T ! I f RB DAY, S K IT K M U K R < 1934. Mtoa Ora. » Mato who haa been vtat TOWN AND VICINI 1 i driver for the cumpan, 1» 111 at I n h‘«u<- BABY LIBR AR Y TO PURCHASE |lin g ai «hs horns of her mother. Mr». S IXTY NEW VOLUMES M M Ma'e return» I Io Portland DOORSTEPS where she will rwinws her poaltton la A . » f-mnd Infant girl bot > hour. A total of *0 new booh» Pur |th,, ictuHila o’d was found by Mr« F It Latito ot rhb.ed at one» Il d « >'lrd a ---- , to. Weal Spttogfteld abandoaed »1 bat regular meeting of the h*>an » > Hr Ralph B IMppd*. Denttol. Vitus door at IS to octou-h , W, a to n ia « Rprlngn.ld public library Tu— toy III a t Marce -Mr* K'-nt L aad«* fan-ft left i.tfieU . t'rrgon ____ lii.’ |T»‘ of Marcóte to 111 Bandon ! The hah» waa wrapped In a dirt« ahlrt eten ln g Each of the » itu-iu r> to Pcntckrd at B - dg«— Mr and Mr.5 Hara tram Albany— Mr and Mr» ani detopldatad bra»hed w«x»l sw eater the hoard »HI aah«t 1“ MM> " Mere from TSurstoc—— \\ intani R •• fcrtut u reported Visaed Relative»—The John t of Saw and Steel ' »««»er- -« the highway After the exit< b o f he taken out Friday. Saturday Critically II . - 1 aa-red Parker family ap»ut Labor Day visit- «*-' I* Sjrlngfle - on u the automobile automobile died died asray asray she »be heard heard erliicallr lit Doctora h a r e ---- «------- __ critican; iu- .» tog relative« in Dealer » baby crying On the doorsteps she Catobrat» ïg th AnnIwsraary. of hto recovery The old gentleman t» *-» found the child R»»:o«"t Back— Mr and Mr« Went Bennett Old part SS years old. rem to W Portland—S •'spew——— — P. - — - —— ---- ---- Mr and Mra Dalia» B Murphy al Deputy Sheriff Van Svaverud of Eu . W. U r of Wendltog passed throogh Spring- Loa Purria. former Springfield teal tended a family reunion in Eugens T his m ark» B ill H art« rwturn gene sr»« swtnmnawl after Mr. ta tti» tn «» **• to * • * » * » ' « « • * * cow ** town «len i about a half hour trying ta Tneaday evening T h . occasion wa» to the »erggn. ino left Sun-ay • « Portland. ___ i •onthern Caiirom ta »topped Cana Sunday California, «topped Ut tí Portland comfort the Infant, and he took It to ike celebration of the n th wedding where »he haa a position in the Port­ Ccmedy — B ackfirg. * few day» thia week ¡the Sprtegfteld hospital ' annlverwar, of Mr Murphy » parent*. L’ed t'w eo t operette«— Mr» Delbert land schools attendants Her« from C s t—“Mr« S g««»»«.*« •> « « « •-« • atatM tbe g i r t i » and Mr. I E Murphy of H « Hcnpltal McBee of Wendltng unedrsrent » ma­ Sunday Left fo r Newberg— Rev and Mr« that the « ""“* ^ Yort T h o » p ~ = of Bt CalUpooy, , na M„ R,>r Myer, of Salem toft E ugene and Ml»» Haael Murphy of in T hom peoc» resort np the McKecrte - “ =•».« Te R .aire H er* -M r and Mr» O E »«ea. Mr and Mrs Murphy were Friday for Belknap spring» and stay •STEPHEN STEPS O U T " river, to »uöeriag from a aererò at- Springs ed over the sreek-eni. returning Son ; M. Plummer aad fam ily have moved prwavated with a cheat of allver and tack of gastro-in’.eetiaal icftueaaa S a te r Laav.og— M l» . X e » R a th e r- teto the Bteinhaner colia*» at Elghtth day Thg Way of a Man frrd Plater of Mr» L e 'and Eubank». Springfield X'gwa 11 λ per year and B »treat» Lyle and Lilia Earhry Back fr o m T r i p — D r A. C. ho’m r e te n e d TMr^ay from a buoi- *«terd ay for h e r t m e in Lo» w > Took MeKende Trip—Mr aad Mra. Made th a t we put on yo u r car 1« the name as most o f the new Returned to P ortaed— Miss Grace W Henry Adrian and Mrs Adrian’s M ill---- and Grain company »hipped y o u r heating plant put In 2 a car Male left Tuesday morning for Port brother-ta-law aad sister. Mr aad Mrs of feed n C ow »« t*n * a c*Bch Monday af improving nicely. Hand Inju red — A. O. Haden. Eugene, Oregon .C orner 8th and Olive I teraoox — Plum bing Com pany wright of the Flacher lumber Left for Portland— Mies J a ssa a iee Vacation— J k n Nice rur- _____________ »» aa-j u,« third finger N ______________________ e'soc. teacher of English ta the L« * • priagfteli Junior h * -♦* * « i r » .W wheel Hla hand »lipped, the finger or so before the school. o;en here. received a deep cu t and much of the Passed Tbreugli d tp — Mr and Mrs Here from M i n n e i s t ä —Jack »oft ttoaue was crushed He wa» in Lathur McXn t , of Gregoc City pass­ O'Brien, an old friend of Peter J Springfield to have the wound dre»e- ed through Springfield Tuesday on Palanak. arrived Tuesday from Min- - I heir aeir way to Foley r o « y Springs opvtWR to » spend hU f>mUy , Bd 1(K>k heir koceymoon. T h e , were m a r r ie d ........... .. ........................ .. v i.w Returned to Spokane— Mrs P au l( over the W'ilaimette valley with view Sunday is Oregon City Scott of Spokane returned to her home to settling here. on Friday morning after »pending a Returned from Coast— Mr and Mr» Were D nner Guest»— Mr and Mrs. cumber of day» at the home of her Milton Cyr a s l Mr. and Mrs WHbar C A. Swart» and daughter» Helen mother. Mrs B artlett While here »he Lloyd r*‘anted Saturday from a trip Margaret and Maxine were dinner attended the funeral of her father-ln- to S -3-.de While gone they visited on Labor Day at the home of Charles L. Scott, and the mar­ gMStS at LongTiew tnd Kelso, and stopped George Platt of Thur» riage of her brother-ln.law Randall Mr and Mr« to -ee Mrs. Cyrs" cousin in Portland. Scott, to Mtos Ethel W akefield of •on. Wee* to Newport— Mr tnd Mr* Eugene. * t O«egeo Cace» —Mr and Mrs Cart Ofcon. Mr. and Mrs William Sneed'» mother. Lorg ard son. D a o . and Mr and ‘ rt hur Sneed. Mrî Harry Whitney « m ìe up a party » « ■ Allen of O r-age Grove, and Mrs . . _ _ . . . _ w * A l l e n to «pend last Sunday and Labor Day hee eister-ia-tow. Mr» Jeeae All at the beach at Newport They left of near Hood River »pent Sunday at Sprtarfield cn S a n d s, morning r*~ the Oregon Caves. turr. -.e Mondiy evening. B- ther Visiting Here— Arthur Lam Weat ta Sa'sew—Mr and Mr». J Co„ _M C. !.!■>„. and * L Clark left T ar- M M fc In Suadar for a w eek « W » lepaadeaca and other point» to look. -—« — and other coaat pointa after hop contracta BELL Theatre Bill Hart in “ Wild Bill Hickok” Thom.^s Meighan in “Woman Proof” I Cold Wave < I That “Duco” Finish Auto Top Peterson J. GRIMES Fell f-o m T ru ck—C a - . - f an employe of the Springfield Mill and Grain cotatany. cut a ga*h in hi» a; per lip and another above his right eye this week-end when he accident­ ally feJ* o ff the back o f a truck Sev­ eral stitches were taken in closing the wounds. oureanx. brother of Mr» Milton Cyr, arrived Tuesday morning from hto home in SL John- Washington, for a risit of a week or two at the Cyr home. are sailors ♦reusers kgs 50 wide? Improving Property—D W McKin­ non i» imrroving hla property in Eu- r -ne near the eastern city lim ta The outside to being re -h ln g lel and «tain Injured a» Horse Fails — Ralph row. 1€ bruited hto shoulder »er r . *4 »V“ ‘h’ " b&- rg re papered and extensively renov­ I t when the hor?e h - was riding Sat urday morning e’ipprj and felL turu- ated lt g over a number o ' time« The Opening Announced— The Mode Mil younr man wa« driving cattle on a llBery «hop will have its fail opening hillside near his home in Vida when next Saturday. September d. accord­ the accident occurred ing to Mi«s Osil Gray, proprietor The Entertained Guest— C t- ts S a t w - ‘ ’rt” * —because their looseness permits the av ard Sunday a the horn, o' Mr. M,M Gr»y ord rd while g r in d in g buy- wearer to pull them up q u lck l, and nd Mrr Frank B Hamlin were Mr we*k ln easily when h “ sc rubs deck or wanes damitn's mother Mr? John Hamlin Enjoying Vacation— Mr and Mr» M. In the water The quick and easy ac­ >f Boseberg. Mr and Mrs. E E Rtcb- G. Lyons and daughter. Helen, re tion of irds and children Kenneth and Mar- turned form a trip to B indon and R uss’an Type (cry o f Portland. I.(ar»hfield Tuesday night, goirg to M ineral O il Coley springs on W edretday. They Enjoyed Wend ng Ge eb-aticn — win return to d a , from the springs, Minong th* many 8(rlt;giie|d per .<,[j» laser making a trip up the Siuslaw. acocants for Its wide use In Ihe treat- n;e«,t of conMipatiiiO * o enjoyed ti 4L cel* - r r an on P ureteit Mineral Gil I» a gentle lu­ W ert to Lost Lake—Clayton Bar- abor Day in Wendling were; Judge Intesllr al -. a x p ’n “d by Mr. and Mrs. Me­ bricant that «Auegaer th 1 W Coffin. Mr. a 1 M- . O H rry of L ig en e end ’heir dauebtei. tract without the m ¡.I < • (ficta larrett and daughter M arr ret. Mr odor-1 ird Mrw 0. B Kew ey. Mr an Mr- ’ - Ella McCurry, made a trip to of som e cathartics. Colorless. Lo»t Lake Saturday evening, return- less, easy to take, a n l absolutely pure.; "I E Swarta a rd Miss Edna Sw arr, Cne of i®0 P'i'*,r-‘t preparutious. ffe-bert J, Co.-* Mr and M-s D 1 z Monday While th«-e the party S’ McKinnon and daughter Mynia. «hent some tim e in Lebtng. Every I em the h '->a‘ tofc»H »nd Tr and Mrs. Ben Skinner and son conscience can produce .1 r . —« H ad A 'i . O a y R ie n e— A (" rty en- I illlam Mr. and Mrs. George DsTen. 7 . . . or*. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence May. Mr. ’ ■ Mm. E. M .v and daughter. Mr. ' r k lriB* lnclu^ (' r>- and Mrs. W H. Po'iard and children. n i Mrs. M M Male, Mr. and Mra. Mr. an . Mrs W alter Price o f Marcóla. More'ock. Mr and Mrs W E H Mr. an* Mrs H. W MacDonald and 'ritts. Mr end Mrs. Moody Xeet. three daughters of Tigard. Mrs. A W. [r. and Mr* Bert Doane, Mr a id Vincent and son. Arthur o f Tigsrd. trs. Dan Crites and daughter, Mr. TJtrf Mr at.d Mr» M X. McDaniel of Eu nd Mrw Harry Anthony and small gent, and Mr. a id Mr . MacDonald augbter. N. .Va-I and son Phillip, Phons 15 of Eugen .-. nd M i-- M ’ Ward Flanery’s Drug Store Drug S to r i »prlngfte'd. Ore Furnish a Room a ta Time For Y our L iv in g Room Your Kitchen $11000 Baker's Cut V elour Uavenjiort $55.00 C hairs o r R ocker to n atch W indsor chairs from $12.00 to $1800 11 'a w I; " ! R oyal A x n iln ls te r rugs. i»xl2 $52.00 Genuine Inlaid linoleum , laid on your flo o r $1.65 sq. yd D ining Room Colonial range« (Oregon built I $62 00 to $122.00 Oak tables $21.00. $26.00 $29 7 j c h a ir- it; olid oak. leather s-at ... $5.50 W alnut tables at $27.50. $38.00 and $45 00 , , . • r $6.75 Kitchen cabinet in u.ifinished w hite enamel o r oak $26.00 to $75.00 Heavy print . .. Congoleum m gs $1.20 sq. yd. 55c to $19.50 Remember w e give 10', o ff fo r cash on all fu rn itu re (contract goods excepted) Bedroom Ivory. S llvertone and W alnut suite«, fro m $75 up $17.25 Sim ons double deck «priug« 50 lb«, co tto n mattresses ............ $18 75 0 lb. cotton lin te r nattresses ...... $10.00 W e charge no interest on our m o tn h ly pay­ ment plan. O ur price« are rig h t; our sto< k Is complete We want your business. Wright & Son H ' y J v 7 are Furniture