P age THE SPRINGFIELD NEWA * THURSDAY, OCT. 1«, 1924. Went to Colorado— Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Mooney and Chelr young non left Saturday on a trip to Grand Junc- Ily FLO Nephew Visits — Francis Adrian, tllon, Colorado, and Oklahoma points. Beekeeping la an Industry under small nephew of Mr. and Mrs. W. Porch C o m p le ted — A new back Ivory: To restore Ivory that has development In this country aa pub­ Henry Adrian. Is here with his aunt porch baa Just been completed on the turned yellow to Ila uatural color, rub lic appreciation of honey aa a food 1 and uncle on a visit. He Is the son D. W. McKinnon borne In Willamette with turpentine. continue* to grow and create a de­ of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Adrian of Eugene. Heights. The work was done by C. F. Coat Hangars: If coat hangers are mand. Honey is a aweet aa old as ! Hla parents are enoylng a stay up the Scott, Mrs. McKinnon's brother, who covered with velvet Instead of silk, the race and always held in esteem. ! McKenzie river. Is here staying with hl* father, C. F. the garments will not slip off. Its flavor and aroma vary with tb. Scott. He 1* from Portland. V ie t fro m T u rn e r — Mr. and Mrs. 8. Went up McKenzie— Mr. and Mrs. Cabbaga: When boiling cabbage put predominating kind of flower which . H. Baker, daughter Mrs. May Talbot, In a piece of stale bread. This kill* the bees visit. Besides Ita use for I and O. I Burnett, brother of Mrs. L. E. Danks and daughter, June, went table purpose* honey la much ueed In I Baker, of Turner, Oregon, were visit- up the McKenzie Saturday to their the unphiasant odor. Japanese Trey*: Try thle for clean­ cooking to replace all or part of the ' Ing old friends In Springfield Sunday. homestead In that district. They re­ ing J a pane«« tray*. Make a mixture :*ugar, and It serves a purpose like Mr. Turner was formerly the owner turned Saturday evening. of vinegar and powdered whiting. Ap­ that of augar In the diet—It la a of the Springfield flour mill. Moved to R anch— The John Tom- ply It with a soft flannel, wipe oft source of energy In readily available Went to 8cotsburg— Mr. and Mrs. seth family moved from their home In with a clean cloth and polish with form. j Norman L. Howard made a trip to Wlllamete Heights to their ranch be­ The researidt of »file bee-culture tween Goshen and Creswell on Sun­ a chamois. ' Scottsburg Sunday. day. Toothbrush: If a new toothbrush 1» laboratory ot the Bureau of Entomol­ Visited 8on—Mr. and Mrs. Carl OI- soaked over night In a glaaa nf water, ogy of the United State« Department ' «on went to Portland Sunday where Working in Springfield Again— of Agriculture la Intended to throw (he hr I «lice will tin t come out and Ben A. Johnson, who has been work­ light on the problems which arise In i they spent the day visiting their son, ing In W altervllle, Is now employed II will laat tw ice as lonr i Russell. They motored to Sprtngflelo Potatoes: To utlllxe leftover boiled the beekeeplqg industry, euch as the at the Second Avenue garage. He be­ | Monday morning. potato«, and make a few "go around" diseases affecting two» and the fac­ gan hla work there Monday. Stopped at Sawmill—Jexs Griffin < ut them up. add a slice of bread cut tors affecting the flow, flavor, pr color Into dice and fry the potatoes togeth­ of honey. Practically all of the ex­ of Eugene was here on business Mon­ C A L L A N D S E E D r. N . W Emery tension In this field hag been turned day at the Springfield plant of the er Il make» u delicious dish. on prices on plate and other work, tf Booth-Kelly luber company. over to the several States, which have Soup: W h e n m a k in g aoup always pul In the meat In cold water. Corned continued It altnoet without exception beef and ham should be put In boiling Tho correspondence of the laboratory water Add a tablespoon of vinegar 1« heavy. While the beekeeper« of the country are at the present time con­ to make the meat lender. Hot Water Bottls: After emptying tending with low honey price« In a hot water bottle It Should be «light­ (he general market they ere as a ly Inflated with air before the etop- rule atilt caring for their bees as ;cr Is replaced Then powder with tal­ well as ever and are sending aa many cum ami put a way In n cardboard box Inquiries to the United State« De­ D E M O C R A T IC C A N D ID A T E where It will not he damaged by con­ partment of Agriculture aa formerly. Several other division« of the de­ tact with light and air. fo r Linen: Linen that Is not to be used partment cooperate with the bee-cul­ for quite a while should never be ture laboratory In work Which con starched, as It may crack. The linen eerns the beekeeper. These include should be rinsed quite free of starch, the carbohydrate and mlcrocbemlcal dried and folded away In blue paper laboratories o f the Bureau of Chemis­ W a s recommended by Farm er» Union delegate» at The blue paper will keep It from turn­ try, three offices of the Bureau of th e ir m eeting at Eugene C ham ber of Commerce, Agriculture Economics, and the Of­ ing yellow. M arch 10, 1924. M em b er Farm er» Union. Starch: If little plecea of scented fice of Cooperative Extension Work. From time to time various other of­ toilet soap »re dropped In your hot — Paid Advertisement. I vtarch. It will give the clothing a I fices and bureaus contribute Infor­ mation. fragrant odor. HONEY INDUSTRY AIDED BY BUREAU ENTOMOLOGY Thrifty Tip» FOR T H E H O M E Tempt a l io n s « I bail net meant to accept Kill« all the way from San Francisco to Mlutietl'« hoiMH' party inBatlun, «nil Cuba, I have followed with Inter«*! yet when I urrlved »1 "hl«« Dorados.'* your butterfly carreer and I agree Itm Mllchell'a luxurious e»tale on til« with your throng of pro«« agents. The llay Shore of historic old Pensacola, minute you come Into the room It I was glad (hat I hml used a woman's waa Ilk« another candle ligh ted .’ "Hey there, you two. Come to the I rorogntlve uml chnged my mltid to party Hallie It's up to you.” some r u n » at lb « In»! uilnule, In keeping with Ute Informality oi one yelled. "All rghl. referee; I heard you Iho Ihii Mitchell's Mtarlatntng. Ute chauf fuur hail been n u t to meet m« »O'l first time." I rcn;«nded. "but I pa«» I ha, come eleven —aweet dy- ‘ said purple ones with rod heels. How absolutely adorable! You can get nnmlte." I coerced •'It's the way Sallle talk* to 'em." , sway with extreme things. Sallle. hut som eone good naturedly complained ' they're not for me. Im the pink and blue type Baby blue at that, and be- "even tho dice are no« Immune* "¥«•. you make »he real of ua look lleve me. It takes som ething more Ilk» an undertaker«' convention." de- , than color« that are sw eet and girl­ dared a voice behind, and leaning ' ish to make a hit nowadays. By the hack on my heel«, I turned and facen I way." she added as an after thought. u »trnnger. whom I noticed waa alert "Have you met Warren Fisher?” "Sounds like a movie actor. Nope, In hl« manner. "We're 'way ahead of you. too," j don't believe I have, unte*«—" and I ho continued, "here’« «omething that described the good looking stranger ■night give you a little ahove In the . who had given me hla 'Tom and Jer­ right direction " He amlled engagingly ! ry'." unit offred me a toll, frosted glass '< "That's Warren, all over," announ­ from which I took one exaggerated ced Ellie, "owns half of Wall Street, has a gorgeous yacht and er—" ■ wallow. "Yea, yea. go on,” I encouraged, "That hit the apnt, all right,*' I murmured, "ami I haven't the excuse walking toward the bath room where of a hot and duaty journey either, be­ I could sm ell the spicy aroma of cause the trip ornr waa cool and plena- . dainty bath crystals In the warm va- ant; but It needed juat thia little deli­ por "Shh." »he put her finger to her cate attention to complete my heaven lips and looked about In a mysterious ly Impreaalon of Pensacola.” We chatted unnoticed. the circle ’ manner. "I must have your 'full and undivided' to tell you about Warren. having widened. "So you're Hallie, the Sallle, whose j I wil tell you thia though.'* face has peered from soclty columns 1 (To he continued next wreck.) Home Again three It’s Ball Bearing Mo­ tor and Ball Bear­ ing Brush Run With Purring Smoothness and Need No Oil The Cleaner That Has With every Cleaner on the market to choose from— and a public ob­ ligation to determine the best — we have chosen the PREMIER DUPLEX for this campaign. We have experiment­ ed— tried every test— in fine make and thor­ ough cleaning the PRE­ MIER DUPLEX has stood them all. Passed Every Test Just Like Turning in Your OLd Car on Purchase of a New One In addition to this trade allowance for your old machine, we will al- so allow you the same t>a?y payment terms of­ fered to those who have no cleaner to trade In. This is only a DOL­ LAR down and teh bal­ ance on easy $5 pay­ ments with your month­ ly light bill. Demonstration in your own home on your own rugs. Do not miss this wonderful opportunity to see this Double Action Cleaner in action. If our demonstrators do not get to your home within a short time, a phone call or post card will bring them immediately. Free! Free! EGGIMANN’S - , j. . . , . y . . I I ....... ........1 '" ■ I ...... Subscribe For The Springfield News -ra t, .. . — i--------- i — — --------------------------------------------— Mountain States Power Company