7 S P R IN G F I F I n , „ T H E _______ o. OÍ O. IJbm ry DBVOTCD .rlRKBT O F S P N IN G F IIL D A N D TH B F A R M «R » OF THB W IL L A M ÍT T » V A L L IV W ESTERN T E R M IN A L OF THE NATRON X CUTOFF ______ 1rHE SPRINGFIELD NEWS “ Thn People's PapeF* A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N s a re rc s s BPKINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 16, 1924. TW EN TY-FIR ST YEAR NUMBER 40. POLLARD-WEDDLE EVENT MRS. PAUL BRATTAIN SOLEMNIZED HERE SUNDAY CHOSEN P. T. A. HEAD EVEHT CELEBRATED BUSHMAN FOR BUSINESS METHOD ADMINISTRATION MAYOR CALLS CITY Mr« I’uul llrattaln waa «looted (president of the Parent Teacher na- Rsv. Pointer; W ill M ake T h e ir soclatlun to fill the veancy left by Homo In Portland. the re.Igntloii of Mra. C. A. Swart» at u special meeting of the orgattlaa- Mr. nnd Mr». L. E. Thompson On« of Ihe autumn'« seuaon's moat Culebra.o jQ Year» of Mur- ih llglitful evuiita waa the marriage tlon on Friday afternoon at the Lin­ coln school building. ried Life With Family Re­ or Mias K lsli Weddle of Bprlngfleld The resign! ion of Mr« Swart» waa. 1« Mr. Nell rollarti of Portland, which union October 12 at Wood­ • formally accepted, and the e le c tio n : was quietly solemnized in the Chrla of the new president held. man Hall. tian church at 12:80 o'clock on But. * ■ The regular meeting of the asscla .Mr. and Mm. L. K. Thompson, who day, following lh« morning services. : lion will be at 3 o'clock Friday aflei i hsvr lived here »Into ‘>1. oel«’brut»tup*ons tuoUur und ■ueota. T he bridal em p i« w ore unattended. ' aa well a» the grade», according to Colonel Theodore Roosevelt regla- brol|i«'r. Mr» Alma Signor and N. II. Hi k nor. wore thi> only Kutria pre«- j They look th eir places a t th e altar, • Mr«, W. Percy Tyson. aecretarv-treas- t’ r*d ,h e iMBpuS Roosevelt «mile cut who atttv'dod th« wedding fifty } which was besutlfully d ecorated with urer. It la possible »too. tfa t the * he“ nominated governor of New years ago, a«. Waupaca, Wisconsin. ; itulum u leave«, n« Mr«. It. E. M oahier meeting time may lie changed from Ytark on the Republican ticket re- There have been no dost ba in the ! played "Orane« Blomom».*’ Preced- afternoon to evening ao that more cently. Iiutusdlsta family for f»0 years. The ■ lug th« cerem ony Mr Dellas Murphy I lem on» may attend. At any rate, the LOCAL LUMBERMAN IS parsats, six children. IS arand-chll- •ang "At P aw ning," accom panied on 'natter will be diH "" « « k lw In the bride. M r and M r . Thompson, St* ” bank. Mr. Pol- the bridal pair, a g .e 72 and #1 year« 1 " I " " m“‘ hln'"’ ,or * ,ar*’ ,>ort’ respectively, D II Thompson, who land concern. During thtwwar he aerv- will be 85 years of age next month. ed In the shipbuilding department Mrs. tlrnoe Roberts. Arthur L Rob­ of the navy. erts and wife Opal. Mr. and Mrs. T. Day. Mrs, C. B Bicknell and son CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Paul. Earl Robert«. Mrs. Maude Bry­ OFFICIAL STOPS HERE an and daughter Cryalal Maude. Earl M Thompson and «on latwrenre Earl. F. It. Barnes, of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. M E Castle of Charles- western district manager of the edl- ton. Waahlngton. and children Allene, . <°rla| department of "The Nation's Eldon, and Robert. Mr. and Mr«. Bu.lnrss," official publication of the Floyd D Tliomp.on and daughter i ' nlted States chamber of commerce. Heater Jean. Mr. and Mrs. K. V. arrived In Springfield yesterday to Itarrett of Eugene, aon Kennte and call on W. F. Walker, local chamber daughter Avis Marl«, Mr. and Mrs. "f commerce president, and Walter J, M Thomp«on, Mr. nnd Mrs. N. H. chamber secretary. Mr. Signor, nous George. Adna. Virgil. El- hn" Ju’ t «pent two weeks In hie, and daughter Iteah. Mr and Mrs. Eugene He Is making the rounds of Ernest Conley and children Pauline, the various towns distributing busi­ Karl and Ernest Jr , and special ness Information, both general and guests. Victor Fbgel of Springfield, statistical, to the business men, and Marguerite Hard of Florence, and collecting facts on conditions as he go««. Ho has charge of tho states Arthur Vouena of Charleston. Wn. Many friend« called during the af ! " Mt ° f Rock,r raount*ln’ - ternoon to offer congratulation«. Mr. ! and Mrs Thompson received several Springfield Man Oles, gifts of gold and «everal beautiful , Morgan Washburne, 63 years old. an presents. Their children presented uncle of Mrs. M. It Huntley or this them with a purse full of gold pieces. 1 c,*y. died In Portland yesterday of Mrs. Charlotte J. Cox of Acme. Ore- heart failure. Mr. Washburne who gon, presented a wonderful wedding l,a" I’een making his home with Mr. cake, large enough to serve all the and Mrs. Huntley here went to Port­ relatives and guests. land to be at a relative's wedding. He fell dead on the street following the wedding. Delegate to Convention. i II. Elmer Maxey, one of the ow>- Genefleld Club Entertained. era of the Wlllamete Press, publish­ ers of the .Springfield News, left for Tlio Genflold Bridge club met at the Portland and Vancouver, Washington home of Mrs. Paul Bastard on Thurs­ Monday noon ns a delegate to the day afternoon, with Mrs. J. L. Clark. Knights of Pythias convention from Mrs. E. G. Sutton, and Mrs, Bastard the Helmet lodge, 'Jdugene. Mayor of Eugene a« special guests. Mem­ Parks, of Eugene, wa« the other dele­ bers present besides the hostess gate from the lodge. Mr. Maxey wen, were: Mrs. 8. Ilnlidi Dlppel, Mrs. I.evl In the company of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. , Neet. Mrs. John F. Kotels, Mrs. Har- W Ilson who are alien ling the con- ry M s ,„ wllrt. Mrs Carl olRon an(1 ventlon. They motored on to Vancou­ Mrs. W. C. Rebhsn, all of Springfield, ver Monday evening tar the Inspection nnd Mr«. Curl Fischer, Mrs. A. Mc­ of the Knights of I’y'hlns home, built Kenzie. mid Mrs. Cogswell Campbell, tar the members In Ihe slates of Ore- all of Eugene. The afternoon wits eon and Washington. The convention »pent playing bridge whist. Itself met in Portland Tuesday and tlfleer. elected for the coming year . Wednesday. The next meeting of the nre; Mrs. Cnrl Olson, president; Mrs. ! Grand lodge will he In EugenP. John F. Ketels. treasurer, nnd Mr«. ; Egglmnnns Return. Mayor nnd Mrs. Charles F. Eggi- mnnn returned Monday after (ravel- Ing ROOD miles during the past month. They vl«lt->d various points In the east, returning home hv way of New Orleans, where they slopped off. on to Texas, where (hey visited the cities of Houston. El Paso, nnd others, then tv» California where they spent a few days In Los Angeles. San Francisco, nnd three days In Sacramento before getting hack to Springfield. Harry M. Stewnrt. report t . Tho club | m e e t, w ith Mrs. Cogswell Campbell In Eugene next Thursday. Special Meeting Called— A «peel"I m eitlng of the Lndles of Ihe Grand Army tins been called by Mrs. Charles F. Eggimann, president tar Friday afternoon nt her home. At that time lilnns will be discussed nnd practice held for the Inspection on November 7. Cl.ty Eng'neer Surveys — Simon Left for Homs— Mrs. Minnie irons. Klovedahl, Springfield's city engin­ • tster of Mrs. Cal Barnes, left for eer, was here yesterday from Eugene her home fn Portland yesterdny after surveying for sidewalks on W est 3rd «pending two wanks In Springfield. etreet. ENTERTAINS PRICILLA IL Bulletin, published in Portland. CLUB FRIDAY AFTERNOON October. i»24. 1 I An article headed “The 8plrit that M ie John C. Parker was h ostess to Produces." gives us the following: the Prlcllla club on Friday afternoon I "R. A. Bates, planer feeder at the at her home The h o u ih ^ a s decora- Springfield plant of the Booth-Kelly t e l with dahlia, in autumn colors. Lumber company. Is believed to have A tw ocourse luncheon was served, broken all previous records when he The hoate»» was aas^ted In serving ran 33.528 feet of 1x4 flooring from by Mis» Helen Klblan. Mi»» F lossie rough timber In eight hours. Details Itadubaugh, and Ml»» Aline Larimer, of the ’run’ were artistically engraved all University of Oregon students and on a board and framed, and then hung aororlty slstcra of Mias Eunice Park- on a w>«t in the planer shed were the er In Kappa Omlcron. The afternoon world can witness. was spent In fancy-work. ) “The planer is a Berlin No. 351 Special guest« for the occasion matcher and 21o feet were run per were; Mrs. Lawrence L. May. Mrs. minute. There was no lost time, jolnt- C. O. U ilson, and Mrs. .M. J. McKlin. |ng having been done during the noon Members beside« the hostess were: «hut-down. Levi Neet la the planer Mrs. John Toinseth. Mrs. Norinan L. foreman.'' Howard, Mrs. Isaac Ik Larimer, Mrs. I ___________________ _ Howard U. Freeland. Mrs. C. A. j Sunday School to Have Rally. Swart». Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, Mrs. j The rally day of the Christian L E. Harford. Mra. W. L. Rouse, Mrs. church’s Sunday school will be held J M. Withrow. Mrs. John 8eavcy and Sunday, November 2. according to In- d aughler B e lly , and Mrs. W. " • . formation erceived from S. O. Mosh Steam ier. • i iar. superintendent. It had been plan ned to hare It for this next Sundav. Masonic DeOr .e Conferred. bu{ , he ro8tponement has raade T h , degree of Master Mason was (he effor, (q harp e,lborate conferred on George Easton of Wal program, including special music and tervllle by the Past Masters of Lib­ orchestra selections. erty Ixxlge No. 171 A. F. and A. M. on Tuesday evening. The ceremony . W en t Pheasant Hunting. was followed by a banquet In the Ma­ The Springfield plant of the Moun­ sonic hall. tain States Power company turned out six-strong yesterday to hunt China Club to Meet—The Needlecraft club pheasants. W. C. McLagan and E. W. will meet at the home of Mrs. Dan Albers went hunting near Albany, W. Crites this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. Crites and Mra. Carl Jack Henderer above Goshen, and Olson as hostesses. The affair will Emery Richardson. Otto Smith and take the form of a harvest party cele W. T. Thompson, east of town. It is bratlng the autumn seson. A spe­ reported that they made the feathers cial feature will be the initiation of a fly. On the trip Alber's dog was in­ new member. Mrs. Charles O. Wilson jured, cutting an artery in a foreleg of W illamette Heights. GETTING OUT HIS HEAVIES FOUR L ENTERTAINMENT I U J. The recorder was instructed at the TO BE HELD OCTOBER 27 , last meeting to have the city attorn­ A 4L entertainment has been plan­ ned for October 27. tn the W. O. W. hall , according to D. W. McKinnon, secretary of the organization. A spe­ cial program will be put on at that time, and refreshments served. Included among the entertainers will be the following local talent: Miss Eunice Parker, solo; Walter Gossler, baritone «olo; Mr. and Mrs. (Dallas Murphy, duet; songs by the two Carlton sisters; music by Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McKinnon; violin selec­ tions by the 8. 8. Potter children; solo by Miss Audrey McPherson. A special feature of the program will be the presentation of a one- act comedy drama entitled "The Dark Secret." George Cox. In the leading role, and D. W. McKinnon, will be in the cast. As to the lady In the skit, her name is being “kept dark.” George Davenport, chairman of the Springfield local, will be on the pro­ gram. ------------------------- BRANCH OF MASONS Fines in T ra ffic Court. TO MEET TO NIG HT Fines for disobedience to traffic ordinances this week include the for lowing: Frank Kintzley. John Sheythe Claude Ritchey, each 32 for parking too close to fire hydrants, D. W. Cornelius 310 for speeding, on Main street. H. E. Potter for speeding, and Earl Nyström 35 for cutting corners. j --------- ■ meeting of the Past Masters, ! Masters and Wardens association. No. t Oregon, will be held In the Springfield Masonic hall October 16, | 1 nur8