door factory.—Oregon Business. • THRIFT The outstan d in g d ev elcp m ert revealed by thia m onth a survey of bualneua conditions throughout the sta te Is the fact th a t more than 500 new fanitlies have conic to Oregon and taken up perm an en t realdenee w ithin the p ast 30-day period. The num ber of new fam ilies per d istrict range from •lx in the Baker section to TO reported from M yrtle Point. In Coos county D istricts th at re p o rt m ore than 20 new fam ilies Include Albany, A shland. Bandon. C orvallis, Cot­ tage Grove. Eugene. G resham . Independence, M yrtle Po nt Salem and Springfield. The g reat influx of s e ttle rs may be taken as an Indi cation th at stable conditions and su b stan tial opportunities of the sta te a re obtaining wide recognition. and points to the fu rth e r fact th at O regon la beginulng to re s th • benefit of th e nation wide ad v ertisin g program s of the , railroads serving In the N orthw est, th e O regon Develop m»nt Fund, th e autom obile clubs a a d 'o th e r M e n d - ., T he upw ard tren d in b u tln ess generally noted 1» the i two previous m onths Is ho rn « oat by the p resen t survey. I which show s bank deposits, postal receipts, re ta il s u will understaud why we recom m end It so strcnyly The careful ehcoslnp n .d blending of the wheat anti the utm ost care with whichFlt is milled ami tested, dally, m akes FKATHEIU- 'LAKE a Lour which w»> arc pt-'ud to re tuuimetid. T ruly, you'll he »un>riBc*d, ‘ how good it Is." It costs no m ore than ordinary flour. M lnersl Gil Is a wonderful Intesl ' Inal lubricant, and In P uretvat you l e t it a t Its best. Flanery’s Only the Best Stores Sell It. Drug Store i Y O U ’L L 7»< ^ o w a l i Drug Mart Phene 15 Springfield, Ore. B E S U R P R IS E D 9 J « Albany Jo u rn al.—G erm any’s rnllway» are recu p eratin g a fte r release from governm ent m anagem ent. • • • '.o s A ngeles T im es —It is m ighty nard in th ese tim es to furnish a legitim ate excuse for being radical. • • • The girl who used to be w illing to kt»» and m ake up now th in k : a k iss would spoil It. • "Yov.r Power Company cannot afford to jeopardize it» good nam t by recemm^nding any article fcut the leader in it» field. Ample fa- cuttve« for te»t and trperiment in- mire right c h o i c » * i h l',k Ona Cbaner v.ny and thaï the Best /A The L o g ical Choice o2 th e Carenili B oyer The lo u r in g C ar S2 9 S • 9265 Runabout • D e m » o n ts b le Rima a id Starter extra C t z ttix - • - • 5525 'I udr/r Sedan • - 5 9 0 For do r Sedan • • 6 ft 5 AU pricee 1. o. b. b e tr o it You ran buy an y model by m aking a im a fl d-m n^pay m eni a n d « r ra n trin g eu iy ferma for the balance. Or «tin can buy on (he Ford W e e k ly P u r c h a se P la n . T h e F ord dealer in ymer **enhoad tc ill g lt.d lu « both platu tn (UizuL Th® Ford car delivers more useful, care-free, economical service per dollar invested than any other car. Its sturdy, rigid construction is striking evidence of enduring materials. Every m inute operation 1 > scientifically tested and accurately checked. Control of natural resources an 1 complete manufacture in large volur:.- have made p »- sible value that is the one star dii'd by which every motor car must necessarily be judged. T he Ford car is the logical and necessary c h o ic e of th e b u y e r w ho w an'.# to get the utm ost fro m every m otoring dollar. i, — SBB T i l D e tro it ¿r M BABBBT A U T B O R 1 Z 8 0 r o a t e dbaleb Pay cn Your Light Bill Only I t down arid th e h sla n .. on <;i»y month ly paym ent» on your lighting hill» T h. »e are term s th at , nt the PREM IER D l’PI.EX wllaii. ill" re.nel' ot ml. SWIFTLY— 'igiitly— powerfully if ’ III.M IE R ti l i.li.X VAI I I’M CLWANEIt w rl. • yo », ;t ... u, Th* touch of your fingerà ì >>n the «wit n eonim gnds th. help of thousands ; c. «iene,. • >|- (|||,. won r ,„ | c|e:,:ior (•niliiilles Im provrinint» suggested by homo keeper« of j •fo m’tlnii li h n woma.Ta dream reallfed. Approved I, Good H oniekocrlng Inatitute. Liberal Amount ?>- your «4•! • l< tri» c! :•«( r A n Introductory of- :i;f io enable tin io» ia..t have old nr b rokin cl-an- - ■ ; exi h.mt;i them Ini new. Prolong tlu> life nl your ruga. No Charge for luoti-lrtn .i In your own homo, on your , u i.. A n. I: In no way ubligatui you to nuy B»» wbnt it will do M U S T AMONG PL EA N K R A li t ii new nmd?l bui not too new t» have Ioni iti tc.it i i f it (tag every nnweat fou turo ini ■ novi nli nee ami aervice, including a enioctb-running, ball-bearing m otor, motor- driven ball-bearing brush Inai will run «llently for years w ithout oiling. ASK FOR A HOME DEMONSTRATION Mountain States Power Co.