THURSDAY. OCT. Ht. 1»24. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGB SIX W ant to Jun ettan City—Mr. and Hera from Florence— Ml»» M argar­ I Mr. D avenport says the 4L la not RADICAL BUT NOT Mrs U. <1 llushnian spent Munday a cut and dried proposition. Its work et Hurd apent last wnak end In Spring RED IS 4L IDEA field She retu rn ed to her home In afternoon visiting with friends In P resid en t C oolidge L e a d e r tugs a re novel and moat Interesting, ational ]Poll T a k e n 816 3.733 1.739 W isconsin 844 W ashington 3.141 3.464 Which Seems to Indicate the 3.701 4.637 ; • .1 President Will Win Although M asa 3.632 9.868 in California Election May Be Decided •“ 4.50» 1.330 Texas .............. 1,819 House. 4.106 1.111 1.207 Georgia 1 010 5.30» 398 N H am pshire Out of 300.00 votes tn th e nation 3.325 1.93» »35 wide poll. conducted by th e Autocaat- , Missouri 730 1.758 2.783 e r service for th e S rlngfleld News. ' K ansas 3.691 .... S.799 882 Coolidge has won nearly tw ice as Virginia 487 4.654 1.73» m anv as the o th er two candidate«. W. Virginia 5.810 6,378 4.968 D avis and La Follette. The poll has ^Pennsylvania 1.467 1.118 1.584 been conducted am ong read ers o f Montana 1,75» 1.269 1.88S new spapers throughout the country Wyoming 4.053 13.163 12.264 and is believed to be fairly rep resen ­ 3. Dakota 1.376 1.053 1.083 ta tiv e of th e sentim ent of th e voting Nevada 988 4.200 6.935 {Indiana public. 1.S8S „..4.740 1.35» Thia poll is verifying the Judgment Michigan 2.425 3.72« 1.128 o f those who w ager on elections. It j O klahoma .... 1.419 634 show s th a t those w ith an idea th a t ■ Connecticut 2.745 3.633 3.957 the final nam ing of president will be j N ebraska 230 2.880 3.380 In C ongress have a good bet W all M innesota 2.863 . 4.474 I Ohio 4.003 s tre e t rep o rts m any such hets. 1.209 745 682 O ver 300.000 Votes Have Been Polled. I A rkansas ____ 237 547 F ourth week of voting w ith retu rn s T ennessee __ 65« 643 404 received from 3« sta te s show s Cool­ i V tah .....— ..... 4.153 2.157 1.874 idge holding his lead tn th e num ber New Jersey 1.563 1.379 7S2 o f popular .votes. 3°3.043 votes have Inara ________ 895 361 642 been cast, as follows Coolidge. 126,- ! Oregon 335 285 418 32S: I-a Follett«. 90.43S; Davis. S6,- Colorado ____ L ouisana __ _ 254 387 377. 618 412 T rend of voting gives m ajorities to Idaho 192 212 Coolidge in 18 sta te s; nine to La Fol- T o tals........... 138.33t 90.438 S6.377 lette. and nine to Davis. E lectoral votes from these states would give ? « to Coolidge; 184 are divided be­ DEPARTMENT GATHERING tween La F o llette and Davis. How­ PURBRED STOCK DATA ever. leaders in all p arties franklv adm it th at th ere are m any states in which Coolidge reg isters a slight pop­ To obtain p ractical inform ation on I u lar vote lead, th at are absolutely In a num ber of questions on livestock th e doubtful column. im provem ent, the B ureau of Animal Ohio, for instance, is so close th at Industry Is conducting a question­ it can sw ing e ith er way. Likewise naire Investigation. S u b jects covered Oklahoma. Iowa. Colorado and New by a series of questions on blanks lersey . which are being mailed to 5.000 stock- ! T his new spaper's pell shows Davis men Include the cost of raisin g pure- ' much stro n g er than does manv oth er breds as com pared with common ! stra w voes being taken, namely, The ‘tock. th e m ark etin g of purebred I L iterary Digest. tock as m eat anim als, and several The L iterary Digest poll up until questions relatin g to reg istratio n of ' Sept. 1«. with th irteen sta te s heard purebred livestock. A num ber of oth- ' from , gava Coolidge 182.473: Davis, i t topics on which inform ation Is I 42.811. and L a F ollette, «3.514—the 'acking or is frag m en tary rae to be ' to tal vote cast at th a t tim e w as 272.- Included. 299 The resu lts of th e questtonnarle. The H earet poll up to Oct. 1 shew rep art m ent livestock specialists be, ed Coolidge. 9S.855; La F ollette. 98. lleve, will be of in terest and value to 430. and Davis, 47.591. Coolidge's l e a ' the en tire industry. over La F o llette in eighteen of the The developm ent of th e "B etter larg est cities in th e nation was only sires— b etter stock" cam paign, con­ 425. The Ch'cago T ribune poll taken ducted by various sta te s and the de­ in Chicago shows La F o llette leading p a rtm e n t has resulted in a large list Coolidge • vf livestock ow ners who a re especial­ Twelve S tates To Be H eard From. ly qualified to discuss m ethods of Twelve sta te s are yet to be heard livestock Im provement. from in this new spaper's nation-wide poll. They a re Alabama. Arizona. Del­ aw are. Florida. K entucky Maine. Mis­ E ntertained Guest»— Mr. and Mrs. sissippi. New Mexico. N orth Carolina W. S. McDaniels of Eugene were d in ­ N orth Dakota. South C arolina and ner guests Sunday at th e hom e of Dr. Vermont. Of tfc»se twelve. Maine. Vermont and Mrs. W. H. Pollard. Mrs. McDan­ and Delawara will likely show Cool­ iels Is a siste r of Dr Pollard. idge m ajorities. Alabama. Florida. K entucky. M ississip p i, and North and South C arolina are solid sou’h sta te s and likely wil lshow Davis m a­ jorities. North Dakota is In th e h eart —Is largely a m atte r of of th e La Follette sta te s—which right buying. You buy leaves only two. New Mexico and right, here. Arizona, w here sentim ent is unknown Following is the vote by sta te up to October 1st. Coolidge L aF ollette Davis New York ...... J3.882 7.190 «.079 M aryland ....... P.354 7.297 10 259 P H O N E 66 Illinois .... 10.183 7,814 5.383 MSI Is No Cut Dried P ropostlon. Admits one eaperlm ent a fter another, that like a charm , produce the desired re Georg* Davenport. Chairm an t suits Right now. the local of which of Local Organisation In an Interview with tleo. Itaven- port, chairm an of Local 70 Diet 1 Loyal (Legioa of latggers and Lum ber­ men, he adm its that the 4-L organi­ sation in p rinciple em bodies a wide d ep artu re from the present sta tu s of affairs, if those principle* wore ap piled to politics we would have a Itwialature made up of represen tativ es of em ployers and employes (leogra phical Hues (or the most part would be wiped off the political map. rep re­ sen tatio n being as broad as the trla l lines agreed upau Employes would elect th eir rep resen tativ es and th e em ployers would do likewise G eneral elections would he lees fre quent, If at all." sta te s Mr D avenport who Is thorougthy grounded iu tie principles of th e organization an I sees much in the possibility of th eir adoption by way of solving present day difficulties. he is chairm an, ia staging a he p e d a l attendance drive, for meet Itig held on C ctoher 87, I92t. on ac count of election of officers. Drive suggested by D. W. McKIn non. S ecretary ; drive put on by tleo. D avenport, chairm an. The drive con ducted by com m anders, appointed bv Mr D avenport will conwnandeer. as It were, squaila of mem ber» to atten d rhls scheduled m eeting L egitim ate exi'u - a tonlyl for non aia-ndance will be accepted. Those failing to at tend will he (* )sR<enihg knives und tools 15c 25c Size about 2x4 Inches Size about 2x5 Indies PIANO INSTRUCTION R. CARLYLE GOFFREIERE, U. of O. Lnrgo Corn Popper« Will give piano tessons at the home of Mrs. W. P. Tyson, 126 E. Street. Size 12 by 16 Inches A pan full a t one time. Price $1.00 EACH WEDNESDAY High School credits given. For information call Prof. Bain or Mrs. Tyson nt Phone 56 Cocos Door Mat» 15x24 Inches $1.00 IXx3<» Inches $1.50 The season Is here for Heuling Stoves und Ranges. May we show you our line? H E R E IT IS ANNUAL SALE OF Booth-Kelly Lumber M a n y of you have been w a itin g for th is m oney-saving event, and we have taken especial care in preparing th is lis t of genuine bargains for those who really w ish to save money. 10,000 feet 1x6 Shlplap a t ... 30,000 feet 1x8 Shlplap at $ 7.50 per M 100,000 feet Dimension a t $15.00 9.00 per M 10,000 feet 1x4 Flooring a t 22.00 40,000 feet 1x8 Shlplap a t 60,000 feet, 6 to 12 Inches S IS at 15.00 per M 5,000 feet 1x3 Flooring at 15.00 20,000 feet 1x4 S IS at 10.00 per M 9.00 per M 20,000 feet 1x6 SIS at ................... 12.00 per M 15.00 per M 50,000 feet 8 to 12 Inches S IS at HALL'S CASH STORE Phons «4« building. Springfield. Oregon. 411 tn _ «43 3(53 Junction C ity . Florence Monday. 5,000 feet 8 to 12 inches S IS at 5,000 feet 8 to 12 Inches S IS at 10,000 feet 4x4 and 4x6 848 at 20,000 feet 2x4-6 feet Rgh. at 5,000 feet 1x3 Flooring at ........................... 12.00 20,000 feet 1x4 Celling at 20.00 5,000 feet 1x4 Dropsidlng a t 18.00 5.000 feet i /2 x 6 Rustic at 18.00 17.00 per M 20,000 feet 1x6 Rustic at 22.00 22.00 per M 10,000 feet 1x6 Car Siding at 22.00 17.00 per M 10,000 Lin. Ft. Flat Rats at 9.00 per M .............. 25 10,000 Lin. Ft. O. O. Bats at .40 Anyone intending to build now tor late r should Insjtect this stock a t our Springfield mill. P ra u lc a lly every item of lunib r used In any fram e building can be found In tills lot, and we urge th a t you act quickly, w hile it is complete. Remember, we always carry a large stock of regular grades at prices. correspondingly low SALE STARTS OCTOBER 15 TH AND ENDS NOVEMBER 1ST Heavy wool blankets, weight between 1 and 4’/2 lbg. price $4.50, for Saturday only $3.89. Regular Prices are f. o. b. Springfield Mill— Terms Cash Make up a list of your lum ber needs and be on hand early Men's gray suits, siz