S P R IN G F IE L D — THE W ESTERN T E R M IN A L O F THE CUTOFF* NATRON tf. u t iff iX iiu y O IV O TID TO IN T IH U T o r » f r in q f u l d ano TM t FARMERS OF THF WILUAMSTTI VALLI* “The People’s Paperi* t nt. SPRINGFIELD NEWS MISS CONLEY, 39. KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE TUESDAY D iet W ith Fractured Skull H E M l JO FILL Shortly J. W . Coffin SKAGGS GROCERY STORE TO LOCATE IN TOW N One and A of Ona H undred Chain DEFENSE PARADE Stores to Open Up In Kepner Building A tta r Being Struck By Car at Second L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUM BER 35. KPHINOFIELl), LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, S E IT . 11. 1824. TWKNTY-KIHHT YEAH BUSHMAN ENTERS RACE FOB H I M A on M ain S tre e t Street«. Enlistments for One Day T ak­ Gne of the Skaggs chain grocery en in Battery B. 628th Coast store« ta to be opened up In Spring- Artilllery Which Will Report field in the hul'dlng formerly occu- i pled by the Newport grocery »tore to City Hall at 6:30 ¡between Third and Fourth atreeta on ■ Main The date «et for the opening 1 chine w»» driven by Ml»» Carol Chase Lee Clark, who aerved ea city re- , Is September 16. If the building la • Headquarters Battery B 628th Art. • O. G Bushman. pro.ld.iit of th« ,,t chaaa Gardena. Funeral arrange corder 12 year* ago. win appointed i ready, according to E. F. Kepnes. • C. A. C. * Springfield Mill and Grain company, manta for Mtoa Conley are awaiting — - — - „„„„„n •« Springfield. Ore. • owner of the building, who haa Just • and prominent In civic affair* of the word from Clinton Conley, brother oi Monday a lt I y t i< < September 10th, 1*24. * leaned It, Extensive repairs are un­ • c it y haa entered the race for mayor the deceased, who live* at Cincinnati. ,h * u n -x p lr» d term o J. W. Coffin. deceased. Mayor Eggt- derway. The front partition has been • 1. By direction of the President • of Sprlngfl.ld at the November elec , Ohio. matin appointed Mr. Clark and the torn out. thus throwing the large room • Battery B. 628th Art. C. A. C. to • Gull Ilia pet 11 Ion was filed Tueaday 'Mlae Conley, who w a. an employee open to make room for a bigger j* ordered to duty Sept. 12th., 1924 afternoon with the recorder Th« only ,,f the Hprlugflnld telephone exchange, ,'oun‘ 11 ra fl»d t n appo n n - „ .„ ..- r e - -r/\ other candid.,.- ... tar I. William waa from work about *' ** * c‘ TOWN PAYS T R IB U T E TO stock than was formerly accommo­ • 2. All members of Battery B. • • 628th Art. C. A. C. will report for • lxmg. city councilman, who«., peti )1-<-|,„g and waa croaaltig the street. P‘,1,rP )ui|x« u’-ri 8O,'te 11 . , J, W. COFFIN’S MEMORY dated. „ o n h a . b een file d for aom . lim e . .h e wa. .tr u c k by an a u to m o b ile November election He does not _______ The entire place will be re-papered • duty at the City Hall, Springfield • Friend, have h.-en trying to gel Mr automobile driven by Ml.a Chaae.j 'of *ag„ '"n d ^ ^ I th jgr. ' Bw,0**d CKU,n Wh° D',d Monday and re-shelved, according to Mr. Kep- • Oregon, September 12th.. 1924 at • ner, who now ba» carpenters at work • g:30 p. m. to Captain John W. • lluahman to run for mayor for the Ml*. Chaae had been driving slowly, ‘ 8 * can,li(| a te to succeed him- to be Burled at Dayton, there. * Chaae C. A. O. R C. • taat seieral w.-.-ke hut he has here hut w a. about to meet a car Both self both a . recorder and Justice of Oregon. The Skaggs chain stores, of which • JOHN W. CHASE • tofnre refused «uggoallng other can- car. (limned their light«. and In the # B() 0, ber cand)date there are over a hundred, have head- • Capt. C. A. O. R C. Commanding. • dldatea Tuesday morning a commit- darkness she did not see Mlaa Con- h ,le off,ce I Business hou.es in Springfield (ju&rtprs )n |»o rtiand There is one In . • • • • • • • • * tae. unknown to him. circulated a pe ley nor know that the car had e«v “•» *o u ,n t tne ° r balnea. d l.trlc, a e .u r u e n g e r e n a n y o n e u n .. . u . e im p s . . The council aent a letter of . ondoh m em Ty of Jam e. Ku*PDe ° n El* hth and ° “ Te 8tre€t8 A parade will be the mark of ob- tltlon In the bualne*. district eecur- dangered anyone until the Impact tng 38 nam e. They then took It to * •« M t. The corner I. also heavily ence to M r . ( off In an e wilbur Coffin. (or many years Spring- Manager Brandt of the Eugene store servanse of September 12. NaGonal vili H likewise lluahman and p er.u .d « ! him to con- I .haded with trees M t o .C h a .e h .l t P“7 7 1 ! L h L « » Id ’8 city recorder, police Judge.'"»« k e w l.e h have a v e charge of the I)efenge day, Sprignfield. according Springfield one. and clerks will be to C. A. Swart«, chairman of the com­ •en t . to let h l. name go on Ute ballot ad her car Immediately A physician fira _ ou ’ * brother officer »« - « • » ’ ■ Mayor Charles F. Eggimann. X booth latrsrion will be given the city In case » I- < « « » M < X ANDERSONS- F IN IS H 300.000 will be open in the Cash and Carry . of the election of Mr Bushman. hla ln Eugene, Hiding with — — — — . friend. Ml.a Myrtle Harvey of ,l1* off'c1“ 1 wor'‘ “P ,o *“ “ assisted bv Rev Thomas D Yarnes POUND HOP CROP PICKING Btore aU dBy Friday for enlistments^ friends declare They point out h e , * * ’ * hla «ucce»3or will have not trouble a*»i»ted by Rev. I nomas u. yarnes. and those who sign up for the day la one of the moat surcasaful business Springfield. i . - . „ v i - r on Th« Booth Kelly sawmill, where Mr., _ __ employed. stop. The Qf hop crop waa with Battery B. 628th coast artillery men In town and that he will exer I**«»» «'•"’» «<> Mian Conley at about in carrying . on. . . . e,_ Coffin was l U U U O U J c i u p i u j c u , m u j r I u c t o o t w o v a a w a a vg e v - a w » . — — — — The council order Jess Smltson. fire operBtloM, and lhe « c h ln e a yesterday at the Anderson Brothers ^ «erve corps w ill parade In the eve- r ise 'th e ..m e ability toward the run >® ” “'<'lop'‘ Her skull had h.-en frac- * u____ .„ ..tim e -moon« nounds ning at 7 o'clock. The parade will chi d .f. to have the wheels on the f i r e ____ n ln . of city affair. During the next »«»"» « ' h' «>aae of the brain, were silent for three minutes. The hop ranch, totalling 300.000 pound» n>nK few year. Springfield to expe. led to « '•" •• survived by her par truck repaired Several pieces o f light body was shipped to Dayton, Oregon, green hops. The crop has been 8oldl sta>T at the c ty a • So t0 even repair work on atreeta wa» also au- where concluding services will be to an English firm represented by jand Main streets, an ac aga n. make rapid advance, and Mr Bush­ ent«, Mr. and Mr«. I*. Conley of Spring A. Gay of thorlied. The mayor ordered the U <2 city ona 5>e’d ln lh e Methodist Episcopal A. M. Lawson of Portland, and this Captain J. W. Chase ° t e . o aw field, a alsler. Mr. man barker, declare he la the sort and by four brothers. H.r- engine, r to make a survey on!Second on & , s t r i c t is the command,ng officer, of capable man needed at the helm. Silverton, and by at 2 p m year contract. There were manv Lieutenant H alter Cole, of Eugene. vey, John and Ernest of Springfield, street for the benefit of those prop- [h Mr. Ixmg haa seen much service on th)g _ Qf „ gecond :ommand. and Clinton , of Clnclnattl. T h . body to -try otwnFrs who wlah to put In their the council and la running on hla .. a ■ orn o enlist n lio » in ‘l o n nurse liy ^ A S I Women r . can in t the own sidewalk at the Walker chapel Monday morning at the Pacific Chris- quality, according to Ivan Anderson, record II 1» understood he will carry i reserve corps, so they can take part Helatlv«» of Ml»« Conley ca'led up tian hospital. Eugene, caused by an one of the proprietors. out the present pollcloa of Mayor Eggt- as well as the men. Mr. Swarts says. the office of Coroner W. W. Bran- HALF DOZEN COUPLES attack of gastrointestinal influenza W elby Stevens also reports a good mann and expects the «ame aupport. We want every man who can to »letter yesterday, asking that an In­ SEPARATED BY JUDGE ,nd complications. He had been tak- yield of hops but a lower price than a» the mayor has enjoyed at election o“c l^ k u s w l / ^ ^ w i e d his" crop and la y he g l a r e d . “There to no quest he held. He will he In Spring- en to the hospital about 7:30 o'clock usual. He Irrigated Jtia crop and say time ITominent and .ubstantlal citi­ Liberty was given to a half dose» 'he night before and became ancon- It made a w ood erf« difference The and the 1 field this afternoon, when a derision zen« have their ,iam«s ot lx>lh peti­ ■ as to whether nr hot It will be held couples by Judge G. F. Sklpworth In sclous soon after. The death came Seavey yards this year produced «»’«tely for no longer than the one tions for mayor day" la reached W C. M. lJtgan, resident engineer circuit court Tuesday Desertion and a» a shock to tihe citizens of Spring- heavy. Hunderds of pickers leave organizations are planning to Parents of the deceased have not re . ’ruel’ty the principal grounds alleged, field, who had seen him at hts usual Springfield and vicinity daily for the ^ ¿ No 7 fart "asT nu“’ though“ f“ “th 7 of the Mountain (Mates Power com­ • quested the Inquest, J, A G lllc.pl. was granted a dl- «">« “P *° P ^ 1“« a"d “X .s fa' 110 re“u,red for pany, and Herbert Cox. head account - t “ k can«, on camped at the different places, ant for the Booth Kelly company, are s p E C |A , S C H O O L E L E C T IO N vorce from Eva Glllosrle on grounds " h«“ «»>« the company lh e American Legion . andldatea for the council vacancies »H fcC IA L b L M U U L t L t U I IUN of desertion. The couple were mar- >"d hl- Phr-lcian took him to his may parade as a unit. Captain Chan W O Hughna would succeed hlroaep t q b e HELD SEPTEM BER 20 X d August 1 1923. and he claim . *>««• The .nfluenza affected h .s RORER TO ADDRESS LIONS told the Legionalres. • heart and kidneys, and death result- CLUB FRIDAY LUNCHEON as treasurer. I , «, the wife left him 10 days later The Defense Day program will be With the sudden death of J. W Cof ; A special election has been called Pearl W. Kaufman secured a „„ James Wilbur Coffin was born in c ___ D r ^ . - , president of the Eu- oV tV ar^nd'rproved by !hZ fin, there Is a vacancy In lhe record- by the school board of dtolrlct 19 for vorce front Gtto .. L. ________ Kaufman - - er'a oifle«. and for Justice of the the purpose of electing a n.-w schocl '^"cruelty. She claims he as- Portla«>d- Oregon January 27. 1861. gene of P com m o erce, will speak «a. Dam b cm m ro o w ill s r w » f llf I ’ - P resident It is part of a national w e a “ Reparation p ‘ans" ' day pence Neither office has another district clerk to fill the vacancy left aoclated with other women. They th" "»» «* «eneral Stephen Coffin. on the ..^ Dawes ** candidate In the field. Mr. Coffin was by J W Coffin, deceased. The no were married October 22. 1916. '> »ounde« Portland He Erlday noon at lh e Springfield Lions annlvergary of the batUe of also school clerk and that office will tlce of the election Is signed by George Ambrose Woodward was granted a w*8 ntarried to Mona E. Caln at Day- c]ub iuncheon. Mr. Rorer has made « ih le l H Ditto, chairman of the board, and Jjecree fr()in j.;ua j Woodward. They tOn- Oregon March 15. 1882. and to a speCiai study of the Dawes com -! also have to be filled F. E. Ixiuk, director. have been married since March 19. ’*"* th ,t u,llon Hve children were born. ! m|ttee report and as he is a capable1 Thom»« McKInnls and John Ketels, 1881. and have eight grown children. '' he * idow- living at the family home speaker the Lions are anxious to heat REV. YARNES TO PREACH AMERICAN LEGION HOLDS and four children hlm IN IT IA T IO N OF REC R U ITS "r ' ‘‘" 7 bP’ n V r * ’ “”' The husband alleges the wife accused at 922 H H IS FAREW ELL SERM ON candidates for the office of clerk. him of adultery. _?f ' Ve !lim' Florence Coffin, Frank Jenkins, editor of the Morn- Lee W. Clark has been appointed by j Mary L. Hand was separated from Pr,,*' , , C° ttin “nd RU’Ph C° ffln ing Re*l8,er- 8P°ke on county develop- Thp annual conference of the Meth- In line with their membership drive, Henry Hand on grounds of desertion " ' ' or l8"d residents. Harry lives In ment and community spirit at th e last odigt church will meet at Medford the Springfield post of the American Legion initiated 4 new member, at <>>« < W Hecordcr. which Mr Coffin The couple were married May 12, ' Hlo"'a " ashlngton. Gne son, Lester. Week'e luncheon. H e declared Eu- on Wednesday. September 17. This 1923. i’nn" V #W. 7 >t N7 bel? ' ° reKOn' in «eoe and S-pringfleld would have a w)l, be comprised of all their meeting Friday In the W O H ' h' e,et•',t,n,, hall, and re-lnsUted eight other». As November when a new recorder will It. C Ellmaker was granted a dl- ' or 14 yeani Mr- Coffin resided combined population of 100.000 people the mjn|gters of the Methodist Eptsco- vorce from Elizabeth Ellmaker on " SpHnxfleld. being in the employ withln the next 50 years. He stressed pa[ church ln Oregon, with the ex­ many ns six other candidates were •>’ chosen. grounds of cruelty and Inhuman treat- " ’ 6 Booth Kelly 1-itcber company. the importance of securing a paper . ^ ¡ „ n o{ a few ¡n the northeastern unable to attend. Initiates were R. L. j ment He claimed she associated with ‘ * nR t0 failing health he resigned ,„111 for this section. corner of the state. Burnett. Ira llnkc. Paul Meyers and J O. BURCHAM W ILL BE o|lher mpn h»8 Position and for the past several F Next Sunday, therefore, will be the Fred Knox JUNIOR H IG H PRINCIPAL i Azalia Gllland was given a divorce V««™ occupied the posts to which he CLUB IS FORMED AT An address on Defenm. day was last Sunday of the present confer­ . 7 . 7 ! . ? ' .* U4> ,o QALID PARTY TUESDAY EVE. ence year. It Is expected that the made by Captain J. Wray Chase of j (» Bur. ham will he the principal from Lyle V. Gllland on grounds ot ,im e of his death up the Mohawk, commander of the of junior high school this year.' cruelty. They were married October present pastor of the local Methodist reserve company for this district, and , and Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway of the 18. 1915. F^is * 7 8 ^Methodist Mrs. ('?' Barnes entertained w ith 1 church, Rev. T. D. Yearne-s. will be all the men present at the m eetin g , L |nco| n building School opens for. Complaint for divorce was filed , b’ 7 7 " .' tb n' . ' 7 " ood,llen of g car(J parly at g „-dock on Tuesday assigned to som e other church for enlisted for one dsy In response to regtotratlon September 18. , Tuesday In circuit court by William ' h| ' * g ?*‘ 7 ' ,h<> 1 ° ° evening at her home. Guests were J the coming year. Hence next Sun- Ills appeal. Other Junior high teachers are K ill-(W hltlatch against ldn Whitlatch The ’ 1 " ' "7® a t . ,he Mrs. Fred Cline and Bernice Cline J day will mark the close of his four- Following the meeting refreshments lbl,tb James of Eugene. Kathryn Dun- husband claims the wife strikes him of "p Ku Klu* Klan' Mfsc W alter Laxton. Mrs. Troy Hui- year pastorate In Springfield. H e wib of sandwiches, coffee, l.-e cream and Springfield, and JasHamlne Nel and that with the exception of the ' ' "P' P‘'’ " . " b° dy at ,h e hurt Mrs. Walter Lipes and children, give his parting m essage on Sunday cake were aerved. son. Springfield. first three months of married life ‘ Pp 7 , s»nG n.7h Mra Asa p eddicord. Miss Maud Sank evening. The n ew post banner Hnd American Lincoln school teachers will be Ella she has been guilty of cruel and ln- p ’"B 'h® nery cross upon Mrg Hugh Jo„ iff and Mrg Ring, The subject of the morning dls- flag were on display for the first Lombard, Crystal Mnle. Opal Roberts, human treatment. They were mar- mother of Mrs. Barnes. The ladles ' course will be "Patriotism and Peace " Mr. Coffin's three sons and Miss . , . Everybody Is Invited to both serv- tim e since their puri base. The new , Kl,|a Montgomery Elizabeth Page, rled In January. 1923. Florence Coffin were all here for the ?re8ent h8Ve or*anized ‘“em -elves In Morgan all of i ■ post banner Is of blue silk with Platt, Mr«. funerai/and"‘w en ?™ "to iXvX'nVft'h '° 8 c,ub wh'Ch me<“‘ Tucaday jlceS' ________________ ____ ‘"Springfield Post Number 40 Amerl- j Springfield. Mary E. 9. Walker, Ella Marriage Licenses of Week. their mother to «tend the services e" n,n«8 " ’K«'al’'y - A name has rot Springfield Man Marries. can Legion" emblazoned on It In gold ; ||„yden. Eugene. Marjorie Tracy, During lhe past week County Clerk bllr(nl of (hp|r been chosen as yet. Light refresh- j Newport, anil Nina lloesen, Eugene. R a llrygon hag granted piarrlage Miss Florence Coffin w ill bo ¿ o i, h 7 ments were served by the hostess lat letters. Word has reached Springfield of the licenses to the following: Donald New Inotb - , 1 ,r Pr In the evening. marriage of Paul Brattain. Jr., son of Pay Twifflc Fines. Lad Knocked Down By Auto of°'Mr ,On Klrk,,rson' a,ld Fav return from Dayton tomorrow R alp i Thp «»«’’ m0‘ th4> Previous week at Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brattain of this 11. Weeks of W a'tervllle paid a $5 ; Clifford Murphy, young son Headrick. Eugene; Ross M. Colvert, Coff|n w|„ g the homp of Mr gn(, Mrs Fred c iine.,c lty . to Miss Dulcie Peterson of Pals- fine in Springfield police court this ,„ (1 Wis. Mnthew Murphy of and Florence Brooks, both of Junction a,g0 ■ ' An(, (he busbands of the ladles, who >eY- which took place late in the eve- week for passing a street ear while nortb o f (jch .-n , was knocked Hn' (-|ty . Alvin M. lteetz and Edith Bu h are permitted to be present at one nlnK °F Align t 10 In Laki \ i t u . Ti.ie it wns unloading passengers at 4ti. ious Tuesday evening when the gnnn' bo(b ()f j Bnct|on ei»y; Eie(i Fe- Clark Coming to Springfield. meeting each month, honored the oc- i ceremony a ^p.-r, armed b> Dr. and Main streets. ¡bicycle he was riding was run Inin Melf-nda. Circle. Montana, and Herbert Clark, assistant cashier of Attending were: Mr. and Council Chooses Former Re­ corder to Fill Unexpired Term lh„ com er of Until Election Tim s; Letter D i s t r i c t ; Coffin’s Death s.< end and A »treets Tuesday rvenlng of Condolence Sent. Leaves Recorder Vacancy. » n l died soon aft.-rward». Thu m e Friends Circulate Petition and Secure 38 Signers in Business by , n (.onUy „ Mr and Mrs i w’®8 visiting In fmkevlew at the d a w h ten Mr. and'^om e of the Methodist pastor there, to con i at u I Of the lad's home. Masons Resume Meeting». i ai red In fr. the The meetings nf the Hprlngfleld Mb ' j,14j ag ho wa about to turn In sonic lodge were resumed lu'Blnning d|.(vgw„y Tuesday September r 9 .. In the - e s d a y e evening. v e n in g , »ep.cn.». -- --------------------- - O. F. »11 .1 7.3» Cr. o . . » . . . O« two months vacation during July and wo(>d he was choplng August Work was put on In the btrurk n„y McKnlgbt In the right eye ttr -.l» „ „ .ln .r m /x m lf iiz P V O Il p H H S iîlH Wednesday morning Fellow ersft degree. through the cornea. H l. physician still W H. Horne was a week-end guest has hoptw that he will bo able to s at. tihe home of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. again. Gorrle, sr George 8. Riggs of Mabie was in Irvin Christie was In from Mareola Springfield on bualne»» Saturday. yeeterday. .IK .) « ..S .J S « Leroy Lane ami " Agnes ........ ’ ----- - — ” ---- O'Brien, ----------- ’ "f Mare0,a: William Webster Dead- ----- .<------ Michigan, — man, Alpena. and -i Helen Kuykendall, Eugene; Bryan W, Wil- R(Jn Rn(, M#ry a u l„ ford, tK>th of Eu. |r> .. .............. . B ^mlt7 c ' 8m ’p Arlllirtoni and ¿uxabeth * yor#n _ RllgpnB; 0 ,enp JonM p e e ____________________ , « e g of Mr and Mrs. George Spores from up the Mohawk were here yewterday on business daughter Foundation Bting Laid, and daugh- i Concrete is being poured th ., week October 1 ; lers Thelma and Wilma. Mrs. Carr! for the concrete mat which will be Mr. Clark Is one of the leaders of HarUahurg. A ssisting the hostess nmong , hp yonger bus| np(!g men In serving the refreshment were the foundation for the new re»« ' Eugene, nnd was prominently Iden o 'a'^ s Nyström. Maud Sankey and : water tank to be built by ^ ^ ’'’tha ' -- ............. tain States Power company on tne rifled with civic affairs there. His H p e v le v o 'fr s b lljn " . , --------------------------- » - » coming to I Springfield, ns he has spent s- great L n ,or California— E. E. Morrison part of h ,s ,!fe ln thl9 vlclnlt and a,ld W J LePley ,pft Sunday for of the University of t C-1 tortile to be gone for two weeks - - a - graduate --- OrNfon he comes here with a kaowl- or so. They expect to g o ->» far south as Los Angeles conditions. Mrs. E. H. Maeterson of M ar Walt- ervil'e was a Springfield vtouor yw - o w n .. , . urdgy f, "" ” 0Wn * ' tom Mabla on a shopping trip. tend ay hill south above the plant Mother and Baby Here— Mr». P. Btihop of Mabie came to Springfield to the home of her mother. Mrs. Berg, on Monday from the Pacific Christian hospital With her Is her infant daughter born at that hospital In goat oa 9^pt«mber S. i— r