PAGE TTTRFF THURSDAY. HBPT. 11. 1924. Lane County Farmers Union News CO-OP WAREHOUSE • • CANARY LOCAL 189 • • • • • • » Thu regular ineollng of tha Farm- era' I'nlon » u held In (ho hall Hun. i | h > Ii ’lna well alt.-inlnd Several vl«t _____ ¡tors were pr«»eat, among whom wart Mr» A II Squire, formally a ro«ldant Started by Member» of th e ,,j Berrydale anil a union member», Farmers Union in 1923 it in but who haa moved to Hornbrook, Now Doing an Extensive B ub - California, and Mr and Mr». John inaaa in Fonda of All Kinde MU-hei. who are now living on the old | — —... 'ranch again One of the major undertaking» of' Mr. Lulher lioleaappt" and baby! the Farmers' Union In lame county l a , daughter, Opal Virginia, who la one the Farmer»' Union warehouae which month old, and the youngeat Farm- haa been operated for the laat y«ai era Union mamber. were preaent at and a halt In Kugene Following la an Sunday'» meeting ucouot. of the warehouae » activities I Ouatard lluaton. Farmer«' Union written by K. K. Morrison. the mana-'number and road «upervlanr for road Knr. dtatrlet No. 6». and hla worker« have Till« company commenced b u sin ess! been hlgh'y complimented on the good June first 1923 anceedlng the firm of Wlirg tj»« are doing on the roads of Morrtaon * Ford. It »»» capitalized Western» by the County official*, j tor |60Ot> 00 but after being In bualneea They promise a larger expenditure of for a few month» It waa found that . money on Western Lane road» for capital atock waa too »mall and a ,,tI t BBr special meeting of the »lock holder» Mr „„4 u»lne«« lie * wag managed by the gooa 1« operating along an entirely dlffei | of (hf> onl|ir ct,mmuiee. composed of .-nt line than any other like : Mra (lran, n «k. Mrs Toro Shollnn lie buy« carload I«1* nt r*w tnaterial b u f| an(, ¡jra. Grace Grove» From the direct from the manufacturer, ana prot.ew were purchased for the u»e of the manufacturer» all Mind» of feed U»a m am bw | and are kopt at lhe halt there 1. • call for A few Of th ese j gave a very Interest- feed« are Hairy feed egg mas . egg f ro a „ he &un4 >y producer. .cratch feed, baby c h l.k , unlon. •cratch. baby chick ma» »> Many tourlata. more than ever be- othera. fore. have visited Weatern I-aue Coun The company H furnl.h ng INed Ifor Greeting to All Members of the Farmers Union in Lane County Thli lague of the Farmers’ Union New» 1» the first copy published in lAU.e County which Is exclusively a fanners Ulnon paper. Our efforts have been fruitful, we now have an Instrument by which we can get In closer touch and be­ come more ami better acquainted with our neighbors. It Is the aim of the editors and the County officials U j build this paper from a mere single sheet to worth while sized newspaper. We, meaning members of the Lnlon, will only gK out of our paper Just what we put Into it. reporters fro mall the locals are urged ami requested to each week contribute something In the way of news which will be of interest to the readers, you do not necessarily have to be a reporter If any of the member» have a story or anything niff to tell pleas.* let the editors have it. The Union has ap­ proximately 1575 »»embers in the county, this represents, we will say, 700 homes. . Dear friends with much persuasion the editors started this paper with fewer subscribers than the Farmers Union agreed to furnish- Cannot we all spare the small sum for subscription to put the Farmers' Union News in every mem­ bers household. I believe it can be done If all the members who have n J? yet subscribed will send the county secre­ tary and treasurer their name and address and the sub­ scription price. H RECK County Secretary and Treasurer, Springfield, Oregon. MT. VERNON LOCAL • * • • • • • • • • We are doing thing» right, have Just purchased a 2 acre tract In Douglas Gardens, for a new home alt* of Mt. Vernon Local Farmers’ Union and Irid es' Auxiliary The ladles making /^n n u a | Lane County Exhibition the purchase Plans of the building a n d Race» R a c e # will w ¡|| be be Staged Staged and are in the hands of the building com- Next Week; Program Beat mlttee. Ever. Mr. and Mrs. R P- Laird have re- ______ ,um ed fro» a two weeks' trip spend- g REAM FOB FAIR country? at N .U rU , Ore They were ProdncU and livestock accom ianled on the trip by Ray Ren- nle. Marjorie and Dale I hetteplace. Z o^ n . lh(j 1 grounds In Eugene A four-day per- formance that w ill surpaaa anything A FEW FACTS ABOUT T H E F E. C. U. OF A. PROGRESS ^ tore " pr° mUed b' ““ First organled In Texas In 1M2. While grains and grasses will nit Organized now In 27 states with over be as good this year as previously 2 000.006 members ’ there will be an exceptional fine dis­ fa m e to Northwest In 1007. Two play of fruits and vegetables. Santa hundred warehouses, elevators, and C a r , la exhibiting as a community. selling agencies operated by locals The Eugene public market for the 'in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. first time is putUng up a large dle- i Our National Preeldent. Chas. 8. play. Chase Gardens and Strawber- Barrett spends much of his time In ry acres will have booths as well as Washington. D C.. working over time the University florists and many oth- for the farmer? His efforts have been er individuals. successful in enacting some very fav- r c . McTrosky with his famous orab'.e farm legislation. He la on the string of 15 Clydesdale horses haa ar- Job and will continue to look after rived on the grounds aa haa also A. ..................................................................the farmers' Interests C. Ruby with 29 PercheroM. u iiM C V U I I I C H V >4I • " ’alter M Pierce. Governor of Ore. The horsei! n omethin< d«ferent *“ the w/ y ot waa placed on file ami carried over .Mrs. Dorris Prstt and her daughter. T . CLOVERDALt LUV ; The gerylce chlbe ot the until the next meeting ’ T h . Cloverdale Camas and Crea county wl'I have charge of the pro- lnes each gave a very interesting T h e C loverdale. am a pgK The seventeen member» preaent auiug. wel| locals held a Joint meeting and gram ana pot listened to an Interesting talk given reading. Several of our members were pick- a( clover4 ale August 22. After formance. by W J. Butler of Creswell and the Ing hops. We hope to h iv e them all pro(?ram B aOcial time with ice The American Legion has erected some of the lurg"«t pou ry ifully cool weather and the fishing and m eeting closed- bark for our next meeting. According (.ream and cake waa enjoyed by all. an open air dance hall wtolch will be Lee Thomason, killed the first bear dairymen In the bunting on Weatern lutne County's One of th e many benf. a of «toe ..... that has been killed around here thia to reports all had a good time. A Plate ctoTerda|e local meet3 agnln Friday run nightly. Altogether it will be the best “Lane warehouse °, * ? • . fX h" hot day h .M been ex.perienc.-d by aeaaon. Saturday near the old Rat supper was served with hot coffee. Comity's Own Show" In years, prom­ Those who attended Ute Beuhler ___________________ _ « r a l ^ ’ h»"“’ U |M"»lbl" >0 u«e. there- W-ati-rn Lane resident. »0 far th l. creek mill about two miles above sale north of Eugene. Friday were ise the fair board officials. Compliment? Dorena. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8 ------------- Seals and -------- sons. j Daughter: “Do you think there is by saving the e x p « , of .hipping summer Flora and Genevieve Bales went to m«. «auu them out of the count. Many thou GRAfE GROVES th( a3 honor among thieve»?" «*ak Dr Eugene laat Thursday to stay for Mr. and Mra. Geo. Poucel and child- ._N<> They>re )uat abottt as ^ P E C W L P r ^ gnttOn Bldg. t»f hl" «cr^- a clear gain of more than |6 0 v „ |on R,„ re ,n the community Nlghswander reunion last Sunday. It pun base« Thb done by eliminating , cre aa well aa In Improved soils mU{>h ¡w as the first time the family had all the middleman and coat of tran.porta-, --------- I ( .|ari.n).e , nd chart„ Peterson were been together for twenty-four years. Don. 1 Peach blight trouble? Spraying with ¡C(,Uage Orove visitors W ednesday. | Frank Nlghswander started o h A BuHiness College Education is the 8U£ J ™ } e l ­ With co-operation there 1» atrength. | U>r4 enux « « r.o right after the trees R , and A N Ijanj ma4g , bust- home at Vancouver. B C. Mon ay a - and we are prepared to offer you the opportunity of trav id IF If tne the mrwirr» fanners of ,)avo neon »iripimu R| r|,,|„.4 u» Of their a«w«* fruit this »nd «• Ia»ne county will ---- nave *«— . I)Mg lr)p t0 cottage Grove W ednes tee a visit with Ills parents. Sir. an Mra. Nlghswander. ling that road. .«.Inna naironliliig . ,, prrv,.nu hue Mrs i-nntlnue patronising their own Inall- Instl- fa„ ¡,ug and twig Infection . . . . , Charles Stroup of Oregon City Is Septem ber 2nd. 8tb. 15th. 22nd. and 29th are enrollm ent lutlon there la no question of It. sue- H(lr(t >(art rlgm after (he fall ralna ___ and Mrs. C. H. Jennings and ♦ rea. begin In many Oregon peaoh district». Mr and Mra Emit Kirk and children spending a few days on hls farm. dates. - The members of Lorane Crow Cat- ---------— ---------------- Blight Is responsible for more damage ! a(tende4 , ho "Round-Up" at London Either the Stenographic, Bookkeeping. Secretf r^ ’ ° r „ m‘ jle Raisers a.soclatlon held ttoelr meet * * * * * * * * * to peach orchard« than any other d^ 'l Sunday afternoon. nlete Business couree will fit you for a good position. Ing at the Lone Cedar school huose enae Directions for preparing and u ________________ FARM REMINDERS Register NOW and begin at the earliest possible date. Friday evening. Ing the Bordeaux will be sen t by the i , The Road to Success For holding up overloaded fruit Mlate argrlcultural college on request. . McKENZIE LOCAL 8tormy Seat. ree branches In Oregon orchards j --------- masts and wiring are more reliable, T<> estim ate the numebr ot ton« o f, Thp K en(lc local neiu s last i»?. The )gC McKenxIe held u Ita The morning felicitations were well than wooden props which loo often hay in (he stack many ways have b een ! ineeting , hp ftnit week In July and under way. get out <>f position. Home sort of sup- offered, but Oregon growers may be , „gain tonight An interesting “I wish you'd take your spoon out port l < essential for all limbs loaded interested In the following approved ,)r(,Kr„m of activities are being plan- of your coffee cup." she said. to the breaking point, says W. S. hv the state college farm crop« d»-1 t1cd tor this winter. "Why should you care?" the surly Brown, head of horticulture at the ex -1 part men t; Subtract the width of the' brute demanded Outside of That! perlment station About the cheapest s(,c k from the distance over the top "I merely wanted you to have plen­ supports are forked saplings, hut from one side to the other, divide by Passerby: “Wtoy aren't you at school ty of room when you dip in your treat care Is needed irf ttoelr use to j , o Kct thc average height. Multiply today?" toast, dear!" 3he suggested sweetly. length, width and height, and divide prevent wounding the branch»». Youngster: "Cnu-e the school house ¡by 612 In newly built stacks—up to burned down, a i' the teacher's sick, Says Boil Well Water. Winter protection of the bee col 60 daya—-or 422 to get number of tone. an' this Is vacation an' It's Saturday, Uaers of Well-water which has not on)«» In all parts of Oregon will meat, n' there ain't no school." Moae'a Handicap. been tested should boil it to be on more honey next spring. H A. Scut- The prosecuting attoreny was ex the safe 'Bide, is the recommendation len of the exrerlment ijtatlon reports I The Silver Lining. from many Investigations. Cracks In amlnlng a Negro witness. | Mr.: "I'm sick of walking the floor ot Dr. W. H. Pollard, city physician. “Now. Mose,” toe said, "tell us what Dr. Pollard stated that only 5 tests the hives.«likely Io form In hard wea­ ¡all night with this kid." ' Mra.: “Ought to be g'-ad you don’t out of 14 have proved satisfactory ther and cause the bees to knock off you know about this fight.'' "Well, bos«, I think—" honey making next spring long enough live In Alaska, where you'd have to for drinking purposes direct from the "I don’t want to know whnt you well. to nil them with wax. are preventea do It six months at a stretch.” think. Tell us what you know." by a good coat of pnlnt. "I think—” "I told you not to tell what you Rotation of erops In nil Oregon diversified illslrlets cost little, dis think." "But Bos«." said Mose, apologeti­ tribute« labor belter and 1« usually cally. "t ain't no lawyer. 1 can't talk profitable on »toe soil«. It bring« In­ without thinking."— Prize Story In crease of hnintis nnd nitrogen by turning under clover and different Judge. H A L L 'S T ri »tii’Vt'l MADE FROM PURE CREAPA ‘I -A , 5?. CRÍAlJ nnd pure Ingredients throughout our b e ereiint haa met wit!, wide approval front the particular people of this community. Not alone for Its purity but for body and flavor la It tippreclnled by "thoae who know." Anotliar thing—It If always frozen firm: not mushy and messy from care­ lessness In freezing. EGGIMANN’S Eugene Business College © e -n -h c u r REGON ELISENE, O OREGON A. E. Roberta, Prealdent Phone 666 992 W illam ette Street I C E FREE DELIVERY Monday, Wednesday, Friday Holverson Bros, Props. For Sch° o1 Supplies TABLETS. PENS, PENCILS, RULERS ERASERS. PEN HOLDERS. INKS, PENCIL BOXES, SPELLING TABS, COMPOSITION AND NOTE BOOKS. ALSO WE HAVE LEAD PENCILS WITH YOUR SCHOOL NAME ON THEM Boy’s shoes, stockings, shirts, overalls, i^ts, caps and Boy’s two pants school suits