t»AGE THfcE» THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. RKPT. IB. 1924. Lane County Farmers Union News _______ . » a .« ’ 2nd. Barbara Ixinn! 3rd. Helen Me Call* tar; rompried «• club« In the »lock-judging oonteri. and were »cored by point» for their Judgment on page the field next ever before.” said W. II. Bulllle. of | busy* In ’he prune orchards snd hop c enzie local STAGE SCRUB-BULL TRIAL school Monday with Miss N ellie Leep month and deTOte his time carrying e e • • tbo Oregon Agricultural college. Cor­ fluids, there were not enough mem­ as teacher. the m essage of the Farmers Union vallis. and. supervisor of the clubs bers present last Friday to conduct The trial of a scrub bull In which Mr. and Mrs. J G. Runk and son ! into unorganized territory. __ ! The ?IeK»nzle river local met In every part of the proceeding»—except attended the fair Tuesday for the four counties of l» n * . l,lnn, a ty business A full meeting „ 1» ex ! With the new Vida local and the Marlon and Polk In the work done peeled at the next meeting which regular session a< this hall In Walter- of course, the prisoner—was taken by I locals at ML Vernon. McKenzie, Trent j vtlle last Wednesday night. A large boys' and girls’ club members, recent­ carrying out the program under the will be Sept. 2«, No Statistics. Camas. Cloverdale. Coburg. Fir Butte. crowd wae present. Coffee, sandwiches ly occurred at a farm bureau meeting U nited Slat«» Department of Agri­ Rub: “How many fish did Dobbs jagper, the terrrltory adjacent to * * and cake were served. culture special bulletin» are pre­ In Lincoln County, Oreg The event catch?*’ f.-prlngfleld Is thoroughly organized * Now that the busy season Is on. we took place during a picnic and was the pared which are given Into the hand» TRENT LOCAL Dubb: “I haven’t the least idea. and baa a membership that extends to . . exepect larger attendances at the of children In the rural communities chief attraction of the day. The bull Nine, he says.” ¡nearly every farm. I meetings, quite an extensive program i was found guiltv. The 200 spectators In the form of an «»tension course pr™ .»» — The Trent local of Partners' Union ~ ................ Is being arranged for the fall and win- ¡rendered an additional verdict, unani­ from O. A C At present. Mr Ball- Queen’ Beet Ruled O ut.” Last But Not L e a s t mously that the work of the boys and lie stated, only one third of the wiu meet In the Pleasant Hill high ,„ r month» No more king and queen business Teacher: “Tommy, can you give m e — — are H(-bool Wednesday night September -------------- children ordinarily competing •tock and Handiwork. M K Tommy "Yesm . They stunt hi» risi proararo iw. (W(J , "queen»” and the part they play ’ maUe hla breath come „ I. hoped every one will quit tv. Oreg.. described a scrub-bull ex- in m e m a m a »«in-- | ...........— ■ „ in these Insect co'onlee, have been e • / , h, catch him io (hl* meetltiK , B ’a a altuatlon that should vitally change plan recent y naugura >• - I prohibited by the Bolshevist govern- short, an i- ~ s c c u T n ^ l.S S E a ! ">«’ buslnee. Intereat. of Ore ler this plan the owner- «nmkin’ « MARKET AGENT DISCUSSES KOn H in arrl(.l)lurflI bUH> ,t. cattle list their surplus bull crop to FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVES u Th<>^ b<> # (.ahre, are 6 week* old. The purchas-, tat. Velma Drew. Eugene motor B C F. 8pe.ee. Stale Market Agent | )n i moviment agree to butc er a __ , Foute 1. *«* . m ov< n ie n i to i o help n e ip the v i a farmer» i * o n o r » orgsn- sr must -------- — ... S c a le . Must Balance. 1 „ a the,r pnwluctlon Their prosperity bulls as soon as the uprebred calf I. 2nd. Pearl BtttdU. Eugene motor Ule 1. 1. '4 1 When the purchasing power of a (> n( mnrf> tmportance ,.han that cld enough for service. Toute 3rd. Margaret Muhr, Eugene motor c„untry equal» or exceeds Its produe- fhp m 1nt(,r^ u , ---------------------- - t ( « ' rower th»*n there 1« •lability when Young Am erica. r ( v .. . I ■ 1 , . . u la s . than W hy Co-Operation Move» Slow ly. That a boy won the first prise In llj(> purchasing power I* le»" than “Tom, go fetch the old horse. « ’ V first year eewing cla»« 1» « not»- production power there Is the reverse ' Why co-operation moves so slowly -W hy the old one. father?” bb- fsot He 1» Marl Liles of Oowhen There are about forty million farm in Oregon Is because so many move­ -W ear out the old ones first, that’s 2nd. llurnlca I lolling'w orth of Mabie, ,h c Unite I Slates. Theirs la ments along this line have started my motto.'' 3rd. Pauline Blais. Eugene. ,|h e biggest single Industry of t e and failed. The farmers havo Httlfc “Well, then, father, you fetch the Three Dorena girl, took the p rli~. J nation. If they could sell titelr prod hope and less enthusiasm . One after horse.”—Epworth M essenger for second y e .r sew ing: 1st. P e tr id . n et. nt fair P » n te there youMI he another havo been organized, func­ Doorkeeper of movie theater—So tioned weakly for abort periods, ant you v.-ant to see a boy Inside, e h . Mondcll: 2nd. N ellie T eeters; 3rd. .general proeperity In all agrlc Wtgn.-r Three Junction Clty aUteS When they cannot, then there quit. Many farmers have lost money who Is It? g irls won in lb ’« .b ird year c’ ass IsL p a n n o t be normal bu.lnesg AU lines in them. Boy (confidentially)— Me! Life. Nearly every farmer has something that he In nearly ev en - failure the cause Barbara Dunn; 2nd. Zellu Edward»; of hualnes are certain Io fe d t Mother—Didn't I tell you 1 would F , o - c “ Ohlaon. 1 ’ of agricultural d e p r e s s ^ > i has been that of too little strength punish you If I found you fighting? does not need in the way of stock, equipment sup- ' i and too great expenses A co-operative The wlunera In the guernsey sen Too Msny Between the C What were yon arguing about? In many cases he ha. . l< . »If d as» was: IsL May I-area. The growers of food product» mus movement that does not control a Johnny—W illie said you were 10 plies or farm produce. of Alvmlora Ruth Larsen of Alva- accept the prices o ffen d ; the emt- big volume of the production has » years older’n his mother. I r , . u u h at h e h a s i f i t w e r e ’ poor succeed, and — an — or- Mother—Ten years! The Idea neighbors who could use what OT the »n<« products prt"«uv p o o r l chance i m u o ' to naavvxyv»«, «r - .— - won first NUtnCIrB aumcr. of m .« r , prices a»kc I The Individual farmer ganlzatton that confines Itself simply I Johnny—Don’t worrv. ma. 1 learned X e r - i known that , ---------- it was oata for sale. in the unlor calf c'ar« irrered •'««" even ¡to ,o controlling production Is is little lim e bet- nei-1 wpre 20 years mint sell nt l ’ie price offered Winn rs In J iiinlor calf 1st. when he knows that It Is lea« than ter |, oth production control and mark-1 Is leas than , or H„th production control and mark-1 For this reason we will run a ¿ X « » e — ................ TW f .n .l l, L , . . . Th. — , h ,... . . C W L ltle Bob (about to go out with r u t * Il 2nd Helen McCalister. Eu consumer must pay the fixed retail consumers at a price at which they m other)—Mama, you must take some money with you. lln« heifer 1st Ellsworth Plank. June whether or not he can afford the H natural consumption, and the price Mothei^-No. Bob, I’m not going to tIon Cl y route 2; 2nd. Kenneth Dunn. , rice to .he grower must be .hat of a living use any. ‘ " ' ■ , . | . v c u t e 2 jrd Castle M e Between the farm and the kitchen (proflt „ he „ , o prosper L ittle Bob—Yes. you must havs Junctle ’ „ „ lo r calf Is a vast “spread” In price«. Far too eo-opcratlon must be along the lines on the Farmers Union page each week. money for chocolate; I might start ‘.'“ ' T S .7 . i Z h < £ .................. « « « . » « p ~ ' - < ■« " » crying on the street, you know — , 'l , 7 l l . r h . r . 'l>...... J “ h .„ o n C M p m t i,, T h . „ . . . » r m .ny m l. h„ „ , wllh h .h J U .n Detroit News. Rates will be one cent per word for each inser­ 1, Jim. I»aro 1 idle handlers, far too many retailer» prof|ta. The unnecessary middle ex Teacher—So I've caught you chew­ rOHnl», teln winners were as follows: ¡And the consumer must pay all these p ^ se a must be divided between the tion with a minimum of 25 cents for each ad. ing gum, have I? , h..M yearling heifer. 1st. Charlie profits and expenses, lie must pay rroWer and eater, in higher price« to Sammy—No, mum; I wasn t chewin . t higher ,, . no ihn incrcuslag farmer and lower coats to the 8 F"r w .n h* ,o - . Coburg; 2nd. _ Tom __ Winn. Co- the rents, .h e,In crea .leg taxes taxes 1 was eet keepln' It there Instead of consumer. This kind of co-operation In my pocket. It’s ao aticky —Chica­ They are all "pa”«««’ on burg; Junior calf. 1st. Paul Ixmgcoy, If the fanners reoelvod the sam e would weed out the army that make« Coburg; senior calf. 1st. Tom Winn. go News. profits on their goods that are added money from the work of others but Coburg; 2nd, Roy Kwango. Coburg; on between hlin and the consumer. It would make permanency for agrl- 8PECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr 3rd. Charlie Bwango. Coburg ¡.... — d to lh e cultur- and Indirectly for all other N W Emery, dentist. Sutton Bldg Mart Liles of Gosher, w,m Cirri g(mply business. award for the host be f . |h(>m Uvtng expenses would first for lhe best beef cow an MpxcW(1 h„ wage check or salary. So The special prise of »10 offered ftt R vpr> tho Lane Cou"l ’r CStJ 8 lr,,. ln | ow first cost In order to carry the ( m em bers of lh e boys >n g middle load The farmers have b een . .............. r *bx X ” X T ... .........................- » « ” ■ ural school superviser. HagfOrt W ilwo. of th . Gl.nnwood .«•hoot, rtprlmrflHd. won the only prlie •vranhd In home beautification contasi Prize winner» in the cooking class For Saleor S Classisied A d and Swap Column Mail or Phone Your Ads to the Farmers Union Editor-Springfield 2 H A L L ’S For School Supplies TABLETS. PENS, PENCILS, RULERS ERASERS, PEN IT 'S M O RE T H A N GOOD HOLDERS. INKS. PENCIL BOXES. SPELLING TABS. II is positively delicious. Ev­ eryone who eats our b e cream says that And why not? It is made from the purest mnterlals in n sanitary factory » vors. COMPOSITION AND NOTE BOOKS. ALSO WE HAVE LEAD PENCILS W ITH YOUR SCHOOL Order som e «» {,n' today 1" NAME ON THEM Boy’s shoes, stockings, shirts, overalls,5 hats, caps bnlk or bricks and see for your­ self. Certainly we deliver It. EGGIMANN’S and Boy’s two pants school suits