The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 18, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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The Misses Verna, Alla and Jeasts
Teaches Ford to Dance
Very successful was (he surprise Manning and thsir brother. Bernice
party given last Friday on Gladys of Springfield, motored to Pleasant
W heeler by the members of the Chris­ HUI Friday evening September IS to
tian Endeavor of Pleasant Hill. Twen­ attend the surprise party given Miss
ty young people had gathered quietlv Gladys Wheeler.
fn the living room at the home of Mr.
Mr and Mrs Schwartter of Eugene
and Mrs H. C. Wheeler while Gladys are living on the ranch of Mr and
Wheeler was at the piano In an ad Mrs. John Palmer while the Palmers
Joining room. When she was per* are picking hops. Mrs Palmer Is a
snaded to go into the living room daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Schtwart
by her brother, so complete was her xer
surprise to find It filled with young
Mr. \and Mrs Berl John and child
folks that she had to withdraw her ren of Monte Bello, California have
boasts that no one could surprise her moved Into the house on the F. F
by a party. As the moon was shining Cooper ranch Mrs. John la a sister
brightly the young folks went In autos of C. E Jordan o f Pleasant HUI.
to the pasture of the Jed Wheeler
In honor of Miss Alta Manning of
farm and there played games until a Springfield who leaves next week to
late hour when they gathered around continue her course In teachers
a fire, toasted marshmellows and en­ training at Monmouth, several of her
joyed chocolate and cake served by friends are sponsoring a “good-bye
Miss Lets Wheeler. Those who were party" at the home of Taylor Circle
present a tthe affair were Mr. and Friday night S-ptem ber ,9
Mt-| Fern Hfeye* has been the
MTs M. E Hayes. Miss Pern Hayes
of Eugene. Wayne Overholser. Bertha house guest of Mr and Mrs. M E
Manning. Taylor Circle. Lyman Tink­ Hayes the past week.
Allan Wheeler will resume his stud­
er. Belle Olson. Hasel. Gladys. Leta.
Allan, and Lawrence Wheeler. Mr. ies at the Eugene Bible university
and Mrs. Jed Wheeler. Clifford next week.
Mr ^nd Mrs. Ivan Laughary are
Thompson . Verna. Jessie. Alta and
visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs.
Bernice Manning of Springfield.
Mr and Mrs. M E Hayes left for Ralph P. Laird at Edenvale
Roseburg the fore part of this week Laugharv is western field man for
the Jersey Cattle club with head
to visit with Mrs Hayes mother.
Mrs, I. F. Circle left for Portland quarters at Corvallis. Mrs Laughery
Sunday to vtslt for som e time with Is a sister of Mrs Laird.
her daughter and family. Mr and
Henry Ford is going to g ive old-
ime dances at his Wayside (M ass.)
Mrs. Frank Stores.
F air Exchange.
nn this winter. He has hired Mrs
Watching a gray squirrel carry a
Mies Verna Manning was a week­
3- F Lovett o f Hudson, Mass., to
teach, him. his wife and their friends
end guest at the home of Albin Olson
at Edenvale visiting former class Lean. Montreal, investigated ena the old steps. Mrs. Lovett is now
Detroit to show .Mr. Ford how
found 9S more balls that had been
mate. Miss Mabel Olson.
to lib the "Due-sve-doe.” w
carried away sh e replaced the balls
Mr and Mrs. George Bennett, son with nuts and everybody was satisfied
Merrill and daughter. Lucille moved with the trade, especially the squirrel
to Eugene last week Wednesday and
W on t* Be a S ta rte r, B ill.
are living at 25th and Potter St., near
Law Is A fte r Flappers.
Ex-Kaiser Wilhelm ia said to havt
the Girls, college of the Eugene Bib­
Wearing knickers, one plece bath­ invested $25.000 In moving pictures
le university. Mr. Bennett has a y t
ing suits, “petting.” and kissing In to cleanse the movies of “democratic
»itiön as Janitor at the college. Mer
Public exeepf hy near relatives. Is dirt." and help to restore the respect
rill Bennett has the contract to con­
now forbidden by law In Livingson of the common people for monarchist
vey in his truck the girls of the cot
parish (county). Louisiana. Officers government That little chore will
lege to the high school. Patterson
will have plenty to do If this law call for more than $25.000. Bill.
school and Bible university, will also
is enforced.
study musir at the university. Miss
Mrs Frank Mlnney and son. Arthur,
Lucille Bennett is taking nurses
Burley Williams of Vida was In were in Springfield from Vida Satur­
training at the Pacific Christian town Saturday.
n t;
18. 1924
Freshmen entering the Oregon Ag-
Mr 11 M Miller, who was employ-
I'nlverally of Oregon, Eugene. Kept
rlcuturai college are expected to ,r- IS — With four days remaining before »dhy ihe Foreal Horvlce on trail main­
rive on the campus Monday. Septetn freshmen report for the fall term at tenance work In ilie Oakridge die-
her 2$, in order to begin the real of the t ’lilverslly of Oregon. Cnlveralty I irlct. left his ramp fire burning (he
"frishman week“ Tuesday morning officiate have prepare I final Inairut 'morning of Mepiemlter il near Gold
Three dava will be spent bv the first tlon« Io Ihe flrai-year students which I I-ake Forest Hervlce patrolman, (' E
year students In receiving Instruction has been mailed to each accepted ap­ Lee. discovered the fire Ihe morning
In all phases of college life, getting plicant for matriculation. Physical ex i f the 9ih and made complaint against
acquainted with faculty members, and aminations for entering student» are Mr Miller, ('omplalut was made In
becoming familiar with she campus scheduled for B»pt 32. * and on the '*ie local Justice Court and Mr Mil
and the customs and traditions of .following dav (he freshmen will re ler was assessed $10 00 anil coats.
the college
port fur t4ie English examination.
Needles to say. Mr Miller loel his
Registration of freshmen will take
Complete registration material will Job wllh the Forest Service
place Friday. September 2« Students b«. released to these students We (lies
who have former'y attended the col •lay. Sept $4. and on the two days
'ege will register Saturdav. September following the freshmen will meet wllh
27 None but new students arc expect­ their faculty advisers when their aca
ed to be on the campus before that demlc schedules will be prepared t'nl |
dale Bv agreement among fraiorntlleg verslty classes begin on Monday. Sep­
and sororities there will be no rush­ tember 29
ing or pledging until after the close
The Cnlveralty will have an In­
of freshman week.
creased enrollment thia year over last
After preliminary registration Tuea- Since the war the Increase has been
day morning, prospective students In steady, and the number of first year
each school will be divided Into groups students whose applications have be->nl
of 15. each led by a faculty member accepted to dale Indicates that Ihej
who wit lhave special ch arge'of the Institution will record another advance
group for the week A classlflcatory i (bis year.
! Our line o f School supplkm In
examination In English will be given
all freshmen. An Informal assembly
¡the moat complete in thia com­
will “break the Ice" and a faculty re­
m unity, Mini the assortment Is
TIO N OF ELE C T R IC IT Y nuch that pupils may always
ception to freshmen will close the
first day's program
Electric light an t power production find Just what Is needed. We can
W edneslay and Thursday will he
largely devoted to study of the follow­ allowed an Increase of 17 per cent In nsMlsi your children In selecting
ing subjects; “College Community 1931 over the previous year, wllh a the right kind o f supplies as we
Relations." “Budgeting.** “Student Ac­ new high record of flfty .lx billion ar»< fam iliar w llh the require­
tivities. ** "Meeting Expense," “How to kilowatt-hour«.
ments o f the schools.
The proportion of this total pro­
Study," "Co’lega Regulations.'* "Col­
Pens, Pencils, Tablets,
lege Traditions.“ and “Keeping Fit.”
ed a falling off. as It hat done every
In ks, C rgyons,
year for the last five years.
Sounded That Way to Him.
A countryman and his wife, in Lon
Figures by the I nlte-1 States Ooo- and other Items o f schixil sup­
don for the day. went Io a niu«lc logical Survey covering» the live plies are here. We cater to the
hall. The first number on the program are an follows:
th lld re n ’s I rude
was a classical orchestra »»lection.
The man suffered gamely for a lime,
Total Kilowatt
by water
‘ See Our Window"
and then turned to his wife, who held Year
the program
“Maggio.** he whispered, “what he 1920
37 1
this 'ere thing them fellers are play­ 1921
in 'f
39 1
"I’ s Chorln.'* she whispered back 1933
35 1
"Ah, well,“ he muttered, resignedly.
CALL AND SEE Di. N. W. Emery
'It sounds more like »awin' to me ** on price»» on plate and other work, tf
W hat Do Your
Children Need in
School Supplies
Our Stock is
The Store o f Springfield
T h e ir F a ll
We have given careful study and consideration to the needs of this community
and with this m mind we have collected our fall merchandise.
We bought the best East and West manufacturers can produce and now we
proudly offer it to you with our ironclad guarantee.
Our tremendous buying
power gives you many opportunities to save considerable money.
. . Bear in mind that no transaction is complete until you are perfectly satisfied
with your purchase.
Mens' Dress Shoes, Peters, Endicott, Carter
$5.5 0 Every pair shoes guaranteed.
53 gQ
Men s Work Shoes—-Endicott— Buck Hecks— Santa Rosa
Bergman— Currm— Carter— Red Star. From 6 inches to
16 .nches. Pr.ces $2.25» $ 4 ,7 5 on 6 inches.
$5,50, $15 .0 0, 8 to 16
Boys’ 2 pair pants, tweed wool suits, $ 5 ,5 0 $ 1 0 ,0 0
Mens’ and Boys' wool sweaters, Coat and Slipover style
Bradley make. $ 2 .5 0 $ 7 ,0 0
All-wool mens’ plaid shirt, special
$ 3 .7 5
Mens’ and young mens' all-wool single pants
___________ Evory Pair of Shoes is Guaranteed.
All-wool mens’ and boys’ mackinaw, Boss on the Road
Brand, $ 5 .0 0 $ 1 0 ,0 0
Child shoes, size 5-8, Drees and Heavy, the best makes only
Paces $ 1 1 5
Ball Brand and U. S. Rubbers of all kind.
Army wool sox 25c
Girls’ and Boys’ shoes. Dress and Heavy, Peters— Santa
Rosa— Red Star, Prices $ 2 ,50 $4,00
Chalmer’s Cotton Underwear. W right wool mixed anil all-
wool underwear.
We carry full line of High Tops of the best makes only
Plain Toe— Moccasin for men, ladies, children.
Mens Suits and Overcoats. Latest style and design
wool only. Prices $ 2 0 .0 0 $35 00
I f you are not satisfied w ith your purchase
bring it hack and w e w ill refund
money cheerfully.
Children Coverall
<$*.■« 00
Hickory Shirts
$6,0 0
Ladies silk and serge dresses, close out ..
$9 85
Some of this number sold as high as $ 3 5 ,0 0 onl*y°15
10» X.
Phoenix silk hose ..................................
We carry Holeproof and Cadet beside.
Jap crepe in all shades
$1.0 0
We ust received a b.g variety of woolens, serges, girls’
at? H drw 3 matena,s* 8 'rl9’ sweaters, the latest at moder-
• te price». W e carry . full , )ne of B la n k e t., N„ hu.
par® our p rice,.
$ 1 .9 5
$ 1 .5 0
$1.1 0
$3 7 5 _
Marshallfield guaranteed fast color. Best Zephire gingham
Special per yard
* jQ c
Arrow shirts and collars, all ■ tyles.
N. B. logger shirt3, waterproof
Big Yank— Uncle Sam work shirt,.....
Slickers. Raintest coats and pants. Rose City Brand.
Heavy Khaki Pants ...............................................
Mens Overall ..................................................
Boys Overall ..............................................
Remember - We A v:ways
!w ays
Sell it For Less