ENTERTAIN KENSINGTON EGGIMANNS VISITING AT MANY PLACES IN EAST CLUB FRIDAY AFTERNOON Mm a. Ralph Dtppel «"<1 Mm ***«' Ba »ford ea .'rtalnod th e K ensington club n t th e hom e o t Mm. Dijvpel on F rid ay afternoon, Vivid colors w ere carried out In th e schem e of deco­ ration«, with th e house beautifully decorated with au tu m n leaves. A two. course luncheon w as served. wish basket favor* as tab le d '.'oration* Mrs. O. B. Kenaey and Mrs. Annie Knox will be hontenaes a t the next m eeting to be held at Mrs. K em sy a hom e in tw o weeks. Spev'nl attests a t th e Friday g athering w ere Mrs. J. L. Clark. Mrs. B A. W ashburne. Mrs. N. W. Emery. Mr«. L. E. B a* fo ri, Mrs. Sidney W ant, and Mrs, Dunlop who is visiting Mr. and Mrs _ Shower to r Miss W eddle. euppHnd by a show er bouquet of veg .ta b le s glveu to the b rid e to-be, with sm all gifts fn-tciied (o each veg» 1 luble. such as an »«g beater. and the j i Ue Willi each gift was a hutuoroua verse, * ♦. Uovi II Neel, Mrs. Liila MacUowan, Mrs. 8. Ralph Dippel. aud Miss Igiltle W h llta k .r. , me mb« re of Ilio church M ra. J. T. M.oifs wu* chairm an of ihs enturtalu- Mine Elsie W eddle, bride elect, was moni volinoli io», honor guest at a show er given last V Jrnt to P o rt’an I—Ja c k Lemon, M ayer and Mr* t'hurle» F. Kggi- evening at the hom e of Mie, l»au W, H scsption for Pastor, p i.tp rltle r nf Ute Boll th eatre, spent mann. » h u lift som e tim e ago for au C rites with Mrs. C rites u n i Mrs A reception was held tart evening Mott.lav a h i 1 tc .lav In I ’ordeud i’ll extended trip through th e east, have Carl Olson as ho -teaso s, A two- „ burini ss trip W hile ih .r o h« nog.», T h.'ec present Included, besi.h a lh~ in the Mctiv'di*i church for the new been visiting nt Oaaian. Indian, w here course luncheon was servMg nml thi tlatsd for " l’ho H.'s lla w k " first na- pastor hud hie wife. Ib v . a lii Mrs guest of honor and the hostesses: who II will bo shown hey have been extensively e n te rta in ­ guest« catted and played “60tk" Miss li< si L Moore, lute of K lam ath Falla, Mrs O. B Kesiaey, Mrs John F, Ket- noki wnnh-eMd. I heal ed. O ver 50 relativ es atten d ed a re­ i Weddle w as presented with a pastel, ■ wall a t for the new teacher« and ‘ cis. Mrs H arry W W hitney. Mr c union at th e home of m ayor Kggi a gift of those present. Much fuu was m an a's siste r at th a t place. The may­ o r and hts wife v la tte j at Dv-troit. w here they saw th e big league born»- ball game’s and w atched the work of Tv Cobb and Babe Ruth. They v isit­ ed Mr. E ggim ann's brother, who Is a law yer, at Ft. W ayne. Indian, and revisited all the evld land m arks of the ; P*»™ ’ h”" lh * ““ -w hk* b*’' ’ ; “ ood. They a re now on th e ir way ! hom e via New O rleans and I allfornla, and expect to be here before O ctober Two new m em bers w ere welcomed Mrs. Will W right and Mrs. H erb ert 14. Clark O th er m em bers present w ere: Mrs. Annie Knox Mrs. O, B. Kessey, MANY FINES PAID IN Mrs. H enry K orf. Mrs. L aw rence L. • CITY TRAFFIC COURT May. Mr« H erb ert Moore. Mrs J T. F ines for violation of traffic ordi­ Moore. Mrs W C. Rebhan. Mrs. El­ sa G. Sutton, and Misa Edna Sw arts. nances a re listed in the local police court as follows: Linn Nelson of Springfield, speed CLARK QUITS AS RECORDER ing on Main stre e t >5. NEW COUNCILMEN OUT Ellxabeth Gray of Eugene, parking closer to fire h y d ran t than 30 feet. $2. Lea W. Clark, who h as been acting W illiam Mulligan. O ctober 3. >2 for police Judge and city reco rd er since cu ttin g com ers. th e death of J. W . Coffin, who held Boyd Henry. O ctober 3. $5 for speed those positions, has resigned. His ' Ing at 7th and Main streets. resignation, to tak e effect next week. I John B. Adler of Yoncalla. $5 foi was subm itted to th e candidates for : parking in front of fire station the office at th e com ing election, was A. W. Spoog. O ctober 4. $2.50 for appointed to tak e his place. , passing a stre e t in tersectio n a t too k. L. May and Roy C arlton a re new : g reat a speed. can d id ates for th e office of council­ O. I. McBee. O ctober 4. $5 for cut- man. The filing by nom inating peti­ j tin g th e co m er a t 2nd and Main tion is now closed by th e tim e lim it | streets. he new -ninece a re em ployes A. L. A lmasia. O ctober 5, $10 for of the Booth-Kelly lum ber company. j speeding on Main street. , Lyle F letch er w as fined $10 for PARENT TEACHERS WILL I speeding. O ctober 8. His father. R. M MEET FRIDAY AFTERNOON Fletcher, paid the fine I To Celebrate Golden W edding A special m eeting of th e P aren t s^ T each ers association has been called 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Thom pson will fo r Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock a t 1 celeb rate th e ir golden w edding on th e Lincoln school. The p u rro se of | Sunday, O ctober 12. They have been th e g athering will be to consider th e , here sin ce '91. and a re know n through resignation of Mrs. C. A. Shvarts. presi- J out Springfield and vicinity. Plans gre i,ent of the organization, which was , being m ade for an open reception to put In th e hands of Mrs. W. P. Tyson. j be held Sunday aftrao o n In th e W. secretary , last week A program will O. W. hall, w here th ey will receive also be a featu re of the occasion. It all th e ir friends, and hold open house will be given by pupils at the Lin generally- to th e persons of Spring- coin school. field who wish to call. SPECIAL PHJCE on plate wrork. Dr N. W Emerv. d “o tlst Rutto» Bid» THVRHDAY, OCT. W. IU-L THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE EIGHT i BELL THEATRE MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY OCT. 13, 14 & 15 Friday, Saturday Oct. 10-11 Harry Carey IN “Tiger Thompson” Two Reel Comedy, “Pat’s Patent’ ’ Sunday, Oct. 12 Hoot Gibson IN “Broadway or Bust” Two reel Comedy “Chop Suey” COMING NEXT WEEK COVERED WAGON V a V ja m » * ▼ »- c«" .^potv.Ivvo av j »»»« k ta«»v Playing at Popular Prices A d u lts 5 0 c Children 25c ANOTHER MAMMOTH ATTRACTION “THE SEA HAW K” See it in Springfield Dr. R alph S. Dippel. D entist. V itus building, Springfield. Oregon. 'T T I Showing THE BOLDEST BRAVEST GENTLEMAN PIRATE THAT EVER ROVED THE SPANISH MAIN, OR FOUGHT FOR A MAIDENS KISS RAFAEL S A B A T IN I’S Glowing Romance of a Pirate Chief- tian's Love Adventures on the Storm Sweep Mediterranean. M ilton Sills Enid Bennitt Wallace Berry And a cast of 3000 players r PO PULAR P R IC E S Matinee 30c Evenings 50c Children 20c Elaborate Musical Prologue 4 ■ ¡X I -•♦e««:.-... A mammouth production costing around >2,000,000. 14 »jig stars In leading roles. 3,000 players take part. Four great galley ships and galleons specially constructed at a • ost of >275,000. Costumes si>eclally made at a cost of >185,000. An entire Moorish village of the type of the 16th century built. Seven sea captains assisted In man­ euvering the ships. Seventy expert gunners In battle scenes. Two thousands fighting corsairs and galley Blaves. And a score of other points of tre­ mendous Interest to make this the most amazing speotacle and dra­ matic story of love and adventure