BELL • JM B e- Thsy ...a tap 1» green. This Weei •AUO b « IS « » m J Lv Arthur Brisbane ft r i *h i,v civilized human . .„ . t! .'..iijii that rata and !nn't pay, and taka t h j « i d . to got rid of thorn along .h m o ., luitova, files and other i: I iir.cea that Father Noah might w.'ll have left out of tha Ark. An English ariantlat (lvmon- rirated thiat rata auffar from foot nnd mouth diaaaao and, frequenting »tables. infect tha cattle. . Moral for farmora, use clinent and copper and keep out the rata. NOT READING,—THINKING. JOY ON MARS. YOUNG AT 102. TWO YOUNG MEN. _________ The World Federation of Educa­ tion Associations organises a w o rld w a r a g a in s t Illite ra c y . PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. SEPT. 18. 1924. Fur thia war tho I ' o w ii Prince .o f Japan ha» appropriated a million yen. China ha« adopted the alo* an " a I.iterate Nation in no Generation." i I t is preposterous that any human being», outside of actual barbarUm, should grow up unable to read. Hut teaching them to read and w rite it only the llrat atep. Tho next la teaching human being» TO T H IN K , which la conaidurahly more difficult and important. I t isn’t what you KF.AI> that counts. It'a what you T H IN K A F T E R YO U R EA D that Improvaa government and civilisation. .. . , *=------ . . I t takes a Frenchman, and an old one, Camille Huuimarlon. to say that the People on Mara are much more JOY k b L than we are. The M artian year la twice as long ae ours. A man there fifty y. are old has lived 1W years, m a rly The climate ia better and the planet being smaller, every- thing la lig h t« An ordinary M ar- tian could easily carry hia mother- in-law upatalr. In hia arms, »wen if aha weighed 400 pounds. M il- Ilona of years older In their civlllM * lion then earth men. the Martians are far ahead of us In knowledge. and that means happiness. In fact ifa th« only solid happiness. Clarence Darrow, a lawyer, who thinks and fvola, and conauquently earns little in proportion to hia great ability, tells the Court that to hang the two young men whom he defends, Ixieb and Leopold, “would be a worse crime than they committed." And that la the truth, exactly. I f a red Indian tortured a white man for twenty-four houra, . that . would not uxcuan white men for torturing that red man even for twenty-four mlnutea. The greater the intelligence and reaponaiblllty, the greater the crime. Thia column, too lightly, oom* panel Moaea’ forty-year trip across the deaert with the four-hour trip _ _______ of a email __________ American automobile, and the one and one-half-hour trip „ ( a »lying machine, across the same desert. Many writers tend learned com- ment. . — ■ Hyman Bodner. of Paeaalr, New Jer.ey, aaya, “You needn’t wait to get Information from Moaea in kept the ehUdren of j anl,.| tn th. desert for forty years they w rr» not qualified to fon<, u„ r lho p romlaed lend. ,_ p ^ t i d i y a|| died. Thy new »(.„„ration, educated and drilled, b H uaJma, won their Prom- . , / . . flghU n«“ l ‘a~ ’ ng" U? * Max of to « » Island Ot writer, said that Moaea had f(>lu^ ala die off while b> , new generation “who k n -< „ . ^ ^ g ab<«« Egypt m «1 wrw1 them for their task." , nybody mure exact trrfornU|tlon etawt the fighting leader, Huslma? - ~ • . ' We are told that we are lacing a coal shortage. Hut the shortage of coal Is not a reason for the increase of the price of coaL T o increase the price of coal would make it possible for the rich to have coal, but it a»ould make it impossible for the poor to purchase it. --w e*. Thia country needa so many tons of coal. The rich and the poor alike need the coat The shortage of coal ihould not cause the price to be increased. An incrcMetf price will prevent a just distribu­ tion of coal. The only legal and just thing that ran possibly be done ia to diatrib- ute the amount of coal we have aaamg all the people st the tame rate that they would have been charged for the coal had there been Ttcient quantitv. a suitici The profiteer who takes advan- tage of the situation and raise, the prier of coal ia an enemy of the people. F L A u t u C a ST c k in thia country. He has gone un- Coal ia a necessity. And any man who takes advantage of the poor man's necessity or of the rich man's necessity to extract from him an excessive price for that neces­ sity ia at heart a thief. Whatever law there ia that can reach him should be put into operation. There ia a just profit that belongs to every man for hia labor, hia tal­ ent, his brain; but there has never existed and there will never exist a cond,ion which eutitlea any man to excessive profit», to usury, or extortionate demand, for service or for goods. The profiteer has exi,ted too long molested and has etcaped the judg­ ments of law. But now the people arc giowing weary, rctleaa, and re­ vengeful. The time has come for the gov­ ernment to arrest every man who takes advantage of an emergency to practise extortion. This is certainly true of the hour in which we are now living. , - The government talked about seizing the coal m - e i. The gov­ ernment ought to seise not only the mines, but everything else that tha profiteer ia trying to use for the purpose of extorting from the peo­ ple gn unjust and unreasonable profit. The profiteer should not be al­ lowed to do business. Let the government say to all profiteers: ‘'Every time you raise the price unjustly, the government will take from you the right and the license to do business. This is the only way by which the suffering publo- can be quieted and put at ease. This is the way by which the government can restore confidence in its sovereignty, in its power, and ta its jueticc. Tonight, Thur«day “To the Ladies” and “Way of a Man” Friday, Saturday Elinor Glyn’s “Six Days” Comedy— “One At a Time” SUNDAY POLI NEGRI in “Shadows of Paris” Comedy— “The Misfit” am quallfl«d for this work and believe I have a right to ask the people for their support. If I am given thia work) you will always find me on the Job. and will conduct the affairs In a cour­ teous nnd business like manner. The anhool election comes on Saturday the 20th. See that your X mark 1« placed before the name of R. W. Smith for clerk. Your« for service, R W. S M ITH . T H l THJCXJBUE VVtTM A A O ST S C O - M A O S M t H r t TMAT THE Y ARE brought several cases before me. One the rivtorde and pupers to be kept. 1 It Always Pays to Trade at Cray's Have you seen the Put your idle money to work Perhaps Pretty Paris Shopping bags in our window you have a sum of “Cupid’s Fireman * Comedy— “The Misfit” Wednesday Br 8. Ralph Dlppel. Dentist. Virus building, Springfield, Oregon. •Around the World in Speejacks he Road to Success Spaed of Radio Waves. Harris and a heavier penalty waa Ini- In a Bad Way. posed. Williams and Bean had one Aviator; “ We are falling! Are you or two law suits In my court. Medley from Cottase Grove alao. and Mickey prepared to meet vour Maker?" I.ady Passenger: “Gracloua, no! My and -John Mullen m « » l . 1 mention these simply to »how that 1 am fam­ halr'e a sight!" iliar with the work of th« recorder, Blinding E ith e r W ay. office I, have been Notary Public The explosion of a barrel of beer for a good many year« and can han­ cost W illiam E Foster. Ix>s Angeles, dle any of the business that might an eye and he Is suing for 130.000 come up under either of these offices. damage«. .Drinking (he stuff causes I whm secretary of Springfield I. O. O. blindness too sometimes. F. lodge for several terms and also secretary of the state association of His Idea, Too. It F. D. carriers for several year«. The children were plavlng war. Bil­ I represented the slate of Oregon In ly was commnnder tn-cftlef. «till-* Boh U»e national It. F. D. convention held was carrying war materials—such ns In Chicago In 191«. I mention these pot