FAGB TWO THURSDAY. AUGUST JR. 1924 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS a strong delegation from this rouniy COMMUNICATION. follow in that trail. One of the dsc bird ev lb w«a the limltsd buying power of the farmer rauneil by the low All the leachera of the Stale of Aug IT. 1*1«. price* he received for hl» crops and the high price* he hail Published Every Thuraday at Oregon m ust realise by thia Ilme ihat to pay for manufactured food«. Shortly after the turn , Dear Editor: the S tale A asoclallon m eeting, hold Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, by On the ev* of my departure for annually at P ortland. I» l b o n e great of this year, however, there waa the beginning of an THE W ILLAM ETTE PRESS adjustment of price level» between manufactured good» 'itrowtiavllle, w herv.lt Is my good for opportunity left for molding leglsla H. B M AXEY. Editor F C. l \ KSTERFIKI.D Manager and agricultural product*. This downward adjustment tune to become •u p .-rn li ndiuil >1 tien fo r the henftt of th» teaching ■ tite re d a . second c la ss m a tte r E eb ru a rv 5«. 1903 at th e b'" ‘n " ° f b " ’ ,n ~ * W r k ¡schools, pleas* allow me, thru your profession and fig- Ihe cause of e lu sliding probably has been stemmed for the time being ¡column», to exprea« to the fu c h e r s cation generally, yel this sla te m rei postoffice. Springfield, Oregon _ t owing to the Immense Improvement In the agricultural jof Ij»ne C ount, my sincere apprecia will prove Io b- of little value unleaa MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE ' situation. Through this Improvement th re will be tio n for electing me prtutldehl of the It la truly rep resen tativ e of the m ats 50c released within the next ninety days rural buying power iCounty Aasoctallon, j On« Year In Advance $1 IS Three Months of teacher» throughout the sta b 5c I such as ha« not been known In this country alnce the I According to action taken by the TSe Single Copy Biz Months W ith the best Interval» of the teach Ixu e County Association last January.! era of l.an County at heart, and Ihot t THURSDAY, AUGUST 3S. 1*3« _________________________________________________ 1 Mid tfou th* crop return« were f w. >rth One Billion Dollar» Superintendent E J Moore now he ’ eughly bellvvelng In the profession Manv an ex-soldier who use to help haul aroiu.xl farTOer ’b’ n *■» * 'r" * *»»• y*,r comes sole designator of the dele, aa one of th e highest of calling». I movable kitchens is now pushing abound a raov- an “4dltlotral One Billion Dollar* tncra.se In value ha gate» to the S ta te convention which ant. I» to meet at Portland next Decent G ratefully your«. able bedroom. Which sometimes accom odate •M*’*“ 'iy occurred. twins. The nation b w itnessing the dissipation of the fa lsi her. and It |a mi hop»* to meet there J K TORIIKT • • • theory favored throughout the agricultural districts by To the small bov the principal reaaon why he dem agogue politicians th a t legislation could c u re economic Bhonldn'r smoke uigarettes is that his fath er *vi|s Particularly did tbi» fallacious hie* prevail through m ight catch him. out ’*** wheat and corn belt. Public opinion created • • • by political propagandists lead io the tdea that Uongre»» The men who shou’d be jailed for carrying cou'l cure the price situation through legislation: a! concealed wea|Kins are those who go around with though such norm»« flatty co n trad ict exeprtenc«. Mow h a m m ers. ' however, the a h nt farmer sees th e falling off In the • • • THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS C utting advertising may reduce th» cost of doing business, but ru ttin g wimlpipes Will also reduce the Cost Of living. . • • Ovelina* Nomination, Having been asked liy many of tny friend* to become a candidal« for Hie office of mayor of Sprlngfle'd, I taka this means of »aylng to them I great ly appreciate the honor ’hey have con ferred. but I wish to Ihetn and to the people of the i lly, chai under no con dlllon whatever will I become sm h candidal«. a» I have absolutely no de- slre lu hold *ny rlty office, Very reaped fully, W F. W AI.*BR. SrrlngfRdd, (Ite Building Nsw Mom*— Mel Rb -i j* building a tine new 5 room bungalow on W est II slre e l, ihre« blocks be yond ibe high achool. Of only half a cron In Canada: In other words, natural cause».—the law of supply and d< -«and have com e to the aid of the farmer, restoring his p-are of min ’, hl» • “ Small and few in the hill.” is the general ent indication» the wheat crop of , prove to be much over TSfl.WMl.noo report on the Oregon potato crop. Soon as vacation is over you Will have to Start saving for Christmas. * * * No one ever succeeding in shortchanging the devil. When you lose, say nothing, say less. When you win Never hold a nail for your wife to strike at. • • • E d ito r ia l C om m ent • • • BUSINESS CONDITIONS AS THEY APPEAR TO US The United States National Bank. Portland. Oregon. From a condition of discouragement and. to som e sec tlons. gloom, the business outlook within the pa»', thirty day» has turned to one of optimism If not approaching prosperity, Thia ha* reealted from good new* coming to the American farmer. Farmer* who have been struggling (Or year* against debt and who last fall appealed to the public tor hid. find tbemselrew this year In prosperous olR um staacea The ultimate effect of this condition upon ’.he general bustnees and financial sphere In this -enaatry 1* almost beyond comprehension at this time, hut surely it will cause a business revival and a atabilisa- la both politics and finances which will be whole- good for the country at large. We have become accustomed alnce 1*1« to the Industrial point of view. It has been responsible tor high price level«, hlgfa wages, and all the benefits and evil* which the country may not bushels. y< t the price ; paid for It probably will be high enough to much more th an com pensate th e fa rm e r for th e los« In view Early reports Indicate that there will he a considerable • shortage in the corn crop, yet price» areswo high that the money return proraieses at this writing to bring decided prosperiy to the corn districts. The corn yield on July 1st was estimated at 3.515.990.000 bushel«. Oats prom ised to yield perhaps 5% larger than last year, with prospective crop of 1.35S.090.000 bushel* In cotton we see prospects of an enormous yield, the Department of Agri culture on July l«lh estim ating a total productloa of 11.134.000 bale«, compared with an actual production In 1313 of 10.138.000 bales At the prevailing prices the South should find Itself In easy financial condition after the marketing of this crop Lane County Fair Sept. Judged by permits, the building Industry Is still coo tlnuing at a high level; for the half year ending June 30th According to Bradstreela. the amount totaled tl.TM.M4.- M7. which 1* a gain of more than *110 000.009 over the same period of 1*33. Summarising conditions, there appear* to be greater baying power In the great producing rvwlons than we hare seen for four or Are y ea rs; some degree of restoration of equilibrium between agricultural and Industrial price«, a prospect of sctlemtn of th« world distributing conditions abroad: plenty of credit for th« financing of European reconstruction; a domestic financial poaltloo ld »«J for commercial expansion, with plenty of money, minimum Interest rates and credit freely extended; an apparent- tendency towards stability In government aa evidenced by business methods which have resulted In tremeodou» aavlngs: a fairly good present business, and a promise of* excellent prospective business SPRINGFIELD joins 15, 1 6 ,17th Select your exhibits now and have them at the Fair Grounds Friday the 12th before the Fair opens. Races, Entertainment, Music in the Paramount W eek Celebration of the Greater Movie Season! at the BELL T H E A T R E AUG. 31-SFPT. 1 SF.PT. 3 Gloria Swanson in “ The Humming Bird' ‘The Light That F a il'd ” w ith Percy Marmont, SEPT. 5-6 Jacqueline Logan und Sigrid Holmquist uaaaBaaa .-»«w u If i t ’s «2 P a ra m o u n t P i c t u r c i t* s Win. S. H art in “ Wild Bill H ickok”