The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 11, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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Youth Mates W ith Age
Th» Allan Dwan Paramount i n ­
duction of "Big Brother," a Rex Beach
novel, which » ill be shown at the
Bell theatre on Friday Saturday next
to remain t»r ’ dam. la »«prletnonted
by * cast of worthiness and repute.
Heading the list of popular players,
who bring the fatuous story to the
silver sheet. Is Tom Moore in the
role of Jimmy Donovan, the leader of
the Car Barn gang on New York's
lower East side
It Is doubtful if
Moore ever ha 1 a more appropriate
role. Edith Roberta, whose recent
return to the studios after an Illness
finds her in greater popularity than
ever. pJays the feminine lead. Then
there ia Raymond Hatton, also feat­
ured in the role of a dope fiend: 1
Mickey Bennett, the talented seven-
year old player. Charles Henderson.
Joe King. Paul Panxer. Xeill Kelly,
William Black. Milton Herman. Flo­
rence Ashbroog and Yvonne Hughes
play in support
J E Stewart, for years In the meat
■ business In Sprlugfie’d. has closed nut
(his bu'lu ss In (he building occupied
by the Cash and Carry store, with the
Intention of removing with his wife
and son to Klamaih Falls « h ere ha
will start a meat shop In partnership
with Ills wife's step father. 1.. Jacobs
The family will leave soinelltiie this
week end. It la planned. Mr. Stewart
haa had Ids preaent meal market for
two years.
Ha was formerly the
owner of i he market uow run by Hoi-
verJon Brothers He w as horn an I
reared In Springfield, hut haa lived
In Klamath Falls once before.
FOR RBNT Six room house. 387 B
street Mrs, J. A. Fiatata.m Phone
Kugeue »87
» 18
O ur N ext President?
F irs t returns fro m this nrw»|Htpvr*s nation w nlt P restdenlial
po ll «hows
'Uge. Davis and I at F nllatte so elnaely grouped that
the pot, d itty o f the election le ing throw n in to the House and Senate
is easily w ith in reason
In such event either Daw«-» or Bryan m ight
be made president
This naw p tcliir« , from Lincoln. N eb. shows the
tw o Vice Presidential candidates in frie n d ly visit when Dawes called
upon G overnor llry a o
WANTEIV- Hauling, plowing or cut
tlvatlng. any site Job Inquire at
Edward Cochran, 23, and his bride of 89, Mrs. Mary McGinnis
Cochran, who were recently married in Los Angeles, claim that lova
alone was the reason for this strange match. Cochran, formerly an
oil field worker is now manager of his w ife’s apartment houses.
Dr Ralph 8. Dippel. Dentist. Vitus
building. Springfield, Oregon.
Returning from Utah— Mrs. Dan
Springfield News 11 SS per year.
Driscoll and children. Robert. Pauline
and Fay will leave Ogden, t'tah this
•week to return to Springfield after
a month's absence Robert and Paul­
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE week for six succeaslv* weeks lu the;
ine will enter school here.
STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Springfield News, a newspaper of gen-,
eral circulation, published ln Lane ]
Fred XV. Colvin. Plaintiff, vs. Edith County. Oregon, by order of the Hon ,
H arvey Funeral Tuesday.
Bell Colvin, defendant
orable O F. Skipworth. Judge of the
Funeral services for Miss Dora R
above entitled court, made and enter­
To Edith Bell Colvin:
Harvey, young Springfield resident,
ed ou the 9th day of September. 1974.
IN THE NAME OF THE STATE and the date of the first publication.
were held Tuesday morning at 10 o'­
OF OREGON: Yon are hereby requir­
clock in the W laker chapel. Rev. E. ed to appear and answer the com­ Is the 1 Ith dav of September, 1924
B. Luther officiated. Interment was plaint filed against you within six
Attorney for Plaintiff
In Laurel HUI cemetery.
weeks from the date of the first pub­
S 11 18 25 O 2 9 15 22
Miss Harvey died at her home on lication of to is summons, and If you
m mu ‘ | - •
—' _ -
fail w
to •pgami
appear aauu
and «maeeg-i
answer lu«
for want
Mill street Saturday night at the age thereof the plaintiff wiU apply t o ' Mrs J Tipton of Marcola
In 1
of 23 years. 1 month and 16 days. She the court for a decree dfcsslorinir bhe Springfield Tuesday evening for mtxli- {
had been an invalid for two or three marriage contract exUting between C1j treatment
Mrs R Roner of G(>, hen re,„ rnwl
years. She Is survived by a sister, you and the plaintiff as prayed for In
tne complaint.
also living in Springfield.
This summons is published once a ,o *>er h°m e Tuesday after being d is-,
» missed from the Pacific Christian ’
hospital In Eugene.
- French Champion Loses First Race, But
Mr and Mrs. Jack Oliver m otorel
Rex Beach’s
to Cottage Grove Sunday for a visit i
with relatives.
< < D :_ D __ a l____ >9
T heatre
Headquarters For
School Supplies
It Is now time to think of school books and supplies.
A new Conklin pen or Evcrsharp pencil 1« an added In­
centive for the student to do better work.
Stephen Steps Out’
Drug Store
77>e ' f t o x a i t Drug ¿ f a n
Big Brother
Springfield, O n .
Comedy— ’’In Dutch"
“The Fighting
Comedy— “Fully Insured
Epinard, four-year-old French champion, lost the first of his
three scheduled races to the American horse. Wise Counsellor, but
only by a half length, as shown in the picture of the finish. Carrying
130 pounds, the great horse outran Zev end the rest o f the field,
but could not hold a lead over Wise Counsellor.
This Wee kJ
r i . i-
^ T w o things never pay—crime and
wSr. The big w ar cost two hun­
dred and fifty billions of dollars,
besides lives lost. The Chicago
crim e that attracts attention will
cost a t least $600,000. I t’s expensive,
even for taxpaye
They will sup­
ply about $100,00 as their share.
The parents of the depraved
youths that murdered young Franks
Will spend about $500,000.
? T hat is the price of two young
men’s attem pt to get $10,000 by
kidnaping. Their two necks may
be added to th e total.
Note: Starting Monday. Septem­
ber 6th this theatre running ev­
ery night.
• enta.
prohibitionists will „.y ,
"'•11 a t terrible drunkenness there
v.ill be in Italy.” But they don’t
krow the Italian people. They don’t
get drunk, whether th e wine is
cheap or dear.
Judge Talley says, “The United
States is the most lawless nation,
and most criminals are youngsters.”
T hat’s just it. The United States
is a youngster. Youth is always
lawless. Lawlessness is terrible,
but there is one worse thing, and
that is stagnation.
P arts of the West th a t were once
most lawless in the old gold fever
days are now typically law abiding.
This country will settle down.
“There is a cure for exuberance,
none for sterib v.”
The g reat Krupp concern, makers
of big cannon on which the Kaiser’s
power used tc rest, now manufac­
tu res false teeth of steel, enameled,
the same steel th a t once went into
fighting machinery.
Can yon
imagine anything
stran g er in history than the possi­
bility of the Kaiser wearing a set
of false teeth made by the Ki-upps?
N ot the same bite in that set as
there was in the old cannon.
enough casks to hold Jt.
. c walk into a w‘ne cel-
rink as much as desire
B y A rth u r B risb an e
Adam’s Rib
A Hollande/ is on his w ay to
Marseilles, a distance of 700 miles.
To win a bet he m ust travel all
th e way tuqplng som ersaults. S ta rt­
A woman, eighty, hobs her hair,
ing In November, 1923, he has until partlytbeeggse she is tired of hear-
next February 12 to finish the trip. ing young re-opie of flftjA«nd sixty
About two million som ersaults wul talking about it. Some o f^ th e
cover the distance. The man Is well youngsters consider an eighty-year-
padded, and seems quite happy, like old “boyish bob” am using. But
many th a t think as he trSVela, also many a woman of eighty is literally
-youftger than the worn-out flapper
In somersaults.
■of eighteen or thirty-eight.
I t ’«
Italy doesn’t know what to do the youth in the eyes, not ia the
with her wine crop thia year. She years, th a t counts.
A uto Top Peterson
Auto Painting, Enameling, Upholstering
Eugene, Oregon
Corner 8th and Olive
In preparing
for winter, look
over the range
Disease is ore of earth ’s m yste­
ries. A M moat mysterious is the
trouble th at N ature takes to pro­
tect disease germs against their
enemies, including man.
For instance, the tubercular ba­
cillus which kills millions, lives en­
cased in "a heavy capsule of fat,”
which gives it elasticity and pro­
tects it from its enemies in our
Knickerh >ck< rs
worn a t tli.- : ;yht time, but they are
not for ev>
female figure.
In the ’v :.r 'b you see hundreds
of young -r-’ii.en io knickerbockers
that remirr you of the stone wall
built by th e honest farm er, “Three
feet high, three feet wide,” so th a t
if it blows over it will be ju st the
same. Some young ladies in knick­
erbockers would look about the
same, if they blew over. But why
fine the poor creatures ? Many are
fining themselves to the value of
one husband.
that we put on your c ar la th - name as m ost of the next
cars luive when they come from the factory It's the only
linlHhlng m aterial that m akes a faded c ar look new.
O ur Auto Top« are made es|x»f-1nlly to give w ear and to
look well. W inter Is coming- get your top here now.
London— Maj. Gen. Sit Ixc Slack,
British commander in the Sudan,
has asked for reinforcement- to
maintain order at Athara, where
the British garrison was fired upon
bv native troops. Gen. Stack's
phot« is shown above.
* <,>>*;^ >s .
Sir Leonard Rogers, who has
specif7 zed in fighting leprosy, no­
ticed resemblance betwe. n the
germ s of leprosy and of tubercu-
losir. and tried on his consumptive
patients injections of sodium morr-
hua -:, th a t worked well in leprosy.
I t is the salt obtained from the
body of codfish, and has shown
extraordinary results In leprosy
and tuberculosis.
Thai “Duco” Finish
and if you are not satisfied call us on the
phone or drop in and look over our
Oregon Built Colonial Ranges.
Priced from $58.00 to $120.00
Just received a large shipment of
Keep your
Best Clothes
Their Best!
H a v in g y
’ ,fh<--
((leaned and pre-,
quently I:; a double , , •;(-
m ent. I’, {'dd; io the wear
of ji i
clothes; keeps
them in
and (lean, ano
Insures your neat appear­
It’n a worthwhile habit
to bring your garm ents
regularly to
Tailor Shop
4th and Main
the famous Colonial Heaters, they
are very nice for the coming cold
Your old range or hoater taken in on
any new Colonial Range or Heater
Priced from
$15.00 - $35.00
W right & Son