The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 04, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    T li t ! UH DA Y, 8 KPTKMBICK 4, 1924.
Fight For Presidency
Like Struggle of 1884
Five Candidate* Then Fought
For Plnce and Choice Finally
Wai Thrown Into Congress.
Then as Now Western States
Were Big Factor
Obregon’s Daughters in a Festival
rollment of new students this fall
Reason Enough.
"Why don't you yump, Yamle.” calk­
term will far exceed any previous
ed an old Dane to hla son In a sinking
year,” Mr. Spencer said.
fishing boat.
Thursday and Friday, September
"How can ay yump when ay’ve no
25 and 26 are set Mr the regular place to stood?"
registration days, although entering
students are expected to take physi­
En Voyage.
cal examinations on Monday, Septem­
The W'ell One; "Is this your first
ber 22, and the freshmen English ex-j trip to Europe?"
aminations will be held on Tuesday î The Seasick One: "Yes, you darn
September 23 . Classes will begin fool! Can’t you tell by looking a t me
Monday, September 29.
1 I’d never go agin.”
Countess de la Porta
By Edward Parry lluwnril
Andrew Jatkron, lletiry tl» > . John
1' Calhoun, John Qillmy Aihima and
William II. t'ruwforil. men whose
nanny are on the toasua Up o t every
American schoolboy formed the qlun-
totte that one hundred year« ago
ntarlod m the race for the I’realdeucy
of the t'nllod Htatns. a (l»ht which
«Hided In four Of the five going to
the peopla with the result that the
cltx'tlon was thrown Into the House
of lt<’|>r«seniatlves. th« rnault many
persons fear will eusuu from the com­
ing voting In November.
The two tiny daughters of President
Ohrcgon of Mexh-o taking part in tbs
procession during the annual spring
festival at Mexico City. They were
mounted on little ponies and were uc-
conqmnled by one of their dolls on a
midget burro.
st Plea.'wnt Hill, piping not only to be sure that the oeed they purchase
the house but to the barn yard, sev- as certified la really certified seed
eral chicken coops and garden plot. may ask to see the statem ent issued
by the state college extension service
It h a significant fact that cen­
for seed that It has officially certified.
tury has rounded out only to put the
Tag« Indicating certification are also
country (ace to fare with « political
supplied at cost, or In place of the
situation analogous In many ways
tags a stencil for making each bag.
with that of 1824— Juat one hundred
Bond produced In surplus quantities Most growers having certified seed
years ago. The only fundamental dif­
Countess de la Porta, wife of Count \ for sale is cleaned before being dis­ avail them selves of one or the other
ference Is that one hundred yearn ago
O. F. de la Porto, new secretary of the posed of by most Oregon farmers. The of these method* of certification.
all the candidates pretended at least Italian embassy In Washington, la a same practice la recommended by the
to be of one political faith. The groat woman of extreme heuuty, being a true experiment station for all farmers
Eye Specialist will fit glasses for
battle was for the vote of the Ptatv Itullau type. As the wife of one of who sow tihelr own seed. One or two
cordwood. Address Box 532, Eugene,
of New York, then as now. and the
runnings In a good mill will remove
t>-rrll«ry shout which nervousness was* Ington, Countess de lu Porta will he week seeds, chaff, dirt, or foreign Ore.
felt was that Of the Middle W « t. Also' «*'»
prominent members ef
I se<-ds that are lighter or heavier or
the diplomatic set.
«•to, of the candidates »«« from New
______ _
Hand Injurde— Mrs. Frank Rosman
I larger or sm aller than the seed that
Is being cleaned. A bo many shriveled has been receiving treatment for a
Each of the candidates had a re­
and diseased seeds are removed In the severe abscess on her left hand.
markable record of public service, the
‘ fanning mill. Most mills will clean and
life of each being filled with ach ieve-‘ A
waB born to jjr. and Mr,, grade clovers, grasses, wheat, oats, BIG ATTENDANCE AT
went which made the conteat one of y. v Kimball of Trent on August 34. barley, and corn.
dormallc in terest- perhaps the bitter- Th„ baby ba» bH„n named Lovyl
eat fight In the history of the nation.
Bn<| weighed 7(4 pounds
For the control of bean weevils,
University of Oregon. Eugene. Au­
Crawford a Great Man.
JMvIe Mathews of Dexter, an em­ which devastate not only bean but gust 28.—Applications for entrance In­
The man whose name Is lx-at known ployee of the Oustlnno Brothers lum­ peas and some other stored products,
to the University of Oregon are com­
today entered the B it with the ad­ ber com jany had hla right arm seri­ the use of carbon bisulfide Is the rem­
ing In at the rate of 100 a week, ac­
vantage over all the other»—-William ously Injured last Week when the edy prescribed by the O. A. C Exepn
cording to an announcement made by
H. Crawford. Maligned, and brought
„ lapp„ , on the donkey engine ment station. Thu infest products may Carlton E. Spencer, university regis­
down to the present generation us a which he was running He was taken be assem bled In a container alm ost
trar. Up to date, the number granted
political trickster, Crawford stood In to Springfield for treatment.
airtight at the sides and bottom or on entrance exceeds the number at the
life as a man of groat Integrity and
Aa u farewell to four of their mem­ the floor of a nearly airtight bln. Th«^ same time last year by about 20 per
of more than usual ability. Crucified bers, Wayne Uverholser. Lucille and bisulfide Is then poured Into a saucet
on the cross of unscrupulous politics. M w |I1 BeBBeu bb(J M>r|taret Cooper or tin Ud placed at the top of tht
"All indications are that the en­
the victim of outrageous slanders I s |nenib).ra of
Christian Kndoa- container or over the products and al­
seen today In a light so false lhat ft
oU, (lot)r
a l the lowed to evaporate. The gas, which H
lake generations to place him were h(|m(>
Tay,or Clrc,# Au<uat J8 B, heavier than air, sinks to the botton,
ha properly belongs He was one of Bn,rrprlae
Qemae ware pleyed In and destroys the Insects In either the
th e foremost constructive thinkers In (be op,,„ fields and refreshments en- larva or weevil stage
title United States Senate
He made Joyed around a camp fire.
a profound Impression on the think
Mr and Mrs 8. Overholser. ana
-Is largely a matter of
The slxe of the portable poultry
Ing Interests of the country as Sec­
son. Wayne, plan to leave I’leuaant house used and recommeded by the
right buying. You buy
retary of the Treasury In the Cabinet
Hill (or their ranch at Jefferson In Oregon station Is 8 feet by 12, as it
right, here.
of Monroe. As a diplomat In France the near future. Wayne Overholser
I can readily be drawn Into new areas
lie displayed unusuul acumen and tact, will attend college up Albany having
by a team of horses. This will care
Indi-ed, he was so beloved In received the scholarship at the Pleas­
for a flock of 3o hone, since most of
country In 1816 that he could have ant HUI high school last year. .
the hens will be In the yard when the
been e'nctod over Monroe had he
Mr and Mrs. F. F Cooper. Miss others are seeking their nesta. This
cared to express even the thought of Ann I’arks and Miss M irgarat Coop­ i sis« would be much too small for 30
such a thing. Devoid of political In­ er left for Arago Monday, September
hens kept Inside.
trigue. however, he set the suggeitlon 1. where both Mr. and Mrs. Cooper
firmly aside only to be blackened In teach in the high school.
Oregon wheat growers who wlwh to
character by his political enemies.
Mr and Mrs. Lewis Circle and three
The Other Candidates
ohlhlren who have been visiting at
Then there was Adame, who had
the Circle ranch for the past two
dtstlngulnhed himself In foreign lands. weeks returned to their home In
In the Senate and as Secretary of Florence Friday, Aug 29. Mrs. 1. F.
Please D on’t Laugh é
S tate—the man of courage, conviction Clrrln who has been In Eugene re­
and dominating personality. And An­ ceiving medical treatment for several
drew Jackson, popular hero following das returned to her home Sunday.
his great victory at New Orleans They
With the advent of cold,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert John and three
were powerful eontenders.
Henry children of Monte Bello, California
fall weather
eff-, then Speaker of the House, mag­ are visiting Hp the home of C. E.
to suffer.
netic, popular, dignified, broad-minded Jordan
Mi. Jordan Is n brother of
to come
a master at political manipulation with Mr John
They are considering
a host of youth l«*hlnd him because , s, rlously of I,M ating at Pleasant Hill
of hts effort to lead the nation t o ! foj, | b(l school year,
long where
war with England. The record of
W i t c h - H a z e l Almond
Mr. and Mrs. George K elsey, of
John C Calhoun made him also a
Pleasant HID, have Just Installed a
dangerous contender.
Secretary of
pressure water system on their ranch
"War in the Cabin«! with Adams and
is used. This dainty prepa­
Crawford he had proved him self a
ration Is delightfully per­
.dalesman of outstanding ability.
fumed and its use is a
No Election.
A good plan is
Such was Ihe caliber of (hose who
to use it before and after
entered ih e race.
They were with-
exposure now and be pre­
old parly. Polities was reduced lo
personality. In the House, If Adams
pared. Price 25c
fought for mi npproprltlon for the
Slate Department, Crawford and Cal­
My niece has bought a "bathin’
houn would lend their followers
“See Our Window”
suit”—I think she calls it that—
agalnHt the proportion. If Calhoun
' - h iwa
asked for an appropriation, Adams
When we^tell you that big city
the band around my hat. . . .
newspaper editors publish the
and Crawford would strangle II. When
She sex it’s plenty big enough—■
above piature and tell tl
Crawford wanted lo pul hl., hand In
but really—t ’other day. I didn't
that Miss Agnes Fishi jf Balti­
Ihe till, Calhoun and Adams were
more, dressed like this, is helperf
know she had it on, ami—looked
pitied against him In the death.
farmers save their c.,,„„F
the other way!
of wh cot, hay, pigs, chickens, ;tc
The fight for the Presidency pro­
Most anything can ketch my
ceeded, filled with Intrigue, slander
eye, that’s innocent and cute—
and dsrm atlc episode. The story of
and, Teeny’s shore n stunner in
slander and political backbiting Is
her little bathin’ suit. . . . While
loo long to he told here. It requires
affordin' some protection, I
another chnpler. It shows the Inter-j
would call it ruther slight, hut
ventlon ef ProvIdertRo and
the little dnrlln’ ’ikes it, so—i
reckon she is right!
worth retelling.
Everbody likes a dish of our
But, Teeny’s Ma—Lord bless
The second chapter of thia stirring
cream, because of its velvety
political struggle will appear In the
her—now, I hope she don't
and richness of flavor.
News next week
that the fashion might require.
Nothing of the "store cream”
. . . If I w ., her, 1 wouldn’t try
SPECIAL Ph ICE on plate work. Dr
about It—it tastes and is like
to imitate my daughter—hut if
N W. Emory, dentist. Sutton Bldg
the good old fashioned creamy
I did, I'd fool the crowd—by
Eastman Grocery
Chaps May
Come But
Cannot Stay
Goodgas' always u»;u
These dealers with the red, white and blue
pump and the Red Crown sign, have confidence
in the gasoline they serve. It’s a confidence
based on the preference shown "Red Crown”
by the motoring public — and by its power
and mileage performances.
For exam ple, in the last Los Angeles-
Yosemite Economy Run, ordinary stock cars
made from 18 miles to 29 miles per gallon o f
"Red Crown” over a strenuous 414 mile
course. Performance! Economy! Y ou’ll always
be glad if you use ’’Red CroWn^.
Springfield Garage ...................................... Springfield
H. L. Mooney .................................. West Springfield
Bangs G a ra g e .............. Cor 8th A Pearl Sts., Eugene
O. F. Bevere ...................................... West Springfield
F. E. Clayton .......................................................... Vida
W. M. Clark A Son .......................................... Leaburg
Coburg Merc. Co.................................................. Coburg
Earl Couch .............................. East 7th S t, Eugene
Eugene Vulc. Works .............. 957 Oak S t. Eugene
Gas Oil Inn .......................... Franklin Blvd., Eugene
B. F. Goodpasture___Cor 7th A Olive Sts., Eugene
Gray's Cash A Carry Store . . . . East 7th S t, Eugene
H. G. Hayes .................................. McKeniie Bridge
G. W. Holloway .............................................. Alvadore
Jackson A Addison ........................................... Lorane
Johnson Bros. Motor Co. . . 265 West 8th S t. Eugene
J. M. Jonet .................................................. Blue River
Wm. G. Klussman .................................................. Irving
Land A Clack .................................................. Creswell
Glenn J. Loffer .................................................. Dexter
J. O. McKinney ............................................... Fall Creek
Guss L .Neely Service S ta. Cor 8 A Olive, Eugene
Perry Neff ..................................................... River Road
Paeschke Bros................................................ River Road
L. W. Rowling ...................................... Santa Clara
Wells Bros. .............. Cabin City Auto Camp, Eugene
J. E. Y o d e r ................ Cor. 2nd A High Sts., Eugene
J. E. Woodson Motor Co.................................. Creswell
Hunt's Service Station . . . . Cor 5th A Blair, Eugene
F. E. Blair .............................................................. Lowell
Wilkinson Bros...................................................... Veneta
P. P. Colcord ...................................................... Elmira
J. C. Horn .......................................
Uncle Jahn
The uniform state eighth grade ex­
aminations will be held In districts I
whero application» for questions have
been made on Thursday and Friday. I
September -I and 5. No question* will j
lx, sent without application
. E. J. MOORE.
County School Superintendent. I
stayin’ under water!
kin l you love.
( C a lif o r n ia )