TH U R SD A Y. OCT. 9. 1924 T H H 8PRINOPOBLD NFWS Town and Vicinity SAFEGUARD SCHOOL C H ILD U N IV E R S IT Y OF OREGON ENROLLS MORE TH A N 2800 BOARD OF H EA LTH SAYS Portland— Mr». H A went to Portland Sun- id a few day» there on a »phe opening of school bring» with blwul o f pn .t«n ln g the School K child from infections which taka a Jump when school rea»«emble». Edu- Thurston— Mrs. Charles CBt(oB baa been made compulsory and as In Springfield Monday ahhvUJth (he avatelu la not perfect, ,ro her home in T hereto«, ,act , hat ed u c tio n verulty of Oregon at h<*»l of nittaic. »• giving piano leaaona In v o n j u n c t lo ii with the Sprlngflelil high aehool lie will alao give private Instruction In Springfield during thia fall an I win » t t , , . Br S Ralph I»lpi»l. D entiti, Vltiaa building. Springfield. Oregon. Listen to This Message ” I u * neceetlty. By making education , m Landax— Abraham Mil compulsory we hare thereby assumed a s eras a Springfield v isit-. lh(, ^ „ponslblllty of keeping the He was here on a bust- aa {r#e from disease as poaol- ble. It 1» therefore of great irnport- . »“ at ,U ch 'Wr*,|B h* t ' ™ 11* c* r* ’ om W ashington Dan examination to determine wheth- of Mount Vernon. Wash- carriers ' txed Saturday for an In- SucceMful eonlrol ot contagious sy with his brother». . aigggacg m »choola require« effective an and J M. Thompson. 0, parent». teacher« and Our Secretarial, Stenographic, or Hook keeping cwuree will prepare you for a gm«! puliation, and There are positions waiting for you when you are prepared- Every Monday In October In enrollment day. and we assure you of the name thoro. practical training that 1« given to those who come In earlier. Ask ub aboul our ecfcool. Eugene Business College to Doran»— Mr. and Mrs. d and family motored to mday where they visited brother. A. S. Ward. They the evening. children. To do JuMlce to one'» own child I and to be decently fair to the other parent's children. It 1» not enough that the child go to school properly land cleanly clad; the parents «hould m California— Mr. Palmer. raake a definite and thorough examl- he Palmer brothers. R. A. natton before permitting him to leave d R C. Palmer, Is here hom e. He should always be kept at ornla to spend the winter home. a t least for the day. when there ons. is nausea, vomiting, chills, convulsion, diuineaa. faintness, unusual pallor, to Oakridge and W estfir ragh o( any k(n Oakridge and W estfir on warn)lh of gktn a discharge from the rhey visited Mrs. Murphy s noaa_ redness or secretion from the i. K Mitchell, and Mr. and , gyeg g or lnnamed throat, swol- '. Callison at W estfir. They ]gn llan(jg ln n ic i[ or elsewhere. Sunday evening. , a new (-ough failure to eat breakfast. to Portland— Ml»t Eileen » »»rloualy dl.turbed nighCs reel, or turned to Portland Sunday unexplained or Indefinite change Q . from the u’ u»' appearance or conduct. ‘X T "„“ ' V X 8 “ ■ ■ r " " “ r d~ - s ° A. I . g U O B N g . O R IO O N Rebarto, Pr»»ld»nt Phon» 68« *»2 W ilia m » « « It r e e t Quackenbush’s 160 Ninth Avenue East Eugene A special lot of Electrical lig h t Giulie» 40. GO and 60 w att »Igea REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE f. promptly disappear, of course the aotored up from Portland H J . . ,, . ,, . , u . _ . famllv physician should be called av. and they returned to- ■ r • . «. *nd only on his assurance that no nday. She has been stay- J . _ . _ disease exists or Is likely to occur i Peter Toroseth home. __________________ In the very near future, may the child be permitted to go to school oi Card of Thanks. come Into contact with other children, h to express our appreda- Many parents are offended when he many acta of kindness children are sent home for falling to cent sorrow and to thank comply with these reasonable require by our friends in the time ments. However, they are eveen more their beautiful floral offer- likely to find fault If their child Is ex­ posed to disease through the medium 5DMAX and family. of the school. The protection of chll- T. WILSON and family. dren In school can never be greater E OODMAN. than the parents help to make It.— I0MAS SIKES and family. Oregon State Board of Health. . • innti'a physical uikaa« hl« Ila alili- Aluminum Percolator« District Attorney Colonial Pattern l^ -q u a r t slxe ................... j 2-<|iinrt s iz e of Lane County, on November 4, 1024 Spring Clothes 1 Pine 3 dozen 20c Special W ashita Oil Stone«— A »tone of good quality for «hari>enlug knives and tool»— Slxe about 2x4 inches ............................. .....15c Slxe about 2x5 In c h e s ............................... 25c PIANO INSTRUCTION Large Corn Poppers R. CARLYLE COFFR EIER E. U. of O. Slxe 12 by 16 luches A pan full at one time. Will give piano lessons at the home of Mrs. W. P. Tyson 126 E. Street. Cocoa Door Mats 15x24 inches >1.00 INxSO Inches >1.50 EACH W EDNESDAY H igh School credits given. The season is here for Heating Stoves and Itunges May we show you our line? For inform ation call Prof. Bain or Mrs. Tyson at Pho le 56 Dr. Ralph S. Dipped D entbt, Vitu» SPECIAL PRICE on plate wor*. Dr W. W. Emery, dentist Sutton Bldg building. Springfield. Oregon. THE SPRINGFIELD ordered sold by Court has been purchased by Harry M. Stewart 'The Stock, purchased at ridiculously low prices, is on Sale at the"™" SPRINGFIELD HAS EVER SEEN Sale Going on Unti the CORNER OF FIFTH an d MAIN STREETS, acro rs from JU ST A FEW PRICES TO ILLUSTRATE 50c Wool Hose ........ . $5.00 Dress H at $3.50 Dress H at $3.50 E xtra Heavy Fa!! Underwear $1.75 Ribbed Union Suit ....... $3.00 S 'n t Cases Leather Faced Gauntlets W ool Dress Pants 75c T ies .............................. Heavy Fall Flannel S h irts R iding Breeches, fine grade Dress Hose, 3 pairs fo r .. B elt ........................ Heavy W ork Shoes ....... Heavy A rm y Shoes . Dayton Hightop On account of m y lim ited tim e I have decided to sell the stock in a few days. In order to do so I have cut prices to such low f gures w hich c s r- t a in lu w i ll helD the oroods to move. HÂ Dross Shoe3 Heavy Logger S hirts Men's M ackinaw s President Suspenders Blankets ..................... C orduroy Pants Boy Suits ........ ........... Rainooats .................. Y M. 3TEWAR1 8? 4 PA G E SIX