Fine» ot »800 and aantancaa to 30 Holstein .»»aoclatiun offerì 11.500 days i« jail ware given each of Ova dlttoaal. and with tbs Exposition and hunters ud elk 1» Cuee county by E. aaaoulation offer for atata baria, bring» H Jaatink. Judge ot the C-#h Swiss saaoelaUon offer» 26‘hl addition­ tor killing of elk. Miumng Writ* er •kan« TWO al. and 'ha total premium money la 8nef Resume of Happenings of Receipts thus tor this year from £ > ! tb» dairy division la »14.00« mutur vehicle raglstraltons In • >rogon i 4H«J r**>m u* !•(. «h*i»¿' A4 *■’ 11 SAI.F Baby < arria«« Mr». H the Week Collected tor The greatest change la found in »be aggregate 44.438.774.72. according to but F O M t or rail 13« J C<>». 14» ItA «< T .l 1 » R 8611 a statement lasued by A e secretary aheap tlvlaton. Premium money rune Our Readers «tr««*. B»rin«t»»ld »apt I I I utu to sight places in tha large, of state. For tba entire year 1323 JKItMKV m ik cow for «ala A. J breado and Li« »h«wp association» receipts totaled (4.0(3.40». «0. Morgan. ISO—T a board aad room wo- tt Three-fifths of the huatneaa porfiob haa» bean genero«». in tha smaller Colonel Pegram Whitworth. Bb imm HM*** *>» Mah school «Irl« «•latiraa Hara—(lUM«u ai the konia hr»ad » I ha money f'»«a ■»>«< to six ana of Madras waa raxed by fire, with a tontry. haa been ordered relieved from ai reataurwui for Infor- 1 Mr aa„ Mr« Iran Mala a«» Mr» four place». Tha Hampshtree hare the total leas estimated at 446.2'»«. duty with the »4lh division organix »n. Bap« M l Mai. frlbar and mother aad sfatai Wheat shipments from the Columbia ad reserves. Portland, and ¿»signed place of honor, with tha gxpoattioc I from ho« An«, Ir«. Mr and Mr» W ->IIKD agartui»«'« ani mum, and « n o r tattoo money amounting to rtrer amnunled to 1.283.2*7 buaheia to duty aa profeaaor of military science ml by day or mouth Kiila Ho IC T, m ÿ'oan and Nadia» Thay arrt»- »1.304 Next com« tha Ram botti I lata between July i and September L at the University of Alabama. »4 ¿.nurd»» night and will ba bar», «7 Mala «Vaot If Ir»i wiy» a total of »1,004. The Shropub- Mrs Laura Wllcrlt. 28. waa burned A rum-chaaer with a speed of >2 until n ' 1 tro» are not far behind with »»64. and to death 1« a fire which destroyed tha knots and manned by 14 man and »rara Canotto— I» n Krai!1 next come tha Oxford» »rlth 2904. The home of K. W Meeh» at Milwaukie. their officer», will be placed on patrol NOTICE "F FINAL HEARING /»turnad Friday from Vai Tb« und» «I»'ad YdmlnlalralrlX of Cotswold» gat 2804. Then coma tha duty 0 « the Oregon coast tn the near Dredging of a two-mile channel in (*. a fa r over a weak« >f Melvin Fenwick. da- Lim oina at »754. Tha Southdown». Klamath lake from Shipping,'.« water­ future. Dr J. A. Linville, federal pro I«« > •—. h . field bar final report and Dorse's and Romney» ha»« prwmiun.'- front to LIBthi Woacus marsh haa been bibttlun director, haa been informed. a-count and Ih» room y Court of Tonali» . Namaratt offered of »61» each, and tita Charlóte». completed. Three children— Elma and Elmer l.anB foum y. Ora«»«, h», rt«™i and «un. bao Died of E’-’g*B« Had ht» I Corrieda-'ea ami S iffolhs. »25« spiee» ar «ry, 3rd. 1321 «i at un» to» Heilman, twins, ten year» old. and In the 21 month» that have elapaed ,y a npriugfirid ph” i «mut» Court room In the Court Hoitaa The goats, both Angora and milk ■Ince tha Astoria Ore dlaaater a total Ernest Heilman, n in e were drowned « t Eugen«. (,reino. at 10 o'clock A M ’breads, are unchangod. the Brposi'Ion of 44.553.U«,J baa been »pent on re­ while playing tn a » hole io for hearing thereon. and any objec offering »1.000 for tha former and the Abernethy river on their way tino, tu t.thj r«(',>rt and account construction. »50*1 for the latter Total premium home from Echo Dell school in Clack­ •hould be filed or presented on or N O T IC I o r F IN A L H B A R IN O Victor P. -Mosea of Corrnllia was before mid Hai» m o n e for sheep and goats In the amas county. Th« undaral*aad Frank K Blair. ad ! appointed county judge of Benton Dated « I lirut puh!l«h.„l f'»pleat j breeding ciana»» 1» (».47». Oregon pensions have been grunted B ¡ri«,rator of rb» aatala of Laona Al ¡bar 41b 1224 county to succeed J. Q. Wilson, who tn tha bog division mi changes are as follows. Mary Bnggs. Portland, JBNNIE FENWICK, Ian lllalr baa filed bl« final report and note.i The Poland chinan, thins: - died recently. »30; Flora M Harrtson. Portland. »30; Adt,itn:»tru!rlx •rrouht la aald «Otala tn the Count y Evergreen black berry ptebera are Edward Ringsmith. Astoria. »15; Mary WHITTEN SWAFFORD. J erse va. Cheater Whiten. Berkshire« Court of Lane Couaty. Oregon which At toni«' 8 4-0 3. and Hampshire» are offered premiums busy around le a n t Home. In aplte of Struthers. Medford. »3«; Flora G. Chil­ ha. «at Friday September (Ih. 1224 «i tu o'ctotk A M at lb« County ; In the «un of »75« each, a total of ’.he dry season there bag been a hirge ton. Brownsville. »30; Ida Simpson, NOTICE CON PUBLICATION Court ro**m la tha Court II, tu«« at crop uf berries. ' 075,1. Gresham. »30. Ku«rna. Oregon for baarin« ob]>x departm ent op th e in t e r io r According to the records in the cus­ I ta draft ÿoraae. Percheron«. Shires, Senators Robert M La Follette and Ilon» ibarata a t or on or before which f d LAND OFFICE AT ROBEBt'KG. i Belgian», Clydesdale» are offered »1500 toms bouse the value of the exports Burton K Wheeler will make jpeeches ORtXION. Auguat 7. IPS«. time »»■» objection* should ba filad or NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that each with jacks offered 2350—a total from Astoria to foreign countries dur­ in Oregon. Senator Wheeler on Octo­ afeeeoted Helen Wills. IS-ycar-oid Cali­ Dated and ftrat publl»b«d August 7, Harr» Bower, of Crow. Oregon, who. ing tbe month of August waa »423.227 ber 3 and Senator La FoUette on a fornia girl, is shown holding a* .o f 28.350. O r November 24 1920. made Home- In the fat stock. Shorthorns are of­ Estim ates of expense» for vartoua date yet to be determined, according national Iannis championship cup *t»ad Entry. Serial No. 013489 for FRANK K BLAIR. which was presented to bar when fered a tota! of »875; Hereford». »835; Port la id municipal bureau» in 1325 to word received by the La Follette lota ] and « and Kt» of SWI« of 8w<- Admiaal rutar she defeat'd Moils Mallory at .-Uig’wt. »50«. The grand champion total »5.144.230 14. according to the state committee. tlon 23. Township IMS. Range it W WWtTTKX BWAFFtlBD. Forest Hills. Long Island, last Attorney. A 7-B4. Wtllamatta Mendan. baa filed notice Mlsa Celia Bellman.’ private secre­ week, Uharcby « la m in g bar btlm ■teer if a Shorthorn, wine >35«; If a annual budget submitted to the coun of Intention to make Final Tnraa-yaat Hereford. »200. and If an Angus. tiOO. 1 ciL tary to Governor Pierce since last Proof. to establish claim to tha land the later amount being the Exposition CALL AND 3 EE P» N W Emery above described, bafora E O Immal. Copper ore baa been discovered In May. waa named defendant tn a suit •a prtc»» on pUM and other work tf I* S Commtiatnnar. at bla office at offering For cariota of steers. »1*5« Jackson county at tha head of the east tiled in the circuit court at Salem Eugene, Oregon, on tba 25th day of MUCH MONEY ON PACIFIC , la offered by - the Exposition, in tbe fork of Lick creek. I# miles east of by Mrs. Alice Bosell to recover »10. September. 1924 IN TER N A TIO N A L SHOW * Eagle Point, on the Crater Lake high­ 000 for the alleged alienation of Fred Claimant name« as wttnaaaaa: w a s ____ Hereford« wto, »25« more ta offered way Bosell's affections. Eat at tha Clark M Stephens of Crow. Oregon Henry Gate« of Crow. Dragon. The state board of forestry has aak prenwum LI.« JuM Off the P r o - fer »y the a-oclatlon a. The city of Salem haa expended SPONC A THOMAS C. 0 McDaniel of Crow. Oregon. One thousand one hundred dollars ed the state budget commission tor (10C5SS for paving operations during In Big Annual »«position G D C o rre ll of Crow. Oregon CAFE I« devoted to sbeep In the fa* divi­ the year 1324. according to a report an allowance of »111.450 with which Portland. HAMILL A. CANADAT, sion. and (1.235 for fat hoggs. prepared by Hugh Roger», city engl- to conduct the affairs of the depart­ Register CornBr 3rd and Main As ia usual, the boya’ and girla' club ment during the next biennium, start A 1481 8 FWUtU The premium '-1st for the fourteenth Damage rotimated at A iw w o (Id. ing January L 1»»X For the current 'annual Pacific Ini «mattonai Live » ften n g, have inerenaed over Nut Stock BXP.-UIO0 ia n o . in ,h . maH. . !h* u‘* «»- «00 and »12.00« waa done by a Dr« two years the expenses of the board ¿ t u n m E savan ai u u u a» c i u s i T « * ! » « if f h * a m a - i a l M im ik tin tin « to It la an tn « book, and « Indi- Ç l® of tha medals, i amounting to that destroyed five building» in tbe were »90,31«. 24.815. Many specials by associations town ot Ukiah. In the eottth end of i Prohibition of the sale of oil stock ta t great g r e a t Inetltution in e titu iia m la si - - cates that that in Gregon by foreign companies is living up «o i » motto— Bigger and ‘ n<1 ‘»J'” «lual. show the growing Umatilla county Contracting and Building W. F. WALKER j Interest taken la th is wonderful Plana ang Estimates Furnished High sheep range» In the Cascades asked of Governor Pierce by a com­ ¡ I i7 h e <>~f cattle dlvlaton. the cla « br*n<* 91 Fran. Will Help Vau Finance remain green and almost unaffected mittee consisting of Oswald IA est, ex- FUNERAL DIRECTOR Vaur Building. by th s drouth, according to E. N. goveroor of Oregon and George Black, atflcntlona show few changea. The Ex Full Auto Egutp'o»"« poaloo offro. 5X5«« to each of the bw * «• O’ »11««- V!Wu Cavanagh. assistant district forester public accountant, appointed by him CEO. W. PERKINS p o a in n o t t -ra >U.OV J, 1 been completed by the state HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. following their arrest for hunting deer high» a. vomujission and will be open­ I a. n’ght with searchlights. It Is said ed on tile dedication date. The Ownu-Ongen Lumber company they accidentally shot and killed three t of Medford wilt start at once to en FRANK A. DE PUE ! COWS. j Fut ure of the public to distinguish 1 large its plant by th« eonriruction of ATTORNEY AT LAW JOHN m WIL1.IAM8 be 01 orlfinal sales of stocks uo two lumber storage w arehonstj. each NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney fo r Vet. State Aid Com. I der permit issue,’, by the state co. 1 to hold 2,4"",O' ' fee- of finished lum S o ld ie r « B o titi» L o a n s - Sutton Springfield poration commissioner and resale of b>r a (I V- h a 1 dll’" capacity ol 20 Oregon. L. B. BEAN , ocka by Individ,’«I holder», prob­ box ars. and equipped with a crane Guidllhg Attorney Bisto Land Board, ably ha been responsible for much and -'her modern apparatus for stack­ 'rting ano unsia -king by ma P liito School Fund Ixmi’ - of the recent criticism directed at the ing. chi- -y H e Lumber will ba hnrJtad state officials, according to a lettar Squeak - Squeak - Squeak W IL L IA M S Ä BEAN prepared by W. E. Crews, »tate cm- In pucxnge« of about 2000 feet, v hlch will be au*lnnovatiou in the buaioaaa- ATTORNEYS Repair that »quroky * * eel before poration commissioner. 860 W llllamatte St. Eugene, Ore. Its too late. »1.50 per wheel Llcenned to practlc« In all Court» (C A L IF O K N 1 A ) of fhe Rial«, and United State»- Springfield Service Station ClassifiedAdvertisements 4 I b u s in e s s 0 > d ir e c t o r y “The Loop" O i Pacific Feed & Supply Co. Eugene 0 t SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. sSc^ Oregon STANDARD of QUALITY STi\NDAKD OIL COMPANY