t i r y n a h a y , oçt », 1024. Lane County Farmers Unoin News O FFIC IA L PUB LICA TIO N LANE COUNTY U N IT NO. 14 tion tariff achudulea against forelgi competition. . CUT TIME OF DRYING fo r thn general prosperity of the President Starts Series WALNUTS BY NEW WAY wholn country, every hanker, ««»miner etui organisation, labor body, manu­ The time for drying English wal­ facturer, wholesaler, retailer or oth­ nuts has been cut from 60 72 hours to er crguulxailon should forget politics 12-24 hours by a new system of forced Spence Saya Politics Should Be party and everything el«« and walk In­ draft employed by the Oregon ea to ih« mater of helping to adjuat ag perlment station and A. E. Wright, a Laid Aside and Effort Made rlculture to other conditions. There Portland grower with extensive grov­ to Help Agriculture. are remedies for agriculture and ihey es In the McMinnville district« Pre tan he applied any lim e that these llminary Investigations last year were Ily I'. K. Hpenre, Market Agent. various Interests will get together to successful that the published re­ «ml apply ihem. Present conditions Hom* Consumption Only. ta ils aroused great Interest among nnot much longer continue with Oregon potato grower« are team ­ growers in Oregon. ing that It must produce for Itself agriculture, and all other Interest« Much lager quantities of nuts are alone; that It cannot hope to aii|p »re certain to feel the result» more treated at a time In the new system a surplus Into eastern states at a »nd more each month until this 1 as the heated air Is forced through profit. Outside of the California treuteat single Industry of the Unit­ a three-foot layer spread over a wire market, asporting la a losing propnal ed States 1« safely on Ila feet There This beautiful Shorthorn bull won , The hog «how Is one of great merit | netting 10 feet by l o feet In slxe. The lion, aa the eaatern amt middle weal must he » standard dollar and a grand championship honors at the Pa-j and excellence, and Poland Chinas, ) air, at a temperature of 105 F-, is aletea ran far more than supply the «tandard living, clflc International Livestock Exposl- j Duroc Jerseys, Cheater Whites Berk- returned to be used over and over demand al much In«« freight expense lion last fall. Prank Brown, of Carl- .h ires and Hampshire swine will come California Cattlemen Merge. again, thus saving heat and fuel as ton. Ore . the first president of the I to'contest for honors from many states The crop In Oregon l hl« year la con­ I • h condition of working aud luslaa I well as speeding up drying and in- Exposition and one of It. board o f, , 0 the , heep department are a be- siderably leas than In !»:«. bul thia money has awakened the cattlemen 4- ‘ creasing the capacity of the plant. 7 CM r H..1 " 8n,m5’• »Hderlng display ot breeds The long, la heeause of a poor rrop. occasioned of California that something must be « and h l. little grandchild occupies the medium and flne wool bree that It will be able to control a very n a n dress; the Hereford., m aa.lv« ° ‘ Z 8p*rA“ j under normal conditions. If the nuts >« remarkable for olher bualneaa movements of equal Urge majority of the cattle of tbs white faced animals with wide spread , The ' are graded before drying this condi- magnitude; that failure» are becom •late and that by taking over the Ing horns; the Aberdeen-Angus, bluck - il* v*rlety of domesticated animals 'tion Is averted, but natural shrink- Ing fewer, and that there are all rea many middle Interest activities and as night and without horns of any »Mown. It la worth visiting for the President Coolidge throwing out age makes it advisable to regrade af- The Milking Shorthorns and sske of seeing the progress made in ««ha Io believe that cooperative or being able to delerm ’ne price«, that kind the first ball to start the world lpr drvln_ Keil Polled cattle, the later solid red. the production of thoae animals which gnnltatlona are to become powerful ihe dwindling Industry may again be wlll also be shown. series gam es between the Washing- » a- » I minister to man's wants and needs. ton, American league champions. The bins in which the nuts are bualneae factors. made profitable. and the New York Giants, National ¡dried are cheaply constructed ot shit If you would help to make dairying League witwetx. Greatest In the World. lap. The nuts are scrubbed before l profitable business for the farmers Probably but few In Oregon know 1 being sent to the drier by m eans of a •f Oregon, vote "yes- on Ihe Novern- JASPER LOCAL TRENT LOCAL that the largest grain handling cor ¡conveyor, and raked out trhough as ter ballot end forbid the use of milk TIME AND PLACE OF pnrallon In the world la that of the in counterfeit butler. opening aftrj- drying. Ttte entire The Trent local of Farmers' union ’ « LOCAL MEETINGS Saakatclinwnn co-operative BI editor Jones and Sanders Ion led out a ear aai| a, ed by the regidenlg In the die- ! « process is simple and readily carried t o. m Canada, and that It la m atron , load of cedar poles last Friday. trlcts of the Un, „ g,.ho, teacher, of Trent> . Thursdayg Had^ 2 ,le S c ™ . erected on the farm of Profeesor 1 w a s operating 384 country elevators. erected on the farm of Professor F. With «0 more to he added thia sum- z l .¡8 ° n . ninr. with a total capacity of 14,000,- The union met last Thursday for Asntana and Klamath Falls. ¡Pleasant Hill Friday night, October . da„ imrene churnh 000 bushels. Arthur Ruthven, who lost three | , 7 the Pleasant hlgh gchoo, . ' r e s w ^ l - T i ^ t and Third T ue. • their social meeting. There were tresw ell First and Third Tues- about twenty present. All enjoyed fingers off his left hand while work- . hulldinv from «» roembems membern were . L o ra n ^ -s.n n a general standard would results, but erallon “ at - - the - - - Pacific hospital. One of the E. B. U. student« preached. tended. Lorane—Second and Fourth • other Industrie« are able to pay stand Special music was given by Miss taken In. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Syl- • Wednesdays. I. O. O. F. Hall. Mrs, M cD aniel la In Eugene for ■ u . and « a u Wilma n o i u a r Hark. is e s . j e s t e r of Maple (reek . A bountiful . Trent—Second Trent—Second and ard wages and yet make good profits June and Fourth Wed- • medical treatm ent. Ava. the small daughter of Mr. and <1lnn*r w si * r v e d at noon, and the • nesdays Pleasant 'hrough power of organisation to con long table« were completely surround- • School^Bldglea8>nt HiU High * . „ . . . trol the output and fix selling prices, Max Sim onsen la building a house Mrs W H Sanders, has been quite l0 n * U b l e “ w e r e c n m n le .e lv by Farmers Union members who • « and through the «Id of high protec- for Norman Hemenway. Ill for the last two weeks but Is bet­ ed -Ml tual.ee to t h , good thing, set be- . ^ 7 ”' and Fourth * ter now. fore them. . ™ d8y8' c,OTerd“ e School House. • Mtfut Animals at Pacific International SIME «SE DULY • « lx I c ' m , E ss- . » « « .« > » • « « - « « - Several Improvementp are to be . U m e ^ ^ l a r 111 Ple*“ e send ln *’ made In the hall, which will make It . ch“ « g e . T * “ " ' aD<1 ‘ more convenient. . S ° f d ,te 88 the’r °<> * Charles Bester has received a large « Incubator of the St. Helens make and expects to hatch about 1800 baby » chicks this spring. , J Guard Huston Is a business visitor • • « » . , ________________ * * • * * • In Eugene thia week. Mrs. Grace Groves is trap-nesting tendance her fine bunch of pullets, which are up ^ P ^ O N LOCAL 1 ■ • • • • Iniporunt^hb " P ' bueine8S came of the Hanson strain. She has also v A 1 ordered a large Incubator oat sprout- on '.lectr i X er. and brooder stove in preparation Tng tS r e I ’ i ALL week SATURDAY PRICES Peaches— Royal Knight Brand Apricots—Gilroy Valley Brand These are good table fruits In medium syrup, jwteked In No. 2 Vi tins. 2 tins ........................ 45c 7^ dozen ...................... $2.59 FEATURES Sugar— Pure. Berry. Cane In 251b. cotton bags, refinery pack. 251b sack $2.03 Bacon Backs— Swift’s Kenton, 8 to 10 lb. strips 23c lb. Lunch Meats Sandwich Spread. 4 oz. tins ................... 1’oc 1 tloz. tins ............... $1.75 Deviled Meat 3 Mi oz. tins .................. 5c 1 doz tins .................... 58c Toilet Paper— Sanitary, fine tissue, 1000 sheet rolls 6 rolls .......................... 39c Japanese white crepe, large rolls 6 rolls .............'............. 33c * * „ ? a" '",ere8ting talk hOm