Lane County Farmers Union News -OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANK COUNTY UNIT NO. 14 • • • « TRENT LOCAL Th" Trent I im «I o* Farm «'« u’.toti me, el lb« Pleasant lllll high school Wednesday, October 8 Only (our mi inhere wars prnannt hm the plans (or ih" recspllim Io b» glv«n ,he tsschnra of ill» high school and th« public schools wor» competed. Thia r«< option will ba hold in the high school building Friday night. Octo­ ber 17 from 8 to It. Everyone la In vlli'd In alland anil g it aequllnlou will) lh" teschere, Th« next meeting will be bald Wed­ nesday, October 33 All msmbero are urged h" present and help arrange (or lh» business and social program of Ihe winter. Seven of the Trent local attended th« county meeting at Lorane, II. C. Wheeler. W. L. Wheeler. C E. Jordan. Mr and Mrs, Andy tllaon and Mr. and Mrs E U. Tinker. 0, E Jordan, candidate (or county assessor on the Independent ticket went to western l.ane on Political bualneaa thia week. • VIDA LOCAL • e e e e e e e e a V id. local met In regular aeaelon Saturday night with a good attend ance and som e 20 vial,lug members There were two new member« to take Ihe obligation. Mr Klden I’eprot, Mr. Hugh 11. Earle. The aortal commute« la quite busy having arranged for a month ahead If you «nun to know what la doing < ome and see. We meet every sec­ ond and fourth Saturday nights of each month. • LONE MAPLE • • • e e e e e e e A new local has been organised by county organiser Harry Jackaon at Spencer Creek and 20 members were obligated Tuesday night, October 14. The following officers were choeen: President, Barnard Clouse; secretary- treasurer. Gua flouae. The flra, regu lar meeting will h . b . 1 . 1 T . . . . 1. .per Spencer Creen' October 28 In the upper Spencer Creek a< bool house. » « » • OFFICERS OF la n e COUNTY FARMER'S UNION • County Union Holds Big Meeting at Lorane Friday EDITORIAL THE LORANE DINNER It I. a pleasure accompanied with r.°h.LOri ? oaq ? r ’e The Farmer'» union held Ita quart • dent. table« laden with such a feast aa . erly county meeting at Lorane, Ore­ • H. L. Beck, Springfield, See- , that put before the member» of the ' .. . , . , TIME AND PLACE OF • Tre»«. ; Farmer« union at Lorane at the coun- gon, October 10th, 1924 97 member« LOCAL MEETINGS • T. W. Morgan» Creawell. Door- I ty meetln~. October 10, but It take« were present. The following lot-ala • keeper. Mt. Vernon—First and Third • a great deal of work and system atic - , LA I _ were ’’ ’■««I ivy.vwoovw, represent«: Trent. n e in , > Hadleyvllle • **» » < jf v 111**, j planning in which the pleasure la not . i , . “ ' y' C r ,,w e "- Conuuetor. • , x,rBU<. (-rMw.„ , , oa„, Fork clo v e r -, Wednesday. ------------- ------- --------- -------- Brasfleld Store. W' A. Maby. Creawell, Chaplain, • , | | , u. Mt. Vernon. D onna. MrKenile ’ H adleyvllle.— First and Third • , lacking, to load those tables with all ,j the varieties of food that tempted the Hiver. Danebu, Hllk * Creek. Vida * Thursday», Hadleyvllle School. hungry delegate, member and visitor Dorena—Second and Foutb Toes and lain« Maple, the two tatter being that ia y . Although every one brough« • day«. Dorena Church. - i . - . i ,, k . . i h . . - j . i ~ , . . . .«_________ . .. Ihn laat additions to our union. . Creswell— First and Third Tuea- • “ w el, m ,ed baaket ,he • omen th0 CLOVERDALE LOCAL • The bouse waa called to order at • days. Creswell. M W. of A Hall. • Lo" n0 »»'' '^»1« »Werve Cloverdale local met on T h u r.d .,’ i “ Y ‘M’* D mtteb • Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • “ UCh ™ d‘ , ,or « 'd u'> their ()ct.,l„-r n -ci. i , . *r but our president got stack on the October 9. Hie date waa changed ,.i„ >■ r-u • Thursday.. Hebron Church House • v C° ° ked re«». I,..,. I \ "H* w*»h his * bevvy and had to atop Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- • *" *“ * ‘Z ' knOW" 10 the cu,,nary From October 10 on account of the .« . , . ~ w “ ......... and pipe After the a»»P«r— necona ana rourtn w m - - .. - with .. L ........... _ _ __. . __ ... . .. . . , an,l blow down her gaa gas pipe. and I d delicious hot ijoffeo ooffee county ni« « ’fui! m ( Loran«* Pour • nauJuve tv e» uz U aii I • art HU eliciou s h'• '» j :: • DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 I m^ )n< OcU,ber „ , t tbefr agua, meet pU“ *' the Cbu« fc' * " h ’ ’ 8 ,» _ the vice-president acting aa chairman. _» __ __ . ... , , The meeting waa opened with winging America, then the neceasary bual- nesa was tranaeted Mr. varle gave a short talk explaining the “Oleo­ margarine bill' ar.d the “Income tax,” which was enjoyed very much, then Mr. King, of Cottage Grove, followed “P * lth h"' oplnlon con*”Tnln< the 'Incom e tax” and a few helpful hint«. along with a few comments from IT. 8. Baler. About thirty-five members were present and a goodly number of visi­ tore. to enjoy the refreshments whlci. tor«, .X ‘" Æ • «x “ • School House. dames Seals. McCulloch. Hooker: Lor Fourth very long to do mudh bunlnemi and aa • Ix>rsn«—Second and The Land brothers and the Kelly ane, Mesdames Forman, Ilavls and Mr«. L. J G«t> hell was appointed we started at 11 the eager looked • Wednesdays. I. O. O. F. Hall. get Foster. These ladles were ably as- brothers were luck enough — to — - one »«'I orter for the Springfield Keww. ! for anouncement from the kitchen • Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- slated by other ladles in the two lo- 1 of tbe y ° unR coyotes last week which __ ___ X- g»_a__ Pleasant Hill High Ihe Join, Farmer's union meeting room jot In an appearance. It only • nesdays have been causing so much distur­ cals. to be held at Creswell Tuesday eve look one word from the president to • School Bldg. bance lately. nlng, October 21 waa announced a,art us all kltchenward Mr Farmer Cloverdale— Secdnd --------- and Fourth • which has been seen In Mr. Bales ap- . ........— ----- ------- so E DIDN'T GO 30M There Will hl- speakers present and « annount •ed the visitors would proceed * Fridays. Cloverdale School House. •, ejjo , d| did not go to the County another big bear a few davs ago general dlacuaalon of the coming elec the line. i. gee ------------------------------------------------------------ ---- ------ - ____ bu, they are certainly * Secretaries will please send In • m e e tin g . It jt waa too too fine fine a a day day to to w**«h ha(1 *>«*n using In Mr. Bales ap- ■ • i t aa f I n a-aa _ _ Cl a _. Iv — * r. a . 4 M a a MB Hon. Hnfreahmenta w ,l| be served polite ou, at Lorane sin ce » I a have B ’ , Ume and place of meeting and g • IoC9„ and , hsul io much geeur,h Wednesday. 8 p. m. I. O. O. • coun,y meeting at Lorane October 10 la visiting hie sister. Mrs. Ollie Put- The county graders finished work ‘‘••crlbe the sumptlous dinner * F. hall. W altervllle. • , The Th„ sun 9Un wh(ch which had had been h)ea- j rh,cb- <'h,c,‘- « “d chicken cooked jn Clarence Peterson and brother, shown brightly all day. but the s o well Market road Thia grading has every <‘on<’«l»®ble manner .p lea, rakes clal hour when dinner was served, Charlie, and father. Fred Peteraon. been long desired and will be greatly ' "”d r»lore 8°m e of the visit- j HADLEYVILLE LOCAL when farmer met farmer In friendly and C. H. Jennigs attended the farm­ • • • • • • • < appreciated The grading of the Low. 1 "r* W'"r‘' 'K,,lce,, to *»■«» «he kitchen chat, brought enougti sunshine Into er nnlon meeting at Lorane Satur- er Hill road |e another piece of work ' dO° r W" h " plate h e,p - Those con the . _— who attended the county „— lne lives or of tnoae those present to carry i day and report a good time and good rerently computed i pr L’rd“ S""1" ' Mr" ChM McCuUocb ; wh° p»‘ “p »heir h orse, end stopped Cottage Grove visited her parents, Mr. -m l third Sundays |„ each month ,irder I ? I - J r CT <1 “ Pra“ * nd dau' h,er8' j th* r c e d in g . The working of the and Mrs. W, A. Land of this place. The service, will be con .lu cled by with . L , b h IT .T " * R“' h ‘ "d Je‘ n’ Mr and p»“' ten months Andrew Land was a Springfield R.v- A L. «yera of ( h u r l of t e ^ Mr. Tinker " " " ’ Y " * *’U,n’ M OU,eap‘*' aDil exp.alned by one who visitor from here Thursday and Fri­ God Of Eugene A choir of six voices r e g a l i n g The n e w X p Z A L L Z r“’” ’b 0 M , th *re ” any m° re ha’ W‘ tChed #nd 8*Udied “ and in ’ d , y ° f ,a,,t Week- day of last week. led by Mr. Floy,I Lord was a plea., -u b scrlp io n . were n .Z ’s ' X ,n f,B v 7 ” ’r T “ ™Ct*°n8 aa tO how to y° ‘e ln order ! Mr a"1 * « • E™“ «<> daoKh- Ing feature of I,o- |,-|9t two m eetin gs , he quo«, w e prom ised th 7 e d H o r a 7 7 T ’ ' '» ho« 'hi- were given The o le o ' ter. Evelyn, were Eugene visitors and a apectal «election rendered by Several «poke during th gO<>d ,UDCb' margarine bill was discussed both , from here Thursday of last week. — ........ RjHise d"rln< during ,h the e even in g u r Smith and son visited Mrs. from the food and from the dairy In-1 A birthday dinner w ss given a t - “ - ................ X . - , - . . 1 ' "PO*~ Mr. 1 7 - ! ? .? .? " .? ..'" *U "gh- ,Wh!' « » ■ •' X The subFrrlptlon contest now stands ................... .............................. - ..... " a os follows: Canary, 1; Coast Fork. 2; hnnebo, 1; M cKenzie. 1; Mt. Vernon. of . ------------ - . .» ii. ’ 1; Trent, S; txirane. 1; Vida, 1. in a , few- d F-..R vvHie vi me . - vo«e of «nd Mrs. J. Henderson of Lorane, the day o. Ihe Lane county Farmer's Gross, and her daughter. Mrs. May not sufficiently . ',r ' l lr r'"'«l treatment and Mr. an:! Mrs. Geo. Powell and fam prunes that ........ ««»in iwiiwY sw ell ’1 » » r row eii anu lam- union u‘»wu luet-un?. meeting. in In tne the past the rarmei farmei • Hart of Portland. 4 RECEPTION WILL BE dried d u rin g the flrat process. • u. ♦ r, |. s » to r late thy jjy upent Sunday afternoon with .Mr. has kept his nose to the grindstone ---------- ------------------- - , W ’h s few ,n an , Mra. ollIpspfp. d ly in fhr„..pb tbe > » day In snd (lav day out out hu, but through HELD AT PLEASANT HILL pronrlati i n:arkr our president J G i'lefi l • a u l M. Heley. of Eu *1-'1 ° f machinery, and by the help de. arod ton s . s m o i closed until our CENTRAL LOCAL JASPER LOCAL * gen - spent Sunday with M. G ilts, ie. »he automobile the farmer can Much Interest Is being taken In » ♦ • » » • • • • • • • • • B next ri g Hui meeting. Mr. and Mra. Partch and family of f'irn h’s attention to the study of lb« rrceptlon to he given nt lha high On n< rou: t of bn I weather only a H. L RECK. At the next regular m eeting of Eug ae visited »he Pratt family Sun ,8WS and measures to be voted upon echonl building to ,h • teachers of few turned out for our local meet Ing County Secy-Trca*. day and attended Sunday school at n'1*» ,o a wiser choosing of those men the Central local which will be held the Plr-asant lllll high school ant, last W dm *dny evening Lone Cedar. »;'-d women who make those laws and 'n the Centra, community hall. At­ the grade schools of the T’pper Wil­ i*nui Weibr !:••. h? silo up and is. UNION DISLIKFS WAY ROAD Dorothy Gillespie «rent the week ' n ‘ there ed out. The farm- torney S. D. Allan of Eugene will give lam ette valley. Friday nlghl. October now getting r-ailv ,q fill ,t with ’ h? Is the “down-trodden fndtvid- Everbody | s invited. After the pro­ local of Formers union. Owing to the gram a feed will he served. nsaolution. condemning methods ---- ------------------------- u»l'' he has been called of late. fa^t that C. E. Jordan has gone lo tendance ymterday. nine more than , , » s i for r that >, , .. hy U!l |n COD- con. Although many farmers were no» western Lane on political business. las, Sunday end are hoping Stains: To remove U .1 vtruzil* off(r,nU in its n im n r v cocoa iR 5 stains . . ,„ » . Newspaper Views. Mrs, E. II. Tinker has hern ma lo gen­ many or mere next Sunday. T lu vs 1» «racin g .» th® Lane county meeting the bond project road be- »fom tablecloths and napkins try pr*’sen» Booklyn E agle—Cue idea o f g 1'i Vak r g v ng a program , j wt, , u f-0,( age G love and Ixtndon th»m first with cold water who could have been - - - there - - - - - it is true lruv eral chairman of the reception. The t rings and expressing the belief that ' i " 11 ,hen pour hoiking water through that ft WB* Impossible for some to election bet is one in which the loos­ following suh-commlltees have been In the ne-v ftttnrc. Grace Wallace was home for er has to read h ’s party's platform. eppolnltxl. Punch committee, Mrs. a good water bound macadam could ’"” fl ,b e stain has disappeared. This come Th‘' m»»sage that the countv Vancouver Sun—Exercise doen't al­ m eeting brought ito those present Andy Olson, chairman; reception i I week-end »from thus..' gardens, where have been, constructed about $13.000 '>:n l*'B0 remove coffee and tea com m ittee. Mra. C. I., Williams, chair she la teaching. cheaper were passed passed at a, the the last last meet meet- “in*- ’ should be carried home to each local ways increase the sire of the muscle, . . cheaper were L. It. Hack, road supervisor. Is ex- , PX- I , mg Issre » » .» I ( bv avaaww» look at »he tongue. b" its deleratPS delegates find and thus to w every man; musical com m it,ee. Mra. llellc .. of a Ihe Coast Fork local ___ The r u n I I’ectlng to start graveling the Hills iu, |()n . . . .. Wimmer, chairman The reccpllot, „ Oath Tub: Rub the tub with a cloth : member of the Farmer's union The • re» . i thnrffCB thnt the money was .. . . . . . ■“« “ «y » a s comm ittee wll stnnd In line from 8 creek road Tuesday. the Instructions F n f C a i i r y k c ■ wasted on the building of the road. Idam penol with kerosene oil. It doès discussions and I . should be given at the m eetings of the V -O .U g U J > o'clock till 9 o’clock at which lime . i no, hurt the enamel and will A nnouncem ent ___________ _ C° Unt> “* " e all stains with less work. L ' _ - I Y ® ‘he a short address of welcome to ihe | locals and every farmer who could All ;------- members of the candidate slate court when the work started --------------- ---- ------------------- ----------------wora w as was nrsi first started _____ _______________ no, teachers will he given by II C. W heel­ not ne be present at the countv county meeting C o ld s • « » x i»x |>i * * « * > g . i i|r nt (j rOv K lllR, Z ’nt th" r h ' n T ““" ^ ,' Prea !""'“ "’ / Or C7 Wh,'d ln",í>a,, o f SPECIAL PR iC E on plate work Dr ! ShOU,d a,tend tbe “« » meeting of ed, chairman of the Pleasant Hill gravel on the ro«d road. It la enl nt the Chamber of Commerce, Commerce. In crushed gravil n I. ». W. ... Emery, » ___ . . . . Su«ton „ . ___ u ,n e .i “Ber the ____... _ high school bourd of directors. Pro» ent N. dentist. Bldg • h llis loca* county ___ meeting. Eugene. Saturday, October 18th. at claimed that this protest waa ignored it is im portant to use prepara­ M. E. Haya will give the response. 1:30 P i “"d a " bld8 f° r <’rUghed rock "«•"*! Toledo B la ile -T o be pretty a g ir l' MUTUAL HELPFULNESS tions which act prom ptly and Thia will ho followed by a general get • W „ ” -L BECK. I ignored «nd one accepted for crushed must feel pretty, and she simply has DurlnK an Interview which the edl which are harm less. acquainted social. Cider will be served < 5 " « !, to be In style for that. tor of ,h e Farmer’8 Union News had throughout the evening nnd different ________________ a',(,y Treas ç . s . C, gravel.________ Rexall I^axaiive Aspirin Cold recently with E. Eugene Chadwick, musical numbers will he rendered Tablets are vei*y good for a secretary of the Eugene chamber of until (he eloping. cold in its first stages. They commerce. Mr. Chadwick said “The Eugene chamber of commerce relieve the fever and headache Birmingham News: Le, us keep our is for for the (be past n«sf thre.. .i - wh ch often accom rnm »he cold has three years „ main two great pnrtles. Each needs the and also exert a valuable iaxa- tained an agriculture committee com­ other for an nllhl. action. posed of farmers of Lane county who are members of the chamber of com­ Eikay's White Pine. T a r and merce. The object of this committee Wild Cherry Compound is an is to work out problems of mutual old-fashioned, effective reemedy benefit to the farmers and tflislness which needs no introduction. men alike. In fact, the activities of It is pleasant- he chamber of commerce for «lie past F ill! SALE - IClltxi ■ Bland red pullets t a s t i n g and few years have been nt least fifty per Mrs. E. II. Tinker, Pleaaatn Hill, gives real re­ rent agricultural since the agricultural Phono Springfield IUF2. industry of the county is still our lief in cases of basic industry. The chamber of com c o u g h, cold, F o il SAI.) W indfall apples, llild m -rce' is vitally Into tc In »m h o a r s ene ss, wins. 'id ix .'iln irg r ana Newtons. ;i Ict'ltural developm ent and sucre s ROc a giinnj k nt tho ranch, li. bronchial irri­ : ud s a’wa.vs remlv to stuud im k B Tin' 'r ic a . Ooranir Aire | dales ar, tlio b, it li oilers, trae- Individual farmer or farm organ! za- lions to hrl g their problems t tlie bnrkdia ai d stayer . .Splendid guard chamber of commerce which us Mr. for Imme, auto, or chil l. Male« »10. Chndwii k had said ‘ is nlwnys ready fam ilies »7. c , K. Bester, Canary, to ptand bek of the farmer in helping Oregon. O 9-lb Springfield, ®re. him work out. problems to the mutual Phone 15 adavntage of the cenununlty." ls ix i THERE’S A DOOR THIS YEAR Farmers Union EXCHANGE Flanery's Drug Store