THURSDAY. OCT. 16. 1924. TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS m c .F IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E of November, 1924. S TA TE OF OREGON FOR LANE Dated thia 3üth day of September, CO UNTY 1924. Eugene Foundry A Machine Coni Win .0. HUGHES, Adinlnatraf or of pany, a c o rp o ra tln o , plaintiff, va Em th« eatate of John E. Innla deceased. t« ll what you want to ■all. buy wliat you want to buy through thaaa u»a Hardings, Mary Lock« and — column». W rite or phono TWO FRAN K A. DePUE. L o ck» , her huahund. Joalab Sluiw and Attorney for Admlnlatrator —« Shaw, hla w ife , Lydia Grow and 0 2 9 16-23 30 I.OHT (lit HTOI.KN Racy, -la blcycla, — Grow, her huahund. Sarah It Shaw gallon and — Shaw, her huahund. Hannah large eprukut, blu» frulli» Ruwaril, ANYBODY wishing milk at rate* call Riverside Dairy, Phon« Verrlll and Joaeph Verlll. her hus­ N O T IC E call t U J O 16 band. Isaac It Eaatman and — Eaat- u rs F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T MUH U A K o l.IN K 8IIA F F K R . accredit NO TIC E la hereby given that the mail, hie wife, Beiijaunln F Fatal man JKKSDY milk cow for «ale. and —- Kastman, hla wife, Polly Shaw underslgnwl, administrator with will plano teacher. I ’lion» 1180 II eu- Morgan. and — Shaw, her husband, Timothy annexed of the Eatate of Fred W Shop «m e. Shaw end Shaw, hla wife, Hallie pard. deceaaed, haa filed hla Final Ac­ F u it K E N T —Twu unfurnlnlieil rooiua, SPECIAL IT ,IC E on plate work. Dr M Shaw and — Shaw, her husband, count |n aald Eatate of Fred W. Shep N W. Emery, dentist Hutton Bldg William Shaw and — Shaw hla wife. pard. deceaeid, with the County » Irr Irle ll«lita, bath, reauonabl«, Kphrlam Shaw end — Htiaw, hla wife, Court of the State of Oregon for Lane looC MUI at., boar high school. Samuel N. Shaw and — Shaw, hla County and the said Court has set wife, Jamlma Eaatman and — Kast- Saturday, the first day of November, tf man her huaband. Polly Lock« and 1924 al Ten o'clock A M aa the Oirie. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. — Lot-ke, her huaband, Joaeph Shaw and the County Courtroom In the NOTICE TO C R E D ITO R *. Tlie undersign«,I Joseph F Hnfley and — Shaw, hla wife, Henrietta County Courthouse at Eugene, Ore­ haa been appointed admlnlatrator of Fleming and — Fleming her huaband. gon. aa the place for the hearing of Ketate of Julia A. Oodman. Deceased the n«Lu 1» of W illiam D. Safely, de­ E. K Shaw and — Shaw, hla wife, al- aald Final Account. All peraona hav­ Notice la hernby given bliat Hallie ceaaed. by (he County Court of l,ane ao the unknown helra of any of aald de (1 Hlk*u baa b«»n by lb« County Court County, Oregon, aud all peraona hav­ femlanta who may be deceaaed, also ing objections to aald Final Account of 111.. Mull- lit (ir.’M"U 111 and for ing claim« against said eatate wiil all other peraona or cart lea unknown or any particular Horn thereof are loins County, appointed administratrix prevent aame duly verified at the of­ claiming any right, title, «state, lien hereby notified to fie the same with the County Clerk of aald County on or of the »stale of Julia A. God man, do- fice of W hitten Swafford, Attorney. or Interest In the real property de» before the aald Saturday, the first roaaed. 316 M * W llldg , Eugene. Oregon, day of November. 1924. All peraona bavin« claims against on or before a ll month« after thia crlbeii in the complaint herein, de­ Dated thia 30th day of September. fendant«. •aid estate. aru hereby notified to date. 1924 SUMMONS preaent Ihs same, duly stated and veri­ Dated and flrat published September To Emma Hardlnga, Mary Locke Wm. 0. HUOHJ38, Admlnatrator o f fied at the law office of A. K. Wheel­ 25lh, 1924 and — Ix>cke. her huaband. Joseph the eatate of Fred W. Sheppard, de­ er In Eugene, Oregon, within all JOSEPH F. 8A FL E Y , Admr Shaw and — Shaw, hla wife. Lv Ila ceaaed. months from thia 25th day of Septem­ W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. Atty. Grow und — Grow, her hus’-and. Bar- FRAN K A. DePUE. 8 26-0 23 ber. 1924 ah It Hhuw and — Shaw her husband, Attorney for Administrator. HALLIE O. HIKES, Admr. Hanuuh V errlll and Joaeph Verrlll, her 0-2-9-16-23-30 A E. W t’ E K I.E It. Attorney. husband, Isaac R. Eaatman and — 8 26 O 2S Missionary Society Meets Kaatmun. hla wife. Benjamin F. East­ NOTICE TO CREOITORS The M dles' Missionary society of man and — Eaatman, hla wife. Polly Notice la hereby given that Donald Shaw and — Shaw, her husband, the Christian church met yesterday NO TIC E OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T Tlinotlyr Shaw and — Shaw, hla wife, afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. T. Young lias been appointed administ­ Hallie M Shaw and — Shaw, her hua­ rator with the will attached of the ______________ Eetate of Mfnnrva Billings, De- band. Wllltnm Shaw and — _____ Phnw, ___ hla Mitchell, on 6tb and B streets. Mrs. cvaaed. eatate of Henry Pierre, deceaaed. All »if«, Kphrlam Shaw and— Shaw, bla E. E. Morrison was the leader for the Notice la hereby given that Lloyd peraona having claim« agalnat aald Wife. Samuel N. Shaw and— Sbaw hla program and dlacuaslon. Refresh­ i ’. Martin, administrator with th» will annegnd of tJiu estats of Minerva »vtute are hereby notified to preaeni wife. Jemima Eaatman and — East- ments were served. Billings, deceaaed, hns filed In thn the .ame with proper vouchers to the “>an her bur band Polly Locke and - »is , efirvg. nt her Uhhband, Joseph Shaw and County Court of the State of Oregon, •aid admlnlatrator at . hla office at _ ghaw h|g w)fe H e n r|e tu F|em|n? In and for Lane County, hla final re 860 W lllam rtte atreet. Eugene, Ora- ■ Kn(j _ Fleming, her huaband, E. E. port aa such admlnlatrator. and that and — Shaw bla wife ten o'clock Hi the forenoon of Satur­ gon, on or before alx montha from the Shaw day, the 25th day of October. 1924. at date of the flrat puldhatlon of thta «1»« «he unknown helra of any of lanld defendant* who may be deceaaed th» Court room thereof, have been notice. ' also all others person or parties un- by the Court, fixed and appointed aa Dale of flrat publication the 9th da, known claiming anv right, title, ea- the time and place for hearing ob­ tale. Hen or Interest'ln the reel rrop- jection* to said report and for the of October. 1924. Slgned: DONALD YOUNG. A tto rn -, «Tty deacrlhed In the comrlalnt here- final settlement of the eitae of »aid ey with the will annexed of the eatate ' ,n 1 deceased IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S TA TE A E W H ELER , Attorney. of Henry Pierre, decooad j OF OREGON, you are hereby re­ LLO YD C. M A R TIN . Admr e 0-9-16-23 SO-N-d q u ire d to nopenr and answer the com- H 26 O 23 j plaint which haa been filed again«’ I you In Ihe above entitled Court and ,-auee. within alx weeks from the date of th - flr«t publication of this | summons, and If you fall to ao nopear urd answer, for want thereof the j ptalotKf will a e n lv to ’ he Co-—t for i the relief prayed for In the complain* Eat at the to w it: for « d«f-rert thn» the plain SPONG & THOMAS JEWELER I f f ' 1« »he sole and absolute n»'n»r CAFE i Io fee simple of the following d i ’ crlb- Repairing a specialty Corner 3rd and Main led real property Springfield, O regon Beginning nt a »mint 693 2 3 feet Wes’ of the north art corner of coun­ ty survey No. 11.3. In the city of Eu Contracting and Budding gene. In the ro u rtv of Ixine, nnrt state Plana and Estimate« Furnished W . F. W A L K E R 'o f Crrgon. helne In the eoufh Bn» of Free. W ill Help You Finance Eighth atreet of a.",,» r »• b«rr >•? pn ’ it« m o u n ta in s valleys nnd riv ­ Phone 57 Residence Phone 153 M fron ftjwîcrting .any c Mm e r* - the«v v. *lt c o m m a n d y o u r th**rel0. in terest th ro u g h o u t. Springfield. O r r g o n Th’s vii mm or.- »a served »»on you! ClassifiedAdvertisements B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y D. W . P O O F To sun-swept California hv publication th o r-o f for sly co bs « - ’ cut tv» wool - :'i th - Snrlngfleld News, SHOE GEO.. N. McLEAN Automobile, Fire and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bond«., Phone 617 My busine s la to protect your business 830 W illamette St. Eugene Oregon R E P A IR IN G Work Promptly and Carefully Done JOHN A. NELSON 509 Main Street n newspaper of eenernl circnlstlon j publish,-I In Lane 'co,intv. f3rnr»>i In conformity with the order of th" Hon. G F. Pklpworth, tndgo of th - above entitled court, made and e n te r­ ed on the flr«l dry of October. 192* Date of first publication the "th day of October. 1924 f r 'N A L D YOUNG. A 'to r n e y for P sln tlff. P o st Cfflce Address. Eu­ WM. 0. HUGHES FIR E . AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC , TRY CLOVER, the best barber tha t ever h it Spring- field. A. A. ANDERSON Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, ROBERT W. EARL District Manager The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States Phone 1197 Y 218 Castle Bldg., Eugene, Ore. (I BARBER Oregon The Loop II Your Homo When In Springfield SHOP DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. COLLECTIONS No Un lection. No Charge. W lllam rtte Collection and Credit • Service 860 W llamette Street. Eugene, Oregon. Phone 37H Attorn / St*:« In ml Ilor.rd, W ILLIAM S •% BEAN A TTO R NEYS 850 Wil L lcin of III- m etto St. <1 Leo n r, Ore.« in nil t'citrt: i,nd I illn l »I lus. S q u e a k - S q m n k - S o ii o a k R epair t1' i -iqiii.-. I.) v¿it■■ I bufori Its too lull:. FPRIHGFIE lu FAD Service Station Corner 5 at d A CO, con- We Jiod rock nnd rock ; mil. ' iunk- l ’ . .it fOOt Of IV:;, ill Ol i Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. All kinds of ,, O’ t'tO Cl re;: i . .ko n : It. FP \N K A. F A T T O H N ÏY NOTARY I $1.50 per wheel Sutton Buldllnq C. OLSEN, Local Agent Southern Pacific C-9 16-2S-S0 N-S-13-20 NOTICE FOR PUB LICA TIO N D E P A R TM E N T OF T H E IN TER IO R . U. 8. I.A N D OFFICE at Roseburg, ,'t»'g»n, S 'T te tn ’'*r 26, 1924 JO HN M. W IL L IA M S A ttorney fur Vet. S tate Aid C oin, Soldiers B mus I oan«. I. K I IK ’ 4 gene. Oregon. the **QaUfo i u ” ' oc^let a n J fu ll railrvaJ > jar .etton, oem m M Hfct te n ith Tor Springfield Oregon. NO TIC E fa hereby given that Wall ar G. Baker, of 992 O«k 8t.. Eugene. Oregon, who. on July 11, 1921. made Hnmoatead Entry, Serial No. 014016, for the Lois 12, 13 and 14 of » 'c . 23. Tp. 16 S. R 2 E. W. M. and on Sep­ tember 17. 1921 made Homestead En­ try, Seri«! No. 014110. for tihe Ixit 11 of Section 23. Township 16S Range 2E W illam ette Meridian, lias field no­ tice of Intention to make Final Thr»-e- vear Proof, to establish claim to the i land above described, before E. O. WORKING NIGHT AND DAY Seems cruel, doesn’t if, to have som ething working •jimmei, u . S. Commlealoner, at h ’a of-! flee at Eugene, O tegen, on the 12th! ¡day of N ovem ber. 1924. , C laim ant name« a« w ltnc «»»: A F. lla v lr, of V! la. Oregon. Carl Sw anson, of Vida. Oregon Dori« Donohue, of V i.'i, Ore-ion tw enty-four hours a day fo you? Ami yet. your dol- h '.i deposited here at the i '■'i-.inu M ln n e v, of Vida. Cr- eon. HAMILL A CANA DAY. R gl« er. | O 2 9 10 23 30. K *st National thrive and f ow oa su ih tre.’.m ent. E o a ¡ill you can and keep your earnings busy ;- .i tin N O T IC f OF \L SETTLE? iN T li ri ! y Ivon th at th< liin d, » p, I p s»,* n t<»r wifli w!U id of th r» E -f î 1 of John d< u-.-d , ha ' 1noil his Final •' in o’ Ih e I W It lu Sil U i cd. v. i ‘i »v • Cou C' ,ril. of (lie F Ito Of 1 • h i m fo r b an ? tv nnd Iht .« iid t ouï t I no- ih ■ Ui-’ t J y m No' it T in o'clock A. M an »’ It iin- County C ourtroom uiiy Com 1 lion ; ' m Eugeni . Ore ' di, a.« th« t luce lor th e hearing of -.a I Final Account, All person« bav­ in:- ohjeetieh« to said Filial Account or ii'iy pm P en ar ¡lem lib reo." a n ' her ■- tv notifie 1 to filo the sam e wMi the C ounty Clerk of said County on or ! before Ih« said Saturday, Ihe first ihij time. Then the worries of the future nre well taken cure of. Natici' OF EC S ir - Bank ME -'J SEVEN OREGON NEWS ITEMS ! OF SPECIAL INTEREST / Judgs Georgs C. ningham of tbs Marlon and Linn county elrcqlt court, who died In Portland recently, left an estate valued at approximately $100,- 000, according to papers filed In the probate? court at Salem. t Srief R e s u lt of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. Government hunters during the month of September trapped 673 coy­ otes, 46 bobcats and four sheep-killing bear. It Is reported by Stanley Jewett, in charge of the predatory animal ¿1« vision of the United States biological survey, Oregon office. Mrs. Mary L. Mallett of Portland waa re-elected state president of the W C. T. U. at the convention of that body at Corvallis. Dr. George Parrish. Portland city health officer, who had obtained a month’s leave of absence to devote Portland was the fourth port of exit to hie campaign as a candidate for for whiat during the month of Sep­ mayor, agreed to return to his duties tember, according to a report of the when the health bureau uncovered six department of agriculture. cases of Infantile paralysis. One hundred prrbons. Including River service between Portland and many vlslrors ’rom out of the city, at­ Salem, which will be primarily for tended a hocus products banquet held the transportation of straw from W il­ by the commercial club at Cove. lamette valley points to Longview, Panning the 300'? mark the ninth Wash., probably w ill be Inaugurated day of the term, registration figures within the next few weeks by' the In­ now ehow 3006 long term students en­ land Water Transportation company. rolled at Oregon Agricultural college. According to a proposed plan of the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dewitt Corlles, Albany Klwanls club, several colleye each 82, and the oldest living married boys attending Albany college w ill be couple In Jackson county, celebrated “adopted” by the club for the school tbejf 62d wedding anniversary last year and. In accordance with the self- week. help program of the college, w ill be The recent rains In the Willamette kept In work throughout the year by valley bave started fall seeding of the club. grain with full foroe and preaent In­ Damage estimate* at about $90.000 dications are that a large crop will be was caused by a fire that destroyed a planted. warehouse and elevator belonging to The number of teachers now em­ H. W. Collins at Nollu, a small station ployed In the schools of Coos county about 18 miles west of Pendleton. In Is 280, or 17 more than were employ­ addition to the two buildings, the O.- ed at any time during the school year W. R. A N. company lost a section bouse and the small depot building. of 1923-1924. Because of lllnes, H arry Strickland. 60. killed himself at hie home near Marshfield by firing a bullet through his heart. A widow and several grown children survive. Snow, the first of the season, fell In Bend last week. Heavy snow fell in the mid-Oregon Cascades and It Is feared by autolsts that the McKenxie pass road is blocked. Marion county has filed with the public service commission application for permission to establish a grade crossing over the tracks of the Silver Falls railroad near Silverton. A record for September shipments of fruits was made at Hood River this year. Up to October 1. 329 carloads of pears and apples had left that city for the eastern markets. There were two fatalities In Oregon due to Industrial accidents during the week ending October 9, according to a report prepared by the state industrial accident commission. The victims were Milo Shestak. Joseph. laborer, and F. J. Schultz, Knappton. chaser. A total of 605 accidents was reported. Prelim inary steps toward organiza­ tion of some kind of a centralized agency similar to the prune exchange to standardize the quality and Inspec­ tion of canned goods and one central brand for advertising purposes were taken at a meeting of 25 representa­ tives of co-operative canneries at Salem. Fire losses In Oregon, exclusive of Portland, in September aggregated $667,391.36, according to a report pre­ Bus lines that w ill furnish all the pared by W ill H. Moore, state fire The most disastrous fire facilities of a street railway will soon marshal. be in operation at Klamath Falls. A was at Perry, where a sawmill waa 10 cent fare will be charged and a destroyed with a loss of $150,000. A total of 125 fires were reported, three 20 minute schedule maintained. Although the-season Is not yet clos­ of which were of incendiary origin. F. B. Mitchell, attorney for the fed­ ed. the M yrtle Creek canning factory so far hns paid out $9000 for labor eral prohibition law enforcement of­ and $26,000 to the farmers of that fice at Portland, has been appointed special deputy district attorney ol vicinity for fruit and vegetables. George Rodgers, ex-president of the Lane county to prosecute a large num­ First National bank at Sal, tu. who ber of liquor cases In place of Clyde was fatally injured in an airplane ac- N. Johnston, district attorney, who Is cidtat two weeks a. a, left an estate suffering from a fractured skull re­ ceived when an automobile he waa valued nt approximately $100.000. driving went over a grade. The Jackson county board of equali- The formation of a night highway rn, l «n lest week recommended that a cut be mad. In tillable term land val­ patrol in Clackamas county by state uation of 25 per cent and 33.5 per cent and county traffic officers has been completed and the offjeers w ill go on cut on the valuation of stock cattle. the beat riding motorcycles and armed The Gladstone city council has call­ with sawed-off shotguns. Numerous ed a special election for January' 27, hold-ups, highway banditry and the when the matter of the Issuance of robbing of small stores and banks $27.000 in municipal bonds for a pro­ throughout the county within the past posed water district w ill be decided. few weeks have led to the formation The Oregon spring wheat crop is es­ ot the patrol. timated at 2,415,000 bushels, against Oregon w ill be advertised in hun­ 3.982,000 bushels last year, according dreds of cities' throughout the United to the October 1 crop report, issued by States next year at the expense of the F. L. Kent of the department of agri­ government. Motion pictures showing culture. scenery, farms and industrial plants Oregon's population, outside of Port­ along the Redwood and Roosevelt land. was Increased by more than 500 highways were taken last week by the families during September, according department of agriculture for release to a survey conducted in 35 major dis to farm agents, officials and highway tricts of the state by the state chamber associations which may desire to show of commerce. ...» them free of charge. “—«4. • " Increased fire hazard on marsh hay A deal for the purchase of 40 acree lands of Lake county has brought of land five milee east of Pendleton, about the posting of all such lands Just north of the Umatilla Indian against hunting and the establishment agency, was clcscd by the state gam of fire patrols by owners of large commission. The land was purchased ranch properties. from H. W. Collins for $4000. The Voters of Marlon county, at the No yember election, w ill have an oppor­ tunity to approve or reject a measure providing for a tax levy of $2500 an nually to carry on the work of the health association. Campbell. A rcher & Davis and Slack B rothers have purchased large bodies of tim ber in I.ako county and will he gin at once the erection of a sawmill on l’nisley m ountain, between Lake view end Paisley. iria school ‘ills Tavnn.vors of the frlct will be asked 000 bond 1c ue to 1 o ' Junior high seb d i .Io -east c-..l ot ti»« i tty at n s|» al lici t ion to be . culle-1 Nov, tulee 1. The Luki> county ;u U atlon beard sm ents on stun I has bou o i1 the ns 'v from 66 , ing tl n '.-r in tho I ft t. As- c-'ii r to cent.* ft tto< i . increased sos- nietits on sheep nr» fri-vi *6 to $6 a head. ( r i t n pension* l av« been gi intsd ns follov - Sydney J. Coleman, Aih- land. $2«; Louis A. Sorg, Indepen­ dence, 12; Bertha Mea<’. Portland, $20; Frank R. Slsrk. Salem, $12; Guy L Frasier, Portland, $12. game commiseton plans *o ma’ .e the farm, the third ow-"d bv the state as big as the Eugene farm, which will have a total output of 16,COO Chinese pheasants this year. Suit for $300,000 damages was filed In circuit court in Jacksonville,agalnsl Oswald West, ex-governor, and George Black, members of Governor Pierce'« stork b«nd Investigation eommi» (be H artm an SlOtl. ia Ashland. The re p o rt m ade pi bera c f th e <’O' i . si ¡gallon ¡tad bet n : • j i ded b , n . r « . ,iu ii-ovcl d o \er Th« I !' li ’hw;;y. Is no m»re. The new pi.uh- of h highw ay, leading dowx 1- r canyon i n an easy incline, lias i n completed and au ru ccd by th« contractor aril opened to travel. Th« connec in« Bilk iron. Dufur to K ings . y has not been completed, howc and the old road Is still being m ' Work is being rushed and It 1» exp cs cd that this stretch will ba done ba fore enow flits.