The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 18, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    Washburn«. arrived in Springfield C o u n fy F « l f G a la
Friday to spsnd a few daye at the
E v e n t T h l» Y ear
home of his nephew before g<^ng on -
a trt to »•astern Oregon, From east
eru Oregon he will go on back east
(Continued from Tage t.t
Recovering from Pneumonia— N . H in or near Springfield. They hare
daughter of Mrs. Carl S t'alaf; sec
Helterbrand of S etreej to uoevalawc- sold their property In Comptotn. Cal.
Back from Minas— II. J. Ward re- t>lid. Dalvd Dunsmuir.
IkStl Onyx
Ing from aa attack of gnvumonla.
turned hilday from tho llohemln street, son of Mr. and Mrs. It K.
H are from Thueaton— Mrs M argsr
mines. «5 miles south-east of Cottage Dunsmuir; third. Marian AckersoO.
Remodeled— Dave
W orley at Campbell and M is. S e n . Heershma Uro^
tth„rrt k ,, j ,,,, b „C
M ,„ llkt 1<U Thtrtnenth avenue east, daugh­
has finished the work of remodeling were Springfield visitor« from Thurs aftFr h u clalm,
ter of Mrs Merle Ackeraon; fourth
ton Saturday,
A, C. Clark’s residence.
Pau' Wry. 1330 Emerald street,
Eyelid Gashed— While milking < cow
Had Tonsils Out—The small son of
Here from Mareola— Mr. and Mrs Thursday evening with a put»>nt nta son of Mrs J. p Wry; fifth. Con
Fred Hill on North 5th street had his Verdon May. recently of Springfield, chine CeciJ Hsrhert suffered a kev stance Jane Slang. Register building,
tonsils removed by a local physician but now reaiding at Mareola, were vbi erelv gashed eyelid The eyelid was daugutcr of MY*. Conrad Slang; sixth
Itors in tnwu Monday.
■ injured on a wire of the itmchlne, A Mary Ellon Jardin. daughter of Mrs
number of atilches had to be taken John M. Jardin; seventh. Mildred
Miss Johnson III— Mias Hannah
Went to Portland—A. E Senseny
Msr Wahl. Mareola. daughter of Mrs
Johnson of Fast Main street is quite went to l*ortland Saturday morning
Went Hunting— Kiley Snodgmaa of Fred Wald, ilhla baby was only 10
11! at the home of her brother In Dex­ where h e visited his daughter. Mrs Springfield. D. J. ltryan and Leon days old;) eighth. Dorothy Jane Doug
Alfred Bailey.
Bond of Eugene, and Frank Nichols laa. Junction City, (laughter of Mrs.I
and a guest from Portland went hunt- Harry M. Ihutglaa; ninth, Robert
Here for Treatm ent— I ’. H. Slack
Drove to Salem— Itoland Parker ing on the south fork of the McKensle Bruce Turner. 1MI Lincoln, aon of
and family were In town Monday motored to Salem Saturday, return- river, returning Friday after a weeks’» Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Turner.
from their home in t'amp Creek for ing Sunday. He went In company with outing.
O ne-Year Olds Given Price«.
medical treatment.
some Vnlon oil men of Eugene.
For the class of babies over one-
Went to Enterprise— Mr. and Mrs
4L to Meet—A meeting of the Loy­
Here from Seattle— Mrs. Ruth E. H. T. Mitchell left Sunday for En year old the following won prise«:
John Marvin Mmh. 1991 Columbia
al Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen Hall, of Seattle, came Thursday to
terprise They will stop In Pendleton
street. Eugene, son of Mr, and Mrs
»Ci be peld at 7:36 o'clock next Mon­ spend a couple of weeks at the home
to see the round-up, will visit friend*
John Marvin Lamb; second. Jane
day night in the W. O W. hall.
of her sister. Mrs. O. B. Kessey.
in Salem and Sheridan, and relatives
Boren. 511 latwrence street, Eugene.
In Portland while they are gone. Mr
Visited at Henderer Home— W . F
Visited from Indian Creek— Mr. and . . . . . „ ,
. . .
daughter of Mr, and Mrs Hal Boren;
h. . . .
, . „ .. o ... ,,
Thompson and a business associate and Mrs. Ralph Taylor of Indian
third. Marjorie Bell Smith, ( reswell.
from Portland were guests at the Creek visited this week with his bro- with them twill 1^ M,r MMrhell's route 1, daughter of Mr and Mrs
home of Mr and Mrs. Jack Henderer I them. Charles Taylor of Thumton and mother’ Mr* M W Mitchell. who will Frank L. Smith, fourth. Francis Guth
Tavlor of
‘ P«*nd the winter In Springfield with rrle. 12S4 Jackson street. Eugene, son
I useil to mourn al>out the trials of Miv
„ « -e rv -iv e hllcl « milium two quart v.als with brwv «vm
, ‘ .
I ’ ve » wrttt |>ci :1UI»C «»i tflbllUltiollt tbr«Hh h
M J*M S « « « ; »h-
I»«.» sobbed
at bow
anJ »»resent
, , ,
hr slew
lh „ ,„ b
n ( f )rB
i>»r wnwel».
m t b is
|. h
n,e.„ U * J lum
miles of hearilcss snow . • • « '• « e h
rive l «ml each r r.n a l fetched the brine, ami I
set around an' snivel. aUmt then, ohl k m i-Ik s o!f mn.e
i X u n i i ' S .n , t
, e * cra rv i b r tu in c llivver
th nc
crazy t
. . .
W'i" «•:'
the bull necked r<»a«I
< ur |n p r
m ^b al.l faccnerror. «U>ut them happv pnm rrrs!
it from every angle —■ f ve
.„i' -o f
wp vp
I ve atutiktl
turned tlie subjeck Inside out
and I have learnt, beyond a
wrangle, that I ’m the one to
weep about!
Subscribe For The Springfield News
. them
of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. (lulh
Stopped at Power Plant— Harry ! R ;turned to Albany— Mrs. William
fifth. Maryjane Maher. 1045
Shea, chief bookkeeper for the Moun ! Dawson and son, Billy, returned to
Here te 9ee F«‘h er-M rs. A. S.
tain States Power company at th e , Albany Thursday after spending some J#lll!,on
from Portland Friday Charnelton street. Eugene, daughter
h" r
C. F. Scott, whoj *’f ” r
*uh<’r : •'«’9
Eugene office paid a visit to the time In Springfield. While here the in- ,o
Springfield plant Monday.
fant underwent a minor operation.
ha* b'"‘n ••‘rlously III. but who seem s
' ' .
°r ' " ”
to be tnjprovtng. S h e returned to Eugene, daughter of Mrs. J. II Bray;
Building Porch— A new poroh. 14
Left for California— Mrs John Tom- Portland .«arly Monday morning after "•’ ""’A» Bhyllls Wright. Springfield,
by IS feet, is being added to the Seth and niece. May Ellen Shriver.'» visit with both her father and her ,U ',«h" r «* Mr* Vlnrll T. Wright;
recently completed home of Mr. and left Sunday evening for Weed. Call- eiater Mr« d . W McKinnon Mrs e l*h,h- ,Jorl» Helen R«yburn. Spring
„ „ at
.. —
„ nrnU w hew
- - - —
- ----------------- ----
Mrs. Herbert J , Cox
Fifth and C
Carl Pardue, and another daughter of n ’ M’ <’, u , h '*r ° r Mr« «• <5. Rayburn;
week with friends.
Mr Scott's, Is here from Tacoma. nln,h' H,rolrt ’'**•
Washington with her two little dsugh-
E»»«ene. son of Dr. Hand
L eft for Summer R etort— A. C. Wi.
Left for Florence— Mrs. Arthur Rob-
son left Sunday for Brooden’s Baths erts went to Florence Saturday, re­
J’idges for the contest were Mr».
about 9 miles from Tillamook where turning Monday. She apent the week- to stay a week or so
A F Rapp. Mr» F X Schaefers and
he will take treatments for his health end with her husband who is doing
Henry Trotnp.
for two weeks or so
surveying work there at present.
A trip to the fair would be Incom­
Purchases Suppliew— M
C. Drury
plete without etopplng to see the fine
Here from Albany— Mr. and M t
was here yesterday from Disston to Dick Davis and small son and daugh j
needlework In the email pavilion Just
purchase supplies for his own store ter are In Springfield this week visit­
to the right as one enters the grounds.
and for the store of Oeorge Potter ing with Mrs. Davis’ mother. Mrs ,
Here may be eeen needlework In
at Dorena.
which men have contributed to help
Wflbur J. Lepley.
beat the women at) their own game.
Fractured W rtot— Fred Dorsey of Attend Fair In Eugene— Mrs. John F
apron with the Insignia of the
Marcóla fell and sustained a frac- Ketels and Mrs K et els’ parents. Mr |
United (Ratea Navy was made by a
lured right wrist on Friday. He was and Mrs A Lindsey who are visiting
service man for h is mother during the
In Springfield to receive surgical here from Hebron. Nebraska, attended
wsr. Wonderful knitted bedspread ».
the Lane County fair iu Eugene Wed-
dreesee beaded and embroidered, pil­
Nose — Maxine Smltson
lo w cases and towels— indeed, all the
¿rdinary eorta of ewelng and many
skinned her nose severely on Satur­
Returned from Hopyard—Mrs. Maud
day when she fell on the cement pave­ T. Bryan and daughter. Miss Cry.
Oddities are Io be seen.
ment. At first It was thought that stal. and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Roberts
the nose was broken, but this was not and family returned yesterday after
foupd to be the case.
two weeks spent camping at the W el­
Buy Your Baked Goods
at the Bakery
The Mlty Nice Line la
Fresh every day
Special Attention (liven to Special Onlera
Springfield Bakery
Fred Frege, Prop-
We Are Ready
You Can’t Drive a
Nail With an Apple
With a Complete Line of
<J Poor printing
on poor paper never
paid anybody. Get
work that is good
enough to bring you
good results.
by Stevens hopyard.
W r"—September 1«, 1924. In. Eu­
gene. to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brown
of pleasant Hill, a »on. weight 12
pounds The Infant was bora at the
home of Mrs. Brown’s sister In Eugene
1528 West 5th street.
Stewart, who is moving h is meat-
market equipment to Klamath Falls
where he is going into business, ar
rived from Klamath Falls Tuesday
Stopped In Springfield—William and night to take another truck-load.
"Bud" Curriar of Summerlake. Ore­
Taking Week’s Vacation—Miss El
gon. who were on their way to Cor­ efe Weddle and Miss Lottie Whittak­
vallis to attend the funeral of their er left Monday morning for a week's j
mother, stopped in Springfield yester vacation. They will attend the Pen j
day to call on John Fitzgerald
dleton round-up. spending a day or
Taken to Hospital—John Tomseth so there, and will go on to Walla
Jr. was taken sick Monday night, and Walla to visit Miss Weddle’s sister
H ere from
Klam ath
Falla— J
<J U s e an econom­
ical paper such as
and come to an eco-
n o m ic a l p r i n t e r .
That’s us. Quick serv­
ice and good work at
reasonable prices.
Went to Portland— Mr. and Mrs C
land Friday/ returning Sunday. Mr
Wilson looked after business Interests
w hile In Portland, and on the way
back the family stopped over Sun­
day with Mr. W ilson’s mother, Mr«. M.
J. Wilson of Salem.
Plumbing Com pany
Uncle Visiting Here— Riley Clark,
uncle of Jim Clark and Mrs. A. B .'
Cox & McKay
Made Portland Trip— If f Jackson,
of the Springfield depot, wen« to.Port­
land Saturday afternoon, returning
8unday accompanied by Mrs. Jack-
son who had been visiting at. the
home of her brother In t ‘ at city.
W hile there Mr. pnd Mr Jackson
made a trip up the Columbia high
Returned to Long Beach— Mrs. J i
W !>» wds and fam ily returned to I
Long l' n<
California Tueuday after
tw o months spent here camping andj|
vacatlcnlnz. Mrs. Lewis’ sister anjl
family. Mr. and Mrs F. Dawlay, a r e .,
«till h ire, and are planning to locate
New and secondhand
bought and sold at right prices.
Live and let llvt oor
Come in and be convinced.
129 Fifth Street
complete. Then- are many reasons why you should trade
Flour, Feeds, Hay, Grains.
Morrison & Clingan
In Internal Medicine fo r the
past tw elve years
The new Arcola
O. Wilson and children went to Port­
Our store la new and all gooda are freali and the stock
Coming to Eugene
Dr. Mellenthin
was taken to the Springfield hospital
Left with Surveying Crew—Earl
for treatment. He was improved on Roberts left Wednesdav morning with
U s a M o r « P r in t e d
Tuesday, and returned home
a surveying crew for the state high­ S a le s m a n s h ip — A a k Us
Home from California— Miss Con­ way for a few weeks. He fs now work
stance Rebhan returned home Satur­ ing with the crew near Nimrod Inn,!
day evening from San Francisco. Cal- up the McKenzie
lfornia, where she visited for a
Here over Week-End—Mr. and Mrs !
month with her mother, Mrs. Edith Joe I/'mmon« motored up from Marsh-*
1 *
field Friday to spend the week-end
hot w ater heating outfit lias six
Picnicked Sunday—Mrs. and Mrs with Mrs Lemmons’ parents, Mr. and
C E. Swarts and daughter Miss Edna Mrs. John Winzenried.
Swart,-, Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Wheat-
Went to West Stayton— Mrs IJda 1. Grey enamel cover.
on and guests Mrs. Glendennlng and MacOowan. Miss Elsie Weddle, and
’ . ¿ “ T " '" 1W" ' ' ’ ’“ M » ' » > « » » » » » » „ I .,.
2. W ater surrounded ash pit.
Sunday at Anlauf.
! afternoon for We«t Stayton to visit 3. Automatic dam per control.
Purchased New Home—Jack ." ’ H wover the week-end with Mrs. Leonard
4. Lock safe fire box.
derer has purchased a new 6-room
bungalow between 5th and 5th str e e ts, Went to Elkton— Mr. and Mrs. Le­ 5. Pyrex glass fire door plates.
on E from George Perkins. The deal land Eubanks and Mrs Eubank’s fa­
6. Completely equipped.
was completed Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs
ther Mr. Rutherford, accompanied by
Henderer will move their household
Mr. and Mrs. G!ae Lyons and daugh­
effects to their new residence tomor­
ter, Helen, spent the week-end at
O ffice
Rug Gleaning
W ill be at
T U E S D A Y , S E P T . 30
Hours: 10 a. m. to 4
T im e is Here
No barge fo r Consultation
Dr.Mellrnthln 1« a regular graduate
in medicine and surgery and Is II-
qensed by the state of Oregon. He ,
does not operate for chronic appendl-
dltis, gall stones, ulcers of etom ach ,'
(onnils or adenoids.
He ha« (o his credit wonderful re­
sults in diseases of the stomach, liver,
bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid­
ney, bladder, bed wotting, catarrh,
weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg
dicers and rectal ailments.
Below are the names of a few of
his many satisfied patients In Oregon:
Mrs. J. W. Haynes, North Powder,
Ore., goitre.
Mrs. Alice Williams, Malheur. O r e ,1
heart trouble and high blood preosure.
Vno SJoroos, Astoria, Ore . ulcer or
the stomach.
If Deggeller, Silverton, Ore., ulcer
of the stomach.
Mrs. Oeo. A. Gilman, Coqtlllle, Ore,,
gall stones.
Mrs. M. E Oarson, Silverton, Ore.,
High b'ood pressure.
Mrs. J. M. Bowers, Toledo, Oro.,
gal' stones.
I A oguit Erickson, Lakeside, Ore.
kidney trouble.
, rem em ber above date, that consut-
i latlon 'it tills trip will be i -e : nd
I ¡.h a t Ills treatment In different.
Married women must be ncco' ipan-
| e l by the r husbands.
1 Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Loe
We are using the Electric
Rotary Rug Equipment
Wie w ill co ll lor yo u r rugs
Our Phone is 3 0 0
Angeles, California.