THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1924. D. A. Wataon, who several weak» NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING •go bought a ranch for about >60,000 Plonaar Woman Dies The undersigned Administratrix of near Heppner and then came to Pen­ Mrs. Ella Betknap, a resident of the estate of Melvin Fenwick, de- dleton and purchased an automobile the Belknap bridge »cctlon of the up­ < eased, baa field her final report and and clothe» and gave check» that were per McKenzie river »Ince 1873. died account and the County Court of' not honored, waa arrested at Heppner •a ll what you wan* to tall, buy w kal yau wan» «o buy through «haaa i at the Eugene hospital early yester­ Lane County. Oregon, haa fixed and ret Friday October 3rd, 192» at the columns- Writ» or phone TWO day morning at tin- age of 69 year». County Court room In the Court Hou»« Brief Resume of Happenings of and held for Umatilla county official». Fewer than 16 per c t n t o t the regis­ Hh« waa one of the four early pio­ at Eugene, Oregon, at 10 o’clock A M. the Week Collected lor tered votera of Cooa county went to Di&AKti and room U> l*>- aheap. Ad- EOI» F \I.F. Baby carri««« Mr». Il neer women of the region and waa for hearing thereon, and atty objec-i J Co«. 3«3 61*1 »«. Tal. 123 H B4 It the mother of the Belknap brothers, Hot,» to said report and account the poll» to vote on the question of *e bos I*, O. Ibi7, <*r rail 12» Our Readers. should be filed or preaenled on or bonding the county for >280.000, the ^Klnin »tree«. Hi r!ngfl"ld, Sap» 4 Il JERSEY milk co» fur aate. A. well known trapper» and guide». before said time. money to T,e used In matching state Dated and first published Eeptem Mr», il-lknap 1» survived by three Morgan. T w crty thousand 4ons of hay from money now Oelng expended in the WtANTKD T u board and room wo- her 4th, 192«. 'sons, Byrd Belknap of Bellingham. JENNIE FENW B’K. Hbi«-n teacher«' or Mali achnol girl» last year1» crop remain In warehouse» county. The vote was 1615 yea. 8 l* Ivan Mala and wlfo went to Albany ; W ashington; Clarence Belknap ano Administratrix. H ' « l | al Cola's ru-Hauranl for Infor- In Haines. I Arthur Belknap of Blue ltlver; four WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Wednesday, H im Inn. Bap’ Linn county now has 12 crusher» at Attorney. 8 2- By the use of «0.000 pounds of ex­ , daughter’, Mr». Alice Od«!l. Dear, work grinding out rock for county plosive the underwater pinnacles in NOTICE TO CREDITORS born; Mr». Cora Inman, Springfield; T<’ BXCHANE. Incom« proparly In NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN that Estate of Philo Wilcox Deceased. road development. the channel of Yaqulna hay have been >i »’ey Junction. Iowa for property lb« undersigned b»« been by the Coun- Mr». <1. S ‘ lm»ea. Amity; Mrs. Alva NOTICE Tf) CREDITORS. cut off to a depth of 17 feet at low H e r e Ml«» Jaka Marguth. Spring ■- • four» "f the State of Oregon for Trotter. W atsonville. Cal.; two bro­ The second annual reunion of the Notice Is hereby" given ’hat Sarah BendL 1C. M< Bee has been by the County St. John family v a t held at Burnt water. The project depth calls for H l e i d , Ora. the County of Lane been duly ap- ther«, Eugane Finn, J»ng polnt««1 egerutors of the la»t Will and Cal.; Peter Finn. Glazier. Wash.; and Court of the State of Oregon. In and Woods near Corvallis, with 53 present. 20 feet In the channel, but this will require the work of about two more Ti-atament ami estate of ILunuel two slater», Mr*. L. I’. Huapp. Eu­ fur Lane Coun’y, appointed adminis­ FT 11NIHIIKI) ai>ar»m7000 waa auatalm-d by J. Henry Gate» of Crow, Oregon. nounced that a ptant for the manu­ ••Thia la ono poker game In which Blkman. women'» clothier of Albany, SPONC Í THOMAS C. O McDaniel of Crow. Oregon. facture of ready-cut houses waa plan­ I can’t loae!" remarked Cori Gerard, when thieves looted his store of treat O. D. Coryell of Crow, Oregon. ÇAFE ned for Klamath Falla to be ready for IIAMILL A. CANADAY. who portray» a leading role In "Wild quantities of expensive cloak» and operation» by next spring. The plant Register. Corner 3rd and Main Bill Hickok." William 8. Hart’s first suits. Is to have a capacity of about 1000 A 14-8 1 8 production for Paramount alnce hla A. M. Dalrymple, warden ot the houses a year at the start. retirement two year» ago. He ex­ Oregon state penitentiary, haa return­ There were two fatslltlee due to ed from Salt Lake City, where he at­ plained: industrial accidents In Oregon during "The game 1» framed for me to tended the annual conference of prla the week ending August 28, accord­ ' win." on officials. ing to a report prepared by the state Contracting and Building A»)d Iht^i followed on th<{ gam­ The Mountain States Power com Industrial accident oommleelon. The w . F. WALKER Plant and Estim ates Furnished bling hall set at Paramount studio pany Is planning to start at once the victims were Clarence L. Monjay. Port­ Free. Will Help You Finance FUNERAL DIRECTOR 'one of the moat dramatic acenea of work of rebuilding Ha distribution land. brakeman. and Phlltp Dortlcoli Your Building. the picture», a poker game as »ad syatem through the main aection of Leneve. laborer. A total ol 620 accb Full Auto Equlp-nent CEO. W. PERKINS la s It was pathetic Gerard portray» Cottage Grove. H a v i n g y o u r clothes dents was reported during the week. Corner 5th and D streets W. O. W. block a young tenderfoot, broke In Dodge Mark WeygandL veteran Mount cleaned and preased fre­ The cost of the harvest of the mid- Springfield. Oregon OfRc« Phon» »2 M Has. 1’bone |»-J ICKy with a wife to support. He had Hood guide, haa announced that more Columbia apple crop will be material quently Is a double Invest­ ] never dealt a card In hie Hie and was than 1700 climber» have registered at ly reduced this season. The Hood ment. It adds to the wear desperate. In the game were "Wild i the top of the snow peek for the sea­ River Apple Growers’ association has of your clothes: keeps Hili’ Hickok. Doc Holliday, Luke I them fresh and clean, and d r . n . w . em ery son thus far. ' announced a scale of four cents per Call Short. W yatt Earn. Charlie Ba »»el I Three residents of The Dalles— Mrs. box for picking and packing, as DENTIST insures your neat appear­ and Bill Tlghlman. They were gun-j B. B. Greiner and Mr. and Mrs. Victor against 5 cents last year. Day labor SUTTON TRANSFER ance. Sutton Bldg. Phon» 20 J fighter», but they were capable of Buncel—were drowned in the Colum­ will receive the loUowlng this year: Residence Phona 153 M kindly deed» So "Wild Bill” lllckok Phone 57 bia river at Dutton’s ranch, four miles ■ Men. 30 cents an hour; women, za It’s a worthwhile habit framed the game for the tenderfoot Springfield. Oregon ’ west of The Dalles. cents. 4 Io bring your garments to win without hl» knowledge. When Letters received by Governor Roy Moss, a checker for the 9tate regularly to Gerard had raked In the laat chip. Pierce from practically every section highway commission, and a sub-con- Bill Hart, toaalng the winning hand CEO.. N, McLEAN SHOE REPAIRING of the state indicate that Oregon may- tractcr named Widener were arrested ¡Into the discard, remarked: ors are behind the defense teat pro- near Echo on charges of embezzle­ Work Promptly and Automobile. Fire and Life "I get Just a» much kick out of IN S U RA N C E Carefully Done ment when R. «*- H. ----------- Baldock, -------------- division grain September 12. mem wueu ... 'th is a« If II were on the level." Surety Bonde,. Phone 617 Inability to pay his bills and failing engineer, of La Grande, charged that JOHN A. NELSON "Wild HUI Hickok” cornea to the My butinece It to protect your health, together with the Invalidism the highway commission fiad informa­ bueinett Bell theatre Friday. K-gurday. Alice 509 Main Street 4th and Main of his wife, Wife, caused Jack Rodman, tJon to Bhow that the men worked t o 860 W illamette St. Eugene Oregon Grey Terry 1« leading woman. prominent realtor of Eugene, to shoot gether to obtain money to which they his wife ar.d then commit suicide. were not entitled. r i WM. 0. HUGHES All tourists in Medford and vicinity The Sprague River White Pine saw­ A. A. ANDERSON FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE mill, located in the Sprague River or passing along the Pacific highway NOTARY PUBLIC valley, north terminus of the Strahorn at that time will not only be admitted BARBER SHOP railroad, was sold to J. M. Edgerton free but a special effort will be made , Office at >1.50 Haircut 40c of Grants Pass for approximately >««,- to induce them to attend the Jackson FIRST NATIONAL BANK >3.00 Razors >2.00 county fair and southern Oregon pear 000. Springfield, Ore8°" >1.C0 Fitch Shampoo 85c Byrle Cavclness, 14. son of Mr. and show at Medford. September 10, 11 Mrs. Waller Cavelneas of Springfield, 12 and 13. It is estimated about 3000 ROBERT W. EARL was killed when he was run over by tourists will take advantage of this District Manager an automobile driven by Lester Schar- courtesy during the four days. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL The Equitable Life Aseurance Eighty Lina county ’ -¡sinees and raan, also 1». and residing in Sprlug- Society of the United 8tatee DENTIST professional men, members of a dele­ field. Phone 1197 V Canned blackberries are In great de­ gation that went to Bend over the Phon» 43 218 Caatle Bldg.. Eugene, Ore. mand, according to J. O. Holt, man­ McKenzie pass, returned to western Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. ager of the Eugene Fruit Growers' as­ Oregon with the assurance that cen sociation, but not enough are arriving tral Grtaon counties would support at the association’s cannery to supply plana for the construction of a high­ (I way acroaa the San’tam pass The the demand. COLLECTIONS meeting In Bend woa attnulrd by more Oregon pensions have been granted No t’o lection, No Charge. Your Homo When In as follows: Phoebe C. Buckbee. Salem. than 130 persons and resulted In the W illamette Collection and Credit organization of a Sanllam Highway SpringfiBld >30; Sarah E. Ogle. Portland. >12; Service Harry E. Lovell, Pendleton. >15; John association. 860 W .llamette Street, Fred Yardlow of Elko. N c-.. aaot and Hazleton. Klamath Falls. >20; Emma Eugene, Oregon. killed W. Austin G.xxlman, sheriff of L. Smith. Portland, >30. Phone 378 The surfacing of the John Day high­ Harney county, and then tied on way between Prairie City and Dixie horseback. He was captured by F. _________son I has been completed. The contractors Goodman. 3 ot the slain sheriff, assisted by Deputy Sheriff Renshaw I are now finishing the grade from and a posse of citizens, after his i Dixie to Austin and th is work is Distributors of Fishers ' expected to be complete«! within the horse had been shot down from under All kinds of gravel for con­ ¡Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feed» him. The capture was effected at ■ month. crete or road work. Wa the head of Deep creek, on the side I The Marine Products company’s fish of Steins mountain, about 70 miles make a specialty of crushed , oil and fertilizer plant at Warrenton. from the scene of the murder, which rock and rock snntl. Bunk­ O. E. Freight Bldg. | over which a controversy raged In the w s nt Felly fa’-m, near the border i t ers at foot of Main on Mill East 6th. circuit court last fall, has been sue- street. I cessf jlly deodorized and it- op rating Malheur and Harney counties. HENRY W. CHASE, . rep. Following a public hearing in t’ o without Inconvenience to residents of efflee ef the port of Umpqua com m is­ sion a new basis of co-operation be- mge of approximately 73,000 t'.een the port district and the United FRANK A. DE PUE acres of scattered state Dn .s in Coos States government will be recom­ ___ Curry counties for a shntinr and ATTORNEY AT LAW x mended by Captain George Mayo, dig- | JOHN M. WILLIAMS amount of national forest i intls includ­ tri- er.ginei " for district No. 1. Since Attorney for V. t State Aid Com.. NOTARY PUBLIC ed in one tract, is being c , wi le ’vd b; adoption of the north jetty project on Soldiers Bonus Loans. #nd aufhcriiatlon ot a Springfield the s.ate land board. In . .e«,t the Sutton L. K. BEAN exchange Is made the federal tract | of fhp r hRi w , he port Oregon. Ruldllng i Attorney State Land Board, will b ’ a -t aside as ha, co-opera’ , ng on a 60-60 baaia. gBito School l end Loan». Member» of m e sta’e land boaru w ill, f dutH ct r0COUialen(ia- carried out the new working leave f,r Coos And Carry cou n ties, WILLIAMS & BEAN Squeak - Squeak - Squeak Friday , where they will inspect all pi basis wlll'be 40 for the port and ------- «0 for ATTORNEYS llupalr thut squeaky willed before the lands Involved In the proposed the government. Springfield, Oregon 10 w illlsm atta Ot. Eugene, Or«. Its too late. Stamped goods transaction. Icented to practice In all Courts Art work, $1.60 per wheel Hemstitching, the State, and United States. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST C la s s ifie d A d v e rtis e m e n ts 1 S K J b u s in e s s Keep your Best Clothes Looking Their Best! d ir e c t o r y S°RINGFIELD Tailor Shop The Loop Pacific Feed & Supply Co. LUgene Hats >> SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. The Mode Announ­ ces a very interesting Formal Opening of FALL HATS Oregon Prices are very mederate and the assortment of shrpes a/id styies is exceedingly attractive THE MODE Snrinefield Service Station