TH U R SD AY, OUT. Hi, 1U24- T H E S P R IN G F IE LD NEWS TAG E E IG H T L...1. . 1'*:*■ ■ • — H AN N AH J. JOHNSON. 62. DIED W EDNESDAY EVENINC la pouring rain and gore horseback riding 7 1 think he’« craay H'm our friend, Paul Revere. w ¿» vu c h jOCCESS w’T* lV’ ‘ trw x u — u u o k . -yXXS O’«.'THJ»4*>H-V Mias Hannah J. Johnson, age it y ears, died at her home on East Main street last evening after a long III ness Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock In the after, mam at the Pleasant HUI church, conducted by Rev. Jam es Pointer, pastor of the Springfield Christian church Interment will be In the Pteaaant lltli cemetery Miss Johnson ta survived by two slstera, Mrs Rose Itltchte of Canyon t'ltv. Oregon, and Mm. H a ile Pitch. Cornelius. Oregon, and by ihres bro­ thers. Edgar Johnson of Dexter. Phil- ip Johnson and Albert Johnson. both of Springfield Ed P u rd y ’» P hilos. "Comes the time and uow here when woman’s petticoat Is neither seen nor heard, Left for Waahlngton— Mac Castle left Monday evening for Charleston. Washington, after visiting In Spring- field and attending Ihe golden wed ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Thompeon. Co Easy Her». Ho: "Hove you ever boon on » P»t- In« party 7“ She: "1 most certainly have not" All of which very proper until wc «»he thl» opportunity of tell- Ins you that. HIS name was NOT. The Millennium. Customer «entering garage V. "1 would like to »CO a firabclaa* second hand ear,” Prop: ism ilingt: “So would I. bro­ ther. “ Cot Her Number. Hubby: “That Mrs Sttupklns is an awful egotist." Wife "What make» you think so*“ Hubby: "She pulled her hand away quickly In shaking bands when I didn’t have any intentions of squees- '■"« «•* s»w f Moved to Spr ngfleld— Mr and Mrs Floyd IV Thompson and family move,! to Springfield from Florence Friday, and are located on Sth street between C and 1». Mr Thompson Is a son of Mr and Mrs U K Thompeon. NE WLOG DUMP ST A R T E D Rebekaab to Meet—Tile Rebekah lodge will rnett Monday night in the Odd Fellows hall. AT B O O T H -K E LLY M IL L Work has begun on a new log dump to cost several hundrei dollars, nt Serving on Jury— Mrs. Maude T. the northeast of the log pond at the Bryan la serving on the Jury in Eu- Booth Kelly sawmill A concrete gene this week block 50 fe -« lone. 1« f»et high, and Went to Albany—Mrs A. C Travis 3 feef thick will e e .’g re the old and Miss Frances Travis went to Al­ brow log, and electrlcty will be used bany Monday on a buslneaa trip. They to dump the logs from the cars to the pond. Instead of the old to le returned Monday evening. method John C. Parker, master me­ Visit» from Florence— Miss Alar- , chanic at the mill. Is In charge of guerite Hurd came Friday from F'or- i the work. A trench Is now being dug ence to attend the golden wedding for the concrete, which will be laid of Mr ami Mrs. L. K Thompson, an I 12 feet below the water level, a-ul ha to visit her sister. Mrs. Floyd D. about 3 feet 4 Inches above the track. Thompson. . Some trouble has been causes! tn Attend ng Convention— W. F Walk the unloading of logs from the cars er of the Walker Cndertaklng parlors, to the pond since the Southern Pa went to Portland Tuesday to attend elite companv standarlsed the new the state convention of teh Oregon i skelton cars for lumber Instead of funeral directors He is expected to j the old riat cars with a log bunk. Sometimes the shorter logs would get return Saturday. between the car and the brow log, Bov Social to Be Held— A box so ­ derailing the car. cial open to the general public Is to ■ A Jin pole 24 feet ahore the Ion,I. be held by the Mt Vernon Farmer’s and set on an angle will rest on » union October 25 tn the W. O. W. j concreat base 40 feet away from the hall. Proceeds from the sale of the pond, connected up with n electric boxes will go toward erecting a hall hotat A hundred barrels of cement for the organisation. are to be used In the entire construc­ Starting for Home— Word has been tion work it mar possibly take a received by friends of Mr. and Mrs. month or ao to complete operations Juat Lika Humana She "Why do leaves turn red In the Fall«“ «• He: “They are blush ins. remember­ ing how green they were In the Spring." Going Some. Mother: "Did that young man put hi« trim around you last night 7“ Daughter: “ T ea mother, three ttmea." Mother: "Heaven — what long arma" Blond B est Opmea If women were wiser, they wouldn’t Elvis Taylor of Pougtas gardens that complain when their husban is go to they are starting from Oklahoma for a ball came No man can go to the home October 11. and that they have dogs while he la eatirg peanuts and not yet seen anything to compare with rooting for one more run to wtn the Oregon. game. Leaving for Idaho— The Frank Han Boy, Oh. Boy. el family 1» ¡earing today for Buhl. Soph “Some kids kicked a football Idaho, where they will make their through the window and hit Glad.-v home. Their residence on f street right in the ribs " between 1st and Sbd street has been Other Soph: "Old It hurt herT* sold to Abraham Miller, who Is re- Soph: "No, but It durned near bust ; tiring from his farm at Landax. ed three of my finger».“ Crazy— Like a Fox. Pr Ralph S Dippel Dentist, Vitus . Wbai do v,-u think of a man who gets oat of b-d at midnight when it building. Springfield, Oregon. «4* This Week R EBEKAH C O N VEN TIO N TO BE H E LD IN COBURG The Rebekah annual district con­ vention which win be held In Coburg on S-U rdny b •- be attended br many members of the Springfield R e bwkah lodge Tile seeslong will be from 1« o ’clock In the morning until 5 o ’clock In the afternoon, with din »er nt 12 noon There will be no eve ntn se sslm this year, as In former times, according to Mrs A! Montgom­ ery. A BO«*-er e» the local Rebekha are planning to take advantage of th« Invitation of the Cottage G r-re Re­ bekah lodge and will go to the Sl*e’- mg in Cottage G rove» I. o. O F. hal Friday night fighting planes that spell »»cur­ ry fs r Franca, cost, tn Europe, I,ex than half the cost of one flrst- ciaas urcaunaught here. No won­ der France insists that Germany shall buJd no fighting planes H S FO O TBALL GAME W IT H B R O W N S V ILLE HERE W» continue spending millions on b g gun« r.nd ammunition for pract.ce. They also soon be classed among museum curiosi­ ties. used to make a loud noise in the Preaidcnt-al salute, or tickle the vanity of some admiral return- r.ig to his ship. By A rthu r B risbane A sixteen-inch gun costa as much as two fightirg a tr s c .;s It lasts only long rix-ugh to fire one Fuu-lred and twenty shots. Then it is burnt-, ut scrap iron. The l.fe of a fighting plane, costing ha’f as much as a -ingle big gun. is equal to that o f an ordinary forty-five r a tio n dreadnarghL FOR PRESIDENT COOLIDGE. AND THOSE THAT PAT. 2.000 FIGHTING PI ANES. FOR ONE DREADNAUGHT. Pres,i»nt Coolidge recalled Recietar) Wiibnr. of the Navy, ta Washington tc discuss with him “the relative value at battleship» and flying macf rw-s war." Th-.s means. of , -u se. that the Pmaadent »41 LISTEN to others, and TAKE COL’NbKL with him* »♦;f. It means that, with all k'S work, he Fas found t:rae f -r the •» -tous probtsCRS o f air, and dees act intend to keep th s country am - g the backward r.a- t-.vrs, as regards rv a! teparatMvn. Facts alette w A football game between the Springfield high school team and th« Brownsville high team wfl! be play­ ed on the Sth street ground» here Saturday afternoon at J J4 o’clock The Springfield team is in fighting trim, and is going to bend every ef- fort to make Inroads on the fie+da. The two teams met last Ba-urday on the Bpnwasv-nte grounds, with a tie VC-re » to I and this coming game will be by the way of return th* FSfiU h ufîte >r»1 t ‘ »f For xsîaikiw; Otm Nut Î deenfoancht clam cost for-y-flne isU fon fo b lar- F-r that a-jrn the natina cwnM l 54 ait.1 “ N re K J THOUFANi l b ¡ m Ntl AÎR- r I. KN’ S <♦ Fhv»4enl cr snjr etb. r sj e -«ao "ask w-hst efcatwe a >-attle»> s w-.-wx’iJ vJlW J *«-Ï5: . - k a.r sancbfom ¿ o . ? « i ' -T irosi U-i tJ -ui» ? i’ HFY rognetforjt M L - e t

t -magar » c p > m b « E'-O.-e bx* a fi-»1 l:tw utr —»• A r a r s i, ucsMùstàRf o f t* sand fdrht ".g air wacht» aa w .:b . | a tv «erte of IF .' tbewaawd r w . U i ha* f if t : x Fprask a r * «-< is hat r-.skes Gauiaud. wvik alt bee hamhecir:g hattfosy p.s, c - t -e-'t etc - T he w.-rM’s gr< st- r«i h s-iV fleet.” «c aótjfoiìv- po •» 1- F-** < 5Ne w .il caatfoue Ps be p, :c w»AR »be cap Awr.inaie ir O , P, _ -be aaod to fliW » » ’» Mr W J Daria. o f San Diego, earnest a Irocate of air defense, says truly, "The natron rf.-resnost m the air wJl wm the next war st the drop of the be rah. and be­ fore the world wakes up the next morning s a d the fumes of phos­ phorus or o f bombs of so n e other k.rvd. if it does wake up at all. the war will have been won.“ Battleships, besides being obso­ lete. are frightfully «xprasuva. toon out of cate, worthless m peace. F ît - g waebinea. er-,-mgh of them r.-.akc th » nation safe a g s -«•. attack by «eu or land, e- - ’. i be built art bout bupdetr.aome taxaticm. kepi up With slight e x ­ pense. and they w.-uld pay the ir w ay ai peuoe. tw we ever, in the rrasl se ~i ce. and in spying out forest fires. Before this c fu r lr y face» a war— ,t wvsuN come. w k.le xhey are all borruuring frem us— th< rargw of fliers and »nbmar.nca w ..I be as groat as that of any float ~ f xvsseL The subm arneu w - as fast as any cm ix-r and the f er*. c.f course, tsreuny tiw es as fast a t ary fighi.,r g ship afloat. •. . g • • -* are rol * it od r - e s ib u t . who w-.U donde sbafi be fossa an d ta tb e pee-,’» e.f this evsewtry. They wifi pay the b » in arsopey. wfcwb is r 4 .xsportanL and iu Noesi w h ch is vrvportaBt. if a fatal — stake be tnsAe -.a our piasi» o f defma»* « hxt y.-n road Vere »» pernted bt several hmafemd da-‘1y *f l.oggera ami d.umtieriiiaii, la tnalA ng r«mly for hla trip 1« the 41. con­ vention In Silverton on Dviobar III. to H«r» from Waltarvlll» Mr. and Want Hunting—Carl tllson and which he la a delegate from the I Mr» Ernest Conley of Waltervlllo llary W Whitney went hunting for -prlngfield local. wrre In b.mlngfteld over Sunday. China pheasant yeaterday Hsra from Portland— C. F Munson, Went Hunting—C N Grlmea want Fall Cr«»k Man H»re—J S Me chief liiapoctor of the West Coast near Kinney, a Fall Creek merchant, *»« pheasant hunting yeaterday l.uiiiherm ens naaiwlalton was here Meadowrlew In Springfield Tueadny getting »up from Hartland headquarter» today. i «Ilea for hla store H»r» from Klamath Fall»—J E • Kensington Club to Meat— Mr». O Went to Camp Creak—Mr and Mr» Stewart, formerly In the meat bttsl B Kessey and Mrv. Annie Knox will It J Ward, daughter Mlsa Mildred nv-ia In Springfield, but now living be ho»le»«e» to the Keiiatngtoli club Ward., and «mall nleees Mary and 'll Klamath Falla, has been In Spring- on Friday afternoon nt S:St> o’clock Martha Moor», motored to Camp field an I Eugene ihe past week visit al the home of Mra Kossey. The Creek Sunday where they Vtalted «1 ng friends and relative« and trans­ afternoon will be »len t at fancy-work. 1 the ranch recently rented hy N. J acting business Want and William Moore. Velums« Glvsn to Library- A total STATEMENT GF TUB OWN-KHSHII1 Left for Albany— Mr and Mr» of 4« volume» have been given In the MANAGEMENT, ClRt'l I.ATION. Troy llulhurl left yeaterday morning Springfield library during the pa«i BTC.. RBQVIRKO BY THE ACT OF accompanied by Ihelr little »on. How month in m e twintjs»lgn for more Ct'NORKRS OF A l’G i'ST 24. I»I2 ard. Io make a vlalt nt Albany with l„H)ks. according Io Mlaa Mary Hot. Of the Springfield New« puhll«hel Mr Hulburt'a parents who reside • rts. librarian. The purchase of SO w ekly at Spring», ! I. Gtegotl for Oc­ there. hooka ha» also hern made Eleven tober I. 1»24, State of Oregon. Coun uiagar Hie »uh >- rlptl.'U* have been r, • ty of Imne, as. Her« from MarsMIsId—Joe I,* n newed. Il, fore me. a Notary INihllc in aril mona. Mamhfi< Id engine, r for ill, for the State and county nforeeald. Southern Pacific company, was a Visiting Bon In Portland—Mt ¡«psonally appeared F C W e-terfleld, Springfield visitor Monday when be Frank It Hamlin left Springfield Fri. who, h iv in g been duly sworn »cord­ storped to »re hl« wife'« parent» Mr .„ I » few days In Portland ing to law, deposes and »»>» that he and Mr». John Wlnsenrted. on hl« ,'«ltlng at the home of her «on. Vlr la It« Busin-'»« Manager of the way hump to Marshfield after a buei gll Hanillti of fo l Stanton gtrret stir Springfield New» «ud that ill- folio* ne»« trip io Portland, lie came on will also visit other relative» w i l l ) « Ing 1», Io the be»« of hl» knowledge Monday morning, and went on io there She expects to return hum« and belief, a true atatemFrl of the Mar-hfield In th, afternoon Sunday ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaisl publlgitlon for the dal« Charter No. (S Iteaerve District No. 13 shown In the above caption, required REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE by the Act of August S4. 1812. embod­ ied in section 44S. Foetal l a w , and Regulation», printed on the r-ver»e ot At Springfield, In the State of Oregon at the cloao of basin«»« on this form, to wit: O ctober io. l»24. 1 That the name» and addre»»»» of the publisher, editor, managing editor, »nd bu»lne»a manager» are: RESOURCES Pubtieher The W tllamele INe»«. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts Springfield. Oregon; Editor H E shown In Item» M and 30. If any SIB» | Maxey. Springfield. Oregon Business Overdrafts secured and unsecured 50X 3» Manager. F C. Wealerftrld. Spring V. 8 government «reunites owned. Including those shown tn Items 30 and 35. If any 13.150 00 field, Oregon. Other bond», warrants and saeurlttes. Including foreign I. That the owner» are: H. E government, state, municipal, coreoratlon. etc . Including Maxey. Springfield. Oregon; F. C. those shown In Items 30 and 30, If any 30 l»3 31 W e»lerfield. SprlngfleW. Oregon. Bankli g house. 314.»00; furniture and fixtures. 33.XOO 00 18.700 00 Real »«tale osrnei other thin luinklnc hou«e None S. That the known Imndholdera. tab) Cash on hand In vault and due from hanks, bankers m ortgarees. and other security hold­ and trust eompanl»« designated and approved reserve ers owning or holding 1 per cent or agent» of this bank 3».(7{ 31 more of total amount of bonds, tnort Exchanges tor clvarlng hou»r and Items on other banka In the same , ilr or as reporting hank 7 X" IT gagt-a. or ether securities are: None Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and 4. That the two paragra;hs nexi other cash Item« 7 &0 above, gtvlng the name» of the owp. Tola, cash and due from banks. Item« 8, ». 10 ami II. era. stockholders, and a ee.rlty hold­ 347.MI IS er». If any. contain not only the II»’ of stock holders and security holders Total 373.830 87 as they appear upon the book» of the LIABILITIES company but al»o, in case« where I« »'arltal Stock Paid In ... ......... ................................ so oon oa the stockholder« or security bolder 17 Surplus fund 4,000 u0 appsur* upon ¡he book» of the com Ik. ta) I'ndlvlded profit» II1.M8 N lb) Lee* current expense«, Int-■»> • ,nd txxe» paid 7 471 0< M «5 03 panv as trust“» or tn any other fi DEMAND DEPOSITS, >C ■ r than »• ' a. subject to reaervo; dneiary relation. Ihe name of the Individual deposits subject to che, k. Including deposits due person er corporation for whom »nch the S:«te of G r e w , county, cities or oilier puidlc funds 307.840 53 Drrrard certificate- of let ,,»lt outstard ng 7.025 82 trustee 1» acting. Is given; il» o that Certified check« outstanding 45 00 the »aid two paragraph» contain state Total of demand J e ; s , other than bank deposits, subject ments auihracing affiant’s ful krowl , eserve, f ■ I K 14 811 34 edge and belief as to the ctrcnm TIME AND 8AVING9 DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and pay­ able cn deitard cr subject to noth ■ letter from A. c. Frxoa. m apserr o f teh Bonth-KyRr lumkar cv-mparr'« Rugene office it was pm- tveed that the pavipg he dose sa Sevoud «trees tr«iead of SfiR, til, mere kogdeai «adraueu to the tows, fa thesprht to b» du« sise to uuefifict»» «»formation — - C«ed bere that the B cw t'-r- fiacfei- “x’l- Colds, c a ta rrh a l and b ronchial ! s»ar cow paar edv-we» « w-t-t ■sH, troubles arc now moat sute««- I car t-aebs for the ptwmwod y fu 3 y treated by m ear s o f a m i- The Modem Method of Treating Colds I cwl-g-f* Hue ’ cos’ «'* rsartu* sstfobt he Ì n it cp hr ev-st-m , septlc, h c a li“ c soluliona applied can tse pAotlsy) o»« i theurhi ihat the vtrtnttr eg n »a by tncans o f «“r- vdeahly •• -.B «,, C r» ,., I Pnw-»y evwamnv a< » «-«««v-r» water Hcpeiv e-e tt)f ,-lty « ... ® ATT* “'•’• t f • »V , P-'fittesi I O r e , La “- - ' s -*-e , w "*» T t W S- «W.RWee*e» v ,— ¡b rq d n y and la wcw *» e-«« AHrs»- f,f cd y-Jwe are*» J»*s ’» î. r»ST.ks «nqsfoye «< i l e ccutjw-T B. A * * •,« a- •c a tta le Mr-.e— >»- a«a Mes Fani BPnrsnna bare x» » Moan» ree-et this week. M-x nr C ’1-mgSi r f O a r t a Paws Mra » ¡arri x-eived Atomizers and Nebulizers T his IreatR 'cnt xrin provide re- fc 'f fo r head co ld * a;,d Gtroai troubles, and if T c p u ia r y w-.U oTcrrtMne chronic» condi- tto m . .V k OB tb c u t a g.-vod aohitioa fo use fo r any «| acial purpose 2 fo r 2’je No. 2 Cans Spaghetti. 2 fo r 15c Picnic Shoulders. oer pound Sugar Cured Bacon st'ip s. per pourd 3 pounds .........25c New Crop Layer Figs, per pound ...... 23c Package Figs, per pkg. ... 15c 18c 23c Peroxide So .ip, a dandy 4 bars fo r ...............I 1 pound can Pure Gro,.r,d Peter Pan Soap, small bar ......... ..... C fiffc o la ts 1. pound can Both fo r 3fc free P fte r Pan Soap, large. 10c; 3 xc V.e h&x - c f ne p. -ortm ent c f Lunch Meats ju s t rie* ’ for these lui'.pbes: ■ ;o ot.r Fetsr Pan i is o f B akc*y C fresh each day. d«