I S P R I N G F I E L D — THE ' O t V Q T i O TO IN T E R E S T O F S P R IN G F IE L D * • ’ * THI F A - - . o . UV»1* ” W IL L A K -ral recommendations which will be fdr the city and furnish a wash water eventing. Service, for the deceased Spr-IngTO-ld high school which open. »ml Eugene at Wendling. was pro­ supply for the flltre plant, Is to be took place in the Walker chapel at a‘ » °'clock on ,hp morn" * ° f &ept' ¡compiled with claimed « success by Legion officials, Of the 10 accidents 9 were minor erected by the Mountain Stales Power 10 a. m Sunday. Interment was In the 18’ accordin* Verne D. Bain, new and those preeenl, numbering 2600 latter three did not;company on the hill south of town. Laurel Hill cemetery. No Inquest was h'*b •cho° 1 P *“« * * 1- ° f Ad' ones. Of tihe persona or more, voted by acclama­ na, Washington. T entative plans for re su lt In lost time by the Injured ■ Just above the power plant, and to hel(1 tion Io make tile e v « il an annual ¡workmen. Seven out of the 8 could ' 1 be southw est of the present reser- definite work In music are still under The lad waa playing in the streets .. , , . . „ . .. ...._ affair. The celebration »He above | . discussion, principal Bain said. Aside I not be attributed to careleesneae or voir. The structure will be of red­ at the corner near his home In com- . .. . „ j .u the (own. under a number of large . wood a standard wood-stave tank. from these arrangements, and the fact Waahington - Mrs SU n Harding. I thoughllessnees on the part of these pany with his sisters and other chll- .. . .. „ _____ a oak tree* on Wolf creek, baa been fit-' British Journalist, who was kept , , that there will be more ground cor- I Injured On the other accident the large also, and will arrive from Port- dren when the car, traveling at ab ou t, . , . ___ fml up with «eats anil a speaker»’ In a Soviet prison, in 102". on . ered in comercial subjects than form , 1 lm; resslon prevailed with the com- j land In the course of a week, accord. . . .. _ „ 30 miles an hour, according to b y-1 , . . eland by the lumbermen In their »pare charges of espionage brought by Mrs Marguerite Harrison, an ’ mlltee that the accident would h a v eJ n g to W. C. Lagan, superintendent slanders, struck him. The Sharman erly, the rest of the courses will re­ time, and ran be u»ed from year lo main practically unchanged American. English statesmen now I been preventable had the workman of the Springfield plant, who Is con­ boy declared that he was not drlv-1 year In the sam e way Dr. Edward I t . ; demand reparation for Mrs Hard­ I exercised, due rautgon. (This acci­ struction overseer for this undertak­ "All students are urged to ap­ I ng over 15 miles per hour. His father Pence, paaior of W estminister Pre» i ing'« Incarceration. " dent was caused as the workman was ing. pear for registration on September Frank Sharman of the Springfield byierlan church of Portland, was the The new reservoir will be set above service station did not know he had 18 ’ hether ¡helping dump logs from logging earn expect to b<* ln the‘r speaker of the day He delivered an c ip i n g n u the ground on a concrete mat founda­ ¡Into the pond. He was using a screw studies or not,’” principal Bain said. addree. on «he Ideal, exemplified In F ^ E N 0 W ,N F IE L D F 0 R taken the car out. VARIOUS CITY OFFICES ’a' k to ro!l an uneven lo< from the tion. It will be 20 feet high and 30 The Cavinesg boy was carried to “In this way it will be easier to plan the 41. organisation. In which em- feet In diameter. It may possibly be the classes, and when hop-picking ploy.» and emptoye , -n m eet ~ Aa >«* «< m eet the home of Mrs. I. A. Valentine at time is over there will not be so much man to man and settle all difference« Although there 1« considerable talk d* ck of the c* r' throwing the work. covered, according to superintendent McLagan. since the main trouble with 804 C street where he died within a re-adjustment necessary." of dark horses In the racq for mayor •«*<» the log pond and disputes. few minutes. His neck had been by a lad­ the old one waa that It was difficult School hours will be from 9 o’clock •In a land of Hherty." he d eclared ,'?/ »Pr»t>«fl.ld. William to keep the water clean. Excavation broken by the impact, his chest crust, In the morning until 12 noon, and ing coundlmun. 1» the only candl. ¡der slipping from under the workman ed In. his scalp torn, one leg badly ••each man must give and lake, must date whose nominating petitions has as he was descending, causing him for the foundation was begun yes- from 1 In the afternoon until 4. The make conreeatone to the other fellow been circulated, for the November 4 to fall 12 feet, breaking hie arm at the t‘‘rda’r’ though material has been haul cut and his left arm crushed. There program has been arranged so that were interna! injuries as well, It was to gain hl« point and to achieve what elec ,|„ n | wrist and elbow. All ladders are aplk- i *<» <® the for lhe pa’ 1 week Ro1' the entire day of Thursday, the 18th. ert Plerle company has Ihe cement revealed upon examination, Is b"«t for all." J W. Coffin Is out for city record-,«1 at the bottom to prevent «lip- can be given over to registering in His father was working with a sur­ The’ program Included a band con­ er to succeed himself, and W. O jplhg. and the workman had believed work. the various courses. The second day, The work on the reservoir will take veying crew 30 mileo from Grants .Friday, will include the trying out of cert by the 1 O. O. F band' of Eu­ Hughes, at present city treasure!,'that that one had been so equipped gene. which wea followc l by a short h# b^( n BBm#d B„ cW,jid a, r for his Investigation showed that the spikes about a month to complete, according Pass at the time of the accident. ¡the schedule. The teachers will m eet to superintendent McLagan At that The lad is survived by his parents and talk given by W. D. Sml'h. of Port same position Herbert J Cox and W. hail been broken off or removed. ¡their claseri and make assignm ents land, field director of the 41. >». C. Mdotgan are In the race for t h e ; a workman ¡taking a ¡chance In time it will replace the old open tank four sisters. for the following Monday. Lists ot on the hill. The old tank has been welcomed the visitors and told of the The family moved back to Grants books to be uaed as texts will be given offices of councllmen to succeed W. Jumping from an elevated timber to work gnd alms of the organisation. In M lx>ng and Leonard L«pley whoM I derrick floor was the cause of a cd a pr“bem for 8ome V” 0' “ ** d“y “fter th* fUner** out. The plan Is to run rapidly through 7 L, u , ,, . . . . , ¡It has a capacity of nearly 1.000.000, ------------------------------ recounting Ihe achievem ents of the the entire schedule during the morn­ terms expire. ;dent number 10. In alighting he loot, . ... i 41. he said that hut <”>• logging camp ing. so that re-adjustments can be The law requires that the petition hL balance, falling about 22 feet to aa us’ 8" CH . . WILLIAM SHEARER, 62, In the world Is paying time and a 'made. with the acknowledgement of the can- the floor of the sluiceway from the PASSES AWAY IN CITY ler exposed surface the water was con- half for overtime, and that Is the A teachers' meeting has been caB- dldate I m < filed with bho county clerk pond dam. He was lucky In receiv- Isiant^-' In danger of being contam- camp of the Booth Kelly lumber com . Willlam Sheerer, age 62 year«. 9 «1 for the afternoon of Wednesday, 30 days before the election so that mg no further injuries than a severe • Inateh. Recent tests of the water, pany kt Wend 11 ng Amet tcaulsatloh hie name may be placed on the bal- shaking up and minor bruises necta r months and 21 days, died at hi3 home September 17. was named as one of the objects of lo t ¡«Haling about a week lost time. Had however, which were taken by an Ore­ on Sixth and A streets early In the The new physical training cour-JC gon Agricultural college expert, were the organisation. ____________________I he decended In the proper manner the morning of August 30 Funeral serv- wll Ibe given without credit, but as all favorable. David pones o f Fkigcnri sang a accident would have been preventa­ Ices were he'd at the Walker chapel required by the state law, whicl “The water supply of the city is solo. “My Old Kentucky Hom«." ac­ NINE MORE ARRESTED ble, the committee decided. Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, con- 3tates that the student «hall have the largely dependent on the pumping companied by the band. ON DRUNKEN CHARGES equivalent of 20 minutes per day of ducted by Mr. Rauch. facilities of the power plant and the O. F Thatcher nnd Tom Billing, Mr. Shearer Is survived by two such work. Miss Anne Hill will di- high climbers of the BoolA-Kelly -Nine men were taken In raids by ADRIAN BUYS SANDCATHE S keeping up of an operating organlxa. sons. M. P. Shearer and W. C Sheaer rect the girls, and Mr. Bain the boys, company. f.irnlsh.«l two of the thrill, afternoon Mr Billings who lop- pleaded guilty after they were brought business, and Mr. Adrian was an em- tlon is that the water will be cooler 617 D street Editor to Speak. pell and rigged the first spar tree for '"'o Jease G. W ells’ court yesterday plo.ve. In 1917 Mr Adrian purchased than In the old reservoir, because of High school teachers are announced lilghllne logging for tho Booth Kell v »nd were fined 3100 each Several (an Interest and the two sold out fori the sm aller expored area. Frank Jcnkinus. editor of the Morn- as follows; -----pany climbed his lr had beijt ar­ which water was carried In a spoon re sle d M unday nl ight. to fill a bottle Second and third Lane Bar Elects. were taken by Norvllle Fong and Les­ Whitt n Swafford was elected presl- ter Phillips In Ihe hoya’ mid girls' rare Wallace Mull won first, Gladys ct nt of Ihe Lane County bnr aasocla- McMillan second and Jewell Purcell j'" ‘n mid Donald Young, vice presi third, Flrat prlzo in the horseshoe d eft, lit a meeting at the court house pitching contest was taken hy II. Z. yesterday. Mr. Swafford will take Ihe Conk of Eugene In tho single game p’ace of Lark Bllyeu. deceased, and m id by Cook nnd L. H. Lllea, alio Mr. Young thnt W. It. Brooks, who has moved to North Bend. of Eugene, In the doubles. Cousin Here— Mrs. W. T. Bishop of Fan Francisco, cousin of E N. Dll- lard arrived Stinady evening at the Dillard home. This la Mrs Blnhop's first visit In Lane county for 20 yearn, Here from Silverton—Silas Gay and family of Silverton nre In Spring field en a vacation trip,. They are vis­ iting with Mr and Mrs. I’. Conley and friends. The grocery stock of the O. F. Bevere store at the intersection of the McKenzie and Pacific highway3 Just west of Springfield has been sold to C. P. Hulegaard of Eugene and Anton C.‘ Winther. formerly of Alva, Nebraska. Mr. Hulegaard and Mr. Winther have leased the store build­ ing and service station. They took possession Tuesday. Mr. Bevere. who has operated the r'ore for the past 7 years, will still live on the property and will care for and improve the auto camp near the store. Mr. Winther was formerly in the oil business in Nebraska and Mr. Hulegaard has worked at the plumb­ ing .i. . tinning trade In Eugene. G-ocery Department Opened. Morrison and Clingan, feed dealers. opened a grocery ! pat :,ent in their fetal store on the cor of Third anil Main street Tuesday. The merchants expect to offer further accomodations to their eountry trade h.v carrying a grocery line in addition to their hay and grain business. The building has been exte lively rennovated. Including the building of a partition which d i­ vides the store into a west and east sidrp and xthe painting pf the ¡nJ- terior. Visited at Ashland—The E. N. Dil­ lard family visited relative« In Ask- " j land over Labor Day.