I THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TAGS TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS' John r» h li» b « 4 «very Tharaday at 8Brter»ai A ivea- Is aa« of I k * b«lldt»< iroB«a h a » taken » a rk 1» > * • city lu r * oeereea* »t kM otd trad« ikaag k he koto« na to k a fsn n . 11« *•> » Aa tb«y m a n jie d away. D o lla r. Mood «»» »k« rurb«»o»« Ed i .. — ,tfe> beartnn the highest m ilitary honors |1 >e«o»d d . . . m a tter F - b w a n 1«. IM S a t th® , h e Kreat World War are found tersely worded poetotflcw. S fn a g fto M . O re«oa * »a- - which m -- k ..nanre those official -------- records ensure for men i a C om m ent • • h i* pay m k*» trad« t» » a ftic i« « ’ t® k |p* ,w o w * ’ • • aa he a a the fa n » a a i « iU k .v « eanaxb '•» w h ‘< h to »appori hl« fam ily W hat Ito «»«• oat e f the f . n o tk t. re a r .h o a d k« taoMiy v » l » « t ' 1» tka r« la i h i . Incident any fciet of tk« « r«a>ea d rift cityw ard? w ^ -w - . fo —a r t k - . —- — • - - Th- — B e a r. I Rwakoefc ,a ,her» r»*iir a drift ctrrward’ Sear# A fought and died m »ny of ibem a n l were wisinded and m aim ed—« lU l other» of them tbM'SPS turned »nd bred a toot Of other doltore tor the p ro fite er T h e M tu rn a lla o f greed wa» » nation»! d l*g r» *e -C a p p e r. W eekly a a a S O M E " F A I T * T H A T A IN 'T BO M any thin«« lb « - many of ue today believe Io he true h » r . become “fact»" by rapwMttok through the year«. Ito II ro»y he a» lo th »tory which elar*ed recently when H e n ry Ford wa» ejected referee for the ln d l» n « p o llJ «uto- m ohl'e r la » .lr . to the eft*«« «•»»’ k * w a . an aatom obtl« ra rin g d riv e r la the ea rly d .y « H a did eoroe fast d riving , but not la ra rin g H e got Itern ey O ldfield Io do I Hat In of moment a place in history. The great war aaa ~ M A IL B U B S C R IR T IC N R A T E lie change in wrought the In Pershing's case. case O a e T e a r la Adraaea »1 » T h raa M oatka — -M e »ill forever stand beforethe General IVrehing P< Six Month. TS* Stagi* t~opf ------- M American people a soldier pe«-,..» _ as ------- - - on - - whom the gods h » a t te » i toft Ik « fa f a o n n . »ad n rnowet Into ***•• rtttoa. T h * smiled benignly. stand* ignly. He stands today an inspiration |.o p te r » c tk« » ” i t®’« T H U R S D A Y . S E P T E M B E R I t . ISIS to the normal American schoolboy the living ex­ popatatloa kaa lacrMUwd d arla s t k * • • » * tun« »boat ample of possible achievement as a result of close J WA-«®®: » k ic k m *««a there are J L M M M more p»«'pl# application, integrity, faithfulness to. tniM. «>u- to he f«d »ad I.SM.SSS I« -', producer» of food ' Editorial Program T k l . O tlftta s o f popalattoa I . *»•« a» Inev ita b le under pled with a aound education and a full develop- M ake Spr ngt atd the induatrial Cantar of Waa- ment of normal Intelligence. There is nothing J>rr»*nl rood It lo o . o f tow farm price« »nd hldh City w age, brilliant about Pershing, nothing theatrical. He '»a t k * n o « ®f w a te r th w w ay or that at th« tipplns of tern Oregon. him. Ford • » • ■ w je rh .alc . developing »” engine, has not risen because » reach a III. Imprwva Living Cond t ona on the Farm . Pro­ tha a l.*i« e atarted S ir W a lte r Raleigh did not latrodw re mote th« Ra » «g * f Purebred Livestock >#d forged his wav as a result of persistent ploddhtg haianr« betw em coaatry »»d c it y - P o r t la n d T e lm ra m to b a rro o r p o ta 'o e . Into England Owl» do n«t avoid th« Crowing of Fro t! W ork for Bettor M arkets His password to advancement has been the word day'lg ht. Tortolaea placed la g ard e n , do not rid *k« w w . a --- * — — « m F v fW U n B W P D IV . T o ll tho W orld About Oregon o »conic W onder- reliabiUtv P e rh a m hts GRADE CROSSING PBVCMOLDOY I g ard e n , o f g ru b , and other peeta. but f ill up on good lend. his ability to put behind him the petty thoughts, „ » „ ita . ant| of life and to surround himself with the moat “ £ £ X ..r » « .»d m*.i, - * « <» tk* hup* garden . l u f f O « lrlfh « a . when pureued. do aol bury Ih e lr h ea d , la Mind A btarh roof to a dog’» m outh doe« n.»t ------------------------------- ------------------------------------ brilliant soldiers he could find. A man of smaller •»«•«*' «1« .or., .«r. In d Ira te purity of breed G row ing p u ln . In r h lllr e n are FARMERS JOIN HANDS WITH SPRINGFIELD caHber nijght have kept himself constantly in the f •*’ ** ** th» aum ber of grada rrtw alng acct- not that but rh e u tn ati.m Bagpipe, did aol o rigin ate In With Ibl. - W V . M ~ The N e w . f.,re«TO..,.d en d d e n « Io I b ^ h ,^ c o .- «*. „ » p B V V u to o t land ~~ '*• but ran be trar«d lo a n rle n t l ’«r»la and. h r which ha« served Ikb city »od nrtnlly lor the lie knew Ih.t In the w .y . o( w .r “ J X “ Inferen««. to Egypt, fin e more w ill be enough for I h l . tim e W a tt did not invent Ik e .le a n t engine, but Im proved last 21 years, becomes a county wide newspaper. jn ways of peace man was not bom to su~ceed(train asd * Through arrangement with the Lane County a,one for tea». £ p ,fc.. .~ r . n , i b i * It » i o n * . He u r seniMM iw n .« .'! tha, ru » » men — and -------m matters a t t e r s a are i r w so »> w arn»« ” Boi eaatty dU <|l»rernlbl» it i. 1» It T h e Inventor wa» Edward ftometwet. E a rl of W orceater. Fanners’ Union a section devoted exclusively to ¡nterwO ._________ - . i«kz4ia^naiiatir i*>s- -------------------- ven .v that individualistic aurcess success is is not n o tjx »- T k . * £ £ £ ' f rr, - . ln<. but .ar*!*.. Bngtaad. la IM S How many invented It before the E a rl the union will be printed each week and The and while he M mPriJ from the fields of evident. * » • ’ *• * t Xw, bf «nmkW did. n»»«r w ill bo known M otor W e .l. News mailed to the Union members. The othfnj he WM 8ufn,^ n tly generous to pemth n*m la been i a . « ^ > l n>r pmi-.i.m « p«b T H E H T C H K O F B O C IA U B M Union now has 1600 members In Lane county and others to have their place in the sun. He retires M* affeettv« .af«w uard 1« is growing fast. The members of the twenty-- h h an(, affection of the American lie at g ra d * m » . n g . but «h* m H ow far eoctaJrim w ill extend among wage earner« only , for for d driver» of .» auloe to • .to live locals, located in every community of the people. riv e r, of « o . «o ’ < p * >“ * th# future can dlecloa«. but thee 1« r«ui»an to hope that It I N orth Carolina eoacted a law requiring autoa fo H op county, will receive The News making it a coun- ' • • • Msrtk < »roiia. sMetsd ra th e r than Incrc»»# i before rrtwelog and la .lx month» w ith * 1 » U w la ® ff»rt. w ill W e dcclln# ty-wide publication with the widest rural clrcula A FEW OF THE HORRORS OF WAR do not ba»e each hope on the Influence and v a lid ity (a .p ile of l a r r e a s la r e g l.l.r e d AUK*. « "M i" cnm alag. tlon of any paper in Western Oregon. v a jaa ltle e o® the principal ra ilw a y mmt«m of «bal .»al« o f argum ent» a r a ln .t «oclallam. but upon economic con­ A billion dollars sj*nt for aircraft- and not rwduced The Farmers’ Union has been working on the n ghting plane at thé close of the war’ A billion were ________ _ M p«r c«n«. fa la lH le . being « tn .l» a d of «. dition«. which are m odifying and rcveraelng the m a te ria l la trre a ta n t the wage earner newspaper circulation since the county conven- in)un»a 11 ini In .te s d of I I tion April and « the officers — say z *—z they will soon There was anocner another billion artillery— w1len „ I» ,, ron»ld«red that .uch a law I» Intended o T h e new potter of reatrteted Im m igratio n and o th er on last la s t jv p r u «m ;--- ------- TBere uuuuu spent on —----- z w h e a It factor» are going to auataln A m erican w age, on a high «ave a paper in every farm home. The News eras was without an an American American cannon cannon made made during during the the ^ , ^ , 4 ltle grtvvr. of auum again»! in ju ry or death at have selected as the official publication of The Farm- waf at (he flght¡ng front when the armistice was r.(-sJn<^ tt would .*«m that they a t» » « all o th e r, about 1 level. If Am erican economic enterprise la not a lrtrk r n by radical tax experim ent« and tbw trucllve governm ent ers’ Union because of the kindly feeling of the favo r it» «nactment Interference, and If we do not Involve ouraalvee tn un. effect» auch a reduction Ur North members toward Springfield and the apprecia- Qne hundred and fifty million bread cans and If |hrolln< arolina, how how much much g reater would be th * « » l a g of Ilf« w i.e European com m itm ent.. tlon the publishers have for the farmers'interests 91 000 000 pairs of shoes bought for 3.500,000 > have little to do w ith It exc#pt ratachlef — Chicago Trtb- from pa»»»ge o f a atm llar law la a ll « ta te . - T h « Manu which In reality are the interests of everyone in Add to that 5*45.000 saddles. 2,023.204 the county. nosebags. 1.000.000 sets of double harness and fac tu re r Com m ue carien. inrinifl.W b ialn »« men »hould cultlr.te thi. 195.000 copper-lipped brnndln« I™"*— Mndi? .? ir t .o f “ e 7 L ? e o u n . , term er T O . i. »91.000 h o m e , an d m dle. employed during the Blackfaid«. A lta. í V.. Sept 3rd. IM 4 . the best place in the county to trade. The chief world war. .» „ iiarK Rne n t for har­ reasen the farmer has not traded more in Spring- Twenty-one miUions of dollars spent T h * Springfield New». field in the past is because he has not been aware ness for motorized ambulan cm m P lt a w find Inclosed a F O. money of “he b en efit to be derived. The merchants now Wooden ships trans parent slickers, gold fish order fo r tw o daltare and fifty c e n t» .) nd so on Ad Infinitum. «gzso* to pay up our »uhacription fo il have an advertising medium whereby they can and The next war 8h° should mobolize as D wen reach the farmers’ ears The amount of farm u^ „ m® ^ e ^ brains X ,,7 o" 7eV ;: Th* Springfield B p ria g firi-l N«ww" ------ -- - to the «!- i „ - •- "T h e New »" very much in"proponion b --------- n ..,, ,t a v I # is « « n ,» m . e » m O ite " c , u n i w e w i " S ............ ... --------------------- tractive offerings made by the merchants to the without a few lessons in the ma g M It tell« u. ao much about our friend» »nd form er home. farmers’ through their official publication. The war. W e lik e our new home In A lb erta Springfield News. No orgauiKN» orxaniztol protest Is ------ evident ag and th# 'lm a t* «<> far. .>O p.«zv^e- rou<.h . n(c, r th an we exsact- „ . . , tween Springfield and Eugene. Of course we do e<1 (o ha, e ane war in each individual community, it will prove to the world that we are not a sleeping nation. the girb in bathing. • • • • • • Old fashioned women are now canning fruit It’s the man in the flivver that the candidate but the new one are canning their husbands. PHONE 6 6 Is after when he tours the country in a limousine. in g a w a y Annual Oregon State Fair SALEM » September 22-27 Rely u p o n S o u th e rn P a u l he c o m f o r t a b le , c o n v e n ie n t a n d e c o n o m ic a l THRIFT Eastman Grocery « e rv u e to ta k e y o u IntcTrltiritf E tfttb itf Ç k£he>« ft» th e f a ir th ia y e a r. I he Q a y C fo w d i • The H o n e R a eet^ T h e M any Freed ltra â to n t Pleasure, Recreation, Education Pt«r full trasn Information, tomrnuntc««* wtib C. OLSEN. Local Agent Phone 65 i Southern Pacific u m w i- .u .c ,u Exerybody Will be There This Year - - Indications are that this year will surpass any fair held in Lane County far years. RACING — ENTERTAINMENTS MUSIC — EXHIBITS Buy Your Season Ticket LANE COUNTY FAIR Sept. 15, 16,17, 18th