TIlVItH D A Y , OCT. », 1924. PAGE flEVEV TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT GE THE!» BTATE OF OREGON FOR LANE • It will require 1737,110 to cond affairs of the state game commla COVNTY. • during the neat biennium, arcor Eugene Foundry A Machine Com to an estimate of the proposed e» pany, a corporation, plaintiff, vs Em­ ••II what you want ta Mil, buy wbal you want to buy through these Factor« that most affect economy ma Harding» .Mary Lock* anil Ixwke, pendlturea filed In tbe office of th * columns. Writ« or phono TWO her huahand, Joelah Hhaw and Hhaw, of dairy production in Oregon a* de­ state budget commission hla wife, Lydia Grow and Grow, her termined In a recent cost production LOHT Olt STOLEN Recycle bicycle, r illi HALE— Plano, ellghlly used, a husband, Harah 11 Hhaw and Hhaw, Brief Resume of Happenings of A plan to levy a special tax for th» her husband, Hannah Verrlll and and survey by the su r e college extension , construction of new bridge« and t* Iura« eprohet, blue frani« Reward, real buy. 71 K 16th. Eugene. the Week Collected for Joseph Verrlll, her huaband, Isaac It service, ir e production per cow. repair many old ones In the count? . «II 12« J O I« Oct. 9 Kastman and Eastman, hl» wife, Ben­ amount of feed used, size of herd will be voted upon at the Novem ber Our Readers jamin E Eaaitnan and Kastman, hla MUS CAROLINE ! Il M I II ac crt 'III hlJlt HALE Plan", (lightly ic.'-d. up and the amount of Investm ent | election In Lane county, according ta wife, Polly Hhaw and Hhaw, her hus­ plant* teacher, I'hono 11 ho H eu- right, nti k case, A real buy. 71 Eaat band, Timothy Hhaw and Hhaw. hie an order made by the county court. ffeno. Albany schools have more than 135 15lb. Eugene. O 9. wife, Hallie M Hhaw and Hhaw. her Crop rotation and use of farm man The Oregon public service come gMMbw-en-*- Z-W kesr # .- - .x-rr/iArjyja/KiA huslu/id. William Hhaw and Hhaw pupils enrolled In band and orches­ EOlt KENT Furnished npurtuicnl at hla wrlfn, Ephrlam Hhaw aud Hhaw. ure or crop residues are first essen ■lon has prepared notices of tote tra work this year. NOTICI TO CRIOITORB. tlon In the grain rale case« hrongtiB 4’Jj and I) streets, Springfield. Phone hla wife. Hittnuel N Hhaw and Hhaw. tlals In any permanent plan for most Damage e»tlmated at J85O') was done by tbe «tate of Idaho against the O r » Eugene 330 0-9 hla wife. Jumlma Eastman and Ba»t- Oregon soils, with occasional liming Katat« of Julia A, Oodihan Deceased man her husband, Polly Locke and I of sol!* In the humid section. The by ■ fir« which started In the repair xhop of th j Kaleva Auto company in ton Railroad tc Navigation com pany. (1. Bikea baa been by Ih« l'cun I y Court F o il KENT—Two unfurnlahed run ma, lo ck « , her husband. Joseph Hhaw and ' ferl||„ y Hhaw, hla wife, Henrietta Fleming . . . . . of the Hlalti of Oregon In and foi electric light», hath, reasonable. and Fleming her husband. E K Hhaw '■ b* ’ln,t *«Plf»red through the system Astoria. A diversion dam at the mouth a t laine County appolnled adtnlnlatralrlx 1005 Mill at., near high achooi. and Hhaw, his wife, also the un- He «oil survey and fertility work con- T to Halem lodge of Elks ha» taken Hood river has been completed. T he of Iba «alato of Julia A, (ledlimn de­ tf known heirs of env of said defend 'ducted by the experiment nation and out a permit to erect In the city ol j structure will divert the flow of Hood ceased. Halem a r ew t ¡mpie to cost approxi­ river Into the Columbia Into a sin gla All poraona havina claim* against \-.\iio D Y wlabing milk at gallon ants who may be d«ceas«-d, also a l l ' federal bureau of »Olla. Other persons or parties unknown! •aid «alalo, uro hereby notified to mately »175,033. deep channel and open It to chlnook. rate» call Klvnralde Dairy, Phone clnimng any rtr'it, Cl'«, estate. Hen proaent tbe •ante, duly elated and aeri­ I or Interest In the real properly de» | Pigs need good clean water acceasl- Cash prizes ag regatlng »1200 will salmon and other migratory fish. T h e fied at the law office of A. E W heel­ MVI er In Eugene. Oregon, within »lx J ERHEY milk cow for »ele. A. J. crlbiwl In the complaint herein, de-ible at all times. Water In the feed be awarded at the Her—.i i’on Dairy i dam coat »557. fondants. . 1« the same thing to Ibe pig as water and Hog show this year, to be held Two attempts within a week t o montila from thia 25th day of Hcpieiu If I To Em m . "¿’.“ “ 2 ? Mary L ock .l*“ ,ha tr'ia' h Morgan. lon« “ lh" e " Wednesday and Thursday. b. r. 1 924 wreck the Union Pacific fast mail HALME O. HIK EH. Admr. The receipts at tbe Eugene poet- train. No. 6, by placing obstruction» land Ixick.-, her husband Jos«.ph Shaw jto mUrh ln 'he feed, causing tbe A E. WHEELER, Attorney, Narrow Escapa. and Hhaw. hla wlf«. Lydia Grow and fig to consume too much water In office for Beptember thia year show on tbe track between Hood River and H 25 O 23 An Irish farmer, waking up r Ill and for Lane County, his final re “ I knelt down and thanked God Lieutenant A R. French of Portland ,n ,ess than carload ,ots- jp,,rt aa such administrator, and that «» In i o'clock In llie forenoon of Halur- that | hadn't been Inside It," eald the Lock- and Locke, her husband. Jo»- ou**7 Impair» tho appearance of the A record for September shipm ents' w - c 8n’rder- government trapper, day, the 2!.lh day of October. 1924. at farmer piously. of fruits was made at Hood River this ! »haltered all records when he report­ h Hhaw ant Hhaw. hl» wife. Hen- fruit. "Wilting pears," «ays the Ore Ih« Court room thereof, have been rlefta Fleming nnd Fleming, her bus gon Agrl<-utura| college bortirult i- y. .r. Up to October 1 329 carloads of ed a bag of more than 300 sin ce by lh<> Court, fixed and appointed as E n co u rag in g . |.srd E E Hhaw and Riaw hla wife de. artmpll. «a J August 1. He works in Harney coun­ the time and place for hearing ob­ also Dm unknown h«'r. of «nv h)»e their glows, are du I ! irs and apples had rolled for mar "The I mims offered me an Interest ty under the direction of Stanley G. jection» Io said report and for llie al l < ! « • * # who may bo deceased wnatfractlve and do not becom . Jewett of the Portland office of th e final settlem ent of the oaten of said In the hualnaas today." •ilno nil other« person or parties un- aromatic.** The attorney-general has asked for j d cease'l "He did!" ! United States biological survey. known cbtlmlni? any rlirht. title. e*-j _ an appropriation of 166.280 for the i A E WHELBR. Attorney. "Yea. he said that If I didn't take tai* . Hen or Interest In the reel rrop-, p z», Development of the lumber re­ LLOYD C MARTIN, Admr . rlv d - i r r i h . - l In the com flalnt h ere.1 f ' "ng dry mash to poultry next two years as against actual ex 8 25 O 23 in Interest pretty soon he'd fire me." ir. d,.f.«.,npt»: an op,‘n bo* or *rough la used by the penscs for the present biennium o i ; sources ot Lake county is expected as the result of an announcement that IN T'O- N tW B OF T1IE STATE Oregon experiment «tatlon R 1« Bu- »15,413. the government will offer for sale, O F ( !(»•<: -N . you ore heroby r.- parlor lo the “»elf f.-edlng hopper" Building activities in Salem during ■ o iilr .-d to opt" -r and answer tho com- . . . s ' >pr r probably in the near future, from 200.- i' Ini r-Mch hi* be-n Bled ncnlnst A hox ,nch»* * Inches wide the first nine months of the year 1921 000.000 to 300,000,000 feet of yellow w u In the above en'RIrd C oi-I and and feel long make a desirable have exceeded the figures for the en pine in the Fremont national forest. cnJisq, wtlliln six w - 1 from the feeding box. A piece of quarter round tire 12 months of the year 1923 by : Eut at tho One man was probably fatally in­ Jd .tr ,,r the fir-« nubi rstlcn of *h’- material 1» nailed on the upper side »184.418. SPONG «fi THOMAS jured and two others were badly cot •vmmona, and 'f you fell to so pppear Of the Inside of the h«v u JKWK1JÎR Approval of the state Income t a i ! la rd answer, for went thereof the hird. J Z ,o ke®” CAFE qnd bruised when a Portland E lectric RcjmirtiiK » Fpeclftlty plaintiff wlH nrnlv Io tb*» Court for 0 frorn »ooklng the mash out with and indorsement of the anti-olecmar , Power company's passenger bus, in- . the relief pray» < 1 for In the complnliX * “«lr beaks. Corner 3rd and Main ,arlne bill were voted at the conven bou£)d from c ,ty 8trnck Springfield. Oregon to wit: for n decre*» (hat the plain*I — ■ —---------- lion at Eugene of the State Federation ' outbound Oregon Electric train at iff* Is the m »I p nnd absolute owner No T{fne for K|ga|_o of Labor. Hood and Grover streets in Portland. In fF»e simple of th«* following d» crib- j ««> . Contracting and Building * nefr hot was drl drlfdng idly, the * It will require approximately »100, W. F. WALKER The Standard Lumber company of P lan « and E s tim a te « F u rn is h e d " Beginning0'L i’ 'a rolnt 593 2 3 feet *un ,’ho!”? brightly, and the aea was 300 to repair the Summer lake irrl Portland, wbich recently lost its suit F ree . W ill H e lp Y o u F in a n c e FUNFRAL OIRFCTOR west of the northeast corner of coun- serene, while she was sitting snuglv gallon district dam in Lake county to enjoin the state tax com m ission Your Building. Iv survey No. 113. In the city of Eta | Then he proposed, according to estim ates made by th< from enforcing the provisions ot th e Full Auto Equipment GEO. W. PERKINS gene. In the countv o f Lane, and sta te' From the opposite «nd of the " ate engineer. state income tax law, was granted un­ Corner 5th nnd D streets lo f Oregon, being In ’he -onth line of «he gazed Hl hlo, I " W. O. W. block The number of full time students til October 13 to file in tbe soprem e Eighth street of a,-Id city, and run- Bald hlm' Cahnly' The“ Springfield, Oregon o rn ee Phone «2 M. Rea Phoue 62 J In the University of Oregon this co! court at Salem a petition for rehear­ nlng thence west along the line of - _ • a»ld «tree! 13" 1-3 fee’ mo-» or le»«| ' s “ matter of common sense.! lege year will approximate 2S50 ol ing. jab». to the east 11n" of Ferry Mrewt. j , "«li«fng that we are In this boat, on 2900, a record attendance in the life Judge Martin L. Pipes, prominent I then«» .onth on the eo»' line of Fer- i nter more lhan 50 feet been -_ i of the institution. dr . n . w . emery Portland attorney, was appointed jus­ Call ry slrpet 167 feet, thence eaat 132 , ba, , , . w„r_ , ' Corvallis and Albany are planning tice of the state supreme court by Gov­ 1 3 *«»l more or leas lo a nolnt due. , j ac’ aa 7 ° u should dentist «nn’h of Ih» beginning point, thence ’ ' ’ accepted you we would be a Joint celebration to commemorate ernor Pierce to succeed the late Jus­ SUTTON TRANSFER Sutton Bldg. Pbone 2O-J north 167 feel to the pl-ice of begin- capsized. I will decline your propo- the opening of the new Corvallls-Al tice John McCourt, who died here a Rraldtnco Phon« 153 M Inr: sal at the moment— but, George, row bany highway which will be open toi few weeks ago. Judge Pipes will Phone 57 and that v o i i . .an«' esrb of you have no „ f . , t Springfield. Oregon se-ve under his appointment until Jan- right l i f e or ’nter"«f therein or , ^hore and traffic October 17. 'h e r e to w h n '< o " v e r- and th a t vo-i nnd a* a mp a g a in ! '" The state tax on sales ot gasoline aSrjrL pf v'ou>' name, my hoy?" he DENTIST Society of the United States rates on logs shipped from points ot that he be relieved at oooe. Judge Homestead Entry. Serial No. 014016. (Inquired. Phons 1197 Y the Valley Slletx railroad to Newbert Coke is tbe fourth United States a l­ Phone 43 for the Lola 12. 13 nnd 14 of S?c. 23. | "They calls me Billiard Cue" said and Winona was filed in the office! torney in succession to give up h is 218 Cad’« Bld»-, Eugens, Ors. Tp. 16 S. R 2 E. W M. and on Sep- the bov. "because I w o rk« ««’ 'w ° CaUW 1 ’ ”rks 80 m«ch of the public servloe commission ai ■ P°8’ before hjs term had expired. Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. tembor 17. 1921 made Homestead Kn-'b try, Serial No 014110. for hhe L o t ,'* “ * * l,h 8 . R. E. L ee W illamette Collsctlon and Credit Springfield flee at Eugene, Oiegon, on the 12th haa somehow obtained the idea th at' Steiner, superintendent of the boe- 8«rvlce ment hunters. day of November, 1924. other women are indifferent to me." pltal at Salem, at a meeting of tho 860 W lllam stte Btrsst, Fatally Injured by being caught be Claimant name., ae witnesses: state board of oontrel. Eugahs, Oregon. A. F. Davie, of Vida, Oregon. tween cars while attempting a coup WOMAN'S LETTER WILL J. E. Norton, president of the Coo» Phone 378 Csrl Swamton. of Vida. Oregon| ling at Reedsport, Charles Weightman Doris Donohue, of Vida, Oregon, HELP SPRINGFIELD 28. a Southern Pacific brakemun, wai County Good Roads aw ociatioa. gave Frank Mlnney, of Vida, Oregon. notice to the county court that the a s­ married on bis death bed in a hoeplta HAMILL A. CANAlDAY. sociation probably would start suit t o Silie w rites; "I hated cooking be­ at North Bend. Register. determine the validity ot the MAO.000 cause rii I ate turned sour and formed I O 2 9 16 23 30. W h ile sta te banks arc exempt frou bond Issue which has been questioned Distributors of Fishers j| Kna. j drank hot water and olvie oil! H ñoti S e of by th< gallon. Nothing helped until' the payment of tbs state Income tax , becauge „f jbe | a v governing the nun- All kinds of gravel for con­ Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feeds FINAL SETTLEMENT dividend« paid by these inetltutlon. ber of gpeclal electlong thal can be crete or road work. We NOTICE Is hereby given that t h e '1 used Adlorlka." Most medicines act • • • are subject to the levy, according t< held In a current year. make a specialty of crushed undersigned, adnilmrirator with will only on lower bowel but Adlerlka acts I It was reported at Salem that th e I annexed of the Eatate of John E | on BOTH upper and lower bowel and! a legal opinion by I. If. VanWinkle rock and rock sand. Bunk­ O. t . Freight Bldg. attorney-general. ' Is, deceased, has filed his Final _ , , Dominion Lineu company of Guelph, ers at foot of Main on Mill (* East B«h. ,. „ . . . „ j ... rptnoves all gas and poisons Excel- Following the hazing of Harry Mint’ ' Canada, has proposed to persons in- e it rtl. bi r- sold Estate of Fred W .1, , , , . K • street. -eased, wllh the County 'e. * f° r ob8,,n'lte constipation. Helps: and Jack Sponp at Salem, school of I terpSfed in flax development that It S 'h r P HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. f fit Sfato "f Oregon for Lane ,lny case gas on the stomach In TEN i flclals expelled John Drager, D, nal ! est bli *i a lln, n mill in the Salem U bU F C e il and the said Court has set nilnitr«. Flanery's Drug store. Kelly and Vernl« Perry, high sd.o- vj, pity, install the machlaery and . 11 -ii v. 'lie first day of November, students, who were su- to be respon I tal e »59,000 worth of preferred stock. l "21, a- I'm o'clock A. M. as the time, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. gible for the affair. provided uuff.ciant eucouragement - mid the County Courtroom 1n the FRANK A. DEJ’ UE ______ Courthouse ______ _ _ nt _______ _ County Eugene, Ore l Title undersigned Joseph F. Sufley Officials of Lincoln county w en was forthcoming from residcats of th e I gon. ns the piece for the hearing of ',aM been appointed udminlatrator o ATTORNEY AT LAW JOHN M. WILLIAMS city. I said Final Account, All persons hay- ’**° estate of William D. Safely, de restrained by Federal Judge Wolver Attorney fer Vet. State Aid Com., ; m n* irto Or, or from the state NOTARY PUBLIC In t objections to said Final Account I'*'’“C<1. I>y the County Court of l.an, ton from attempting to collect thi Soltllei's Bonus Loans. as of cattle, »beep, goats, sw ine, taxes for 1919 and 1920 on propert; ol Springfield I or an, parti-unr Item ih«r,-ol are h ere-' t'oiinf.v, O-egon, nnd all persons hnv Sutton l»„ noil.h-d i i flip the sam e with the lnR claims ag ilnst said «state w.ll held by the United States Spruce ITo dresned oarcaesis, nay, straw gnd L. E. BEAN Snldllng Oregon. County l lerk of . vid County on o r ! ^ " 8"» 8am8 du,y *' rlf,8d ‘»e nt- luction corporation. similar produc.j and seoend-hand Altornay Slnte Land Board, I re the said HalurdS), the first day - c* of Whitten Swafford, Attorn«; bags, ia prohlb fed In a proclamation etn ie F hool Fund Loans. A calf, which had survlv«d sppar of Nov niber, 1924. I316 M * W Bldg., Eugene. Oregon 1« ued by Governor Pierce. Issuance ally about three we-rits, was fo«u< Dated his 30th tiny of September, on or before six months after this, Squeak - Squeak - Squeak WILLIAMS & BEAN ( d8“ '- i i well recently by Paul Skimpsey of tbe proclamation was made neces­ Repair that «queoky wdieel before 11924. ATTORNEYS Wni .0. HUGHES, Adnilnntrator of o*ted and first published September urlller, who was inspecting a num sary, the executive; said, because of the Ite too Into. B60 WIHiamette Ct. fu g a n e , Or*. ber of wells on the Dunn ranch«; o it break of the foot and mouth d ie »1.60 per wheel o estate of John E. Innls deceased. JOSEPH F. SAFl.EY, Admr. Licensed to practice In nil Courts case in Texas. aoith of Lake Malheur. » FRANK A DePUE, | WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Atty. FAD Service Station of Ilio Stai , and United Stato». Attorney for Administrator S 26-0 26 Corner 5 and A O-2-9-16-29-30 ClassifiedAdvertisem ents • BU SIN ESS D IR E C T O R Y D. W . R O O F “The Loop Pacific Feed & Supply Co. SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. Eugene Oregon FARM REMINDERS • • • • • • • OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIÄNNTEREST