S P R IN G F IE L D — THE D E V O T E D TO IN T E R E S T OR » P R IN G F IE L O A N O T H E F A R M E R !) OF T H E W IL L A M E T T E VALLEY W ESTERN T E R M IN A L OF THE NATRON THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD. LANK COUNTY. OREGON, TW E N TY -FlllH 'l 0. of 0. Utorary MI. STATES ASKS 10 CUT LIGHT HATE NINETEEN FROM CITY AT REBEKAH CONVENTION Meeting at Coburg Elect« THURSDAY, OUT. 23, 1924 HOME! | Anniversary Observed end Hesre Business of D is tric t; Last N ight by Springfield Lodge Creswell Nest M eeting Place. a t Banquet. Petitions Public Service Com­ M ni -teen m em bers o f th e Ju an ita I mission for Reduction of 6’/ a Kehekab lodge of Springfield attend Per Cent in Light and Cook­ «•I tho unnuul district co n v e n tio n , which m»t in reg u lar session at Co- ing Ratos for Valley. hurt on S aturday. O ctober 18. R ep re- j 1 4 * w A "The People'« P aper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 40. ANNUAL HOMECOMING IS CELEBRATED BY I. O. O. F. F orty-Th ird O fficers ( CUTOFF ESTIMATE STS,« 2 NEED FOB SCHOOL T he 43rd anniversary and home- Budget Committee for District . com ing n t th e Springfield I. O. O. F. 19 Would Raise More Than 20 i lodge which falls on O ctober 24. was Per Cent Over Last Years ¡celeb rated last ¿veiling, O ctober 22, Budget of $37,482 for School | In th e Odd Fellow s hall. G athered a t Purposes. i !ho banquet table were about 60 mem- I berg. Including tw o from Ohio, one A to tal of $48.442 50 Is called for from Oklahom a, two from N ebraska, In the new budget tor schol d is tric t one from W ashington, and seven m em ­ 19 as draw n up by m em bers of the bers from Oregon, all of whom had board o f directors and the th ree o th ­ belonged to th is lodge. Rev. A. J. e r m em bers of th e budget com m ittee, Adams, p asto r of th e C ottage Grove F. B. H am lin, W illiam G. H ughes and C hristian church, was the speaker J . C. M cM urray. The m em bers m et ' of the evening, and Im prom ptu speech­ T uesday evening, and again la s t eve­ es w ere m ade by m any a t label. ning to com plete th e ir estim ates. Two m em bers have passed away T his sum Is over 20 per cen t g re a te r since the last hom ecom ing: C harles th an la st year, th e la s t y e a r's to ta l L. Scott and J. W. Coffin. being 837,482.60. T he increase which C om m ittee in charge of th e home- the taxpayers will be called upon to com ing w ere: H arry A nthony, Ro­ vote Is said to be due to th e g re a t In­ land E. M oshler, and V ernon Grim es. crease in atten d an ce, and the resu lt­ The o rc h e stra w hich gave several ing crow ded conditions w hich have selections was m ade up of H arry . to m et with m ore teachers a n ., W oolley, Chlole Woolley. E unice some rem odeling of buildings. P arker, C harles N advornik, Roy Hol- The am ount required for personal verson and R. E. M arkee. service, such aa teachers. Janitors, A propoeed new tariff covering elec- scntatlvns from Springfield, Eugene, J trie service in all tow ns of th e WII- Cottage Grove, Creswoll. Junction | lanx ilu valley division« of the Moun­ City, Marcnta. W altervllle, and Co­ tain State« Pow er cmnpany has been burg, were present an,l took part An address of welcome made bv [ filed with the eta h i pubic «ervlce Mrs Thomns of Coburg was respond. coni mission, C, M llrew er, vlce-preel- - I to by Mrs H enry K orf of Spring ba:i for. The afternoon session was opened P roving h er w orth in a flight across thv A tla n tic , from G erm any on. R ickreall and Marlon, aa well a» to th e United S tates, our n ew est Zeppelin Z R 3 is a t home in a with a num ber of vocal and Instru-i all ru ral te rrito ry adjacent thereto. h unger a t L akehurst, N. J, Ir te r t ebows C apt. Geo. W. Steele, fro n tg m ental selections given by Coburg Mr, B rew er fu rth er staled th a t tl la talent. A rending by Mrs Cecilia Marion, Ind., who now assum es.eem m and. clerk, etc., is $32.432.50 th is y ear, as new ta riff had been filed In ac«rd- Jones of the Springfield lodge was M. E. B rotherhood Meets. com pared to $26,405 la st y ear; m a te r­ utice with the M ountain S taler Vow much appreciated T he M ethodist B rotherhood BARNES. OF U. S. CHAMBER. ' fT R IP AROUND WORLD m et ial and supplies. $3,415 as to $2,365; e r com pany's policy of giving good Im m ediately following th e opening TO BENEFIT PLAYSHEDS M°nday «’ «”•■« a"d enjoyed the first m aintenance and repairs, $1070 aa TALKS TO LIONS MEETING public utility service at the lowest exercises the degree work was put on _____ supper of th e y ear given for the com pared with $600 for rep airs and possible cost to the consum er anil by th e C re sw e ll lodge. T h e Dprlng- association Fred B arnes, regional representa- . The P a re n t T eachers ___ ____ ._____ _ is ■ orFa nlxation by the L adies' Aid s o - $400 fo r co n stru ctio n s; T here Is also explained that the proposed change fichi lodge dem onstrated th e draping live of the U nited S tates C ham ber of planning to give “A T rip Around th e , e *7' Tw” new m em bers, the new an insurance prem ium of $1000 to be In ra te s was due lo economies in op­ of the c h arter Commerce, w as th e sp eak er a t th e I W orld" on N ovem ber 14 for the b en e-| pa’,to r' Rev F L M o o n and Prot<*>- paid, carry in g $61.000 of insurance eration put Into effect In the past R etlrlng officers su rren d ered th eir S p rin g field Lions club luncheon Fri- « t ot the playshed fund, which is still SOr ' *rn D B aln' w er® taken ln T h e , on ______________________________ building and equipm ent, and _____ $6900 year and lo |ncr»a»ed production ■ lis irs . a n d incom ing o ffic e rs took day noon He discussed th e work o r •om ew bat short. T he ladles sponsor-j ^ 'i'’n' nK _was 8pent debating various to m eet indebtedness, in te re st on and output of th e ir various plants In th ilr places a . follow*; Abe (-„nod s ta te s cham ber and told ed the building of th e playshed at ’ 18 a n ‘ lax tre a su re s w hich will bond« and the like; and o th er ex- t f e valley * C hairm an. S later Driscoll of C rea-1 o, com parative world production of tke Lincoln school last year. The <'om *nE up a t the N ovem ber elec- . peases in proportion. An Remixed list tin " of the tncart Im portant econo­ wel . vice-president. S ister M cArthur i of required expenditure« will be p r, , j U(.la. g) |»«-lo«»tn« line* In tr ip ls lo b,! •» charge of Mr*. Ora tions. m ies effected was the enlarx-ag of of E ugene; chaplain. S ister S ta rr of w h |(h w(DU ” Vernon F arm ers' union on th e even talg before the Lions club told of station, and in cars provided for ing of W ednesday. O ctober 29. In alble to send cu rren t from nnv oav I next m eeting be held with them, various his p lan t In th e no rth end of tow n transportation, will go to S tevens hall, instead of in the W. O. T be « p rin g fleld high school foot- plant onto th e lines of th e en tire ; which was accepted by those present represented in other and his alm s In developing a large “countries" W. hall as previously announced. The bal1 team wlU m eet H arrisb u rg on th e Springfield m em ber« of th e lodge system and the m ajority of cu rr iat places of th e town by "native«" ln business here. affair will be inform al, w ith lot* ot 5th a tre e t « 3 p. m. tomor- Mrs. William required can now be generated a t one who atten d ed w ere: costum. Food will be served a t the fun prom ised. P roceeds from th e box- TOW- T he team is in good shape, fresh o r two cen tral plants Instead of a D onaldson; Mra. Al M ontgom ery.; o~. ,r c /~ r - r ^ 3 » « s » s i- r - e r - « r various stops, and e n tertain m en t pro­ ee will go tow ard a fund for th e from battlin g B row nsville la st 9at- large num ber of sm all plants It I* Mrs. Rose McKay. Mrs. C ecilia Jones, 'C ITY BUDGET COMMITTEE vided. S tu d en ts of the high school. erectlon of a new building for the urd“ y- when th ® 8Cor® was a 6 to 6 th e old elory of quantity p ro d u ctio n , Mrs A nnie Knox. Mrs Howard B. j ADJOURNS UNTIL OCT. 27 Junior high school and Lincoln build union. tie. Touchdow ns were m ade by Mar- reducing the coal per unit. . F reeland, Mrs. E W. W alker, Miss Ing will ta k e part. _______________ ____ j guth, S pringfield's fullback, and by Increased production and Increased | Or»«* Lansbcry, Mrs. H enry Korf. At the C hristian Church Sunday. * O verton, the B row nsville q u arter. It The budget co m m ittee of th e city « ' ' 8 di. to n atu ral grow th of Mr" *'r "»1 L«uk. Mrs O H Jarnetf. o t Springfield met Monday night and ^vLLIFF-SCAIEFE MOTOR The Springfield band will play a ' w a’ ,b e second «am ® w ith Bt ° wna- the valley population and to th e Moun | Mrs. < al Barnes. Mrs. R. I’ Morten sen. Mrs F. M Bench. Mrs. Jen n ie I adJourne<1 UB,,, Monday. Octo- COMPANY NEW FIRM short concert beginning at 7:30 p. m .' TiBe> tb e first having been played tain S tates having recently purchased T his will be well w orth your hearing * 1,b a 0 to 0 ecore. J Fenw ick. Mrs Mary Magill. M’s O. F. I ber 27' by o rd w o t tb<* mny °r - •*d ‘ th e electric system of sev eral towns The m in ister is preaching a serie* o f ! The llne*“ P for tbe F riday gam e Journam cnt w as taken until d ata o n ' A nnouncem ent Is m ade by Hugh which had previously been operating Xlxer. Mrs Emm« Olson, and Mis« the s ta te of th e various city funds Jolllff that the garage form erly known evening serm ons on the cause and scheduled as follow s: Ray C asteel th eir Individual emnll plants. Among E,lna Sw art» could he com pleted show ing w hat us the Second Avenue G arage has cure of Infidelity. T hese serm on« a re te n ,e r ; Floyd M akinson, and F ran k thi -»> la tte r aru C ottage Grove. Je f­ funds w ere overdraw n and w here filed the assum ed nam e of Jolliff- proving of general in terest. You A ‘ew *8' 8u a rd s : George Moon, and eith Guests of C o t«m * Grove, ferson. Htnyton and Ix-lmnon. M embers of th e Ju an ita R ebiknh th ere was a surplus. Since th e death : Scaiefe M otor Co. J. D. Adams has should know m ore about the Bible Pr Oral Neet or Jo e Thom pson, tack- At the tim e these system s w erd lt is th e foundation of our national Hugh C ow art, left end; C harles of form er R ecorder Coffin th is Info, 'so ld his In terest In th e place. tak en over It was found th at each one lodge of Srprlngfleld w ere guests o fj faith. T hom pson, rig h t end; Jo h n Cox, had a rate all Ils own. the rates or the C ottage Grove lodge on Friday- ,nn’,,>n has not been kept and wltho,» | Paul 8caiefe. a m em ber of the new Sunday. N ovem ber 2 Is rally d ay of M ert McMullen, left h alf; 11 tb e com m ittee would be unable , firm, s ta te s th a t a general garage course le-lng bused on each plant s evening Dr. R. P. M ortensen and Fred to estim ate expenditures for th e com business will be conducted. Several ' ,he H 'hle school. A g reat program » A ustin M cPherson, rig h t half, and cost of producing th e service, and as B arnard of Springfield w ere sp eak ­ Ing yenr. » - «WtFT new Ideas will be incorporated Into i being prepared and there will be a ' THIbert M arguth, fullback. th ese cost* varied the ra te s also va­ ers on th e program . Tho proposal for a m unicipality the business. A general overhauling Stoat crowd present. Make It a great- ried. Now with centralised production j F eatu res of th e occasion w ere Ini C ham ber to Meet. city band will likely come before the of the building Is now In p ro g re ss.1 e r success by your presence, it Is right thHt all com m unities should tlatln n of new m em bers, a program , The Springfield cham ber of com- budget com m ittee to g eth er with o th -. T he outside of the building will be sh are «like In th e benefits to be de­ anil an elab o rate banquet. S lste r Died— Mrs. O. F. K izer left m erc® w ill m eet in reg u lar session Those atten d in g th e a ffa ir from e r req u est for additional appropri- , -¡nted and a num ber of o th er im- rived from sam e, hence th e proposed this m orning for Mayville to attend Monday night in teh cham ber rooms, : provem ents will be made. ra te would be exactly th e sam e for the Springfield w ere: Mr mid Mrs Fred «Unns. the funeral of her sister, Mrs. M. S . ! ~ B arnard. Dr. and Mrs R. P. M orten­ sam e Inss service In all towns on H ere from P ortland—Miss G race Thom as. Mrs. Thom as, who is the Legion to Help Red Cross. sen, Mr and Mrs. E. W W alker, Mrs. Ihe system . Male w as down from P ortland over P ric llla Club Meets. The Springfield post of th e Amerl- postm istress nt Mayville, died y e ste r­ F M. Bench and Miss Bessie Bench. the week-end visiting h e r fa th e r and A business m eeting of th e Pricllla can LeK,o n . h a „ of , hp Rpd day afternoon a t 2:30 o’clock. Mrs. O. F K-lger, Mrs. Al Montgomery, Many Couples Wed. m other, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Male. club wa« hold at the hom e of Mrs Cr„ae ()rlvP s, HrtlnK Novpn, be r 11 and M arriage licenses have been tasitco Mrs. H arry Anthony, Mrs. George H ere from M ashfield—Mr. and Mrs. (latching, Mrs. Sam Richmond an(] Utley S nodgrass on T hursday or last ,.o n t|nn(n< un,n Thanksgiving. This tile past week to th e fo llo w in g cou- ju e e k for the election of officers. p , « of the national d riv e for mem- A. J. P eri ins retu rn ed from M arsh­ Ill W ith Influenza— W ayne Clover . . . . <• ,-i. .. i v « i « r -»«.I ' Mrs. Howard B P re land. p ics: Ralph M cElroy, vvesttir, nun . Those to hold office for the coming t)Prshlp nnd contl-|hutlons to main- field last w pk-end to be h ere sev er­ is ill w ith influenza th is week, and is Gladys (’handler, E ugene; Asia Em­ year a re : Mrs. W. H. S e a m ie r , presl- the actlvitle8 of the orga n ixatlon al days looking a fte r business in te r­ not able to be a t work in the A nderson E ntertains Club. m ett Mitchel, Etila. and Mae Oros- dent, and Mrs. John C. Parker, re­ b arb er shop. Buck H ardisty is tak in g Howard B. Freeland, as com m ander ests. Mrs. W. H enry A drian was hostess porter. haiiser, W cstrir; W arner H. Blefrlst. h is place. of the local post of th e Legion. Is E t iK e lie , and L ela B. W ebber, of to the C hrysanthem um club y e ste r­ P resent a t the gath erin g w ere: Mr< to head th e drive. C aptains will work P urchased P roperty— Mike L eath er S pringfield; Anton E dw ards Oleblsch. day afternoon at Iter ap artm en t. The W. H. S team ier. Mrs. L E- Basford. under him. canvassing th e various bought the C harles T. W ilson p roperty I T hieves Busy—Som eone helped him E ugene, and M innie Barnes, Fall affair wns In the n atu re of H allowe'en Mrs. John Seavy of Eugene. Mra. I I). sections of th e town. T he tow n of on E s tre e t betw een 2nd and 3rd th is | self to several dollars’ *worth of gro- C reek; Jarnos L. Vaughan. Jasp er, and ohservnee, in th a t th e decorations, L arim er, Mrs. Jo h n T om seth, Mrs. Springfield, and those of th e McKen­ w eek. The deal was m ade on Monday ; c e rles from the porch of the M. M. E lizabeth P ra te r, Eugene; Oladya b ask et favors, and ran d ies carried Howard B. F reeland, Mrs. John C. Male h om e th is week. Sim ilar of- zie and Mohawk valleys a s well, are C lark, Eugene, and Maude Jenkins, out the H allow e'en colors. T he a fte r­ P ark er, and th e hostess, Mrs. Snod­ W ent H unting— R. L. B urnett and fences In the Springfield vicinity a re under his supervision. noon was sp en t In sew ing and playing E ugene; Paul I-odl. McMinnville, and grass. Vern S m ith w ent hu n tin g up th e Mo­ m aking th e citizens w atch th eir prop­ M h N-I Hickey. C ottage Grove; F rank bridge whist. T he m em bers preaent The n ex t reg u lar m eeting will be Coming to M ortensen Home— Mra haw k riv e r above Donna F riday. They erty closely. B. Sorm ent, and Mildred Jam es, both besides th e ho stess w ere: Mrs. F rank held Friday, O ctober 24, w ith Mrs. R. H. D undas of Glendale, Oregon, stayed over n ig h t w ith the hope of of Eugene; Jess Hayden and Owen A. DePue. Mrs. 8. Ralph Dlppe! and Ida W ithrow a t th e hom e of h er who subm itted to a m ajor operation going a fte r a d eer brig h t and early R eturned from H unting—Loyal E. dolyn Lauiphlre, both of E ugene; and baby P atricia. Mrs. J. A, Seavey, Mrs. daughter, Mrs. Alex M cKenle, 550 tw o w eelh ago, will be moved from the n e x t m orning. The deer b eat them S cott w as back on th e Job a t the F rank E. C alkins and Lucille W at­ Mark M. Peery, Mrs. John F. Ketel*. F o u rteen th street. Eugene. th e Pacific C hristian hospital in Eu­ to It, how ever, w alking into cam p and K etels D rug com pany on Monday af­ Mrs. B A. W ashburne, Mrs. A. J. P er­ kins, both of Eugene. gene to the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. w aking them up, but escaping before te r his vacation w hich ho »pent n ear kins, Mrs. Elza G. Sutton was a spe­ they could reach th e ir guns. P. M ortensen today. Cresw ell. H e visited h is parents, Mr. cial guest. Very elab o rate refresh ­ Another President Resigns. V isited a t S tew art Home— Mr. and and Mrs. J. R. Scott, and w ent China Mrs. Paul B rattuln. recen tly elect­ m ents w ere served. Mrs. Jam es Hickey and tw o children, H ere from Salem — Miss V e rn iti p h easan t hunting. Class P a rtie s Scheduled— The sen­ ed head of the P a re n t-T e a c h « a* of P ortland, form erly of Milwaukee, ior class of the Springfield high school M orrison and Miss Em m a T ravis who social Ion, resigned from h er position F rances E. W illard Day to be Obeerv- were Friday v isito rs at th e S tew art will hold a p arty ln th e high school are w orking for th e Kennel-EUis stud- R eturned from H unting—John Fltx- as president on Monday, placing h er rd -Frances E. W illard Day will bo home. Mrs. Hickey before ber m ar I conlpany ^ t h Clem F rank, building Friday night, and th e sopho­ ios in Salem , w ere in Springfield over ReraW rin g s was Anna Boutin, d au g h ter of j roslgniitlon In Ihe hands of M tb . W. observed at th e Springfield high m ores the sam e evening in th e gym- the w e e k -en d ,jrlsltln g th eir p arents, R p McK,nney. and F ran k Grayum P ercy Tyson, secretary . school tom orrow with special exer­ F rank Boutin, of Minneapolis. 1 nastnm . The freshm an p arty will be Mr. and Mrs. E. E. M orrison and Mr. ot E ugene have re tu rn e d from Lake- H ere from R eedsport— M. L. France i , S aturday night In the gym nasium , and and Mrs. A. G. T ravis. cises Howard M. Brownell, Eugene view w here they w ent hunting for H ere from Roseburg— Mr. and Mrs. attorney, will ad d ress th e Junior and form erly S outhern Pacific agent nt th e junior Hallow e'en p arty O ctober I wild gee«e. I, Page a re here from Roseburg, vis­ senior high schools In assem bly nt Springfield, wns h ere y esterd ay from W. C. T. U. Meet—The W omen s | _______________ _ _ 31 In the gym nasium . iting friends for a month. Mr. l ac o'clock In th e morning. R eedsport Tie Is planning to locato C hristian T em perance union will hold I Dism issed from H ospital—Mrs. Dew I* an old soldier, anil Is visiting old In Springfield or vicinity. A ttended Dance— Several Spring a m®e ,,ng T uesday afternoon, O ctob’ i p Qprsba(.|, 0( E ugene m otor route contra,I,ft. He celebrated Ills 83rd j •field couples attended the dance at 28. a t 2 o'clock In the C hristian church A wafl dlBm,we<1 from thp PaPifl0 birthday Octolm r 14. with a big din- R eturned from C ottage Grove- Mrs. Miss Pem ber Here— Miss Mildred tho new W inter G arden in Eugene The organization holds Its m o n th ly , c h r , st1nn bo, p„ a , 1n E ugene Tnes- n rr ! Levi H. Neet and h er niece, Ml I I-ii- m eetings on live last Tuesday of eacn I t week-end visiting Leaving for H omecoming— Profes- Grove W ednesday a fte r visiting Mrs. E ntertained D inner G uests— Mr. sor Donald G rettle of the science d o j N eet’s p aren ts In th at place. Miss with h er p aren ts. Mr and Mrs. C harles Levi H. N eet. Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur Will E n tertain Club—Mrs. 9. R alph p n rtm en t of tho SprIngMeld high Cook plans In leave for h er hom e In Pem ber of W altervllle, and seeing old Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. H enry Fandrem . and Mrs. W. R. W ing, of Junction City, school, will atten d the hom ecom ing of Canada In a few days a fte r spending frb'nds In Springfield She stayed ovei ! Dr. and Mrs. S. Ralph lllppel. Mr. and w ere In Springfield Sunday, w here Dlppel will be hostess to the Gene- stu d e n ts of W lllnm etto university at several m onths in Springfield and vl S aturday evening as n guest of Mr. ; Mrs. H erb ert J. Cox *nd Mr. and Mrs. they w ere dinner guests a t th e h o m e ! field bridge club this afternoon a t 2:30 o'clock a t h er home. of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. T ravis. and Mrs. John Tomsi th. Milton Cyr. Salem this week-end. clnity. Ze