Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1924)
'-/b niry $ S P R I N G F I E L D __T H E T E R M IN A L Hl’llING HELD, LANK COUNTY. OREGON. Y EAR S T IR ^ IN C I T Y C om m it!«*« P O L IT IC S ; 5lage Set For Big Labor Day Picnic Making Dust Fly In te rv ie w Bualn««« y Men for Program a n d Entertainment Features Arranged; Dr. Pence to Speak; Special to Run M ayor «nJ Councilman. Tim Urut »tir In local p o litic a l'e ll ■ 150 Visitors Pnrtleipste In Cere |< a v w c re st ml thia Week w ind monies and Evening» Enter tainment; Eugene Outnum- . .«m m ltta.. of r.t.w m i.t«r»l«w .M »ar- * an d — G e ts B a n q u et a t L a tte r e r r i „ lou» Iiusln«-»» man «»king them to be r re « caft(lmi|UMI for (Hy (>ff,<.c w Expense. ( More th a n 160 visitor« from WII- lam etta valtay U ona club w ere pr««- *>nt |aei Friday night * b «n f*5** 8 Pr ,n«- field det» »»« presented * " h "» c h a rte r A fter a » t r e t j.aru I. 1» I by the H prlngfle'd band a bauqui- »»» held In fhe Woodman h e ll. An enjoy . i . i . . | n .g r a iil of »peei-hna und en ter lalumrnt preceded th» presentation Vf the c h a rte r by Acting D istrict Dep uty B. w . M errell. T h e c h a rte r was r.cMlved by B. Ralph Dlppol. pr»»» d< nt of th e Springfield club, All th e member» ijr th e Eugene club but two w ere preaent a» were 76 per cent of the Salem d m . Eugene • th - w ager from Hal-m on s t l .n q a n . e which was In th e n atu re of a banquet. NATRON The capital city lt«n. F W ajk. prewidfnt of the C ham ber of Com- m eres. who »»« asked to run for i m ayor ha» dectlnml In s statement published In o th er column* of th i a , (taper. Il la understood th a t G O. Itunhimui. of thn Springfield Mill and (ira)n ,:ora, a ny. ha» done likewise, | , r |»l>| | art| befog m entioned aa a i-»ai«tt»jIn e for m ayor along with o h- Ji Ju liu s Fulop. Hprlngfle'd m erchant has al-o .-luted opposition to having his friend* run him for councilman It 1« ex p cited th a t th e next week or ao may bring out a full ticket to b e voted on at th e tim e of the general election ___________ ___ REAL ES J ATE DEALER K IL L S W IF E AND SELF th e n ch allenge! Eugene on atten d an ce . . . . .. „ the Bltverton c h a rte r e x ero J» ck Hodman re a l’y dealer, well C ottage Grove Lebanon and P ortland * " " « n here and In Eugene, »hot his . th e • cere- *D « »ud Bt conim llled # suicide .1 .0 had on-tuber. f » - .. « .-«■ « « t >i <“ hH how ln -M fm Tuusday # Kod. r N U P T IA L S O F S C O T T - W AKEFIELD IS EVEN T M arrlad Last Evening in Methodist Leave fo r Yellowstone. Marian W hite of C ottage Grove, and Miss Mary L argent of Silverton. Csh- ers were E sten H um phrey, W illiam f’urdy. H olt Slaughter, and Floyd Mc- , Kalson. visiting d ab » Charlea D Donnhune, » d • ---------- ¡dance. Of Eugene. Oavln Dyolt of C oilag. T ho funeral of Mr. and Mrs Rod-J g u (| ((> recoyer „ 3 0 0 0 0 alleged dne An elaborate sports program has N eer of Salem and J. C. man will be held at the E lks <’’>npl«- nK>r,ga, e , nd »222.50« on ante been prepared, with poeslblllty two : on one Crove, F E In Eugene a t 2 o ’clock Sunday after- tJ|<r ,lag b<efJ nlgd ln c lrru lt court hall gam es, tug of w ar acroos Mill Irv in e of Lebanon h r the D etroit Dime Saving« Bank creek, and a high clim b and tree-top- Each visiting club furnished a h alf »<*>•> »gainst S ta rre t and lfov-y. Lane l>">< race. ' hour of entertainm en t Special e n te r Choir H as S o tisi Meat I ng 'county tim b er holders One m ortgage T here was a m eeting of th e Wend- tain m en t feature» were al«o provided. About 4 q pet.ions attended the ao- fgll' due tn 19*21 and th e o th er In 1922 lln* ,ocal held In W endllng T uesday Inatruiueiilal mu»lc. vaudeville act« d a l m eeting of th e M --hodlst choir „„ s ->< m err«-» of tim b er »‘«he. and attended by W. C ; Rueg and song-- w are th e chief attractio n s. ■ T e h Z m m "pr'esetited the «yprtngflrld «D en in th e church parlors on T u e s m (h(, Eiuglaw riTPr reglon ls nits, executive secretary of the 4L Following the reception the bridal pair left on a m otor trip to Yellow- «.one N ational park, to be gone unit! the M ethodiat conference m eets In Medford In the middle of Septem ber, They will reside on ea3t ........................ Main stre e t ........................................... to be n ear R evr S cott’a m other, Mrs. (Ptarlee L. Scott, who eras left a widow tw o wrecks ago. N ext year Re», Scott will e n te r the foreign field in clu b With m ayor k ro n a . Llou em blem '«W. Tba m em ber« of t b . ch o ir and MiU)fht 8al|gfy tbe Jadgm en t sought a «lab: Halem pr .« n ted »heir fnm lllea m et for 6:3« o ’clock T)l(. Eugcne Co ||,« -to n agency has . .« v e t and Eugene a 1 -ather bound d inner. f|lpd guh a<a|ng, Frank ,, Han<>1 , 0 11 m .it hook * M e'hodlet Sunday School picnic ^ 1 ^ „ 7 0 Pn g not(. dated a t Dick " 'i f o r e that. 2J women accom panied * •« held y eaterday In the H ansen au t r ,(,n N^ r(h Itek „ ta> S eptem ber 6. A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N 33 TALK INDUSTRIES AND ANNEXATION logical place for developm ent of th e industrial c en te r of the W illam ette valley with th e best of drainage, ra il road and pow er facilities. H e urged th at Sne,n»fleld and Eugene com bine in one sr 1 th a t the united stren g th m ight tve industries here. He said Eugene aiwnfs would be a residence and college tow n and develop Into a business center. Mr. H ansen report- ed th a t 1489 cars had registered up to Sunday night In his auto p ark 'acro ss the river. M erchants predicted ¡store» would move from h e re to E«e g ne by annexation and this city » * « «•« P ortland h eadquarters. Wal- China • . 'w ould f i t t e r thereby. ,e r Srat»h « Portland, field directo r M rs. Scott will teach In th e Uni- It was reported th a t the petition for of the 4L. O. H J a r r e t t su p erin ten d -, verslty high school next year. gud . paving of Mill s tre e t had been signed ent 01 lh C Springfield p lan t. D. W. .her husband in the Springfield high ¡by practically all th e property own- McKinnon. Springfield 4L secretary school. ers except th e . Booth-Kelly com pany George Davenport, Ben Skinner, and Rev. S cott received his diploma and th at it would be presented to th e the visiting Idons here A ltogether It D, ¡a rk D inner was also at 6:30. 11919 The Bank of ______ C om m erce h as started Oeor«e Cox A talk on cooperation In from the U niversity of Oregon while la tte r in the n e a r future. w as the largest visiting delegation ___________ ■■------ w - Issued. - • •-■ ‘---- “— — - — -■ * > ------- ------- •- M arrlaga Licanata a su it against J E O ates to c o lle c t. -----•- w’ork and ■ — "O '“»1 functions was m ade serving his country In ” F ------- rance. H e 1 ; Several member» spoke on the dan- th at ha» come to Springfield for a took a y e a r’s post-graduate w ork on ger of collision betw een s tre e t c ar and cerem ony In m any m onths. The whole During th e past week m arriag e It various sum s am ounting to more than by Mr. Ruegnitx. , , Mr. D avenport and Mr. Sm ith w ent his return, and amended th e Garret« ¡autom obiles on th e Second stre e t rail- affair was m arked with much pep ' ' ’n»*. have been Issued by comity , S()0 __________________ to C ottage Grove yesterday to invite School of Theology and N orthw estern road crossing and urged th a t a re- and etilhuala.m . ' irle rl‘ R 8 Br»"on «” '"H owlng: ■ ¡C harlo. H enry S kinner, and Mabel C A R R Y IN G O F F IR E A R M S ,h e n'>n'aff|,la »e<* 'u m b er plants to U niversity In Chicago for th re e years, quest be m ade for eith er th e s tre e t lak e f a r t ln the celebration as guests He has been preaching at Camp Creek, car to stop before crossing the road . „ „ . D ,an> E lisabeth W elsh, both of Eugene; P la v o ro u n d Open to P u b lic. M A Y B E P R O H I B I T E D of the 4L. ¡Unity and Ja s p e r for som e tim e past, when traveling eas< or th a t a w arning , a n d a Brva.-i Sm ith. H arrisburg, and Mabel Th.. M ethodist rocreutlon ,, ..„ grounds C om m ittees are announced as foi , He is a m em ber of Sigm a ALfha Epsl- signal be placed a t th e crossing. A , . . u .„ Flint. Junction C ity; Frank Robson next to the church a re open for uae . . . . ... , F o rest S upervisor N F. Macduff has |owg; Ion. committee was appointed to take thia un .e,...e.iine Lucille l.v the genral . public, according tn to t>r» o r. H4 itdemon. Bend, and H attie u . w received notice th at th e S ecretary of E xecutive — G e o r g e D avenport, i ------------------------------ i m ater un with th e proper anthorltlee. ■ . t . h . »..m n Brown. I'leaaant lllll; John Aubrey W II Pollard, m em bers of the bour.i .................................. 7 Mr. W alker reported th e county Of d irecto r- The one stipulation Is ’* « '’■»•. Portland, and May L. DeMer A griculture has prom ulgated « regu apr)ngfle.d , chal. nan; N. R Michels. S A W M IL L T O O P E R A T E turd Howard. E u g e n e ' “ Don u n d er which the carving of E u g en e. r m . !)•'. checker. W endllng. S A T U R D A Y F O R A W H I L E court would grade th e highw ay under th at it may he used any day except , O akridge; Eli Ed- / '» ”’ nr,n,' on N atlona' F orest area.-, Publtcltv—D. W. McKinnon. Spring- --------- th e arch to conform with the round * * '' Br Sunday. E quipm ent 1" being added mond En-or, mid Ellen Ja n e Boon, I ,M 'k nBt«<l by th e d istrict fo rester may field, ch airm an ; C. J C handler, Wend- T he local Booth Kelly saw m ill will corners, now th at the fence w as se t as fund« pernii» C ontrlhutlons front run on S aturday. August 30. and Sat- back. The m oving of a telepthone pole ............ „ will he ,.ft_„i»,M 'th of P leasant ' lllll; ’ Andrew Th-o- tbo prohibited, and has recom m ended u n g . o A Prince. Eugeni K|>r ngflehl rltlxens receive«! i '« dore Frnedrlck F’raedrlck and and Eloise Eloise E. E Hill. m u , 1 to the D istrict F o rester tha- Sal Creek Women and C hildren—Mrs. B ert urday, S eptem ber 6 to ta k e care of an<J 'h e road signs will be taken up 1 ....... . ,, i-i-u. dore |,y Mr» W illiam G an li o K|lg,.ng; F r,,d Eri1„g, T u |ior, W lnberry Cre k w atersh ed s be closed |yoa n e. Springfield, chairm an Mrs tbe |(>g supply, according to O. H. a t once to allow th is to be done. A N ational hank. j f rln g fld d , and Edith M arie C lark. 10 ,bp e a r n in g of fire arm s except j o<1 L andis. W ndllng; Mrs. 1! A. Ja rre tt, superintedent. W hether th«. sw inging sign. M cKenzie R iver high- 'C o ttag e Grove, and Jam es Hovorka. ’’V forest officers or authorise I o f S pringfield; Mrs. Sherm an mill can continue to run on S aturdays way, will be placed under the arch Sunshine Club Meets. Eugene, and S arah Franc«» llud'.es- " e e rs of -he S tate and ( nunty. I n der yields. W endllng. -h ereafter will be determ ined bv the at once. The Sun Shine club m et T uesday, son. Junction City. this regulation, anyone found carrying Sports— F. F. F oster, W endllng. ¡. -lb er m arket.. Mr. J a r r e tt s a y s . ------------------------------- A iikus I 27. nt the home of Mrs. E rn ------- — ---------- ----- it fire arm upon a cl» cd nr a m a v l.c chairm an; George Cox. F pringfield; , m in ,vas closed down for near Has B irthday and Reunion. est I'a rr on T hird and E street» 'ta k e n before th e Unltod S tates Com j . A. Griffin. Eugene. 1 y l t in - o q u u a arters r t e r s o of f a an n h o u r v yest. e a te r r- -1 hour The birthday of Mrs. F ra n k King- Mr and Mr«. W Bpear of Marcóla Gaums and m usic were enloyed. and i m lssloner and h o u n ’. over to th e Fed- E ats—Sherm an Fields. W endllng. day. ca --I by th e breaking of the siey was th e occasion for a fam ily, la-er In the ev nlng dainty refresh : w ere here Tuesday. oral G rand Jury. chairm an; Moody N eet, Springfield: head rig ,:.w ¿t 4:15 o’clock In the reunion Sunday on G oodpasture is- ment» w ere served to tb e following Ed K ester. Springfield. ¡afternoon. T he saw guide w as a ls o (ia nd, a t which h e r six siste rs and one m em bers: Mr«. W ilm a S m ltson. Ada Form er R e«ident. Visits—C harles N E W T A Y L O R S H O P IS Dance—Jim H oward. W endllng.’ broken. No iu ’-try resulted to the brother, to g eth er w ith th e ir fam iliee. Mnnwiirtng, Addle Nealon, Mr» II. lic k . 11. a form er Springfield huslnes. H ardesty. Wend workmen from th e flying pieces. I were present. Thivae p resen t Included O P E N E D IN S P R I N G F IE L D chairm an; Claud. W e ld , Mrs Davis, Eva Elliott, and m a", waa In Springfield S aturday. He I ling; Ben Skinner, Springfield. | ....................... ................ ! Mr. and Mrs. C harles M yers and ¡is'tio w a trav elin g salesnuin. Mr- Vienna Parr. T he Springfield T ailor shop has Finance A. C. Dixon. Eugene, j Many Pay P e ra ltle s. d au g h ter Doris, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. T raffic I»»’ offenders bis week In Sm ith and son. Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. R eturned from P ortland— Mrs. John been opened up on th e co rn er of chairm an; H. J t ox. S p rin g fied , Win Arrived Monday— Mr». Leland Eu elude the following: C. . Wilson. W illiam Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. John F. K etels retu rn ed T uesday evening F ourth und Main stre e ts by Mr. and ,fred May, W endllng. hunk« I« enjoying a visit fnm t h er Springfield, hacking ear acro ss street Hrvan and th ree daughters. Mr. and Mrs. (1. M Plttm tner and Mr. and 1 from Portland where she went on n fath er. Mr R utherford of la.» Ang. I« .,, h y h p ri> u rp n |j( ghc MrR j R Llndli(iy la)p t), Araltaan C am nsr Fined. I intersection, fiued $2.50; L. G. Corn- R obert Craw ford and family, Mr. and C alifornia, who arriv e 1 Monday eve On A ugust 8, Mr. L. C.' Smith 01 ¡well. Roseburg, parking too close to ¡Mrs C larence C hase and little daugh P11»». Texas. T he shop will furnish to .1 11., .....u „ r e c e d e d -’» p e e l s h er p aren ts to retu rn nltit* In S»’ »r,nufl< 1*1 « 10 WilH pr<’< 0(1» u cleaning and p ressin g service, as J'ertlatid, who has been cam ping at j Dro hydrant, $2; Mr«. Eekler. Eug.-r.«, 1 t er. Mert Chase, G ladys C hase and a ,0-1.1» d au rb er. Ml « Nell R ,U tter-!S pr'ngfleld th e last of thn week, w e l'n * th e m aking of lad les’ costum es. Frog Camp, w nt away w ithout total rn ssln g c ar a t s tre e t intersection. - | rl friend. R achel C rabtree. Mr. and f o r d , who I likew ise visiting a t th o , W ent to Coquille— Mrs. Glen A. Dlt- W ith a dress, tailored suit, or cos l.v extlngulehlng his cam p fire. The $2 50; E arl Kelly, Eugene, speeding ?pr ,. 1. c iln e, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. E ubanks home. | to Of Coquille, who has been visiting Whie of any sort Mrs. Lindsey will fire w as dls<vvered by a F orest’ Serv $10; Mrs. G race Stein. Eugene, speed- ciln e, gnd daughter. B ernice. Mr. and , f In Springfield for n we k with het ! fo"ko h ate to m atch If th e costum er .( patrolmAh. who reported the m at 'ng, $10; Roy Langnn. E ugene, pass Mrs. Ralph C’lne. as well as the host H ere from low . 1 ' ’ hiishiuid > i «renta «md fam ily, n ( i s " <lc»,r<’8 or to R anger Smith T aylor nt Me- '"K street Intersection nt a faster and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. F rank KinR- D avenport, . low s. ’ Is hero visiting , n.s turned home , » Sunday. She w as ac- j $t was ascertain ed rate 12 m iles a| ey and and tn , beir children, Virgil. Gale .................. t ------------------------------ i - Kettxie . ...».«• « ltTl.lg.y ,....» 7 ». »»» »»« ..».«.m, . of - speed • than ----- -- — u er hour. siey eir cnituren, vtrgit. Gate sister, Mr« Ada M anwaring, comnnnted l.v h er Ister ia law Miss E n tertain ed Company—Mr. and Mrs. front qamp fire perm its which had ? -: Ju lia Moore. Eugene, passing nnd Lote D inner was served, and wa- li had not «.en for 28 years Dorothy Ditto, who will m ake a visit ¡W H. nry Adrian had ns guests over been issued who had been cam ping stre e t Intersection faster than 12 m iles term elon late in th e evenlrg. Group f. the week-end Mrv. A drian’s brother, there nnd Mr. T aylor im m ediately P ff hour. $5; C harles Spores. Mo- pictures w ere taken in th e afternoou. R aturnad to P o rtla n d -M Iss Abbie " t th e Glen D itto hom e In Coqull . M e. D it t o ’ Ik e w ls e v is it ' d w liii h er 11 W. Scott, wife Bnd baby, of Salem. ' w rote Mr. Sm ith at his Portland ad- haw k, cu ttin g m-rners, $5. i.n has im« been vis-1 Mrs. ise visited t. „ of Portland, I who boon vis-i < " Ditto ‘D0 likew •"» 'wis« visit, q with w t in h ner ............................ 1 M e • of I ori .nil. ' ' ........... t l ____f_____ n o .tn c-'h er mint, Mrs. Emily Adair, also of dress, notifying hint th a t he had I ft Street Car Rate Hearing. nlnif ,„.re In Sprlngfl-ld with h er sis- l'«rents. rj.e H arpole fam ily In . Salem, nnd cousin, Mrs. John McKay h is ean.p tire a n ' giving l.lnt ten d a y s ’ Here from N ebraska—Mr. and Mrs. i A hearing of the ra ise In s tr e e t Mr N. W Emery, le ft for hom e <’"y while on her vacation. and d aughter, Jean n e of Alex. Alberta, In w hich to m ake reply'. However. Mr. Bert Powell ai d fan .ly of Hebron, ! ear fares from six io seven cents will Canada. Mr. S ro tt cam e Friday w ith Sm ith did not get back to Portland " ‘’J 1 J " ' ” be held In Eugene S eptem ber „11. a t Monday afternoon. Bains R eturning—Mr. and Mrs ( pow the courthouse. R em o n stran ce, wilt H ere from Kan«««— Mrs. Jneohlnl V. rn lluln are expected to arriv e In h is fam ily to a tten d th e Lions ban- until August 2.) and flm 'lug Mr. T a y - ^ ^ ^ ^ tm e.lintely d r o v e . t o u r in g t h e c o 1st « m l h a v e *'e heard by th e public service com- T'lllger of HIP tioro. K ansas, m olher u few days from Weed, C alifornia, qu t. They all left Sunday for th el, 1 lor a le tte r there, MeKenzI Bridge t o : P,,R nre ,o '" ’.ng the coast, and have . . _ .. ¡from P ortland to of Mrs (1. O. Bushm an, was Bn a r r l- ‘ homo of Mrs. B ain’s pnrents. They homos, ¡been for tw o m onths, looking for a m ission at th a t time. The Southern 1 settle the m atter. P aetfic com pany has asked for th e vnl In Springfield last week. She nnd | will visit here for n few days, and In new locution V isited at D avenport Home—WII- He adm itted hts gul'l and R anger raise on grounds th a t th eir lines w ere Mrs Bushman will leave to m o rro w ! I’ortlund for a few days, before tnk- g M cRay form. not m aking operating expenses, for Newport to spend a weok a t the Ing up th eir residence here. They will Ban. Hammon 1 and two sons. George T aylor took up the m a tte r with J u s - , a„ . , a w . m , ------------------------------ reside In th e house of Rev. T ininr, and O ren. all of F lorence, w ere guests Dee of Up Peace, J« ssa O. W ells, by bench. „ __ . . . u „,i.h waa asaea««t prlv of Springfield, has moved back who wltih his wife Is *oon to h a v e 'a - week end at the George Daven- ijto n e and Mr. Sm ith was assessed E ntertained D inner Guest— W . C. R eturned from Califronla— Mrs. Isa for Los Angeles, California. Mr. Balt« port home. They arriv d In Springfield $6 00 and $-.i>0 costs ship with Z. I. Cox, also of C ottage R uegnitx, executive secretary for th e P ot ' land headquarters of th e Loyal ac N. E ndicott and non. Isaac Jr., h a re ! will have th e prlnctpalshlp of the S atu rd ay and retu rn ed to th e ir home O,h«„i »„ M a e » — A regular Grove, has leased a store room In tile returned to Springfield a fte r 8 w eeks Springfield high nehool th is year, Sunday evening. m eeting of th Springfield s c h o o l h u i l d l n g back of the K r te l. ^ 0 » ------------------------------ . mee. ng . J ' a < was , dinner gueet M tjM» Jo h n 0 . spent in San Francisco. Oakland and L a st y ear he tau g h t at Adna, W ath- Mr and Mrs H S tew art of Mabie "°hrd will be held Tuesday night , I Parkar Borkley, C alifornia visiting h e r daugh- Ington Mrs. Bain was form erly Miss Parker houie home laet eTenlng. evening. -et i-« the City Hall. wero In towu over the weekend. 1er. Mr» W. C. WII1IK Pauline McClintock. m o u n te d » form er ••Th« People's Pap«f" An elaborate «orlai affair of the Combining with Eugene Discus Nim m er season was the m arriage of . sed by Melvin Hansen and lia n a for the big L abor Day eale- Rev. Randall S cott of Springfield to Members of S p r i n g f ield bratlon to be put on at W endling by M Ps E thel W akefield of Eugene in • Chamber; Railroad Crossing th e Ix>yal Legion of lx>ggern and Lum- the M ethodist Episcopal church in Eu- berm en will be completed this eve- Kene butt evening a t 8 o’clock. The ! Dangerous is Belief. Ding, when the executive com m ittee wedding Was targe|y atten d ed by per-! , ndiw trto, developm ent In Spring- m eet. with the «ub-commUtees In the , on, from Springfield and Eu fW(J aI,nM atlon wlth E ugene, Mill :4L hall at W endllng a t 8 o clock gene. Rev. Jam es T. Moore, retired pav|n|f an(, . he ,B the Members- from Springfield, Eugene. M ethodist m inister of Springfield, as- ral|ro ad trf>gHlng 0D 8 e tu nd s tre e t and W endllng will M e t In conference sl»ted by Rev J. F rahklln llo as o r g tbe ch,(f tupl((t of dlscl™ lon of at that time. Eugene performed the cerem ony. T h e -the c h am b e r of Com m erce a t , « reg . Dr. E H Pence, of P ortland, paetor ring sen d ee was used. Following the j n,a r IM?eün< Monday nlgbt o œ O f W estm inister P resbyterian church, ceremony a reception was held In lhe , „ UjAman and w F W alker, of the will be the speaker of the day. It has Alpha X| Delta sorority house a t 13tb ar<£ peporteri ¡lIMn announced by George Davenport, and H ilyard streets. about , 80 wag , t „ , ow f„ on m ateriaf chairm an of the Springfield local The aftar was decorated w ith Pot- for , he arch T he cham ber g a re A special train 1» to be rnn. leaving ted palm s and pink and w hite glad- & o( thhankg , or hlg geryiceg to ! Eugene at 8:3ft o’clock In th e mom- Io'»» , nd fox glove«. th e re tlring 3ecretary H enry E tb eR, lag. and leaving Springfield about To the strain of the L ohengrin wed- who leaTe a few dayg for 8:40 round-trip fare will be 1H tim es ding m arch th e bride cam e down the to makf. b(g home the usual fare one way. T he train will (»]„ on the arm of h e r brother-in-law retu rn early In the evelng. It has been H arvey Beal of B urlington, W ashing More saw ’nllls to c u t ,a r «e "U nd announced from the general office of ion. s h e was a ttire d In w hite, with ril>e ti n ,,.t r east ° r Springfield, a the Booth-Kelly company In Eugene. a chiffon veil held in place by organe P!a,nln< mil ■ 1,01 fa r'o ry , Ice plant The mill men have been working blossoms. She carried a 3how er bou and fru lt can n ery w ere amo11« Dew evening, a t W endllng to clear a „ „et of pink rosea In d u strie, cham ber m em bers believed sm all grove there and fix It permnti Mrs. Paul Scott of Spokane, W ash needed b ere- s t e P= wtll be ta k e n to i.ntiy for picnics and such outings, tngtorf «1st Ivtn-law of th e groom secure possible sites for n w Indos- wlth seats, and the like T he célébra- was the m atron of honor. F rank C a r - itr,e *' hero to offer thoa* wh° m ight »Ion proper will be held there, b u t; ter of Eugene, fratern ity b ro th er of ! w ant to locate. lbg dance, both afternoon and eve- t be groom, was th e best man. Brides- Melvin H ansen, of th e Eugene Cham wJU (n th# <L h a,, Roach’s maids were Miss Palom x R andlem an, her of Commerce, addressed th e n _ -- - was th — e playing a t , Miss Ruby Baugh of Donna. M l* I cham ber. --- He said S-pringfleld __________________ Mr«. Miriam Ferguson, w ife o ' of « « n »hot hl« wife with a 44 calibre the form er Texas governor, Is a»- ptring to the sam e office and polled B p rtn ifle’d, w.lcome-l the visiting revolver and th en a fte r calling foi - — — L» w aaaffia»«» sea t mg« p Ft rim r 1 111 fl 1 UH to «V enough vote« in the aries « » . i . i tv lk < e r. r, help e went tnto . a bedroom and sent . enter the fall election», She it ItoiiN to Springfield t t . a- r. W tta a i» t making the dust fly in her race lo r the A m erican Legion open-air dances • re a ld -n t of the C ham ber of Com- a h u lk t through h l . b rrtn M r. Rod la Spripgfleld, h as been engaged. T he t> e r r . «.ml m em ber of th e L io n . club. ■»«" died W ednesday In a Eugene h o . I the governorship. Eugene band may be secured for the ,, ..... , a . , . fro... .to- r t o a Hodman left • letter m which b it | were made in ^ ’ih ree he hlatm .-l hl« w ife’. I’l henlth and S U I T T O R E C O V E R Q U A R T E R oecasioq, thu- adding a concert to the ml^n u l.t,’".mr., ’ bv pre.lden«» of the h i’ overburdened t.ul. betdneas for h l. L IO N D O L L A R S F IL E D »peech. sports, and the B , m " m " I'e c ry . CUTOFF NUMBER Church, Eugene; T ry in g to P«r«u«d« Th«m to Run S a le m THE THURSDAY. AUGUST 28. 1924 C A N D ID A T E S A R E S O U G H T ^ 11 b e rt OF THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS D IV O T g O TO I N T I B U T O F B P H IN Q F IB L O A N O T H B F A R M E R # OF T U B W IU L A M B T T B VALLEY T W K N T Y 1 1ST W ESTERN on