Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1924)
THVUSHAV, AI'CÎVST 28, 1924 Classified Advertisements I UPPER WILLAMETTE The many frlenda of Ml«« Hattie J Itrown were much aurprhed to hear of her wedding to Frank llendermon which occurred at the r«ald«nce of Itev E. V. Stiver« at Kugen« Monday. TO EXCHANR. Inclini» pnipnriy In F l'K N IS H E D Apartment» and room« Auguat 26 at 3:34 p. m. Ml«» Brown Man'i’V Junilleni, luwc for property for rant by day or month. Elite 1» Hi« daughter of Frank Brown ano lirr». Ml«« Jak« .Marail II, Hiring """ II 'I Man, a(r,-«t tl hiu resided wllh her father and broth filili, tir» era nt Plcaeant H ill the laat three Ml»« frlrilu Lyot) left for Port land year» She ha» lieeen active In both An<l»m«n‘a barbar «bop will b» on Friday church und »octal actlvltlea being a < lim ili all 4»y 1.11 bur hay, Mon,lay, reader of much talent Mr. and Mr«. Hi iitnuilmr f ir I, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Henderxon received a very lively and notice is hereby given that utility charivari by hbelr many frlenda I ’- ’ll MALE Pi'«* lir-«, Alliritan now. '» 'd in gn I I , . . | „ , „ Monday night and left Tu>-aday morn Bring !mx»a to ort'liard tty mil»« . , • ..UH of Hl.. Slat,. ,lf Dragon for ing h.v aiitoniohRe for Bend where «oulhwwnt nf (Jti«b»n Pin.11» Kugfttv county of l.un« been duly ap- I3F1 Doh Mn»l»y. A2t polntmt rzerutom of th» |Mat W ill and Mr«. Itenderron la In bualnetta. Mm. Iirla n ie n l ami «.tat« of ti*niu»l Lowe of Rend and two children who F C R N IH H K It a p it ritti »nt a and rooms lOakea- deceased, and all persona bill came to Rleaaant H ill Saturday and for rent by day or month Kilt« Ho , tia claim« agulnat «aid estate at« Homer Brown, slater, and brother, of (0 pr, H<<rif Du« nHtnn tel, 307 Malti «tr»«l. ,f, 1 i'rr by 11'» 1IM property verified »u thr o ffk» the bride wltnea»ed the wedding. C A M . III» r«nt» h airy t. r pur» J rr (if Frank A. ttoPuc. th« Attorney fo r' Mr«. Alice M Dean and two child •y milk and Cr am Phone 3»rs th« retate <t Springfield, Oregon with ren from Denver. Colo., «pent laat •ti -lx tnotith from the date of thia no w« i k vlxlllng at tb. home of Mr. and •pr. u tice. I l»atml »1 Springfield, Oregon. July Mr». It. J Engtlnh. an uncle of Mr». Dean. .»lb. I#»«. NOTICE OF FIN AL HEARING Hutner Brown livt rented the W alk C A TH E R IN E OAKES. Thti unil»r»l«n»d Prank E Blair, atl- GENEVA COCK. er ranch and expect« to move ubout inllilatralor of th» «»tat« of Leon« At .... . Executor». October 1. Frank end Brown |«n Hlalr ha» fill'd h|a final rnporl and , PRANK A. h E P I E, are now at Sun Bernadlno, Calif. an-mint In »aid »-tal» In t-h» i i.tiiiiy I Attorney for the Estate. Mm E. 11 Tinker hna received word J 31. A 7, 1«, 21. 28, S « Court of Can« County, Oregon which from Lone Bench California that Iter ha» ««t Prtday, September 5th. 192« at 14 o'lTtn k A, M at th« County futhi-r ottn II. Wangellne who under NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Court room In th» Court llou»» at DEPARTM ENT 'OF THE IN TER IO R went an opt ration at the California Ku«»n», Oregon for bearing Abjec I S LAN,» OFFICE AT HOSEIII ltd. hoaplliil lint week la doing nicely. tion* t Iterato a t or on or hotur« which OREGON, ‘ Auguat 7. 192« Mr. Wangellne la a retired newapn time any objection» ahould bn filmi ur NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN Uiat presented. Harry flower, of Crow, Oregon, 'who. per man from Boulder. Colorado and hated and flrat published Augnai 7, mi November 2«. 1920. mad» Home ha« vial ted Oregon several time« the ■ i «lead Entry, Serial No 0J3499 for, flrat visit having been made In 188«. FRANK F. BLAIR. Mila 3 and « aud Ety of SWty of Sec ! the last In 1922. Adinlnntrator. J>yn 3J. Township 188. Rang« 8 W .. W H IT T E N SWAFFORD. Resident* of Pleaoant H ill and vi Willamette Meriden, ha« filed notice Attorney A 7 8 « . of Intention lo make Final ThremyeniI cinity »ere grieved to heur of the Proof, to e«tahllali claim to the land dnath of Glenn W Wambold which oc C A LL ANO HEX Or N W Emery above described, before E t>. I to toe I. curred at St. Vincent» hospital In 8 Commhaloner, at hla office at on prie«« on plat« and other work. If Eugene, Oregon, on the 26th day of Portland Wednesday, Auguat 20, fol lowing an operation for cancer on the September. 192«. Claimant name« aa witnesses: tongue Mr. Wambold was «3 yea re Clark M Stephen« of Crow, Oregon old and lived several yearn at Pleas Eat nt the Henry Gate« of Crow. Oregon ant M IL on the ranch now owned by C. O, Mi flanlel of Crow, Oregon. 8PONC A THOMAS Mr and Mra R. J. English The last O D, Coryell of Crow, Oregon. CAFE few yearn he has lived at Win berry H A M IL L A CANA DAY. Reglater. The member» of the Christian Corner 3rd end Mein • • A ,«S-1 8 church Christian Endeavor took their lunch and picnicked up Lost Creek near the Dexter school grounds laat Bunday Mm. I F. Circle end Mlaa Bertha Manning returned from Newport F ri Contracting and Buildin W. F. WALKER day after a two-weeks visit at the Plana and Eatlmetaa Purnlanod popular beach city F U N E R A L D IR E C TO R Proa. W ill Help You Finance Mr and Mrs. Louis Circle and Your Building. Pull Auto Eaulp'.iant three children of Florence and Mm CEO. W. PERKINS Frank Storer and son of l*ortl*nd are W . O. W block Corner 5th and D street* vla ltl-» at the home of their parents, Offlru Ito n e «2 M. Ha« Phon« «3J Springfield. Oregon Mr. .mu Mm I F. Circle. Mr. and Mr» 8 Noll have returned to their nome In Iowa after an extend DR. N. W. EMERY ed visit at the home of their daughter. Call D E N T IS T Mr. and Mm C. E. Jordan. Mlaa llupaton entertained the young Button Bldg. Phon« 20-J SUTTON TRANSFER girl« of her Sunday school clans at Raaldanca Phono 163 M Phone 57 the home of M r and Mrs. E Y Swift •prtngf laid. Oregon • • I I w h .l yau want to M ||, buy wh„ you want u - £ 7 £ r * u , h th„ ; column*. W rit* or phon« TWO B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y < SHOE REPAIRING Work Promptly and Carefully Done Automobile. F ir* and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bands.. Phone 817 My bualnaas Is to proteqt your business 880 Willamette St. Eugene Oregon WM. C. HUGHES FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC , Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon A. A. ANDERSON BARBER SHOP $1.50 Haircut 40c $3.00 Razors $2.00 $1.00 Fitch Shampoo 85c ROBERT W. EARL District Manager The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States Phone ,197 Y IS Castle Bldg., Eugene, Ore, II The Loop Pacific Feed & Supply Co. utort of Fishers Itry and Dairy Feed* O. E. Freight Bldg- East Bth. Eugene Oregon r Here from Oklahoma—J A. Duncan and family of Ada, Oklahoma, drove through Springfield this week to visit at the L. F. Andersen borne. They may decide lo locate here. IN T H E C O U N TY COURT OF T H E ; STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E CO UN TY OF LANE. In the matter of the petition of Raymond H. Wheeler and Ruth D. I Wheeler, hla wife for leave to adopt; an Infant child named Lola Dunlop; Hilbert. ORDER. Thia matter coming on to be heard i on the petition of the above named petitioners for leave to adopt an In fant child named Lola Dunlop Hilbert and to change the name of said Infant child to Lola Dunlop Wheeler; And It appearing to the Court that the father of said Infant child. Alvin John Hilbert la not within the state of Oregon and the Court being fully advised In the premises; It 1» therefore. ORDERED. Ad- JUDGED and DECREED that sale Petition be heerd on the 1st day of October. 192« In the County Court room In the Courthouse of Eugene. I-ane County. Oregon at the hour of Ten o'clock A. M.. at which time all persona shall appear and show cause. If anT there be, whv said petition should not be granted. It 1« further ORDERED that thia order be oubllahed In the Springfield New» of Ppringl.eld. Oregon for three succeestve weeks, the laat publication I to be at least four week« before the time anpolnted for the hearing. Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 8th day of August. 192«. C. P BARNARD, i County Judge. - 7-H-21-28 D. W. Roof L. K. BBAN , >y suite liant’ Boord, i School Funil l " Ll IAMS & BEAN ATTORNEYS t mette St. Euget « Ore. to prnctlce lit nll Courts liai , and United State«. Open now and prepared to do work in Millinery and Dressmaking. Hats and Dresses remodeled Suits for men and boys tailored to order f (•- FORDS in SALES Zerolene “F ” for Fords, the Standard Oil Company’s new oil for Ford cars, was* for the first time drawn from the pumps at garages and at Standard Oil Company Ser vice Stations and offered to the pub lic about the middle of last December. The response of the motoring public was immediate and over whelming. Today Zerolene “F” for Ford§ is the m ost popular oil on the m arket for Ford lub rication^ Springfield Lubricates ‘Better— Costs Less The verdict o f users verifies the claims o f our Research Engineers— th a t Z e ro le n e “ F " f o r F o r d s meets the special require ments o f the Ford lubricating system better than any other oil. T H E W ISE L IT T L E W IF E ha3 been drilled b»' her motJier how to reach a m ans COLLECTIONS No Co lection. No Charge. Willamette Collection and Credit Service B60 Wiffamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. Phone 378 SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk- era at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. T hat’s w«iy hubby heart. starts Yet it costs not more but less than any o f the special Ford oils on the m a rke t the day with plenty, pure delicious creamery butter on the table. T ry ours on your breakfast ta- ^ < - î. bio and caou'll be more than pleased, as he w ill too. 4> A Longer Life fo r Your Ford W e believe that Z e ro le n e " F ” f o r F o r d s w ill increase gasoline mileage, reduce carbon rem oval operations, and lengthen the w o rking life o f every Ford in w hich it is used. A F o r d is an A - l tra n s p o rta tio n in v e s tm e n t. P r o te c t y o u r in v e s tm e n t b y p r o p e r lu b ric a tio n . Springfield Creamery STANDARD OIL COMPANY FOR \ O 'R SUNDAY (California) DINNER A TTO R N EY AT for your party—for you at any time, our Ice cream 1« the cream LAW to eat. NOTARY PUBLIC ta a» good as can Ito made, pure and taaty. Let ua Springfield Oregon. Sutton Buidllng It serve you of th omu '»ay and learn dlffernce In our h e cream and Lie other kind. All fltivors. Squeak - Squeak - Squeak Repair that squeaky wheel before Its too late. $1.60 per wheel Springfield Service Station EGGIMANN’S E 2S 79 I Springfield ZEROLENE DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. Cleaning and Pressing Corner 4th and Main Jeweler Repairing a Sßecialty FRANK A. DE PUE U N M W IL L IA M S for Vet. Statu Aid Coin , tllera n-inti» Loana. Springfield Tailor Shop We tell the H A M IL T O N W ATCH II Your Home When In Springfield pioneer«, which, when entirely com- tin Thurx-Iay afternoon Auguat 21., TORBETS LEAVE TO TAKE [leted. will be of great value to tb * After parting postcards In a’buma for UP BROWNSVILLE DUTIES community. the Armeniana th« children played ! guinea and mJoyed refreshment» o f ! Mm. Torbet taught history In tb * Mr. and Mrs. J E. Torbet leave Ice cream and cake. today for their new home In Browns Junior high »ahool for the past four ville. after a reailence of aix yearn yearn, waa re-elected for the coming E*tot of Philo WJIcox Deceased. In Springfield, tb * laat two of which yea.-, but preferred to accompany her NO TICE TO CREDITORS. husband to Brownsville. Notice )a hereby given ‘ hat Sarah Mr. T rbet h<'d the position of prin Mr. Torbet waa an active member C. Mi lt'-e has been by the County cipal of the local high achool. M t. Court of the Statu of Oregon, to and Torbet. who was elected superintend of the commercial club and of tho for lottie County, appointed adminis ent of ihe Brownsville achoola for tits Methodist Brotherhood. tratrix of the t'.ttale of I’ hllo Wilcox, coming yutr. will take up hla dull', a d c«a»'«l. Returns from Eastern Oregon— Em All persona having claims against •here S'-ptember 15, »aid estate are hereby notified to The Torbet* arrived In Springfield ory Richardson waa back at work present the aaine. duly atated and In the fall of 1918. Mr. Torbet held j L'ityday In the local plant of the verified, »• the law office of A. E. Mountain States Power company after Wtie ler In Eugene. Oregon, w ith in ) the position of bookkeeper In the six month 4 from thia 28th day of First National bank until the aprlng a motor trip through eastern Oregon Auxirit, 192«. of 1919. billowing which he attended with hl» family. f:\R A H C McBKE Administratrix. 'he summer «ession at the Unlvemlty A. E W H E E I.E It Attorney A 28 8 35 Here form Weatport—Professor J. of Oregon. He was elected principal W. Johu'on of Weetport, near Astoria, of tbs Cnlon high school at Elmira, EZ3HTH GRADE E X A M IN A TIO N S. drove through Springfield Tuesday on The nnffortn state etxhth grade ex-: but retained residence In Springfield atnltiu'lorig will be held In dlatrlcta In 1920-21 he waa leai-her of commer hie way to visit hie ranch at Goahem. where anullcallon» for questions have cial aubjatos In Springfield high He and hl« fam ily left ye«terday fc r been mad on Thursday and Frldav. school, and in 1922 23-24 held the po Westport where he Is a teacher In Seyternbey « nn-l 5. No questions will sition of principal. He was likewise the school«. be aent without application a E .1 MOORE. rretdd nt of the I-ane County Teach To Move Into New Home— Mr. and County School Superintendent.! ers' association. Mra. C. O. Scott w ill move Into their For the school of sociology at the new borne In W illam ette heights the Returned to Camp— W B. Stevens of McKenzie bridge, who hae been University of Oregon, Profaaaor Tor day after Labor Ifey. The house has working In a construction camp there, bet ha« written a history of Spring- Just been completed by D. W. McKln returned to hla work Friday after field from» the days of the earliest non. »pending a number of day» here. i The Watch of Railroad Accuracy GEO.. N, McLEAN JOHN A. NELSON 509 Main Street PAGE FIVS THF! SPRINGFIELD NEWS 100% FORD Rubrication