1024. THURSDAY. SK IT THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FAOB TWO ------------------------------------------------- THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS coierencu at St. S sD ’ mhsr »0. »•» Sheriff F rank Taylor 1« rough on ntoonshlitvrs Ko(,wv, u r„,r io the ovciu» » SILAKE HANDS W ITH GOOD TIMES _ » • • • c <’tly. ity . **“ M«>. • Everv city, town and village In the country will anti and bootlegger*. The blggeat arm y _ In Lane bur 14 1917. st' * k • «».«. dsys later, 4»epirm-* h” • aW: h feel thè benefit of trade Improvement a* a result county history la billeted In the county Jail a < tor LaFolleUe I- at this ro»«-u« loyally •"<« .rricl.otly *“,h Published Every Thursday at of the adoption of the Dawes plan. Some will the courthouse basem ent look* like a brass foun- •erring one country Uermaay •<«> » benefit more than others, profit accruing in pro- dry. It s a quiet day when some lw>oxe off«nd« r ( • k I i I uii a« to m«ko him “*’• of ,h * Springfield. Ijine County. Oregon. by of thl» country and a n><-« •ini»««’ • • • " ” ' or ’••mocracy. portion tO to aDUU ability V U displayed, the r vision of the w com- doesn’t AM ETTC P RESS | POrtlOll lb p u ty v u . w ' iw u u w ... x.x»x n .a « check " ’ In ’ ’ a t .. the ” Jail, . . ,, lxm ks l.ke som THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Editor F C WKSTERFtBLD Manager L u n ltv and the Willingness of the business man of the "shady boys - would get - ___, __» _____ ■ ■ wise" to the He | . doing everything In h l. power to unthmue ante- haxanlous occupation. rrary under the Oertwn ting through«*»! the world *• B- MAXKV hd --------------------------- ------ to gru8p his opportunity. Of course there will be fact that they have haaardm • • • iMFollette did not go unrebuked In other q u .rl.re. Nlrh- «ntervd si second class matter. February »4. l»03 at the gome Bpo<8 ovpr wh|ch boom will pass like a Murray Mutler .aid al Atlantic City September »7: postoffice. Springfield, Oregon hraaue The race Is Still to the swift The Lane County fair was positive proof that «There la a provl.lon In the con.lliullon providing that --------------- MA t L su b sc r iptio n RATE and strong. »- Those who are a great variety of farm products cun lie raised Ulin the uiv battle to the -------M - congrea. may expel a member by a two third, vote. What 50c alive to opportunity and have the oodrage to in the W illam ette valley. Diversified farm ing Three Months »1.25 On« Tear In Advance.. 5c grasp it will reap the reward and engender the might m ake money for the farm ers in some of are they thinking of to all there an« t " . ’ " T ” ” Single Copy . 75c Blx M o n th s.................. ---- Jealousies of the lethargic and the Incom petent. the lines thre is a scarcity of products thl* year. Io be contaminated by Senator lloi.urt . Ls <• • • • • • "(lentleinen. you might Ju.t na well pul polaon Into There will be m any a sleepy m erchant In his gen- THVRSDAY. SE1TKMBER IS. 1924 the food of every boy who g o « to h l. tran.port aa to • • eral store who will continue to drone away his A Chicago girl say* she will m arry the man permit this man to malte war upon the nation in the • life and see prosperity walk jmsl hls door without Editorial Program . even a sign of recognition. Others will leap in­ who will j»ay her fath e r's debts. There hasn't hall. of fon are.» ' to the field of speculation and sooner o r later been any taker*. Doubtless young men have Nor ta th l. all. Seqator Kellogg of Mlnnoaotn pre.unt- Make SpHngfisid the Industrial Center of W es­ debts. eri In the Senate of the United Stales the demand of the become the victims of the impelling desire to get found out who made • the « tern Oregon. governor of Mlnneaotn and the alale public .ervlce com- som ething for nothing. To the earnest, tho u g h t­ li. Develop a Strong Trading Point; Build a City ful business man. however, the tim es art» full of Springfield's enlistm ents of defense day was n rotation requ«tlnx ibe expulsion of 1 -to ll.o i« of Contented Homes. hope. Great captains of industry agree that splendid m anifestation of this city's patriotism . Senate It w . . referred by \ •»» “ -r * III. Improve Living Conditlona on the Farm. Pro­ the country is facing a long and steady era of More than 150 signed up for duty with the roast u,. Senate p rivile«., and ™ * mote the R asin g of Purebred Livestock and other com minile«! lone were recelv^l (he tam o e • ■| ery to becouio a candidate for the highest office In »he . ! « “J “ , i : r n ! ^ n ,ry “ d glfe of the people Are we prone U, forget that we If we are going to pave Mill street this fall It between sleepiness and Inactivity, and inq tu t Good times are ahead for the business m an; it will tend our ear. to thia man and h l. »upporiera. that Is about tim e we started. action which has brought ao m uch °* e ‘ doe8 not ,natter nulch w hat happens to the gam- • • • we will forget for one minute hl* treachery to the nation small communities, saddling them with heavy never has and never will help lmlld How about a law fining every citizen who falls when it faced the peril of a inaior war? debt, weighing the people down with trem endous b ie r He Htcnnd. to vote. taxes and strangling at birth the growth of po- a nation. . . . JOHN A liKCKWITlf. tentiallv healthv villages and towns. There is «- CIIK8TKR A rci.t.E R , some dispute am ong economists as to w hether in TH E CONSTITUTION C o m m e n t E d ito r ia l - J J CRORSLBT. • the building of the community increase of P°P«- This ww?k Septem ber 14 to 20, is to be known LANE CiOODEt,!.. latlons follows in th e wake of ^ stores or wevk and churche8, schools and I j i FO I.I.K TT E ’S RECORD. • a • good stores are the basis of 1ncroa»ed PO| ulation requested to provide exercise j appro- The followtn« letter al«ned by m em ber, of the Portland In the several f i r « we have had near here in the past lt is certain, however, th at good stores a ttrac t io um -» post, Amerli-.n I.exlon, appears In the Pacific Legion few davs men from th l. town have respond««! Immerlate- hom e seekers and that the property of the m er I 8eUing aside of days and weeks for spe- weekly for 8ept«nber: Portland. O re. August 3!. 1924 ly to rail, for help from the various p a rt!« concerned, ctiant increases with his t ™dil^ iP ° i't‘ea ia their eial causes has been overdone and very properly a fact, most m erchants hold their fate m the a growing impatience with lUese cele- To the Editor— Have we «o far forgotten the atlrrlnts taisi Thursday when »he t-aPukr residence burned and «et fire „ to — adtolnlrg Umber over 100 men from here ruahed own hands and fail to sense the fact. They co> - braUons; there ,oo inany of them. But Coil- day. of 1917 that we are content to »1« Idlv by and ..... The next day many permit <«»• th l. »«»•• man t-an d leU e to »»«••• gain v • — o te, nt the expense out and helped pul out the flame plain that trade goes to near- an a stitution week will meet with general approval, pemui an.wereu the tne call and put I” aevcrnl — country ------ - of the aanie men answered ters. When this Is a fact, then as a rule the me - *- Constitution is the fundam ental law of ot the patriotic thought of - the chant has himself to blame. E ither he a s statem ent of the great princi- Turn hack, if you will, the of maroory to the hard night, fighting Risking o n « neck In a fire Is no handle lines i t lr a d u |o n 8 and a n d Hay. of ¡917. »«hen the country w a. at war and h «r pleasure and the pten who cooperated »l»h th« forest oe-.u.e the ---------- - of goods demanded he ftuls to tne . lanu th a[ it underlie all our laws, traditions give adequate service, his prices are too high, or . lhe lruest 8ense it is the palladium t «Fot'etie saving, a. h - did In September of »hat m. m srrvtee offlclat. and th» lumber men In ihe Salmon Creek he fails to let the people know the character ot ? riK|US and privileges. W ithout it all A m ert-! orahie year, that the Pnlted state« «hould never have hlsxe ate deserving of lota of rredtt The Oakridge 11» the store he conducts and the tra d m eo p n o rtu n - hjs,orv heroines unintelligible. ¡been a war and hear him n .ain def-m l the slaking of view. ,,y he .f f o H ,. T „ „ 'i;w taereh«„.S 7 r o S « ^ ''« epoch-,,,,,Rtag « a . prtacta'e.. th a t goes (tahkly to Ihe P“b“ ^ h(. .‘kh.l Unhide its liberal »pint. Intelligent - Æ % he h o u s e » ,^ . w - / X ^ X re^ h ’ u ' S . *" ' ^ Kp X i t a , l i ’ X S __________________ ______ ^ " i r n r i c ^ n d ^ u ^ Ï Ï Î Then""she U k X per their prices and assura» m . . . . Some of the booze running automobile« have fi() ^ hhe ef t m i g l t '' llie a y - - , - H the Lusitania. Pi'M.M OF LIFE '•Who I. crying abroad In the loudest ton«-»*" demand«! Tell me not In ntoroful number. LaFMIIette. “B uxine... which I. making money. The new Advert).Ing I. a dream projects of patriotism are masquerading In the livery or For the bu.lnegs man who .lum ber. heaven, while you are »crying the devil. Ila-« no chance to skim the rream •I wasn't In favor of beginning th l. war. We had no I Boston Transcript The Japanese are talking of deport­ grievance.” Cries of ••Yellow,” »topped the senator, who was ing all Americans, hut you can’t Scare an American much speaking at the closing of ihe producers and rnn-umers- by proposing to sond him to the t'nlted S la t « 810 S‘ VINC?NMLA,D o E HT COSTS ............... .. ” - th a t “W earem & Misfit” never state publicly the Constitution. lllllliu ip , ..... the country »175,000.000, according to the Public U tility Information Bu­ reau. In 1933, three t lm « a« much was spent, or »525.000.000. which pur- 'chasod 13 time« mure electricity than In. 1907. If tho 1923 quantity of energy had, been bought at 1907 r a t« . It would have cost »2.275.000,000. or 1200 per cent, more. More than a billion and a half dol­ lars annually Is saved electric con­ sumers through the progress and de­ velopments made by the electric In­ dustry as bet wash costs In 1907 and 11923. gaway To th e A n n u al Oregon State Fair SALEM ' September 22-27 Rely upon Southern Pacific comfortable, convenient and economical service to take you to the fair thin year. THRIFT Q p p . /h e Intereiling ExhiSin The Gay C ro»di * 1 he Hone Eacet —7 he Many Free d llr i/lioni largely a m atte r of right buying. You buy right, here. Eastman Grocery Pleasure, Recreation, Education I or full train Informed.>ot (ummunhaM with C. OLSEN, Local Agent Phone 65 S Q U t f a e n i P f t c i f i c PHONE 6 6 YOU W O T î Y V IJ L . I have told you so often about termined to become one of the most talked locksmiths in the world and boys with “no chance” who con­ to that end she went to work as a quered difficulties and hardships locksmith’s epprentice. Marine locks were her specialty. and thereafter rose to fame and fortune that It is only fair now to To g et business she < nnvassed the toil you about a woman who won docks and personally interviewed mictess. She Is Mrs. Josephine the mnsters of ships *'l ose vessels doc' ed at the port of New Orleans.. Tuble M’lltr of Ne.v Orl< ans. Ir when Mr.. Mill-r w ai Rest’lts of a paying nature were tw entv-one, her young hu band 'ow an J poverty was keen, hut died. ’ Death h a i followed a long ehe stuck to her c!v ion work ano illness find in it» wake came ex- during the sprirg o f the ¡ol '’Wing ‘ ed a hid aga itsl a t. e. e poverty, large unpaid debts, year she entered the pro* jfii of what ulie, nckly number o f competitors t , eojr-- weak and inexperienced, was pletely overhaul and rebuild the to do. n d • future almost devoid locks of a steamship which had of prospects. Mr. Miller had been put in for repx'"S. She was g._cn the contract. From fhat d»v her ■ locksmith. . It b'1 During the same year "f "er fame began to . 1V11 i husband’s death Mrs. Miller de­ cu- Eugene Merchants’ Autumn Fashion Pageant and Window Display W eek Sept. 22 to 27 Inclusive Window Monday Night Opening Music I.O.O.F. Band MONDAY NIGHT to send for Mrs. Miller m l place large orders with her. Before t'.vo years had pssced she was employ­ i n ' a numicT o . helpers had rr., ved into a protentious eh« p and her net profits were ho- ering about , ' 000 a year. About four years ago two large buildings, housing the Canal-Cominerc'sl ami 1.1 9 Whitt ey - Cent al bunks wero erected. Contract bide lor locks fer all doo a v'ere let. M;s. M'l- ler won both bids. Today M a sf-|'—’o business la a largo or.« . is »-1'eH a »pc c lis t. SEPTEMBER 22 8 O'clock A Gala Event Don't Miss It AMERICAN IZG iO N DRUM CORPS W ILL PARADE” ” THERE'LL BE A CROWD THE EUGENE MERCHANTS EXTEND A CORDIAL W EL­ COME TO ALL LANE COUNTY PEOPLE t