---TH E O KVO TB O . u I N T 1 R H T O F S P R IN O F IB L D A N O T H I F A R M E R * O F THR W I L L A M I T T t V A L L IV W ESTERN T E R M IN A L O F THE NATRON THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW KNTY-FIRKT YEAR F EVENT THIS YEAR Varied Program Offered by Twelvth Annual Exhibition which Ends This Evening Af­ ter Four-Day Program; Dis­ plays Well Made. SPRINGFIELD. LANK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1924. (FOUR OUT FOR SCHOOL ’ LANE PIONEERS HOLD CLERK O FDISTRICT NO. 19 Q eteler, M cK Innle, Lanabarry REUNION AND PICNIC and Old Tim ara Q athar and Swap Stories Sm ith Saak Position L e ft Vacant of SO Yaara Ago or M ora; M illa r ■y J. W . C o ffin ’s Death. Elactad PraaldanL Experts Favor CUTOFF “The People's Papar" L IV C NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 3«. I WIGWAG SIGNAL FOR SECOND ST. CROSSING Ables Project P. to Install Naw M agnetic Signal Soon to W arn T ra ffic a t Blind C IIÏ SCHOOLS OPEN WITH FULL HOUSE Crossing on Main H ighw ay Whether Irrigation Experiment Station is Located Here De­ A total of 30 new members signed a magnetic wigwag signal win be 1^ 0 at Noon at High School; 331 pends on Community th« membership roll, meeting the re- Lincoln Building With Installed at the Second street cross- j at qulrementa of 60 years residence In More Registering; Classes Ing • w with the ooumern Southern raciric Pacific railroad . . . . . . . . '» nu lne The Importance and possibilities of _., _ . , , the state. The state pioneer group Tomorrow: Teachers Assign­ according to Information received requires birth In Oregon prior to 1866, the r . C. Ablee irrigation project and froln E L. King, superintendent of ed to Grades. Thomas McKInnla, ttxubrn W. Smith. Lyn«» I-ansberry and Walter Gossler hare filed petitions which place their name» on the ballot for sohool clerk of district 19 In the elec tlnn to be held Saturday, September but the county rules were recently the advantages of having a field ex the railroad company by the Spring- i pcrlmentai station of the Oregon Agn fl"ld Chamber of Commerce. Mr K in g1 Enrollment In the Springfield high With a program varlng from horse- 20. The position was left vacant by changed to the 60 years residence, The members of the association cultural college here were very fav- BaT" the near traffic warning signal 8ch001 wb,cb began today totalled racing to a baby »how, from free on-1 the death of J W. Coffin, who held about 14o up until noon, with pros- trrtnlnmonta by the Dixie Minstrels that position as well as that of city w,"> have gone beyond since the 1023 orsbly Impreseed on Professors Pow w1|l be Installed promptly. ers and Jarden of O. A. C. who v is it-' The Second street crossing because J H "[ Daore C° m#’ ac' ° rdlD< 10 .reunion are Hated as follows: and th« Wheeler and McMahon circus recorder. for the election worn were made Caroline Marx. Eugene, Eugene. ISM; 1864; Chari- ed the 286 acre-farm north of Spring- is blinded by the warehouse on the „ . to athletic atunta and wroatllnx. the' Plans ,,lsn » tor Carotin» . . . . . . . twelfth annual l-ane Lane county county fair fair In In at * school board Tuna- oa A. Damewood, Crow. 1853; Charles field Tuesday. They expressed them- west side of the street has long been I ®m®nway, princpa o e n- twelfth annual Eugene ending today has offered en- *«•*• The board also voted to A. McCullough. Crow, 1863; James M selves as bellevelng this an Ideal spot dangerous to motorists. At the last ' ° °® ’ reb°rte PUJ? ’ 1 *S tertalnment for young and old of wldw I pur‘ ha"" blackboards for the Andrews, Eugene. 1863; R. M. Veatch, to demonstrate what Irrigation would meeting of be Springfield Chamber o f™ ,rn nff' *re ar*' y reg ‘ Commerce a committee was appointed lD the hlgh ’ Ch001 th“’ ,Br The ly different tastes Exhibits of hor Hbr,0Efl«W high school, and to buy native of Cottage Grove, 1861; David - do. ses and livestock, of fancy bred pool-!*0 ”'" acalea ,o b* Used for weigh McFarland. Cottage Orove. 1863; F E. oth er sections of the state are also 10 bring the matter to the attention first grade at the Lincoln building try. let the clUaens of the county “ ,"1 "'-•»'»ring the students in the Itunn. native. Eugene. 1869; James C. after experimental stations. Two of ,h ® P«bMc service commission, totalled 39. and is very crowded. Four know wbal l-ane county can offer at p work. Bushnell. Eugene. 1831; Mrs. William things will be necessary before one Tb,a wa" doae and Tuesday a letter pupils who are not 6 years old In Oc­ tie best. Ilot da< stands, balloons snn Mr McKInnla Is a retired farmer Sloops, Eugene, 1863; Miss Amanda can be located here according to In- wa’ received from the commission tober were sent back to their -homes taffy give the tang and Jest lauilllar no* employed at the Booth Kelly Hayes. Eugene; W P. Cheslre. Eugene formation left by the college experts. the Information from Mr. because the crowded conditions made strict age limita necessary. to every email boy and every boy »"»’’«••I He Is owner o f the Bell 1864 J a m es Wallace. Natron; M rs.IoDe Is that there must be positive evl- Kln< He said the appropriation for lo- A trial of the high school shedule Frown tall. thesrter building |A nna Barger, native. Irving. 1873; |d ence that the people of his vicl- sta!llng and maintaining the device will be run through tomorrow morn­ Hprlngfleld hae been well represent- Mr SmllJi la Janitor at the Spring- Hrs. Rosetta Dickenson. Eugene, 1864, nity n tty want want the stallan and the other bad h*en »uthoriied and It would be the statian and the other a »uw on ing so that schedules can be worked cd In the various department* . No- Held high school, and for many years " llllam Wallace, Natron, 1862; Mel- i- ai- consideration by . the k- legls- Dut I* favorable put un “P nromnrlv Promptly. out. The morning will be given over ttreable in the large pavilion la the • resident of this city , vln Fenwick, Springfield, 1868; Amos lature. The Impression was that If an to this adjustment, and there will splendid Mh«wln< showing in frull. fruit, vegetable« vegetables Mr l«l tU\alAM1r.a esal H l m m l l l h Dona. n n l I 1864; k f ii. and fir» flowers th« (lhase Gardens .}•» ,bo H Springfield postofflce. ~ and Hammltt, George ZX__ Ors- to be located on the 40 acres with SUNDAY AT SPRINGFIELD Principali Bain" sald~W ork vrilì'tegin Flower* In the deep autumn shad»« Prominent in American Legion actl- * ‘■'1. Eugene; Jamee Callaway, Eu- water right to be donated by Mr. --------- ------------- - pjom ptl^ — Monday morning In the tnake guy the southern wing of the I gene, 1863; Clay Owen, Lorane, 1860. Ables the community must support make (he v*, |ee. Funeral services fcr Miss Ethel various courses. Mr l-anaberry has been bookkeep- J. T. Duckworth. Eugene, 1859; Anna and make use of It. large pavilion aUo. The puhllc (Conley. 39. were held Sunday after-1 The Introduction of system atic In- markets are represented by a high er for the Carl Fischer sawmill at Lyons, Springfield. 1853; John C. Por- More than 100 acres has already ni°on at 2 p m ln tbe Springfield strnctlon In music, art and physical Walton for some lim e past iter, Cottage Grove, 1864; William Plt- quality of produce on exhibition been plowed on the Ablee farm and ’ hrl"tlan ehuroh. Rev. E. V. Stivers training will be a feature of the Lin- P'lilng closes at 6 o'clock this eve- “*F. Junction City. 1863; O. R. Chris- In the collection of E. C. Eckert, Mr. Ables will go ahead and plow the of tbe Eu«ene ( hristian church of- C0| n school program this year. Mrs. | man. Eugene; Jamee Benton. Eugene, Eugene taxidermist and furrier, may n,n* 40 acres acres orrered offered as as well well as as level level It It «0 “ a” lstod h? J Rer James Hemenway Hemenway will will give give the the music music and 1 he polls will be open for voting In 1864; Androw Wood, Eugene, 1863; be seen some Interesting Indian relics, and put It In shape for Irrigation. He olnter- Interment was In the Laurel art work x. representative of the Hall ------ on Saturday tUllB M il ill»" UH * ---- »»«w»/ 1 frem 2 to Mra Josie Smith, Coburg. 1863; Jos. states he will carry on the work so grinding r<|m|iiiirui equipment tri of ■ stone some un *; the City cemetery. _ j 1 U — niversity Diversity of of Oregon Oregon physical physical e ednea- earth In Mexico, others from «astern ® « 0 rbM-k In .a the . afternoon. --------- Liles, native. Crow. 1865; B. F. Wilk- Death came to Miss Conley on Tues- , 1on department will confer with Mrs that if tbe project Is pat over this Oregon ------------ ----------- — es. Ads, Thomas VanDuyn, Coburg; this afternoon regarding winter the college men may take day evening September 9. from a frac Hemenwa Mallnda Mathews. Dexter; L. Btlyeu. Much Interest has been arrimsed LIONS H^AR R O R E R ON lure at the base of the brain received , o ,e phy8l, , tra|nlns worR MoTe hold immediately. Eugene. t®»2; 1862; Mra Mrs, Fannie Estelle By the art display, which Is declared D A W E S R E P A R A T IO N «? c*u**ne- ' when struck by a car driven by Mias enary work w ill be Included In the to be better both In variety and qual- i __ 1 Custer, Eugene. I860; Mrs. Ernestine Carol Chase at Second and A streets. FOUR NEW CANDIDATES / n“ e,* 1 “T J " T / C0ur9es “ we” lly than In previous years. Ons oil The Dawes Reparation plan which “ ,!Wr‘ S* nt" Clan‘’ 1R63: Lwlse No Inquest inquest waa wa« held, although althou^i rela­ rela- Teacher« .» »he k „a. SEEKING CITY OFFICES liv e , of Miss Chase requested an ln- ™ L . . painting by C J. Fulton. Ikig.-ne be likened to a receivership of Oer 1 K,,b*n,<,n- 8an,a Clar». 185«; Arthur -------- veerigatlon of the accident Parents L L lX ~ clothier, depicts a beach the Llnr' G««hen; Mary A Baker. Cot- each scene near many, was discussed before before the Bandon. It has attracted much at- Springfield I.lon» club at Ila regular tag» Grove; Fhllo Wilcox. Springfield. Roaeerman, Lansberry, and Smith for of the deceased did not ask for an Marlorle Tr.«« Recorder and G eo rg . W . S tew ari luqueat. Coroner W W. Branstetter enroHm ent of U boys L d ’ ir k " tent Ion as baa week la otta by Virgil luncheon last Friday noon by C. D. 1863; Mrs D. M McCrady, Eugene; F ..w for C ^ n d lm « . !"*• '» BpringfleW Thursday afternoon rfysta, “ 4 “ O. Hafea. fine arte fnetructnr at tha Rorer. president of the Eugene Bank Adam Ritchey, Jasper, Mrs, E lls Belk Fnlverslty of Oregon who Is known of Commerce nap. Belknap Bridge; Mrs. Anna and held an inquiry, but no inqnest , g K, rts. X|na c Mr. Rorer r expressed ----------- — ■. .»...-I a iir e a e e u for his Interpretation of desert set the belief the troubles of the world Standish, Eugene; Jos Powell, Cot­ Farther excitem ent ln the political waa fou*>d necessary fifth A, 10 boys and 15 girls; Ella • tings A painting by John F Carlson were purely economical and that the tage Grove. contest In November Is promised by • Hayden, third A and fourth A, 10 New York painter famous for his Dawes plan which would solve the rep Fined for Camp Fire. A picnic dinner of lavish propor­ the fact that four new names have M - * «**»« is, iYlIB boys and gi 17 girls; Mrs A. |_/# L. fLQ[)rrJA- Roberts. •now scene», may be seen In the col aratlon payments by putting Germany tions and (alee o f the '"|g»xjd old been added to the list of candidate» Oeorge Strawn of Woodburn. Ore-|gecond B. 17 boys and 12 girls- Elmea lection U fe drawings, caat draw- on Its feet economically would make days." their hardships and their Joys, by petitions this week. gon. while camping In the upper Me- H. Halstead, sixth B and sixth A. 23 Ing» and pencil and crayon sketches, prosperity throughout the world wore featured at the fair on Tuesday. Reuben W Smith and Bruce Lane- Kenile country on Sept. 11. left his boys and 10 girls; Mrs. Elizabeth C. a . well a . original d esign , are hung p c . Ables, who pioneered the | r "Pioneer D ey”. Heading the organi­ berry also candidates for the position campfire ramPf,re without totally extinguish extinguish- Page, first B, 22 boys and 17 glrls- Oeorge Mlllei Millet, Of school clerk In the Saturday elec- ln* vrllr „ Is Ueor«> Newport Thirty-four new new books were pur- the latest latest car car models models w which Regumed to Portland— Miss Orel No candidates have yet offered to confident he had left his campfire In Tbirt’afou’' chen Herrick, who has been visit- "take the race for mayor three-sided, an absolutely safe condition he an cbased yesterday In Eugene for the Bisr. Durant. Flint, Oldamoblle. Ford. Paige. Sludebaker. Bulck, Chevrolet. Home from Hospital — Clarence '"g *1 the homo of Dr R P Morten- and as things now stan I It ts between, mltted that possibility the fire wa> s Prln New illustrated edl- play, || waa decided early In the week 1 all such cases must must he deal» «-i.h be dealt with as lons of Alice *" Wonderland” and Robinhood ’ wil delight the young­ E. C McElroy, ticket clerk at the I promptly and harshly as possible Eugene Southern Pacific station was sters. A new book on radio was pur­ | ------------------------------ declared the winner of the first prise chased for the boys. A new atlas Attend Meeting in Albany, for the freakiest hat worn during and a book on the scenic beauties of the week to ndvertlse the county fair. Roy A. Humphreys, cashier at the the Nothwest are Included, also. He was given 87 50. rash Cllnto Hurd, local Sou hern Pacific depot, and Os­ Youth Shot In Knee. president of the fair association, w o- wald M. Clson. Southern Pacific second prise of »6. and Lloyd E. Ire- warehousman, attended a meeting of .. „ .. . „ - 1 Billy Breeding, young son of Mr. land, father of the freak hat Idea, was he Brotherhood of Railway Clerks and M„ Qeorge Breed Qf c given third prlxe of »2.60. The prlxes In Albany Sunday, as well as the was shot ,n , he Rnee thjg were swardml Tuesday evening at big picnic in Bryant’s Park there. pnd u hPn th 99 ■», u. 1. M , en<* when the .22 rifle which he was the grandstand entertainment. The Mr. and rMs. Humphreys and son ,. , 0 , 1 u. j cleaning was accidentally discharged wearers of the frenk hats paraded be Russell, went Saturday 11 -ht and re- -nh« . j « e o , Tuie bullet entered the knee near one fore the stand and members of the turned Sunday evening accompanied ,u„ 1 ,« 1 , ot tbe larger nerves, and It may be Dixie Pyncopators »elert ns Judges, by the r other son. Charles, who h a d . n ece9 W y m a selecting 'he three funniest, and al­ been vlsltlpg his grandparents there, eration tQ extricatp R °p lowing ihe audience to designate the Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Humphreys. Mr. 1 rating e f the three Olson went down Sunday morning, re-1 turning with the Humphreys In the Walnut Lumber Commands High Yesterday was baby day at the fair, and the Judges were put Io the dif­ evening. Price— Logging operations near the ficult task of chousing the handsom­ — ----------- - | old home of W. E. Mount Joy near eik » .1 r. . -n-ki, . . r>eorla- Illinois, are chietfy in the est of the county out of the 177 ba­ Elbow Severely Cut—W hile at work wainu. dlR,.,,.» Mr m bies entered in the event. There weri In camp 34 above W en dllng N. J. W a rd . . .. , ‘ ‘ o’,n Joy re' 20 prize winners, m which Hprlngfleld J had his dhow accidentally cut. The ’ ' h#t S0"’e !o ,s wh,ch bave ,ald was represented by two winners. Phy' I cut penetrated clear to the bone, and r f 1 '' "'an> >ears are tak- Ils. daught'-r of Mrs. Virgil T. Wright, ¡s.ven stitches had to he taken to ever <)Le i s «‘ "r J T J “ 0'’ and Dorln Helen Rayburn, daughter |c ’ose ho wound. H e has been recelv- ‘ .. ’>nK a” d 134 4n" of Mrs. o . C. Rayburn ing dally treatment and dr< i , 1 1 ’ " .> purchased at the cut at the Eugene hospital t h is ! W '65 by “ ('Pa,er tApr8' Four Janes, three Johns and two Mnrys carried off prizes nine eyes week. A soon as he Is able he plans Dam W ork N earing Completion. were favorites with the Judges, with to leave on a trip Io Hillyard, Wash- 12 blueeyed babies. | | ut brown eyes W orkm en — a re ___. busy on the south ■ ng on, and Spokane to visit h is, ran a close, accond will, 10. Girls ihlldrcn. - | ping to see his s ls t e i,' "Ing of the new dam at the Booth- seemed to be prettier than hoys, for Mrs. May Holford of Portland. i Kelly sawmill, nnd Its completion will 14 girls were nnnounced winners as mean the completion of the entire compared to 8 boys. structure, since the north wtng and Elected to Grand Lodge. Best looking twins -F irst, Joseph the center sluiceways are finished. nnd Albert Flaherty, Eugene, sons of Mayor E. B. Parks of Eugene and The structure Is yet to be braked Mr and Mrs, M. J. Flaherty; second H. E M ey, o f Springfield, have been with dirt. prize, Marlaa nnd Mnrled Olsen, Cres­ A removable bridge, 16 feet by 24 elected delegates to the Grand Lodge well, daughters of Mr nnd Mrs. Arth-* completed on m the Knights of Pythias convening n e x t, has been ------------- •------- thle •—- weok «««.» on e ur OLaen. month In Portland They will repre-! <4ocb weat of tb® mill. The structure For bafllea under one year—First . « • w» __ __ par» Kzx s » z \ * « x V » _ ____ > sent. Helmet. Lodg » No. 33. Mr. Maxey can be removed by a crane whea Rosalie Anno Calef, motor roate It, trains come la on the traet undfr it the Junior past commander e t the («antinned on page 4) » • bridge. local ledge. , . m