T l »URHDAY, S P T B M B B H 4, l»84. ths only man la th s Causa far Complaint. |If ”1 wish t<> complain.” »«Id ths brtds world! Claude “No. I daresay not. You’d bs haughtily. ’’about the flour you aold lu my harem.*' I in« It wat toufth •’Tough, iua a iu ?“ A»h«xl the ked lc, a g .ln st «he metal cock- known one o f the home-wrecking , h>ke„ brought the real of the heartdevasttn« creatures at * close th w a range enough to pass Judgment Om e cm araderl. ggain I felt that he was rldtculmg me. - ^ « . h e d , - l sighed dejectedly, or either he preferred not to commit my <|aM , he himself on the subject. der." “Refill the prescription. That "Oh. you needn’t think you can * prwttjr g.XH« sample.** crawl out of it.” I persisted. 1 ve j began to feet reckless. Then the heard all that you’ve said about us. unexpected happened. I was determined to have his opinion (To be continued) so that I could quote him to the girls. who would be clamoring for news Senator Burton Wheeler of Mont.. Vice Presidential candi Thrifty Tips when they heard that 1 had been out date with La Follette. la the champion family man of the aig can«“ fortkehom e datea of the three big parties. Hers are ths a ll big planks in hi with the celebrated architect, whose tforra— Mrs. Wheeler, Francis, Richard. Edward, Elisabeth a* platfc By FLO arrival had been heralded in the so­ John. cial columns. • out the mouth with cool wat r but do Baked Apples: When baking apple. HUM AN "Heard what 1 said about you.” he ev should be baked in a hot oven U A K t f U K Out swallow It. Avoid whiskey. b«er was replying to my accusation. “Why, they M ACHINE DURING H A R VEST and win», tor the sake of keeping your I’ve only had the pleasure of know- and frequently basted with syrup, head clear for earning money. Moon­ ing you a few hours. Fair Lady. and. w h |t, cloth es: W hite clothes of Keep well and earn more mon-y shine is likely to Van ie blindness nr he hurried on. “as much as 1 dislike klnd h ave turned yello fatal poisoning.—Ort gun State Hoard of Health e s the ? 2 road T S that 2 will bring us to the .• is w a : sh lng soda have been i added. r -.-4 -.e . waauiu« ■ . „ „ ^ a r o u n d ha’-r »'ca. «r — Encourage Vacation Touring! Dav® 'Let come to a boil and keep simmer- h o u r , each nig h t. When 76.000 persons traveling In au- “Honestly, Mr. Wright,” I Implored. jng {f)r about three hours. Rinse the •’ ■ • after hearing the family dissertation clokhe9l (n pjently of cold water ana Stomach ache Is the common corn- tomobl'es visit the Western national on that subject, did you really have hang sun to d ry \v h ,,n they Plaint with worker« In hop« prunes, parka In a single month. It done not any Idea that we were going there hare drled th perfectly white. ( * • " . “ PP1” “ d oBher ,aU ' " ’“L mean that this Immense volume of when we once got sta r te d r ITevent It If possible by care la food travel was all taken away from the “But your f.th e r - i am his g u e s t - CurtaM: A custard that curdle. In and drtnk and habits of Using Keep railroads. Most n( these long distance < .1 K.- .. . I .allin s «nu—’’ cooking can be made smooth by plac- {ood away from vermin and flies visitors would have stayed at home If vou ever do everything vou. in* ° ’ *r cold w a,er ,n d b*atin,t ’rllh which may carry typhoid fev, r ano railroad trains tig.,1^ txtgi the sole Goody. * n e « beater. > other Infectious diseanee. Keep It means of transportation; the expense father toM you to do, Mr. of taking an entire family across the G oody- I interrupted. "And as for Wlndowa; w in d ow , will be very ,rom conrammauuu »y »«. continent would hove been prohibitive your being Implicated. I guarantee to bri-s make« fo- harmony. harmonv. I sense of Life and its complicated situ- Scissors; To sharpen s e iz o r s cut a Kraln’*- br ad’ tnacaro i 4 f u a j tolerance and understanding. — Sep- ations. which. I Judged, he had growl, piece of sandpaper to piece«. Thta will < r**m' 2“ rd' 8. Sugar, mola«-! Sunset. to handle philosophically. ■ u rU„ . „ d . i , w a . -------- ----------------------------- -------------, . n . , pb v ln , . L 1O.’ Ld. v ? e».bv T m . h™ e*ni™ «hta of ** Te,T hy making a mix melons while In camp. Cooking takM «"««M'n«- Springfield. Oregon. K. The Road to Success A ilutdneu College Hdu » « •• *«»Fth of « n n g t h for every Two More ray n v n ts and Fhe’s j hundred cents spent. Take tim e In Mine" wa:i painted In large letter« the evening to cook enough for break J across the back of an auto touring fast and lunch Let the cereals for, thru Kansas But the car was In a brPalH»00 1+38 coeU by the “Drti -ythlng, SaJllo?” asked Te,i local Justice of tbe peace, J o n e O Billings, ho had beet: standing by Well». " ’ n r 1 1 » M f — M— T he First National Bank The Races Thi3 year at the fair will be exceptional as more entries and new horses will be seen in tpe many events. The racing program is larger and bettor than ever. The Stock Again the stock exhibit will surpass former year». Prize stock and new entries will increase the interest in this de­ partment many times over previous years. Entertainment • The program in the evening will be enti oly different from former years. Worth g iin g mile3 to see. Lane County Fair Sept. 15, 16,17th