Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1924)
TIIVRHDAY. AUQUBT 28. 1924 k TULL S CAFE Roy Stauffer, Prop. All American An Ideal place to dine, where right service la given at the right time. Orchestra music while you eat. 956 Willamette St. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE Eugene’s C o-operative A d vertisin g Plan Appeal to Rural District People for Mutual Commercial Interests W. E. Naylor, Prop. Phone 220 City Cleaners Cleaning - Pressing Repairing - Dyeing 959 Willamette Eugene, Oregon a The Real Shoe Shop When in Eugene lake your shims to the Reni Hhoe Shop to be repair ed. Repairing done while you wnlt. Mall orders given prompt attention. LOGGERS SHOES made to order and to please (he wearer. Prices from 110.00 to $10.0» The Real Shoe Shop Elliott Implement &, Seed .* Store We guarantee to make your watch keep time or refund your money. Experts on Swiss Bracelet Watches Skeie’s Jewelry Store > Buy Your Sporting Goods .......... from- GOOD SHOES Danner-Robertson 11 Ninth he. East STAR SHOE STORE ----- 35 West 8th S t.------ M A C K ’S A U T O SUPPLY HOUSE 10th A Oak Sts. Eugene Ore. . Welders Supplies Gas A- Equipment Springs Pistons A- Rings. Ki'plncfnn-nl Paris for all cars Differential & Timing Gears. Valves Prest-O-Lite Batteries and Service Just out of the high rent district. Walk y/2 block and save $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ THE HUB Battery and Electrical Service 89 W 9th Phone 1619 For Camping Supplies, Outing Goods, leather Puttees, Bathing Suits. Men's Furnishings, Hats, Clothing. Boots and Shoes. “Kant Skore” Pistons for SPEED, POWER. ECONOMY CYLINDER GRINDING, CRANK SHAFT TUNING 674 Olive T Phone 843 C J. PEMBROOK ’ Parts for all Cars at the Groceries MATLOCK’S Dry Goods 136 West 8th Eugene A spirit of co-operation is the only spirit that will get results In any endea vor. Whatever the objec tive, the more concerted ef fort put forth the surer the desired result. It 5s with this fact in mind the Eu- gene merchants are co-op erating to Combat the mail order business. Anything that helps one town or city, helps the other. PHOTOGRAPHY The largest stock ot style, sod qual ity shoes I d the valley. M a n d o l i n » 04 60, $7.00. $k.00. V iolin» »5 00, »11.00 »16.00. O ultara »6.00, »8.00. »10.00 »12.00 E in e Hammerlesa Shot Oun »26.00. C o in m o n Hum m er loan Shot (Inn »10.00. Fine 22 W inchester »10.00. , I' 512 EUGENE W illamette St. SHOES •J Keep your money in the county. Enrich yourselves by keeping t h e dolalrs where you will derive a definite benefit. Washing ton made -a dollar go a long ways when he threw it over the natural bridge over the Patomic, but there is no evidence to prove that he ever got the dollar back. Thus it is that you should b e careful and spend your dollar where you can see It again, where it will do the most good for the county. MANVILLE BROS. Chiropractic Furniture For the man who cares THE Phone 650 Eugene, Oregon We Invite you to our store. We have been in the home furnishing business in Eugene for 35 years and we believe we can help you solve your furniture problems. Try us. Furniture for every room in the house Its success and growth merits your investigation Examination Free WETHERBEE -POWERS Florsheim DR. GEORGE A. SIMON Phone 355J 916 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon EAST N IM HAND OAK SHOE MODEL Shoe Store Eugene, Oregon OREGON H. R. LARSEN Harry Garrett Merchant Tailor Eugene's Leading Bicycle Store We Do Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing f The Tollman Studio 734 WILLAMETTE ST. The development of the whole county Is the aim. The building of cities na turally builds and streng thens the county. Thus thru a definite campaign can results he obtained. Eugene as a trading center is fostering inovement and it is logical to see the advantage of haring some municipality take the lead In this dlreition. 53 East 9th St. (¡7 E 9th All m o d e m tety p r i c e d . Every ssloHman an ex pert shoe fitter. Phone 770 HOSIERY M. S. B A R K E R A 864 Willamette St. For the B est of GETS RESULTS The Eugene merchants have, on this page set forth some of the advantages ot trading in their city They solicit your business and believe t h a t whatever helps one city will help another city for you are keeping the money in the county and are hound to derive a benefit therefrom. Phones 60 and 149 Reclaimed Auto Parts Co. Stationery, Office Supplies, Kodaks, School Supplies .4 646 Willamette Equip your m otor with Brakel - W hite Dry Goods, Clothing Shoes-- Ready to wear A Shoe Dept. Store At Cheap Shoe Prices Gone, A m m u n 11Io n, Fishing Tackle. Spald ing A t h l e t i c Goods, Camping Goods. McCormick - Deering I Farm Implements Fall Grain & Grass Seed Sperry Feed's for Poultry & Stock 131 East 9th Phone 1192 Eugene, Oregon 597 Willamette St. K0KF -TIFFANY CO. 27 E. 9th Ave. (Ground Floor) PHONE 1749 EUGENE, OREGON Columbia, Rambler, Slfelby and Heavy Service Blcyclos CHIROPODIST C. J. BREIERCO. DR. M. L. HANDSHUH A Chain Store Foot specialist; corns, callouses removed; bun ions, fallen arches, all f o o t ailments. Hours daily, 10 to 6. 613 Wll- liunette, ground floor. Phoee 398. Cor. 6th and W illam ette Ladies Satin, Suede, Kid, Calf and Pattent Leather Pumps and Oxfords Exceptionally good values. $2.85 — $3.89 — $4.50 — $4.95 154 8th St., West. Eugene Auto Sheet Metal Co. Radiators, Fenders and Bodies Repaired 7th OharneitoB, EJugeae