Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1924)
PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TU PU SI>,\V. AVGUST 21. 1924 Purest fires grow without watering. the relief therein prayed for. to wit; for a decree that the amount due be ascertained and that you and all per A friend who let hie eamp fire get aona claiming by. through or under away now refer» to hlmaelf aa a you l»e forever barred and foreclosed *•11 what you want to Mil. buy what you want to buy through these "finished camper"—Haya the judge | aa of strict foreclosure from all right, eolumne. Write or phono TWO did the "finishing" with a lecture and ! title and Interest under and by virtue of that certain luind Hale Contract a fine. entered Into on the 20th day of June, K ill HALF I' e In All.t'iiiM now PUIINIBHED Apartment» and rnuma 1923 I»' Prank E Blair and wife A! Urini txigoa tu ori hard I miles fur rant by day or month. Elite IN THE COUNTV COURT OP THE Ice E Blair, vendors to you aa van- anuthw»»t <>f Goshen. Phone Rugane STATE OP OREGON FOR THE dee and In und to the following dee Hotel, 3rd and Main atreet. tf COUNTY OP LANE. crlbed land and premise» In Lane 13P2 lion M„x|. y. A21 T S < ‘E I.L p n T office or emuli store i In the matter of the petition o f| County. Oregon. to-wlt; room for rent. Inquire at New« office? The E% of NE'4 Hoc. 19 Twp. 19 FURNISHED apartim-nla and room! Haymond II. W hee'er and Ruth I). for rent by day or month. Eilt« Ho Wheeler, hla wife for leave to adopt South, Range 1 Ea»t containing 80 acres of land Also lots 1 containing an infant child named fails Ilunlop tel. 307 Muin airuet. tf. ! 59 27 acre». 1« 2 containing 36.10 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Hilbert. acres, lot 3 containing 11.78 acre« and ORDER ALL RI» rani« Dairy fur pure J » r | NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN that lot 4 containing 27 acres, all In Sec. 19 Thin mutter coming on to be heard 1 «oy milk and Ur am. Phono 34 C3 lhe underalgned I| m « been by the Coun Twp 19 South, Range I East ol Wil on the [«tit Ion of the above named J «ir tf t s 1 i n n o f it», s in » .. ,,r O f o c e a f o r lam ette Meridian, contalng In all the County of Lane been duly ap petitioners for leave to adopt an In 214.15 acres, excepting therefrom 40 point«! executors of the laai Wlil and fant child named Lois Dunlop Hilbert I acres conveyed to Warren D. Carter Candidat« Hold« Mooting. Testam ent and estate of Btunuel and to change the name of said Infant’ by deed page 298 Vol. 80. also ex (’larnni-n Butler of Ur»»w»lk i-andl- Hake»' deceased. and all persons ha* child to Lola Dun'op Wheeler; And It appearing to the Court tha*' cepting therefrom 12.32 acres con llto f«r i-ongri-- > on tin* lnd«| «mlent Ing claim« again«! «aid estate are veyed t<, Joshua Caln by deed record th ket. aililrx’iwod a meeting of hla hereby notified to preeent the same 'h-- father of said Infant child, Alvin! ed page 312 Vol. 80, also excepting John Hilbert la not within the «late I to ua properly verlfled at the office therefrom about tlx acres conveyed bupl- ’ nlttli" | t - o '. Io. U in I of Prank A Het'ue, the Attorney fo r ! of Oregon and the Court being fully r to H. I*, company for county road fkb« chamber of commerce ruuma Mr. the eeiat« at Hprlngfteld, Oregon with advised In the premia««; purposes, by deed Vol 85. page 201 It 1» therefor». ORDERED. Ad- Itu'lor la receiving support In labor in six mouth rroui the date of thia no and 202. and ab o excepting therefrom JUDGED and DECREED that aalu { tice. etn ie« , ho claim«. all land u«»d for railroad purpose«, Hated at Springfield, Oregon. July! petition be heard on the 1st «lay of I rlgh, of way and depot grounds aa October. 1924 In the County Court! 28th. 1924. room In the Courthouse of Eugene.| shown by deeds of records, all such NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING CATHERINE OAKES. Lnti,. County. Oregon at the hour o f, deeds of record In Lane County, Ore ' The undersigned Prank E Blair. ad GENEVA COCK. T»n o'clocg A. M, at which lim e a ll- gon, and containing hereby to be con ministrator of the e ’ tate of t.eon« Al Executors. person« »ball at pear and »how cans«,.; veyed 117 acre« of Land, more or len lllalr baa filed hla final report and - PRANK A. HEPI'E. If any there he. whv »aid petition j leas Attorney for the Patate Thia summons le pubttihed for six account In »aid «state In ph« County »liott'd no, he g ra n te d Court of lain» County. Oregon which ft la further ORDERED that thia- consecutive weeks In The »prlngfleld ha* aet Friday, S e p te m b e r Hill. 1934 order be nubllslied In the Springfield! News I) order of the Hon. G. P. Skip- at 10 i- 'c lo . k A M n t lb .- I o m itx New« of R-prlngfleld. Oregon for three worth, Judge of eald Court, made N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Court room In the Court llouae at D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E IN T E R IO R successive week», the lant publication July 9'h. 1924. Dated and first published July 10. EUgeti". O regon fur b e a rin g o b je r U. H LAND OFFICE AT ItOKEHCltG. i »0 he at |ea«( four week« before the 1924 a ttona thereto at. or on or before which time anpolnted for the hearing OREGON. Auguat 7. 1924 WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney time any objection» ahould he filed or' NOTICE IH HEREI1Y GIVEN that! Dated at Eugene. Oregon, thia 6th for Plaintiffs, Residence and Poet Marry llower, of Crow. Oregon, who, day of August, 1924. preaented. Office, Address: Eugene, Oregon. C. P BARNARD, listed and flrot published Auguat 7. on November 24. 1920. made Home , Jly 10 to A. 21 C ount. Judge. etead Entry. Serial No 013499 for j 1**4. 7 14-21 28. PRANK E BLAIR. Ixita j and 4 and EH of KWk» of *»r I Adnitnatrator. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Masterson of Camp lion 23 Township 188, Rango « W. WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Willamette Merltlan. haa file,I notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE creek were In Springfield Tuesday. Attorney. A 7 8-4. of Intention to make Pinal Three-yeai I STATE OP OREGON FOR LANE Jess Gates wag here Tuesday from Proof, to oa'abllah claim to the land j COUNTY. Camp creek. above described, before K, I). Immel.l CAUL AND SEP Hr. N W Emery P N. Snyder and Mattle Snyder, Stanley Baugh of Donna was a on price» on plate and other work, tf C H Com nil.« a loner, at hie office at Plaintiffs. Springfield business visitor Tuesday. Eugene. Oregon, on the 25th day of: vs. September. 1924. George Platt of Thurston was In William L. Oordon. The First Na C laim an t nam e* as witnesses; tional Bank. Eugene. Oregon; town Tuesday. Clark M Stephen« of Crow, Oregon tlonat Bank. Eugene, Oregon, The Eat at the P. A. Cllngun motored to Harrisburg H en ry Gates of Crow, Oregon. Bank of Commerce, Eugene. Oregon; SuhdMy. C. o Mi Hantel of Crow. Oregon SPONC A THOMAS and James Albert, Defendants: O. I). Corvell of Crow. Oregon CAFE HAMILL A. CANADAY. TO WILLIAM L. GORDON, Defend Register ant : Corner 3rd and Main A 14 HI 8 1 IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON: You are hereby re-i T restment.both qulred to appear and answer the com 1 plaint herein within six weeks from local and Internal, and haa been success the first publication hereof, and If, ful In the treatment o f Catarrh for over you fall to «0 appear or answer the | forty years. Sold by all druggists. I lalntlffs will apply to the court for F. 1 CH ENFV & C O ., Toledo, Ohio ClassifiedAdvertisements ' I I '4 I H a lF s C a ta r r h M edicine B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Contracting and Building W. F. WALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Plans and Estimates Furnished Free. Will Help You Finance The Watch of Railroad Accuracy V our B uilding. Full Auto Equipment W. O. W. block Office Phone 62 M. Res. Phone 62-J GEO. W. PERKINS Corner 5th and D streets Springfield. Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY • Call DENTIST Sutton Blrto. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 153 M SUTTON TRANSFER Springfield. Oregon SHOE REPAIRING Work Promptly and Carefully Done JOHN A. NELSON 509 Main Street We sell the HAMILTON WATCH Phone 57 D. W. Roof Jeweler GEO,. N, McLEAN Automobile, Fire and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds,. Phone 617 My buslnsrs Is to protect your business 860 W illamette St. Eugene Oregon Repairing a Specialty Springfield WM. G. HUGHES FIRE , AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon A. A. ANDERSON BARBER SHOP *1.50 Haircut 40c *3.00 Razors *2.00 *1.00 Fitch Shampoo 85c ------------------------------------------------------- ROBERT W. EARL District Manager The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States Phone 1197 Y 218 Castle Bldg., Eugsns, Ors. “The Loop” Your Home When In Springfield Pacific Feed & Supply Co. Distributors of Fisher9 Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feeds • e • O. E. Freight Bldg. East 5th. Eugene Oregon . ... DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. 1 COLLECTIONS No Co loction, No Charge. W illamette Collection and Credit Service 860 W illamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. Phone 378 ' 1 SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. All kinds of gravel for con crete or road work. Wo make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. .... - FRANK A. DE PUF, JOHN M. WILLIAMS Attorney for Vet. Stain Aid Com,, Soldiers Bonn« Loans. L. E. BEAN Attorney State Land Board, glntn School Fund Loans. WILLIAMS A BEAN ATTORNEYS 860 W llllsm stto St. Eugsns, Or«. Llconsod to practice In nil Courts of the Slate, and United 8tat«s. ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Buldllng Sprlngflnld Oregon. I C E FREE DELIVERY Monday, Wednesday, Friday Holverson Bros, Props. AS GOOD AS YOU CAN M A I1 U home—that's the -rot t statem ent w e cun offer about our tee cream. When you can get cream 111 ■- ours which com purrs In quality and flavor with your own delicious, creamy home-made, why bother with making It at home? The cost is about the sam e and you save all the fit3S and annoyance. Squeak - Squeak - Squeak Repair Hint qqenky wiheel before He too lute. *1.60 per wheel Springfield Service Station EGGIMANN’S OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST The wool market Is gaining la strength and the world demand is b * coming keener, according to a telegraq* received at Pendleton by Mac Hokgl secretary of the Oregon Wool G row ere' association from the headquarters Brief Resume of Happenings of of the National Wool Growers' a s « 9 elation at Salt Lake City. 1 the Week Collected for J Cummings * LaPoint, contractors^ . Our Readers. have completed the concrete paving ! from Monmouth south to the H»nta*| Twelve new fires broke out In the county line. This completes the las* Deschutee forest as a result of a gap in the west side Pacific highway* Albert Amort, state engineer, has aa* lightning storm. The box factory at Prairie City was the date for the opening of this pava* totally destroyed by fire with a loss u en t to traffic for September 10. According to Olin Douglas, druggist eetlmated at 125,000. Fire destroyed the Implement and at Lakeview, Malheur and Harney; oil store of D. Poble & Son at Salem, lakes are dried up. as Is Deep « reel* and several other good fishing stream s with a lose estimated st *22.000. The Eugene Woolen Mills have re ! In that district. The drying up ot these rendezvous of the finny tribg sumed operations after being dosed - will necessitate restocking and h as for the greater part of the summer. , spoiled fishing in that district fog Approximately 50 carloads of green several years. prunes will leave the Salem district j Oregon Elks in the seventh anno«! for distant markets, according to an convention at Tillamook Indorsed and nouncement. decided to take an active part la During the past few months Albert National Defense day program, Sep Fisher has shipped 11 cars of horses tember 12, outlined an Ameriranixa» and mules from Haines to Denver, all : tlon program to be carried out during raised on the Fisher ranch. the forthcoming year, and adopted Bad-check artists again Invaded several resolutions outlining other The Dalles during the last few days. ' constructive work. obtaining 8I60 from two local mer The Eagle Point irrigation district chants before the fraud waa discover has requested the state Irrigation and ed. drainage securities commission to ex Foreign shipping of lumber from tend for a period of one year the In Coos Bay during the last fiscal year i terest guarantee on bonds issued for totaled more than 100,000.000 feet. : the development of the project. The with nn estimated value of nearly state previously had guaranteed th e *4,000,000. payment of Interest on these bonds Dr. Joseph E. Hall, former state for a priod of IH years. commander of the G. A. R.. was elect- , The South Umpqua river above ed surgeon general of the G. A. R. at , Roseburg Is not to be closed to bath the fifty-eighth annual encampment ! ers. the county health department has In Boston. announced. Samples of river water The body of John Pustejovsky was j show that although the stream is un found In a bouse on the Pacific high- fit for domestic use, its water may ba way near Albany, with a bullet hole used for bathing. Below the city all through the lungs and an army pistol bathing is forbidden and swimming holes inside the city lim its are for by his side. E. Done Is critically 111 In Reeds bidden by order of the city council, port as a result of drinking a quarter as the water was found to be very of a pound of commercial ether, which highly contaminated. A party of men, members of the he purchased, he said, for use in start Dukhobor organisation, a Russian ing an automobile. Picking of fuggle hops is under way sect, with colonies in Canada, has ob In Oregon and so far the yield is com tained options on farm land near Junc ing down lighter than usual. Picking tion City. It has been known that the of clusters will start about August 25. sect has been planning to emigrate to Lane county for some time, and the earlier than customary. American Legion at Eugene has been Two persons were killed and three protesting against the move. The ex- injured when an automobile driven by service men are expected to take James Beattie. 27, left the highway steps to prevent the Dnkhobore troin and overturned at Johnson's bridge, entering this country. five miles east of Tillamook. | The fruit harvest of the Hood River Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian valley is under way. although it w ill and secretary of the state livestock be mid-September before picking to sanitary board, Is in Des Moines, la., any appreciable extent will be start to attend a national covention of live ed. While the Apple Growers’ asso stock sanitary board officials. 1 ciation has sold the bulk of its Bartlett James Kleth of Talent was horribly pear tonnage to canners, the organ burned while firing a donkey engine ization will ship a few cars packed. in a logging camp near Hilt, dying The harvest of Gravenstein apples be shortly afterward without hiing aibe gan this week. Kings, loo, will be to explain the cause of the accident. picked at once. The season has been, Plans for construction of a natator- an unusually early one. ium and roof garden were announced It will require 363,233 pamphlets at Roseburg. A company made up en containing the various measures to tirely of local men has been formed go before the voters of Oregon at the and will incorporate for *100,Ooo. it November election to supply the de was stated. mand under the law. according to a By hiding in a narrow space be statem ent issued by Sam A. Koser. tween the body and the running gear secretary of state. Arguments for and of a motor truck that operates in and against the measure al9O will be con out of the state prison yard, Patrick tained in these pamphlets. Mailing Bishop escaped from the state peni of the pamphlets began Monday. There tentiary at Salem are tour proposed constitutional R. M. Barker, driver of an automo amendments and three m easures to be bile that was seeking to establish a referred at the fall election. speed record between Seattle and Oak Men have been burned by an in land. Cr.!., was fined *410 by Judge competent and careless X-ray oper Xuntx at Salem on two charges of ator; medicine ordered by the doctors speeding and racing. has not been given despite numerous Announcement is made that all mid demands for II and some nurses and Columbia cities win participate on ' orderlies have slept at their posts Labor day In a pageant, depicting while sick men called for attention, early day history of the Columbia patients ot the United States veterans river as a highway Into the Oregon hospital £ 0 . 77 in Portland charged country, to be held at Koberg beach. in the course of an investigation start ed by the American legion, looking Just east of Hood River. The second Linn county employe toward the removal of Dr. Frank N. within a week met an accidental death Gordon, superintendent and Dr. C. M. when a large rock from a bunker at Tlaney, receiving officer. Accompanied by representatives of the county rock ususher near Foster dropped onto the head of John W. the United States fire servics and Nye, road supervisor. The skull was members of his own company, R. A. fractured and death was almost In Booth of Eugene, president of the Ochoco Timber company, was in the stantaneous. Both John W. Davis and Charles W timber of Crook county on a mission Brynn, democratic candidates for pres of investigation with a view to buy ident and vice-president at the Novem ing the government holdings in the ber election, probably will give ad Ochoco national forest, which adjoins dresses in Oregon during the earn- i those of the Ochoco Timber company. palgn, according to Dr. C. J. Smith, If this deal is made it means the chairman of the democratic state cen milling of the timber and the estab lishment at Prineville of a yellow pine tral committee. plant equal in magnitude to the best Two case» involving the right of in the state. stales to requiro children betw een'the Governor Pierce sent a letter to ages of S and 16 to attend public Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state, schools have been docketed in the seeking to borrow *25,0.0 from an United States cupreine court. The appropriation authorized at the last appeals were brought by Governor ' session of the legislature with which Pierce and Attorney General Van to meet current demands on the state Winkle of Oregon and District At penitentiary revolving fund. The leg torney Myers of Multnomah county. islature at its last session created a The fir«» carload of apple* for the revolving fund of *100,too for the season, Gravenstelns loaded at Van- penitentiary, and also voted a fund of n. on the Mount Hood railroad line, *50,000 from which the pr-, >n could was foi warded to the »astern domestic borrow If there was not sn tcient to market from Hood River. The Valley carry on the work of the i>. itutional Short line alao brought down the sea Uulustries. The letter sabl that prac son's first carload of pears, Bartlett* tically all the *100,006 f u n 1 j , been from the Vanhoru orchard of E. R exhausted and that the ,25.0** addi Pooley, which went to ennners at tional was needed principally to pay Hillsboro. flax straw for the state flax plant