Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1924)
V age T líV R H n A Y . A l’ O l'S T 28 I9S-I T U E 9 P R lN 0 F lR NEWS sk il I» T ucker waa In Mpriugfteld Kd M asterson of Camp f r e e * was 1 J. (). I let t la waa In from Coburg Drove to Svlam— Mrs Howard F ree T ueaday for m edical treaim v n t this iiuirning io »all hl» grain crop. a Springfield business visitor Satur land drove In Salem S aturday, ac Ml a F reda Fatidretn. oftlca aaalat- Harold Wing »■>» 1« from River rom pant«* by Mr F ree'an d 's p a re n t', day «hi of Dr W'. C llehhan, haa le lu in view yrKlettlay on buallie»« L ester Stacy fam ily of l.ehnnon who w ere re 'u rn in * home aft* r * vl- A rthur Itushmun wen- to O akrtdg- ■ d ftom b ar vscatlon It h ere with th e ir son and daughter- «pent Sunday a ' th e 'h o m e of Mr. and Mr a n i Mrs Emmit K lrk wero In Nephew Visit*— Mauri«?* Newland, In on Busineaa—Bob Skelton of today on buslnaa*. aud will go to In -la v. I Mr». A. C Wilson I cm p e re n a Frlday, P o rtla n d 1» h ere In Springfield on nephew n t F ran k B. Ham lin, p o stm as iM riland Friday. I C E Archi r of W alton inaile a ter. visited h ere from his hom e In The l\«t>l* drug com pany »hlppel Leaving fo r T he D alles—Mr and . business trip In Springfield Saturday V backet wa» hero from Portland b u sin ess for a few days. to gto»» of Ambor-t» Latuni to Hau R oseburg v esten tay afternoon. Mr». N. A, K o * * a re « Xperting I« The MI-M» e B ertha and Ida Schulte y esterad» At Foley Springe— Mayor and Mr». W F D alering of llarrl»hurg » « • F ran-t»co, C alifornia Monday m ora- Bom - At th eir home in C edar Flat. leave for The Italie. S aturday to b e . „ , Newporti K entucky, a re vl.ltln g In C harle« F. Kgcimann ap aat la»t in» Cone over Sunday T hey will - N ,: at. Id a t t h e b o m ., of heir cou- a Sprlngflvtd vl»ltor >e»terdaqy A u m at 19. 1*24. to Mr. and Mrs. F. T h u rsd ay at Foley Springs. Fred It.n e b e rry began hl» vacation with John M m b erty . »on of Mr», «In. Mr». Cal Darne». ' ' •■<’ Goodman of II arrH burg wa» B Crump, a son. Rowe, and his fam ily, of Albany l*»ul r m e I« hark from a lw » ! h,,r- Salunlay night to altrin l (he from th« -Mountain Siale» power paint L ett on Motor T rip—Bill Sm ith ana M a rre d In C alifornia— A c rc rlln s to i Sunday. week vacation ap^nt tn O reaon titty . -after i. (.«« pftvUUu» ram i’«- left y etg erd ay in to n in g fo r inform ation received h ere » O San- '" lu re d at Milt— Wtllla F ritta was Ml«» G race M ct'ann I« lo re (nm t ...---- ------ W ashington on a m otor trip. ,k c v and Mrs. Jeeate N esblt w ere m a r - 'h u n S , , “ n U -' ,h e » “«>“ Kelly few day» before _____ ______ Miss W aecbter Here— Miss Mary ried recen tly in Eureka. C a lifo rn ia .. »»wmiu wh*« •»* * • * com ing down i K rbv visiting for n a la d d .r while a t work T he ladder j '« •* '» 1 for »•’’r tla n j w here «h" ha», W aech ter of Portland 1« visiting h er Mr. S aakey ie a rural m ail c a r r ie r , »lii p e d . a n d he fell on hl» w rlat. frac “ 1 tll" K position p a re n ts on W aechter heights. I here tu rin his arm arm anove above toe the emow. elbow, ami and “ ' *’ of Junction IC ty « a . _ . . _ ... _ „ . ’“ ring e ms Completed W ent to P ortland— Mr». Ruby Kirk Com pleted Fa I B u y m g -M i,« O»H , h„ below plbow in Springfield Monday P atrick and Miss V era S enseny ac- Or‘ -T «»< ,h * *•<’«• M illinery shop h a » t r _____________________ com panied th e ir sisters. Mr». A rthur com plete 1 h er fall buying In Port Leaving for South D ak<*a~M r- F _____________________ B ayly to P ortland T uesday. land, which include* th e n ew est styles M Mulligan leaves toirioregw for in h a ts for autum n. G rand Forks. S outh D akota, w here Leaving for Lake— Miss Elsie Med- . . . . «he will visit h er daughter. Mrs Dick d ie and Miss L ottie W h iltsk er are . U nderw ent O peration— Mrs. J. H Ke<|y fo rrarrlv M1||an Stains and leaving F rid ay for C ra te r Lake, to < « < d « « O lenbreok und erw ear a Af, „ o th er b e ro n e over L abor Day. , m ajor operation a t th e Springfield , hp Vamishca hospital on S atu rd ay m orning i c -.» ..e> u . . .. ... W ent to S pring»—Mr. and M rs ¡re tu rn *° » » rIn ifleM 'h e flrat of No in o n e Charle.« Buchanan and Mr. and Mrs. R eturned H o m e -H e n ry H a r oi quick, easy W iley left Mondav for K ltson S prings ( e,1>r *’’•» retu rn ed to his home a fte r Made Tr)p , p p o rt| a n - __A r Your hands cannot t-scaiæ o p e r a tio n to »pend tw o weeks I * * '“« seny and two d .u g h t.r e , M m Ruby the attention of friends tint! ÍO* lufbttw« Fu* FU mu « hosp ital S atu rd ay m orning. I k-irPr«»«» v ■ ... .. admirers so you should Left for B elk n a p -M rs. W illiam ’ M r k , a t r i « k and Ml«s \ e r a S ens, nr. take pride in having them Gives any plain w ix x l the ap r s D onald on and Mrs E l K ester 1 ft M ide T rlP »« N ewport— Mr and «««ored »o P o rtlan d S aturday e n as attractive ns po.-slb!e. Sundav to spend sev eral w eeks at Mr3 » T M itch -11 and «on. J* m«a. I » '« « . re tu rn in g early Monday mom pearance of expensive mahog It isn't tn-vessary to patro* B e’knap spring.« made a -rip to N ewport on Sunday ln* Mrs. A rth u r Bailey. any, oak, cherry, etc., »» you nia»- a professional n iait» 'm orning. They returned to Springfield i,nMh r d au g h ter, retu rned w ltg them fiCME QUAUTY V A R M O -L A C Well-Groomed Hands Reflect Refinement i l k iS tC. V isiting B rother—G, W. Zimmer- jg th e evening Mr- Senseny. Ml«» S auseay, and Mr« m an. b ro th er of Dan Zim m erm an, a r - 1 Bailey left Friday for Newport. rived Saturday from Dodge City. K an -' ‘o Springfield— Mr. and Mrs ----------- ------------------- s a s fo r a visit w ith his brother. 'H H. M M. C.reening u . r r u , , , and ,„M children cn .m ren havw n a v e , Fred W allace „ « In irom J a s r e r moved to 'S pringfield from Salem S atu rd ay Visited Sunday—Mr and Mrs. Jam es w here the fam ily has been residing I harles G ran t of T hurston wa» In S te w a rt and baby daughter. Fay. w re Mrs. G reening Is a j •u . rc - . . d au g h ter or W. town on business S a tu rja v ■here from Dorena on Sunday v is itin g . J. Lepley. Springfield co n tracto r C harles t . vi „ _ a . a t th e R. J W ard home I C harles T aylor was here from Tbur« • j R ented H ouse—C E Bacus rented ,on S aturday. Moved Into House— Mr and Mrs J -he Mary P alm er residence betw een o *0r« ’‘ P latt was a S p rtn g flell v|- B A.. Johnson nave moved Into th e T hird and F ourth stre e ts on A Mon- lto r fro,u T h u r«l»n S aturday . F itzgerald house on «th and B stre e ts i day. The Bacus fam ily will locate S ,m M or<,n of H ayden brldg ‘ was w here they form erei» lived. ¡h ere In Springfield perm anently. her,‘ S aturday „ . __ , , ,, _ K. L. Conley was here from bis Back from Springs— H. M Ebbe G uests at Fitzgerald Home__Mrs. hom e in Donna Friday w as back a t work T uesday a t th e Mary H aley and g ran d d au g h ter. Ml«» M ountain S tates Pow er plant a fte r Genieva Pence, of K lam ath F alls have a Tacatlon at Belknap springs. jgone on Io P ortland a fte r 10 day»' On V acation—R L. B urnett a n d ' ' U ,t * ‘ *** ^ 'W r a l d home, fam ily a re enjoying a vacation by Moved to Eugene— A. E G raham of tak in g a fishing trip. Mr. B u rn ett Springfield moved w ith hl« wife and left T uesday, though Mrs. B u rn ett fam ily to 15« J.ffe rso n s t r e e t Eu- a n d son left earlier by a few days, gene on Sa-nrday. The change will Burned Hand—John C. P ark er, m as- m ake th e home closer to Mr Gra- ham 's work te r m echanic at the local sawmill of th e Booth-Kelly lum ber company. Mita H errick H e re-M Is« Ore-cheti burned his hand yewterday m orning on H errick of P ortland Is In Springfield a rope, while at work. |»Or a visit with Miss Alice M ortensen. R eturned from Canada— A J Per- H r m o ,h f Mrs A rchie H errick. 1« k in s retu rn ed for C alvary. C anada in Eugene The H errick fam- Sunday. H e Just spent two weeks th ere * } form erly resided in Springfield, looking a fte r Im portant business in- tereat3. W orking In Cream ery—Ralph Cline Is employed at the Springfield Cream- ery th is week in the absence of Mil- to n Cyr. one of th e proprietors. He w en; to work Saturday. H ere on v is it— Mr« Hugo HaRIa end daughter. Rose, arrived Sunday from W estfir to ste n d tw o or th ree day» with th eir relatives. Oswald M. O lson and his m other. Mrs. E m m - Olson. are curist In ty nails o u te r In h a t • |u e t- Select N iA » d » U f» Manicure Goods nt o u r st- re am i learn how to <«re fo r jroum own hands. We have everything that is needed and In best o f quality. A com plete o u tfit wiU cost hut little . Wright & Son “ See Our W indow '’ The Sibloco Furnaces com ing. W atch prefer. W o n d e rfu l for fresh- j ening up scarred fu rn itu re , kills, w oodw ork and doors. Makes it easy to change the fu rn itu re , riiKirs o r w oodw ork to harm o nize w ith a new color scheme. Just apply lik e varnish. Come in and see the Acm e Q uality Varno-Lac color card». - T Z ^ / r T r l 'i S i l fo r — ■ -r -r- prices next week. F. J. GRIMES Compart Ls*t for Monmouth— F M Roth. who has been a teac h er in th» Sprin- f!> ‘ 1 hl* h *cho01- >eft T h«urday for w here the fam ily b to reside. HE’S BACK! The Screen’s Greatest Lover in His GrefJe;t Love Drama The R eturns to Tacoma— Rill Cain of I Tacoma, who ha.« been v isiting a t the ' hon,e of Mr * n,i Mr* 3 '• ©ark as Mode S pringfield A 1 E' ‘" ’ of th- ir «on. Joe. ha« retu rn ed « * l T n C ) U n C € ? S ’° hl* home graduated th is year fr° ln llie HiI1 M ilitary academ y where F orm al Opening ^ ° e ^ k r k was a teacher. or all F all Hats D r R alph 8. Dlppel. D enttat. Vitus H ad Week-End G uests— Mr and building, Springfield. Oregon. M rs J. S. M agiadry of Eugene, ar.d Mr. an d Mrs. Claude W ashburns of Ju n ctio n C ity s je n t the w ek-end at the. B a W ashburne hom e On Sun day th e th re e fam ilies picnicked at S eavev's ferry. September 6th. Leaving for P or-’and—Jo n trk leave» next Monday for P or'land w here he is an Instruc’or in Eng'i h and h isto ry In the Hill Mlli’ary aca demy. He h as been «pending the sum m er her® with hia p ar nts. Mr. and Mr« J. l . Clark. W ent to Albany—Mr. and Mr« Ro-. A. H um phreys and sons, Russell ano C harles, accom panied by George God frey. w ent to Albany S aturday, - ta x ing over night there a nd going on to C ascadia sum m er reso rt on Sunday. T hey re 'u rn e d Sunday night. You've walD'd tw o years fo r V alentino's ri-tu ri’ , hut yo u ’ll n e v e r see a n o tlu r such gorgeous rom ance if ytm w ait a lile ili Will Buy H ere from Salem— Mr ar.d Mr L.! kTy^-rs o* S ipjm arrived yesterday ■ to rem ain h ere on a rl*ft witfi the ' W H en ry Adrian fam ily until M on-1 day. Mrs. Adrian and Mr.«. Myers a re i s is te n . W ent Up McKenzie—Clayton B ar ber. Miss E lla B arber, and Mi-« E In M ct u rry of Eugene m ade a trip up ft th e McKenzie riv er highw ay Sunday, ” fak in g with th em a picnic lunch ! Tin y w-ent a« far as th e lava bed«, atbere ih t y w ere joined by George i 8 t. Onge. At Hop R anch—T he Roy H olyerson fam ily h as jn o v el out to the John S< . y flop y r d « durin g th e hop sea-on. OHtcr« out a t th e ranch Sun d ay Inc’u d d M r, H ow ard Freeland. Mi ;s Je n n ie H olverson, and I. N. En d ico tt D aughters Com 'ng on V isit—Mr. and M r- S. C. W rig h t a re exp ectin g th e ir tw o d au g h ters to arriv e n ex t week-1 « n J fo r a visit. Mlsa Anne W right w ill, com e from P ortland, and Mrs. E ld er 1 from h e r hom e in R iddle, Oregon. Mrs. El ler vlll l.c accom panied by > h e r husband and fam ily. I ' RUDOLPH a Westinghouse B attery in one-piece acid proof case fo r the Buick, Chev rolet, Ford, Hup., Studebaker, and m any other cars. W hy not have battery satisfaction when you can get it at this low price? wuh B ebe D aniels Roy Long B attery - El F.i -»r Eugt 971 Oak St. 1 S e rv ic e egon ,ie 1105 WISTINGHOUSE BA TTER IES Lois W ils o rv Dori» Kenyon. Lowell Shcrmarv t Monsieur i Beaucaire The C reateci A ttra c tio n Since “ The Covered W agon” AND A T POPULAR PRICES, TOO! '»FRfiip «y»* 4» "1 •C .'*Z T Î\ C E LEBR ATE PAR AM O U N T W EEK AT T H E REX