I » I TllVK H hA Yi_ K K I’T. t l. RH U P W W N » *«** KxâHT- r e t h o v o h T h ». w*ii iw» »»ri 4OM »* •*«» -- ------------------- » h « * k «» *»*>u » i» » o !\ PAGE FIVE TU R SPRINGFIELD NEWS 1»24. I.lttle Boy- 'Kb -» ha h— *' Teacher Vaa. yea the nmt latter la «»ay. What have I on each aid« of tUy n»i«a’ l.lttl.. liny- , can’t hardly «•« from ' h ra, but I think It'« powder, Our World War General Kettrcs I Purdy*« Philo«. Only a pin can gat away with a ] double t our»» of bain* pointed one j way anil beaded another. Convicted. I’roft'aaor A fool i an a«k quea- IHona that a wl*« man cannot anawer Htiuhnt Now I know why I failed ' in the examination 01 end Oeaa Opinee. I ”1 should worrv—even a mighty oak *«» once a nut ” Back at Him. I'h'lpp A little knowledge |a « dai. gcroua thing, you know The Lattar Mteady Man Y<>ur ahouldera are ix-ikar ' “Bla»« la bi > patriotic that • l i r e au|< ortlng a Ion o’ gun powder he won't drink l«> (lieg whiskey Forgers Battled. brouaht from «brunii but Inalata on I'ninp— No living man can forte my iiuHtnalitn« mail» right her» In tha name to a ehe< k and get It caahed I 8 A." W ynhn— You iuu»t have an un­ litighi«: “i'll a«y h«'e patrlotle- usual algnature. wllting to illn for hla country.*’ I’oinp - N o - no money In the bank The OH la Right, t f lv a : "^Vaht >«UI (you think of » e e e e e e e w e e w e e e w « * • • * * • » « • Mamie Rmltb'a recitalT“ I 2 Dorla: "Not ao uiu< h Hho’a «o Inmn-, J •latent Roughed powered, Itp-atlrked « By THOMAS A. CLARK and false haired abe sang lllooey*u ! 2 O ea a el Men, Uaivereily of lll.no,.. No< turne In 'll' natural." 1 1 THIS FREEDOM • a e e e e e e e e e e e o a ** « * ♦ * • » « * * * I ly clover ««lb for »14 90 which 1« «IS 00 p»r ton The situation resolves Itself Into, ' |S SO per ton lea« than the hay ablp- ] ped from Baatern Oregon The reaeon heavy profits for the Southern Pacific ¡local grower« cannot get a higher railroad, added profits for Baatern price In the big conaumlng dtetrlcta la Oregon hay men and h««vy luose-s to the Public Service Com nit»« Ion's rnl- the Western Oregon farmer«. I cannot hig of last fall which cut the coat understand why the farmer la willing Of shipping from Baatern Oregon tie to accept a condition wherein he «Imp­ ■ Tillamook ae much as »2 SO per ton. ly has had taken out of hla pocket by Had this ruling not been made on thia arbitrary rate making, «2.00 to rates, the present price« at Tillamook «3 00 per ton on hla hay, I will be very grateful to you If you ¡would be: Baatern Oregon alfalfa »23.- Ito per ton, Lane County clover «12.20. will publish thia thru the columns of jlih e local farmer would get «14.SO BOB your preen which I hope will serve the Intereata of the farmers to the eg- i for clover hay. i Thia situation does not affect the tent that he will do some thinking bay dealer particularly, but comea along these Unes and wake up to the I home to the farmer. Thia In brief la position in which he haa been placed. ¡that the fanner 1» sacrificing from I beg to remain. Your« respectfully, «2.80 to «3.00 per ton to what he call« C. GRAY. 'arbitrary rate making. In the mean I time the Tll'amook dairymen are g et-) ting from 72 to 74 cents a pound for: Went to Belknap Sprlnga— William butterfat. while the Lane County dairy-1 l* ’nald«on went to Belknap Spring« man can get no more than 35 to 38 o re r the week-end. to aee his wife, ■ cent«. Thia la due to the power of or- i w*1° 1« varationlng there. Mrs. Don- Iganlted selling aa 1» the shipping rate, aldson 1» reported to be Improving secured by the Eastern Oregon hay | in health. Her husband will drive men. The strength of the hay grow er», UP to ,h e Springs again Sunday and In the ea«:ern part of the state and | »he will return with him to Sprtng- thelr combination with the Tillamook field. dairymen 1« being u«pd. It la declared. • Fractured Arm— Glenn Ward, work­ to force even lower price» from the J ing up near McKenxIe bridge, nus- hay growers In thin vicinity. Certain | tained a fractured left arm on Fri­ member» of the State Grange are re day while working on a gravel truck. ported to have Joined forces with the In some way his arm caught In the Tillamook people before the commis­ chain which works the dumping mach­ sion to gain hay rate reduction» for inery. and was injured. He came to Eastern Oregon. Now Tillamook buy­ Springfield to have a physician reduce er« are using Eaatern Oregon alfalfa the fracture. to help them to further break the val­ ley bay price and although the farm­ Visited at Marcola—Dr. and Mrs. W. er here Is getting a better price than H. Pollard and children William. Rob­ he did last fall, hie preaent returns ert, Ruth and Jule visited with the should be from »15.00 to »17.00 per doctor's sister. Mr«. Walter Price of too FOB care Instead of only «12.00 to jja r c o i, on Sunday. Pershing w ill celebrate hi« «ixty-fourth birthday Full national at New York September 10. General John J. Pershing Blond Beet Opinee. The room In which Aunt Burnb wo« "I gueae It's true that men are the ' born was heated with on o|wo flre­ archllm-ta of their own destiny— j place, dirty, cavernous und Inadequste, ISSO: Born September 13 In Linn County. Mo., son of John F. and which accounts for so many strange I requiring constant feeding and hourly Anne E. Pershing. attention. upper atorlee.” ISSO: Graduated KlrkvIHe I Mo.» Normal School. When »be era« married the family ISMS: Graduated U. 8. Military Academy, West Point. N. Y. Started had progicaned through the "cannon" Real News. military career as 2nd Lieutenant In 6lh U. S. Cavalry. •tov« stage to the base-burner which Reporter: "Give me a tip on « t e a l, promised almost perfect freedom from 188« 91: Served In Apache and Sloua Indian campaign« In New Mexi­ story Som ething unusual—and hard : I tlte annoyances Incident to the other co, Arlxona and Dakotas. Commanded the Sioux Indian Scouta. ly betieveebly “ men ns of healing the little boom In 18919b: Military Inetructor at University of Nebraska. Polle« l.leulenanl: "Well, how abou« which Aunt Karah waa llvtnu But 1897: Instructor In tactics. U. 8. Military Academy. that plumber that got to days for even tlie bnae-bumer bad to be Oiled 1898: Served with 10th U. S. Cavalry In Santiago (Cuba) campaign. twice a day, and Hie male innoitmre speeding?" 1899: Organ I tee horned out of house Japan. Zcecho-Slav. Poland, China, etc. 'Il s enay enough to tell who ta and home. and who woke at nlghi hoa» In-tho average American home oiK-llltig Are, The soft penetrating 1921: Appointed Chief of Staff U. S. Army. i «iwt found It« way everywhere. Inld a today." 1924: Retired. p r titn tt | dark hand Upon all of Aunt Surah'» "How »or* household treasures, und held her like "Well, |f the wife la bobbed—ahe'a , u slate to her household dullea. hardly noticeable to the farmers. This > price of grain. Prices quoted in the hoaa I'nhohh'd. booaed." And ihen came the "NoCoul" Innovn ' don promising relief from shoveling la due lo the fact tbat Ihe rise ha» local hny markets are: clover hay W IT H A Cruel Joke. i -oul, from indies, from soot, from re been based upon the extrem ely low ) »12.00 per ton, vetch $14.00 FOB ship- TONY THE WONDER HORSE FOR price. reached In the hay market last ping point. The Eastern Oregon Grow First Yegg: "Don't you worry. Pete I «ponalhlltty of nil sorts, and Anni We ar« In Arltona now- an t they Snruh willingly pnld her money foi fall soon after the Oregon Public er is gelling »16.00 per ton FOB cars 3 never hang a man with a wooden leg ihe Invention und hud one Installed Service Conwnlaalon rendered a deci­ for alfalfa bay. There was a happy 'tut she still found dlfllcllltlea, The here." DAYS! sion reducing generally the freight day when the Western Oregon grower workman tilling the oil tank went tc Peie: "Why not?" rati» on hay and making It possible made the price of local hay, but sev­ sleep nt the «witch and wasted n bar eral years ago the Tillamook district First Yegg: "They use a rope" COME ON ral or two of oil, the critter needed for the extensive grower« of Eastern Oregon to undersell the W estern Ore-¡gained this position and today sets the] Intelligent regulating ut lenst three gon growers. (price. It 1» pointed out that Eastern l ------ OVER— Our Health Department. time» a duy, and once Aunt Surah Dear Doc: fa n you tell me how to i fg||(,<) carefully to rend the direction» I As a result of this Public 8ervice ] Oregon alfalfa hoy sells at Tillamook I old fulling h air’ Thanks. D D. for mnnuylng the pilot light, und while : Commission action the grower hero for «20.7(1 per ton w hereas Lano Coun- Ihear D D : Sure I can Practice ¡»he waa Invratlgallng with n llghtol not only faces ruinous competition, hut footwork and Jump out from ,i„,l,.r inntcli the Infernal mudline exploded find» him self paying -higher prices for ¡und neurly killed her, mixed feed, due to the advance tn I ' t "Then1 uln't no such thing na free In other words the h om anywhere." Aunt Sarah averred grain market price of hny has not kept It's proper Erl Purdy's Phlloe. | feelingly, mid «he wn» right. The candidate that can come We struggle to evade responsibility, relative position as compared wllh the thraiigh with a plan which solve» the to And ihe abort cut or the »nay Job. prahlen» of how to keep the autotno- but there aren't nn.v We might twit­ btle running nnother year can feel ter face the tusk thni 1» before ua bravely nn.l make the heat of It. What­ reasonably certain of elrrtlon. ever freedom from work or responsi­ bility or effort we seem to attain we Poaltlvely, pay for tisiinlly more than it Is worth, l i l»l» . Western N«w»pap«r Union.» Profeagor: "And by all mean« pick out a girl wllh a «on.« of humor. Marry only tbe girl who can lake a Joke - Innocent Student: "I Imagine that the kind of a girl you married, air?" Now that you've retumeu Coburg, Ore., Aug. 23. 1924. front an enjoyable vaca­ Editor Springfield News. Everv Fellow to HI« Trade. tion and another year of Amateur Astronomer—tho sun 1« Springfield, Oregon. work confronts yon, why more than 93 million miles from bere. Dear Sir: not make every j»ayday Feeling that you are Interoeled In New Car O w ner- Does that Include from now on add to your the welfare of the farmers In this vi­ detour«. Savings Account here at cinity I would like to say something the First National? thru the columns of your paper regard An Example. Ing the problems which are confront­ We have seen so many of Meek Mol—I Just do the heat 1 can, ing the farmers and dealers In this our patrons accumulate 'lay by day, and K It go at that. vicinity particularly regarding the funds for business expan­ No man waa ever perfect. We are quoting no prices but onC3 you see our crowded store you will freight rales on hay. sion, a home of their own, Boas—o h , yes, there wns. In spite of the fact that the price education for their children Meek M e l-W h o ? be surprised at the prices. We have twice the stock we can display. for Lane County hay has made some and other lik«» attainments Boss— My wife's first husband. advances recently, tho benefits are that V ; 'el our efforts in His Career Hip Hip HURRAY Look who’s over at the The REX ~Jhe ‘ HEART B U S TE R It’s time to Communication Save again Sacrafice Sale O F F U R N IT U R E Starts Thursday morning at the Willamette Furniture Store 5G West 8th street, Eugene Oregon At Training Camp, Officer of the Day—The liberty of the ramp 1» denied for the dny. Hear Rank Voice Olnime Ilh( rly oi Kltnnie dua'li. Officer—Woo sahl tbat? Anoihnr V oice—l alrick H«i*y. heaaon Enough. Jiidgo—YVhy dW yon strike the tel" graph operator? Defendant— I handed him a tele­ gram for my girl atm vha' did ho •to hut atari rending It. fhe Sibloco is here ! ! A GOOD WOOD FURNICE FOR $82.30 The Boy Was Right. Teneber—Spell "shirt." T h e First National Bank OF TUGENE F. J. GRIMES Plumbing Company 1 urging t in in to save have not been in vain. A dollar will op» an account if you haven't on ■ already. Sine« 1883 We must unload within the next nine days. Practically all of our stock is new, staple and up to date in patterns. Be there early ' —-