I THURSDAY. H EIT. 11. 1»N . TH E SPRINOFIBLD NEW» PAGE POUR Burna: It la a gno.1 Idea lu keep a solution «>f alum and w a te r bottled Stockings: T h e colured silk stork in case of bum», st«' I f applied al Inga that are ao popular now eoine- i m i » , this solution w ill t r e t e t ,I b lis t­ By F l.G — — ——— tim e » look v e ry faded a fte r w nehlug ering and also relievo train quickly Mahogany: A very fin e poll»h for T o «void failing, use one Inbletpoot. ntahi’gaay to made by raising * taW« 'o f borax Io each two quarts o f warm W h ite Stocking« If whit«« «Hk s l.irk |»p.x«n of oltve oil w ith a teaepuoufui w ater Waah quickly and rllt’ e th o r Ings are washed and dried at niglii (o f tlnegar. A fte r dusting well, apply oughly in clear w ater Do not hang they w ill not turn yellow a« quickly (th e fluid with a piece o f «oft fla n n e l (he sun aa II,a y w ll If they are dried In the i Then polish w ith a clean, soft duster. I light. • Clothes: I f ilo t h i« are sprinkled I move a ll spots Book o> I TOWN AND VICINITY l i .«..«. j otiti n s H t - t from Thurston— Mr« M srgarvt H er« from Jasper— Mrs E R Cop- e n h a re r of Jasper was a Springfield t'am p b*!! of Tharstou woo 1» Spring flvld B atunlay on a »hopping trip. v is ito r Tuesday. Moto rod to Irutnfl— M r» Jack l-ar- Purchased Land— W illia m Sm ith, psrently of Texas, purchased 20 a c re , •on and M b s Oall G ray tnotor««l to o f land on the M ohawk from George Irv in g Sunday to visit friend» of Mrs Larson Spores on Monday. Here frcm M c ln tlr« of h e r brothe P a rker. She Cocoa: If a plneh of do««» is added ttBrm w a te r instead of cold they |tp cocoa » b e e ,waking a ra k e It '■tR’ rw iU he ready to iron In a few mo I improve the flavor. | meats Roll them tig h tly In a damp Attended M eeting— Mr». John F Los Anpeiee— Mr«. Agnes Los A n re le s is visiting Keteds attended a m eeting of the rtn Springfield. John C 1», A R . of which she to a member Saturday afternoon in Ku«ene, arriv ed Friday. H a ir Bruanes: I f h a ir bru«he« are tow el and Iron In leu o r fifte en min utea. wa-hed w ith aoda instead o f soap, the brt»G««» w ill rem ain s tiff and white Soap snftens the bristles snd d o - not clean as quickly aa soda. Underw ent Operation— Mr«, Roth Guests at Rowe Home— Mr. and M r*. George Burbach of Kagene w ere Honey o f Goshen underwent a m ajo r d tn epr guests Sunday at the home of operation on Frdiay at the Pacific M r. and Mrs N A. Rowe. C hristian hospital In Kugene Purchased Lum ber— Prank Casteel S ub m its to O p era tio n — Mi^s H ild a was a Springfield business v is ito r berg submitted to an operation F rl Tuesday, •■ »tn g lum ber at the Booth- day at the Pacific ChrlJtlan hospital K e lly sa r a i l ) in Eugene. P ainting House— E N. Pflalrd is Stopped on W ay Home — Jerry Im proving his Eugene property and Lunceford of W endllng stopped In spending some tim e painting his resi­ Springfield to visit friends here on dence there on 1411 W alnu t street. his way home from Portland Sunday W e n t to H arrisburg— Miss Elsie picnicked on River— M r and Mrs. W eddle accompanied by h er sister H arry W h itn ey and M r and Mrs. Carl fro m Eugene sent Sunday at H a r r is -jO!gon picnicked on the Coast Fork of * burg - visiting ■ -*** ■ relatives. Thrifty Tip« FOR T H E H O M E Mtoa L ottie W h itta k e r o f Sri ng - M r s fleW - W e n t to Spring»— M r. and M r , At F. J. GRIMES Montgom ery accompanied by M r and i 7 7 m — ». „ __ . Weed. C alifo rn ia, where they M rs. A ] Cannon of Portland made a . , . , . _. been visiting. tr ip to Kltson Springs Sunday. They returned Sunday evening. Leaving fa r Lon gvle a” * have Our store in new and all g«Mxltt ar«« freak and the »lock complete. T here ar«« many reaaona why you should trad«’ here. MATERIAL Flour, Foods, Hay, Grains. MEETING AT PLEASANT HILL Coming to Eugene Dr. Mellenthin Haurigan. who has moved aw ay ' T he T re n t local of the F irm e r» I'n lo n met last Bight at the Pleasant HUI. In the absence of the secretary I v is it'p .,. u jrgRd by fillin g w ith very hot ««alar F rapfv I lie hot w ater and fill w ith «old Tin» »«(m eal wIP fall away fro m Ihe «Idaa GROCERIES SEE TRENT F. U. LOCAL HOLDS S ep tan ,- iraUnvat FIX THAT ROOFING AND ROOFING E va Scott o f Oregon C ity stop-; m eeting w ill be Wednesday 8 a « w « « r fo r • «Uys“ “ d J ° ha / It w ilt ra- LEAKY ROOF NOW M rs Ethel Hadley submitted to a q * » , F , m ij y QtRRge—Mr and Mr« m inor oepration Saturday whereby [M1, „ „ M arphy e0, ertalned w ith a T. E hto tonsils were removed. I on th e lr Mrs. C. L. W illia m s was *ppouted un- < The • W e n t to Lost Lake— M r. and Mr«. ho“ * T h ” * ' »repent w ere Mrs Mur- Hl another could be elected. T ro y H u lburt went to T riangle L ak e Phjr * brother. D K M itch ell of West-« local decided to sponsor the reception Saturday evening to visit a cousin ffr- of the commissary departm ent of fo r the teachers la each of the f i v e , company. and ' Pleasant HIU high school d is tric ts .' there. T hey retained Sunday e v e the ' 1" W ’* estern —* ' Lum — * ber - M r and Mrs H. T M itch ell and son. C. E Jordan gave an Interealng report niag. James, o f Springfield. (on the Farm ers V alon warehouse. It I was decided to accept the o ffe r of th«, Entertained Guest— Miss Carrie M ay Briggs o f Eugene was a guest i Visited Ketela Fam ily— Mrs C M » - is uchoot c b o u i board to meet on Wednesday over Saturday evening and Sunday (ston of Portland and her daughter. - heraaf’ e r In the high school The next of rooking With a Complete Line of “ I ’ncle John.1* «»ho w rites a weekly prose-poerw for this n n n - paper, is the author o f a book o f poems from The Hugh Stephens I're»» o f JeiT- rson C ity. Mo. "T h e W ater W ltrh " is its i l l s —“ a hook of va ra r *a human a r I understand­ ing as “G tt.e F ield,“ says one review er. l m . i t John in •veryd ejr ife « I'r J. J. * j •». of Excelsior -pr rg a , Me » i the W illa m e tte h riv / , e r Sunday H ere from Albany— Mrs. W. R Cut Knee— A. MeCum ber of Jasper Dawson of Albany arrived Sunday to w h s injured Tuesday morning while spend several days a t the home of at work barking trees. T he ax slip­ M r. and Mrs. W. H enry Adrian. ped. ru ttin g a gash In hla knee. Stit- Had T o n a .lt Removed— T h e son of ch” w’ re u k « ,o c,° * * th " ’ round A fte r W e Are Ready Ttacupa: I f your leaeupa a re badly ¡atatoed. try washing them la » mix tare of salt and «.agar. Sausepant: he pan can be very ossllv .«leaned Morrison & Clingan S P E C IA L IS T in I n t . re a l M edicine te r the past tw e lv , ysars DO ES N O T O P E R A T E oef.es W ill ba at O SBO RN H O T E L TU ESO A V, SEPT. M Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. O N E DAY O N L Y _____________________ No harg« fo r Consultation D r M ellcn th ln to a regular graduate _ Fractured Elbow— Mrs W. C Schni In mediclno and surgery and la IF der suffered a fractur«^ elbow of the by u,«. OrRrm week. In a ta ll from a uoee not operate for chronic append! tn *Ck The ,c c ,d w ,t “ '« •" *< 1 on M W ir t tla . g a l l T t M r a . T u i r a u t ,'o m a c h . Rug Cleaning Time is Here E rnest Skin . K Leaving foe Portland— M rs H a rry cer' ,o r * eTeraI Fear» M S tew art la leaving tom orrow for ,he loc“ • aw “ “ 1 of the Booth K e lly .tra e t, » h e re M rs Schnlder. w ith oth- lo n jll, or adenoid* b a . to h i. credit wonderful ro­ Portland to spend a week. She xrlll •umber company, w here be o p erate, ny M o n ic k e r s , was preparing to go > be accompanied by h er .la te r. M rs. ’ * ’ * ’* * “ 7 fo n " • ' " ® 0 • <*» the P alm er B ro th e r, hop yard ,0 d i . ca.no of I h . stomach, liver. C a n Ftocher of Eugene. 7 ,7 Z n ^ L L iL ’ ----------------------------------- 1 k lJ ’ to take another position w ith tAe L o o k Returned from C alifo rn ia— R. J Bell lum ber company at Longview Mo''*d » New Home— M r and M r , “ •»> bladder, bed w e ttin g , catarrh . W a rd re tu rn e d S a tn rd .y evening from W ashington, where he w ill be em ploy' G ' * nn “ * " “ * • <* Angel- '« » « •• rheum atism . s c la ll.K leg Y relm . C a lifo rn ia where be went on ed In the m aintenance departm ent M r *> •*• rented ‘ he re .1 -,«» “ ™ and rectal a ilm e n t.. i department. Below are the names of a few of a busineas trip H e atoped off at Rose- and Mrs. S kin ner and aoa leavg to- idence o f Dr. M G. Evans In Douglas Gardens, and moved in on Sunday hla many satisfied patients In Oregon: burg. Aahland. and W eed. California, day for Longview, evening. They have been visiting the i J w - N orth Powdar, w here be visited relatpives fath er of M r. M atbea. 1. M M athaa. O re - «oHro. * On Vacation at Beach— M r. and M r Mathes may go on to Portland ln ( M n * A l,ee W illia m s . M alh eur. O re . M r» O. H J a rre tt and daughter, M ar the course of a month or six weeks, heart trouble .c-1 high blood preusure g aret. le ft Tuesday morning on a triu before d eterm ining where they w ill l ’ no SJorona, Astoria, O r e , ulcer o r to Bandon and other coast pointe, ; reside perm anently. 'he stomach. e to tp in g at Crescent C ity and the H. Deggeller, S ilverto n, O re., ulcer Oregon Caves before returning to I of the stomach. Springfield. Mrs. Geo. A. G ilm an, Coquille, Ore., gall stone». I may be called a green- Sending Out Lum ber— The Booth- M rs. M. E Garvon. S ilverto n. Ore., bom " In my manners or my gait K e lly lum ber company sent 11.000 high b'ood pressure. feet of lum ber to Junction C ity W’ed- ! —and, my gineral line of con­ M r» J M Bower«, Toledo, Ore., duct may be fur from up-to-date nesday morning by truck. T he lum- i gall stone* . . . I may not know «fce pass­ ber Is siding and f'oortng consigned : i August Erickson, la k e s id e , Ore, word where they drew the line to G. S. S»rome who to building a new kidney trouble. on hicks—but, dern my cats b am fo replace the one destroyed by Rem em ber above date, that consul- I’ve g ot no use fer d irty poli­ fire. i la,ion on this trip w ill be free and tics! Leaves for South— Mrs. E G Blacs I f you take prid£ in serving SU- 'h a t his treatm ent is d ifferent. , I’ve all : - stood fry principles leaves today for the south. She w ill M arried women must be accompan­ my conscience said was good, 'p e n o r m ayonnaise and o ther ied by th e ir husbands. vfalt at A n,arilla. and M iam i. Texas, and have struggled to uphold then go to Ken?as Spy. from th e r e ’ Address: 211 B radbury Bldg., l x * ’em rig h t along, the best I could, salad dressing«, jtou'll be de- to Okmulgee, Oklahoma and back to Angeieci, California. —And, if my nearest neighbor» Fort W orth. Texas, before returning never find me dodgin’ brick», : lighted with to Springfield it’s because I’ve belt myself W e are using the Electric Rotary Rug Equipment We w ill c a ll for y o u r rugs Our Phone is 3 0 0 Uncle Jahn Pure Olive Oil The first pressing of finest Olives Bang st W o rk— Miss H a ttie Nadvor n lk re«wined her duties Monday at the D rop Inn a fte r a vacation at the coaet. gfce r-tu rn ed Sunday from N ew po rt where she sent a week Miss A lic e Tomseth took her place In Jtei ftbsenr •;. Leaving fo r Newport— Dr an.! Mrw. * I t’s fair to jedge a feller by the company he keeps, with a heart-an-hand dependence on the Eye th at never sleeps, — And while my stern advisements may be clumsy or prolix. I’d warn my friends from mixta’ up with dirty politic»! Squibb’B Olive Oil. aloof from d irty political Not only superior for salads and cooking, but best for medicinal : use. w. H . P< tard arid children W illiam . ' R uth, Robert and Jule. and Dr. and M rs. -V W Em ery | . f t th h morntn< | fo r New port v. her- they ha »e rented cottages fo r a beach. week's stay Price— 50c, 85c, $1.50 * See Our Window” a t the Returned form Midd'e West— Oan M cO Illis. of the Anderson M anufactur­ in g Corporation, returned Tuesday evening a fte r a month «pe„t in the m iddle west. He visited hl» brothers ' and sisters a t E a „ r , a lrf. w isro nain, w here he had not been, for 20 y< ars xle tlon. Ivt t Radiators Stop Leak, Wrenches and etc. Agents for the famous J. W. P. Rubber Enamel. Paint it -t, from where he w ill go ' South Fork of the MeKen-1 on a deer hunting exepdi- H e w ill be gone about a week. Iliaalll », R,,z Matson and Ralph Mat- eon, tuh -rtu >sig specialists, who have a s a n lta r’ um at M ilw a u k ie Miss Gor- rie dc s pneumo thorax work. Cox & McKay yourself. New and secondhand less heat and removes carbon. Don't forget our Lubricating Gasoline goes farther with FURNITURE H ere over W eek End— lies Maun O o rrle came from Portland Saturday n ig h t to i „nd the week-end with her parents. Air. am M r C. I. G orr'e. fche rei rned ’ofcer w ork Bunday. M ito O orrle « employed by Doctors M a r r Special Prices Auto Accessories Clean up prices on Tires, Patches, Spot-lights, Moto-meters On H u rtin g T rip — Hr. W . C. Reto I hat, I, t -u — d-.y evening for Thom p­ son « r- on u, ófcctMc Cfawrcd B E T W E E N 8 A 9 ON O L IV E bought and sold at right prices. motto. Live and let live our Come in and be convinced. 129 Fifth Street Springfield Garage W. H. Adrian, “ Hinnie" 414 Main St. Phone 11