The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 16, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    ía g é
J i l l KHI IAT . IM I
I U.
Were ISO» present. the largest Bible •grlngfiald C úpeos Frag Methodiet
school ever held In Oregon
1 m ated In West Springfield near
Mr and Mr« <) A M< Mah«»n at
1 ■
I l«t»l0d Sandal tcAHol in Eugene Huh Cieawaud H’at ton l.llllaU Gray, pastor
I variety of performance and
* * * »lay.
Bunday e< bool— 1« « hi Joale Lne,
Icnca hr no Other bora, show <„
Mrs Margaret Campbell and son. sui erintendetil ciss««« for all.
I board Owing to the lacreeaed attend
I T e a ih ln g -U a m Hermoa by Hey
Tfce Ooahen Gran«« me; ta regn | aBC< „ , h< hl<h „ .fcool aaoUM< room
f*<aae of the finest show haraes la Wank, spent Bunday In Eugene with
Mrs lleckelt Class meeting fnHowtng
Ur session Wednesday at thetr hal |, j g ,
, h. hl<h K.hool b, , w
AmeWoa were at the IMS show and Mr and Mrs Ryan
they gave performaacee worthy of
Young people's m eeting~ 1 p m
la Goahea. transacted the usual bnai ing next year aad the bel! PVi «P
ra FMIx R-arhs from McK»n»le
th e ir r e p u ta tio n T hi. year eve«
Bee« and passed the following re«o- at that time.
Bridge spent the week end to Thura. Ralph Walker, leader
ela borate ppaparati.ias h a w tw>,u ton
le tlo a :
Evening service 7 «I Hong serv­
Over <0 song books have been or-
made for the show iMme wonderful
Mrs Fred Itusael motored to Mott ice for It minutes, led by Esther l^»r
Resolved. that the Goshen trait«« ered by the «indents of th e F le a s
I horse*, both for form aad act i«a. act
la opposed ta the child labcr amend­ aat HUI high school. The book rhea
to be here »her» -w1U be shown atl mouth Ust Friday and brought her ] Prsver «nd ITayer M eelIng Thurs.
ment la v ia thetr present form,
' *ke galta. and all the feats possible daughter, Margaret home to spend day 7 SO led by Mrs Lee
e a ia “The Gray Book of Favortti
| within a horse show arena
the week-end
l o n e and bring the babies, and en­
ttoa 111 in thetr pr'»«?ot term.
Songs.“ when these arirve there will
Rapidly this show has come to the
Perry Price who Is attending 0 . A joy the service, arith Us All ara w«|-
Mr». TUton e t Pteasaut H II la vi» be assrtnbly singing twice a week at
I front and today n enjoys an aat on uh C. at Corvallis spent last weekend nnti», regardless of creed or color,
ltmg her daaghter Mrs Al Higgins the high school.
, t u reputation. The blue ribbon. It at bts home here
at Trent.
Song books hare been ordered for
¡grants for conformation and perform
Maude Edmletoa and Mrs Tttus
Mi«» Julia Svafford. of lx»w»U. >■ J » Ftenaaat Hill public school by
Metbediat Church.
j ance are eagerly sought by the best
staying at the home of Mr and Mr* Mrs M E Hays, principal. Whet»
The J H Ebbert Meenortal M -fho
• drivers aad owners of this country from E u g e n e m otored out to Thurs
Will Arnold and attend la« the Union these arrive both grades will gather
dial fhureb .»raer t and C street.
It is assured already that the show (on last Rsturdav
bigfc seh ml at P le a sa n t Hill.
The ladle«* of Thurston have organ
this year will surpass in brilliance and
F I. M««re. Minister.
la the upger room where there is
j thrilling quality aad class all its pre- tied a ladles* aid Society with Mrs
A « c a ll building coneisiing of roon an organ for singing.
Morning there al the | | o'rlork
The P io fte Iniproi'.kiBil L Jrw toci 4ecew<»r».
Thom«« William, presidi nl; Mrs Her hoar, "An Open Irriter** and at 7;>o
for weaving rag-carpet» and w ool
Class elections will be held at the
" " ' • ' i « » ' » » » ! last It u
The spectacle of lad «.trial exhlb rintton. vicwpre«ldent ; and Mrs Roy
abed combined la being built on the Pleasant HUI high school the Utter lion. Its exhibits
p tn a community song (..Rowed by
are brought for j Its will be one of •arpassing beauty
secretary ' They " * *re to m eet the nirssage of the evening OB “The
ranch of Ml»« Bertha Mans!««
part of this week
g» the p
the purpose
pvrpoee of
of teach
t e s c h in i,,«
.W,c la a M s ,, of H, hl. evecy coior of Edmialon.
Mr aad Mrs Andy Olson. H C
r t the rainbow will be blended to e i u r ... I
rh“" h n r ,‘ T*«r"*V
HulcMe of The Houl **
Font» new pupils have entered the aom ethta, of the work done t o .a _____
«••F1’’’ « h,v.R
W heeler. W. L Wheeier Mr and Mrs Pleasant HUI public school. Ruth. :se>rfw<': 'Tl< «Rimai t*««e
*“ • ,Or ,b*
“ d em“h* '* * ,h* Quality of the I noon
Church school at 0 4( Epworth
M’»tr»d Price spent Hatur.lsy night !r « to r Hunday < 1 0 p m Mid week
E B Tinker aad Clyde E Jordia Stewart, Albert and Jack Emery who
R , „ -Ism . ,
fruit» aad vegetables, the wares of
while learning , hi« leae.m every kind, te be exhibited The best ! la Eugene.
motored to Lorane Friday. Octoboi h a w recently moved to Pleasant llili
service Thursday 7 10 p m.
ave may have
10 to attend the Lane coanty Farmer« with their parents ,rom Idaho They much the better good time, tt la _ m u sic obtglaeble will be supplied
Mrs Taylor Needham received a
w ew vare uut^iir «very
yvrty BiirrBitc
afternoon and evening
union meeting.
Carl Olson station «rent tn Hprtng
are living
the ranch recently oc­ part of the Exposition which delights Í Manufacturer«’ and l<aad Products tel“gram announcing the tnsrrlate of
The M isses Velma W illiam, and cu p ied bv Mr aad Mrs. Dewey Baker and charm» the public more -than any Show and Grain and Hay Show under her daughter. Mlsa Laura Mitchell to field for the Rnuthem Pacific rail­
s u d t h * I IA t h * h u r w * « K c im
I b a ev»
Thelma Kimball of Trent are batch aad faiaQy.
* «
the management of C fi Misto« the Harvey G Hadley of Hadlevvtlle way company, has been granted a
Dairy P rotects Show In rharwe of k They wer« married In Roseburg Hat 10-day vacation beginning last Tue«
in« at Cecil Wheeler« place at Fleas
Mrs, C E Jordan has been suffering
but ao popolar did It prove and so B Ziemer aad other fearurea deserve urday. October 11. is;«, front where rfav Ills place la being taken by W
ant Hill and attending Union high 1 rw at deal lately with a sprained j great
tb. crowd, that cam .
to more than bare mention but •pace they left for California. They expect W Wfnegnr. who cornee here
« 'bat m atinees were added in forbid«
Mr and Mrs Charles H. BUderback
to spend several month« touring Sou­ l*afayetta. Oregon
Mr and Mrs Brab Amon. of Mar Use afternoon« of the U st three days
T b . Pacific In tern a tio n a l l
and taro children. Jane and Milton of foa. Indiana. vUlted at the home of
Tear It was asserted by visitors Ea posit loo affords every man woman thern state« This came a* a great
Eagene. Motor R A were Snnaday Mrs. Dora Harden the past w e e k e n d j * h° »” ««4ed the great horse shows «ad child both edu.-aiion and enjoy surprise to her friend» who atl Join
Visited trem Donna— Mise Grace
«vests at the home of Mr and Mrs Mrs Amon is a great aunt of Paul and I
’ T**7 , " * r' 'h*' ' he
>« 1» held at North Portland ia extending their best wishes
Handtt was a guest of Miss Edna
Ernest Schrenk and attending Union Mary Harden.
i annl was »utPMkjtl l* .November l to I tnclwylv«
Hwarts at tbs home of Mr sod Mm
Mrs H M Calkins, of Springfield,
George Dowmey. »slentilsn for the C K Swart» oa Tuesday and atayed
Mrs. Daa Woods of Sheridan
«pent M onday October 1J al the omlag uho has been v i.itln * at the 7 ^ **
Atkin» Raw company of Portland was over night
«bat they chairman.
home o f her sister. Mrs C. L. ".VHJ- home of her statar. Mrs Harrv Re w “‘ T* ’* c*,rd r returned home fro
a Springfield business visitor Tues­
t lyde E Jordan filed his certifi­ day.
iams. harvesting concord grapes.
Mart from Portland—Charlo» Htr»h.
vt —
Eugene spent several days at the ‘ «n extended auto trip through the cate of nomination for county aaaetM
The McLaughlin hoys who are hat
« hide buyer of Portland, was la
home of Mr and Mrs George Kelaoy
or oa the Independent ticket. Wed be«
chlcg at the home of Mr. and Mm
Springfield Tailor «hop ha» been Hprlngfleid yeilerday visiting the Io
last week. Mrs Wood« ia a old time by Mr. Moore's brother
d a y . t b t o b e r 10. Mr Jordan who la
Erveet Schrenk and «lending Union
• al meet markets aad purrhaalag
acquaintance o f the Kelaayu who
Ml«« Hallie Boaver wfto Is teach a resident or Pleasant HIU Uvea oa moved from the corner of <th aad htd«*«
high school «pent the week-end with
’ormerly resided at Sheridan. Wyom <«g at the Monroe high school spen. the farm formerly ow aej by Mr,
their parents at LowelL
the week-end with her mother. Mrs Mar» u alker He is a member of the opposite the Farm ers Exchange O ld
Mother Dies— Mrs R M Monro« of
The contract for painting th» pleay-
Bearer at Enterprise
Trent local of Farmer's union, of the
Portland, mother of Mr« John ltk-h
Aanocncemeatg hare been receiv­
ant Hill high schol which is to re-
Goshen Orange aad of the American " A-MT Elk—All kinds of plain sewing ter of Springfield, died at her home
ed at Pleasant Hill of the mariage
The Christina Endeavor, of Plena
c» vr two coats of white paint this
also hour work Will work by (he
Lfglon post at Eugene He served
of Mis» Margery Smith, daughter of
Monday morning at the age of »0
•n t HfU. meet at the church Sunday
fail has been let to Mr. Bert John.
la y or hour Mrs. Ambrose. Rpong
Mr. and Mrs Alonso Smith, to Dr.
sixteen months oversea« la the World
year» Mr» Richter left for Portland
evening October 11 with Miss Lottie
Twenty-three new desks were In­
8 H JJ
Townsend William Thorndike on Sat
Monday afternoon to attend the fun­
war under a commission one year.
Benduhadler as leader The president
stalled In the Pleasant HUI high
Since coming to Pleasant HUI Mr
urday. August JO at Boston. Mass
eral Besides Mm Richter. Mra Mnn-
Mi«« Gladys Wheeler, appointed the
«•hoc! be prof. F F Cooper, two
POOD RALE--- By Baptist laides aid In
Jordan has been very active in corn-
Mis» Smith was formerly the nutri­
p»e 1» lurvlved by two other children.
Moaday. October IS the board order­
following com m ittees Prayer meeting.
the fx>ng aad ('roes building. Hat
Mm Alice Shepard nt Portland, and
ed IS more.
Mary Harden, chairman; social. Mr,
urday. October IS
<) ]« jj Verrr Vinrrr»-
Pleasant Hill public school board and
sion department and held a series of
M. E. Hays, chairman; Missionary,
The Urge school bell which was
the Pleasant HUI rvjreseatatlve ,,n j
presented to the Pleasant Hill high
the Union high school board of di- I
schol by prof F. F Cooper, t w .
Vectors. He 1« also secretary of the
years ago will not be pot up this « o ™ »
» o,
Parmer s union warehouse
Many rwaldeaU of the Upper Wil-
Um ete ralley atten ied the auction
at the J c . Wam»»old farm, at Fall
Ureek Tuesdav. October 7. when
everything including the ranch of J ij
»ere, * as
„ aucf|o ,
* » t t . m rchant of Fall 0 ^
<*ha.ed the ran« h for M l00 cash Mr.
jJ C. Wambold aDd her dkughter-in
, l»w. Mrs Glenn Warn bold who hay.
bee» living at the ranch
i move to Portland to make their home
n the future.
A number of young folk» of Trent
and Dexter gave Mr and Mr«. WaJton
Markham a rhlviarie Batrnday night
ctober 11 Mr. and Mrs. Markham
w r e seer»»*» married In Roseburg I
ptember M Mr,. Marhhtm who
v a t formerly M W May Blood
graduate from the Springfield high
h oot is teaching the | OWe r grade,
»t Trent public schools.
Mr and Mr«. W. L. Brlafow. Mrs
Hermaa Knutson ard daughter. Hilda
and Mrs S II. CalUson and M.
and Mrs. C. L Williams «tU nd-d
1 »m Bunday school rally at the Chris-
Han church at Eugene Sunday Octo-
her 1J
Mr and Mrs. R j English, of Trent
! *nd daughter. Mrrgarel and Mr and
„ F ® Ca” r,n nt K“«*nf were
Your Kitchen
s.ra, John Lawson of Pleasant HUI
was admitted to the Mercy hospital
f a k e r ’s Cut Velour Davenport
$110 00
Saturday. October 11
Voing Lher the Top at the Exposition
Community News
X “"
x »r-
Oct. 18-19
room at a time
Chaur or Rockers t o m atch
Windsor chairs from $12.00 to $18 00
u-avy Bussoj-ah A rm inister rugs 9x12 $€0
Koyal Axminister ruga, 8x12
$52 00
Genuine inlaid linoleum, laid in your
Heavy print
Congoleum rugs
Dining Room
$21.00. $26.00 $29 75
Chairs in solid oak, leather seat
$5 50
Walnut tabl.-s at $ 2 \’.0, $38.00 and $45 00
( hairs that match in blue leather
55c to $19.50
Ml«« Grace Jonea haa gotten wxlmit
PO-rou so badly It wan necessary to '
roriRiiK a j hj’Rfcian
Mm Root, from Mohawk, «pent ser- !
cral d ay, the past week with her |
daughter«. Mm. Baxter and Mra Rob
l»y. .
Mr and Mr, Ralph Teetem and
daughter from Cottage Grove visited
Mr. Teetem aunt. Mr». Taylor need-
tam Rpv*ra! day« lant week.
Colonial ranges (Oregon built» $62.00 to
Kitchen cabinet in unfinished, white enamel
or oak
$25.00 to $75.00
Rememlier we give 10?, of for casta on all
n ; 05
518 7-
$10 00
We charge no ¡m erest on our m onthly pay
ment plan.
Our p rt-is are right; our stock ¡3 complete
W want your b-isiress.
Taylor Needham haa been picking
nia walnut crop the past week
furniture (contract goods excepted,
H $?5 up!'*"10“ ' and W alnut B'-’ifes*
Simons double deck springs
60 lbs. cotton m attresses K
lh. cotton linter m attresses
$165 sq. yd.
The ladhe of the neighborhood gave
Mm W illis Bert,e)i « party Wed n ee
j day afternoon at Mr», fra Gray hop..
Roy Edmtaton dug I
wa , he
fe -t week He harvea.
* .
Mr. and Mra. Ca.nm and
bare beeu visiting Mr. ate.
' ' > I H
g J Ur-,j-
■sy (be
the pus
pti«t few day«. T »
n c n n nlng
ln g a <-)»<.»«•. fgc»<,ry
I ; 'n*-',otit for »«
* .
I bare so •' • <
d are now on their wav
’ ’ W tahlU CU ’
F urnitur e
Mra. A. W Wearer apaoi V’-4ne»-
’ r r’ done on h^r rnr.
The blah school fr »bmen h I
r r e c bt.on in the bull ’-»t f
I Icy i vi ning
I Mr. end .Mr.t. J ,hn E1 pi << ■ a n i
on. Jatne«. «tended (ht-idg , , f ,
Eug..»e last Sunday ,.t |i»g r ,.r 11
tian chuicb. It waa a rally and there
national Tu tu re
Note - - First Show
steki ts at 6 o’clock
Sunday Matinee
starts 3 o’clock
showing continuously