PAGE SEVEN THE «PH1NOF1ELP NEWS riiunanAV. sept , is . 1924. ClasslfiedAdvertlsemcnt» CQW TESTING GROUP WORK'NEARLY 150.000 FARMS ALREADY USING RADIO GETS HEAVY MILK YIELD OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST A land and livestock deal. In which approximately »603100 Is »aid to have been involved, waa completed at Pendleton whereby the ranch and one band of sheep of Charles W. Mathew» of Pilot Rock became the property of A. W. Rugg of Pendleton. The rapidity with which radio haa With 118« cow» In 81 herd» on teat the Tillamook number one row teatlng spread to the farming communities of association ha» finished the year ot the nailon la revealed by a recent sur- Brief Resume of Happenings of vey mode by the V, 8. Department of Taking of testimony In 14» caaea the Week Collected for Ili.AItl) .»<1 room to LU «hoop A,l FOR RENT—Two unfurnlifted rooms. 19232« with an average production Agriculture. Involving water right» on the Des­ per cow of 8300 pounde of milk con­ dmoo bo« P O. 3#7. or coti 12« electric lights. both, roooouoblo, Our Readers. County agents eotlmate there are chutes river will get under way at taining 387 pound» of butlerfat. re­ Main street. Bprlnrfleld. Hopt «11 1006 Mill ot„ near high school. Bend October 14. the »tale engineer port» O. A Peter». te»ter. That I» approximately 40,00 radio receiving The first »ale» of 1924 Oregon hop» ha» announced. It was predicted that W ANTED—To board and room wo- ___ more than double the average produc­ sets In 700 counties. Thl» I» an aver­ of the late crop were made at 12 to the taking of th l. testimony would men learhers' or liUrii ochooi girlo ANYBODY wlohlng milk at gallon tion for the state, and an average age of flfty-aeven aeta per county, require at least two week». rota» coll Riversi-Io Dairy. Phono of 300 pound» I» considered good. i Applying that average to 2.85o ug- ! j ceBti f a ll at Cole'» restaurant for Infer- 34F3 * iiinilm i 1 6-11 Native bred wild duck» are com- , The cqizens of Rufus. Sherman ' In Ihla row teatlng »»»orlatlon 61 rlcultural counties, a total of more Ft'HN'IHHED apartm'nta and room» JERSEY milk cow for »ale. A. J. of the 81 herd« exceeded that average. than 145,000 »eta cm farms throughout paratlvely plentiful In water» of Uma county, have filed with the Oregon public service commission a complaint iihe nation la estimated. Th* survey tills county. for r e d by doy or month Elite llo- tf The 10 highest herd» had 196 cow» Morgan. Bids for the construction of a »100. with relation to the water a « r v £ that averaged 287 opundo. That "low" covered every state In the Union. i,I. to; Main »1" tf 1 figure exceed« by about 30 pound»* Radio broadcasting stations, and 000 junior high school In Astoria -H l there. The complaint has been re- FOIt RENT—HI« room houoo. 387 11 Tillamook county's general average there are now about 600 licensed »ta­ be opened by the acbool board O cta f.rred to engineer, of the public .« T - NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING »treat. Mra. J. A. Flanagan. Phone ! k e department for Investigation. The und«r>>lgnad Admlnlotratri« of and I» morn than 100 pound» »bove the llón» In the Unltaed States, devote part ber t Eugene »87 ** the estate of Melvin Fenwick, de- stats overage. lA - high herd, owned of heir program« to the Interests of J E. Thompson, for the past 10 year» Matthew Shoeahlpa, 40, prominent ceased, haa field her final report and chief auditor In the »Ute industrial and well educated Indian resident of WANT«!»—Hauling, plowing or cul­ account and the County Court of by Durrer and Hon. averaged «50 the farmer. Among these services—as given by accident commission. died at the home the Umatilla re.ervation. ’ aaJ ° “nd tivating. any oloe l«’b. Inquire at Lane County. Oregon, haa fixed and pounds for Ita 25 cow«. ’ dead In the Blue mountain». The r e •et Friday (lefblier 3rd, 1924 at the The milk j reduced by the cow« In all I-1 ding brcwdcaarters—are drily of b l. mother In Salem. ItKWAlin- For Information of bicycle County Court room In the Court House market quotations, weather report« Railroad service between Tlltomook ‘»a‘ reached Pendletor.waa that thl» association was valued at »266,- stolen loot week from home of Chao at Eugene, Oregon, at 10 o'clock A M. and other Information of great value and Portland w a, halted by forest ‘he Indtan probably had died from for hearing thereon, and any objec­ 380 and tb« total feed coot was figured Myers, 646 H at. ’ h«n ““ horse tion» to »aid report and account a| »K 4.67 5 To cover labor coot», In. to the farmer. Also during the harvest j fires at Wakefield and Snark, about should be filed or presented on or terest, depreciation and the like the Ing seasons »pedal weather reports 38 miles from Tillamook. threw him. before »aid time. V1OTHS IN CLOTHES! USE are aent out. The Hood River Apple Growers’ as­ More than 50 forest fires were start Dated ai d flrot puhllohed Septem­ owner« »till hail »170,685—»14« per Add to these »ervlcea the broad- sociation has announced that H. F. WET CLOTH AND HOT IRON ber 8th. 1924. ed In the Umpqua national forest by cow. 1 casting of varlou» Instructional cour­ a severe thunder storm. A heavy ' Davidson, formerly President of the In moth time every housekeeper . JENNIE FENWICK. Thia Tillamook aaaoctat-on has been Admlnlotratri«. se« by the extension bureau« of agri­ rain which followed extinguished the • North Pacific fruit distributors, snd lao her eye and her hand out to ex- In operation for about 12 year», sayo WHITTEN SWAFFORD, for many years prominent in fruit cultural schools and the música) and emlnate the drotructlvo little Inoecto. «peclall»t In other purely . entertaining programs 1 rfcB' A ttorney. 8 8-0 2- N. C. Jamison, dairy „ ,, growing and shipping has been named tine of Mho beat olerlllolng agent» charge of cow teatlng aaaoclatlon work Chinook salmon eggs totaling 8.600. departm ent of tb e and It la easy to see why radio ha» in the world 1» heat—nud • liberal use 000 have been taken out for planting | for the »late college extension serv­ N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N been rapidly and extensively welcom­ from the McKenzie river hatchery «rganlza of the electric Iron will ooon eradi­ DEPARTM ENT OF THE INTERIOR ice. A «teady encreaae In average ed to farina of the nation. Lust year the record waa 15,000,000 Eugene was selected as next year« U H LAND OFFICE AT ROSEBURG.; production ha» been noted, brought ate the peot. ( H i meeting place by the Pacific North- OREGON. August 7. 1924 Preao the article In which you ouo- «bout largely through u»e of purebred NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that! ,ect the moth ha» laid her egg«, or on Harry Bower, of Crow. Oregon, who. »1res, e’ltnlnatlon of unprofitable cows, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE »hlch wou find evidence of her visits, on November 2«. 1920. made Hornet ¡an I belter feeding practice». STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY. with a wet cloth and a h«>t Iron. You »tend Entry. Berlal No. 013«»» for j Fred W Colvin. Plaintiff, vs. Edith a n ^ »2.9003.50, averaging »2.95 •»» t c tor ^ e held as the Ore l ^ a at t the same time c{>nvenlloni ln all Kind that the clothing Itself 1« I mt a J nnd 4 and EH of 8W1» of Sec­ Bell Colvin, defendant. tr.uily refreahed in appearance by tion 23. Township I8H. Range 8 W. SILAGE-MAKING HINTS BY SUMMONS One of the army De Haviland air March or Apri drtver on hlo treatment, and by egg» or larvae W illamette Merldan. Ita» filed notlco To Edith Bell Colvin: of Intention to make Final Three-yeat GOVERNMENT SPECIALISTS IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Planes used on forest patrol was badly which may be pre« n t will be killed Proof, lo extablloh Calm Io the land Five were I OF OREGON: You are hereby requir­ Thio 1« a particularly convenient above described, before E. O. Imtuel. Corn silage 1» best prepared »then ed lo appear and answer the com -' wrecked at Eugene when It struck a the McMinnvIlle-Salem bus were method of handling moth» when they U. 8. CommbKloner. at hlo office at the corn Is cut at a stage containing plaint filed against you within six fence at the edge of the municipal slightly injured when a Southern Pa° Eugene. Oregon, on the 25th day of i «o.ia ciftc electric train crashed Into the Into carpeUi or ruga* about 65 or 70 per cent moisture, sey weeks from the date of the first pub­ September. 192«. a ° r nt tera wa» de- bu8 at Holmes Gap, 15 miles south lication of tola summons, and If y o u ! Claimant name» a« wltneooeo: specialists of the United Slates De­ fall to appear and answer for want Half of the town of Sister« was de- cM|nny,lle. The front of the bus Clark M. Stephen» of Crow. Oregon. partment of Agriculture. This may bo thereof the. plaintiff w'll apply to : stroyed by fire which started in the Eat at the Henry Gate» of Crow. Oregon. told when the lower leagyx on the the court for a decree dlsaloving the C. L. Gist hotel, apparently from a SPONG A THOMAS C. O McDaniel of Crow. Oregon. »talk are turning brown, alioui 90 per marriage contract existing between 1 defective flue. The loss was eatimat- O D Coryell of Crow. Oregon. CAFE you and the plaintiff as prayed for In ed at »25.000. Neighbors of Hugh Kuenzil, whose IIAMILL A. CANADAY. cent of the kernels are dented, nnd the complaint. Register. Thirty boys of Polk county, who body was found “ h Corner 3rd and Main 76 per cent are so hardened that no This summons Is published once a A 14-8-l.t ! week for six successive weeks In the have been raising Jersey calves for Salem, February " ' ‘ p^tuton. moisture can be squeexed out. Snrlngfleld News, a newspaper of gen-1 exhibition at the state fair, will gather wound In the t .j of the head, p e tit :o Thp length to which the »llage Is eral circulation, published In I-ane I at Rickreall September 19 and hold ed the Marlon county court to order cut should be from one half to 1 Inch County. Oregon, by order of the Hon-j , . k 'an official Investigation to determine ; Silage cut thia short will pack better orable G. F. Sklpworth. Judge of the an amateur ersey s . whether Kuenxil's death was the re- above entitled court, made and enter-! The state highway commission at a pUy anil the silo will hold Us maximum ed on the 9th day of September. 1924,1 Contracting and Building tonnage. Also the chance« for the «IT- and the date of the first pub'icatlon meeting to be held ln Portland Sop- w . F. WALKER Plan» and Estimate» Furnished tember 25 will open bids for the con- | Approximately 31 wells have been age to spoil are considerably reduced. Is the 11th dav of September. 1924. Free. W ill H elp You Finance siruction of approximately 15 miles drilled In Oregon ln the hope of strik- F U N E R A L O IR E C T O R WILLIAMS' A BEAN. In fll'lng the »Ho packing Is ea»en- Your Building. of new road and one bridge. ing oil and not cne has been suo- Attorney for Plaintiff. ■ Hal. The common practice 1» to keep F ull Auto Equip’ -’« "* S 11 18 25 O 2 9 15 22 a.ccortlin»f to Dr. W bitoh D. CEO. W. PERKINS ! the »Ides »lightly higher than the cen- Hop crop estim ates of Oregon are ' of the departmenl of Corner 5th and D streets W . O. W . block | ter and to tramp the whole surface being revised upward as . i r e s ^ . o d iv e r s it y of Oregon, who Springfield, Oregon Office Phone (2 M Res. Phone 82 J O / ared # surTey on the^ P etroI- Estat» of Philo Wilcox. Deceased. the last surveys of the WWamette I thoroughly. NOTICE TO CREDITORS I If the silage Is too dry to pack well, valley yards. H gure., now place the poMlbmtle, o{ Weetem Oregon." Notice Is hereby given that Sarah . water should be added. This Is best C. McBee has been by the County 1924 crop at close to 50,030 bales. Two large barn, on Morris Koons' I John McCourt, since 192! DR. N. W. EMERY done by directing a hose In the blow­ Court of the State of Oregon. In and Call er. Well packed and moistened silage for Lane County, appointed admfnla- farm. 12 m ile, north of Eugene on the Oregon supreme court, died at his d e n t is t i tratrix of the estate of Philo Wilcox. I ih.. Pacific highway, together with a home ln Salem after an Illness of Is less likely to mold. SUTTON TRANSFER large quantity o. l l y and grain and three weeks. Endocarditis and pneu- Sutton Bldg. Ph«"» ceased. When the sila Is filed the silage 1 di All persons having claim s against some machinery, were destroyed by moma were the direct ca’ia*9 °<• Residence Phone 153 M Phone 57 should be covered to prevent spoilage said estate are hereby notified to ’ according to atteading physicians. A layer of cut corn or sorghum stalks present the same, dulv stated and Springfield, Oregon , _ .j ,, Justice McCourt was born in Canada from which the ears or grain have verified, st the law office of A. E. R. P. Bonham of Portland district CaH. W heder In Eugene, Oregon, within immigration inspector, was in Sa.em | been removed does this effectively. he waa fQur «lx month« from this 28th day of arranging for the deportation of eight GEO.. N, McLEAN SHOE REPAIRING August, 1924 inmates of the Oregon Btate penlten- , nion __,8 Hr. 8. Ralph Dlppel. Dentist. Vltua SARAH C MeBEE. Administratrix Work Promptly nnd Automobile, Fire and L ife J. L. Spry, rancher of the Nelson A. E. WHEELER Attorney. A 28-S 25 ♦lary and eight patients at the state ! building. Springfield, Oregon. IN S U R A N C C Carefully Done . . , creek country in the western part of Surety Bonds,. Phono 617 JOHN A. NELSON Will H. Moore, state insurance com^ Lane Lane county, y ^ who had served & a few My bualneea la to protect yoer business missloner, and W. A. Mullen, chief gen(ence (n {he Lane county for 509 Main Street »60 W illa m e tte 8t. Eugene Oregon deputy in the department, have de- moonshtne still on his place, signed a sticker advertising fire pre- ba _ « fay Gqv was paroled for a few weeks by Gov­ ventlon week, which Is October 5 to WM. C. HUGHES ernor Pierce to build q trail and a A. A. ANDERSON 11, inclusive. F IR E A N O A U T O IN S U R A N C E bridge that his children may attend Between 50,000 and 65.000 pounds of school this fall and winter. NOTARY PUBLIC BARBER SHOP hops belonging to O. R. Fish, near I On top of the recent decision of t Office at Springfield, were $1.60 H a irc u t 80c Springfield, w ere burned nurncu when » u e n fire .v ' Eugene school board to abolish FIRST NATIONAL BANK $3.00 Razors »2.00 leveled the hop house. Loss is abou fraternities and other or- Springfield, Oregon ,$000. Mr. Flat. had Just concluded . a» h(g. gchooJ> »1.00 Fitch Shampoo 85c his season s ricking. aQ ord(?r that al, Portland was visited by about 100 ex-members of the different societies ROBERT W. EARL collection agency representatives Mon­ must sign an agreement that they will D is tric t M anager DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL day and Tuesday, when the sixth an­ discontinue membership in the organ­ The Equitable L ife Assurance nual convention of the Collection izations and that they will substitute DENTIST Society of the United State» z\gencies’ association of Oregon was nothing equivalent to this member­ Phone 1197 Y Phone 43 held nt the Multnomah hotel. >1 218 C a ttle Bldg., Eugene, Ore. ship^ -■ ^Automatic train controls, to stop j Vitus Bldg., Springfield. Ore. The Marlon county circuit court has an engine if the engineer through ' set October 13 ns the date for hear­ sudden death or laxity runs past the ing arguments of attorneys with rela­ (I warning block signals, are being iu- tion to the modified order of the pub­ stâïîêd ô n th ’e O-W. R. 4t N. lines be­ lic service comr.i.saioa in the case C O L L E C T IO N S tween Portland and The Dalles. No CoJoctlnn, No Chgfge. Your Home When In gw - ■*«»**■ •• ~ -w- D brought f O w ^ as V I by J L the IV o several railroad com- pîckîni operations panieB operating in Oregon to enjoin W illa m e tte Collection »nd C redit Hop and prune-picking Springfield in Marlon and Polk counties are near enforcement of a previous order cf Service ing an end. The short picking sea- the conimie„ic.n reducing fr.-ght rates 860 W illa m e tte Street, son this year was due, it was said j on hay, grains and other farm pro­ Eugene, Oregon. to the favorable weather, which has , ducta< Phone 378 permitted work without Interruption. ( o{ 6gJ sca,pB of wild anl- A successor to R. B. Goodin, super ma]g came into the Portland office of intendent of the Oregon employment (he Untted sta tes bureau of biological institution for the adult blind in Port- surveXi from 33 trappers hired by the land, who died last week, probably ! bureau in cooperation with the state ' Distributors of Fishers I All kinds of grnvel for con- Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feed« P^ssa*'" will not be considered until the next live3, ock sanitary board and the state enlng of human burdens, in^the gen­ regulur meeting of the state board of j,anie commission. This is a record Crete or road work. We Born on a southern Indiana farm, « * * * •** eral welfare of all- make a specialty of crushed I control. catch for August. Coyotes and bob- the toacher of a country school, True, Mrs. Hert Is a good Repub­ rock and rock sand. Bunk­ the wife of a successful business O. E. Freight Bldg. lican. but her messages breathe first I The September estim ate of pear catR, Or lynx, were most numerous ers at foot of Main on Mill »-hose affairs she now man- of all tho soul of a humanitarian, ! production gives the total crop of the Trappers siso sent in scalps of 145 ■ aat 5th. a farmer on her own Ken coupled with the conviction that of I United States as about (he tame «• “ badge’s and 122 porcupines, shot ln street. ,,’cky n res. an able business women. all the agencies at hand the Republi­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. ■ 1923, but shows a general reduction . t ,,ur-e of their rounds. -u with all the charm and gracious- can party Is the most effective one Cc umhla river salmon canneries ars for the Pacific coast states. The Ore­ . ss <„ a lady of the old school— m , Alvin T Hert View through which what women want Chairman ^of*th^Republlcaa Natloual soots, = eas. tto £ gon crop la asthe -tod nt 1,153.003 participating more extensively in the bushels against l,a40.000 buahela lest ..ctlvlHea of the fall fishing a, «son, greatest FRANK A. DE PUE which opened September 10, than for Committee. year. M t * I.T t'e headquartere are In achieved. Her pol'tlcal creod Is summed ip A T T O R N E Y A T LA W Just why pin» squirrels should be naay year* Practically every large JOHN M. WILLIAMS C h logo, from which renter she la In toe belief that the purpose of gov- , m r >rg t . Asi rla and its environs Attorney for Vet. Elate Aid Com., N O T A R Y P U B LIC broadcasting to American -women ornmeut 1» to “establish Justice, n- seeking lower al'.ltudos snd forsaking pac ting ----- fish. The general high ; their mountain hnunte Is a question Holdlera Bonus nans. ilrsi of all the message of their great sure domestic tranquility, provide >r Sutton Sprlngfluld raised by 8. H Walker of Umatilla ' quality of the Columbia river spring responulblHD. The women claimed L. B. BEAN tho common defense, promote the r ’• Buldllng Oregon. tlu If a ven the vote they would eral welfare, and secure the blc dti a ! county. Ordtan»'tly, U>0 little a d m its , and sun mer pack and the operation A ttornsy State La id Board. ma„e the United Slates a bottor place of llfcarty to ourselvea and our prs- 1 remain far back tn the hills, but this ' „( restrictions to Un it the output of Ftnlo School Fund Loam. to live in. Mrs. Hert Is urging a.l ! year they have come down th- ! tj,Q Alaskan product haa ao streogthen- w. mn not to he among the twenty- terit >ls hard to quarrel with such t farm«. Porcupines and skunks nave i the market for fall sslm on thut Sqttenk - Squeak - Squeak WILLIAMS A BEAN Pv million ballot slacksrs. but to go creed unless one want» to find fault also come down out of the mountains j there Is keen competition among the Repair that r.quenky wtheel before ATTO RNEYS to the polls on h Election an J vote for''what ihey‘ X y e "to I ay ht X poll- | Ct>nnKUf lta too Into. to a greater extent than ever before, packer«. 860 W llllam stte St. Eugene, Or«. »1.80 per wheel des that ^Hl mean most In the light lo t________ __________ _ ... Licensed to practlco In all Court« to ll w hat you wont to to ll, buy w hat you w ont to buy through tbooo columns- W rite or phono T W O b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y Urges Women Not to Be Among Ballot “Slackers The Loop” Pacific Feed & Supply Co. Eugene SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. Oregon of the Stati’, and United States, FAD Service Station Corner 5 and A