Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1924)
PAGE FOUR UPPER W IL L A M E T T E TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS WAR PICTURE BEING Som« CAPTIVE CODLING MOTHS Thrifty Tips FO R TH E HOM E MADE AT UNIVERSITY THUR8DAY. AUGUST 21. 1921 Last Linea. ”| wonder If ll'a loaded 1 11 look down (he barrel and s e e ” Mrs, KeM«r sod daughter returned Divorce Announcement Crda Cnlveraity of Oregon, Eugene. Aug from Missouri Thursday. Mr, and book at ibis wire hanging down Captive cod I lug moths tudicato. by us 14.— A history of the World i Straw Matting—Sponge straw mat- Divorce Announcement Cards. Mrs Kebler and family hare recently ••merging from the pupal stag* lu th s ¡ln,° **»• »'reet! I'll throw it to one wa(er Nifty oardo. antiouiiclug the sen purchased the ranch formerly owned War,” a motion - plrutre now in - prep - , tI1< wtUl experiment statlou hnwdlng cage», I’ *4* by Mr and Mrs, Guy Carr of Cot-I*’* “ 0 " hy <* the "»« ’ I'M matting should be well beaten. acrub- that their free sblera ami brothers y Alfrp* Alfred * Pow,>r*’ 1‘owem. of "I wonder "• *onder how much electricity er's divorce, are the latest things I yerslty Extension Division, will be w„h wa„ „ w>ter r|lmw| tag» Grove. I’ll touch one and In greeting cards among the "Ppps In the W illamette valley are doing the ••***• wires carry |released In September. Mr Powers and then hung In the open air to Ten '• Keith Preelon, Chicago New Thomas Handshaker of San Diego J same thing This means that the Hu! find out.” delivered the sermon at the Christian 1» cutting the scenes most Important dry. "I wonder whether ihls rope will ■uggesta on appropriate cottplnt f» one* will begin laying eggs as soon ■tie bottom of the card; church last Sunday W. A. Elkina historically from about . doaen of-f w in d o w « -W h o « w indow. are hard as ;*« temperature at 8 o'clock In the hold my weight ” "Mrs, John llenrv Howard | being absent. Mr. Handaaker le a (ftcial war reviews, which he 1» re- ,0 open, rub ,he cords with soft soa*. •venlng—the "cackle“ hour for the*» "Which one of t i e » . Is the third I arranging, re-tltllng. and ro-edlttng to and the sashes will run amoothly. pleased 1st anOounce brother of Mrs. W. L. Bristow pests In O regon -Is not less than so rail, anyway'" Master Harry Rogers of Eugene re- ft>rm * slx n * ! ulm ' ”* ‘"‘''»’«ed In Her husband. John Henry, la give Onlona— When ctxrking onions a Ut degrees 1 "l.lsten! That's the Interurhan turned to h is'h o m e sSaturday a fte r ,'” '; r < hr« * H y Loan Collection, ( ile vinegar _ . placed on _________ Iho bounce." the atote in So Its about "proving time aguln to "'hlalle S u p on the accelerator and spending ten days visiting at Pleasant T b li altu wl11 *aUjfJr a specific an earthen Jar will prevent th smell get the new w orn, egpec'ted to be nt *»'0 be«, It aerosa ” That Is a dellcalo way uf Infurmln Hill. demand on the part of the schools ¡getting through the house, the hatching peak August Ik to 2 0 j ’'It'» no use swimming here. lu i your friends that they need out tuour A fire of unknown origin com plete-’ Amerkan 1 nglon folk, and olher <»r- Adhesive Taps— To remove .»Jhe- unless ehllly and wet weather should <olng out beyond the lit« It»«» ” fur your tragedy In ilotuoatlr Ufa. an ly destroyed the hop barn and about j <**litMil‘>ns Interest»,! 1n historical slve tape from the skin, saturate a set In and delay etg 'aylng and hatch ‘T » c never driven a car In traffic you ar« ready to be laviin«] la parti» 1S.0CP pounds of new hops belonging »bats'! Mr. Powers. . ¡»gong* with benaine. wash the tape tng. The spray that Is expected to before Hui Mtey Bay Il's perfectly right along The plcutr. will show life Uf. among and „ It can to L. K. Stafford near Goshen, Wed- lb l PMatra aa>on« with It. „„g ,.an be pulled off with give the new arrivals such a meal —— nesday evening about 5 o'clock. T h e!1”* in tbe '»rious forms of serv- »m any trouble, as will prove their Iasi. If the weather estimated damage is somewhere b e -,,c* , '1“ rina ,he warl famous battles. Meringue—If a teaspoonful of wat I» normal, should go on before August: tween six and seven thousand dollars “c u‘ ‘ b>t®“ “ Thierry. In whlchJer Is added after the sugar Is beaten Ik. the station specialists say | the American forces were a ctiv e;],« . )ottr merlll|nie wl„ t>„ ||<h| about half of which was covered by This la the third regular codling insurance. The flames spread I ‘n » » r- Wilson. PWncalre. i A pinoh of baking powder a adiL d moth spray, known by growers as the the barn to the pastures land but , rs” iu* anJ olb’*r8; m achinery, while beating is also very good August cover spray Ita date varie»; no great damage was done. Mr Staf US.*^. *" war: can,ouf?age; and scenes Starch—If « few shavings of can with the weather and other Conditions, ford had Jus« finished picking his w” '^” «“ « o r i e l significance. die are added to starch. the clothes so growers generally huve no way of crop of early hops and filling the barn. „ T”e 1 “ ‘m service now will shine and he very eaally Ironed There was no warning or smoke com- * balf mi l,on feet of nim ’which j Mahogany—If washed w it/v in e g a r knowing just the right time to a p -, ply It. The station tear»« the timo l»g from the barn until It burst Into ” ara,,ab,e ln “ ** loan collection, of c i j U a. spo(J ai and sends thg Information Io the 1 flame | Tb’ pictures are educational, and In- and mahoga„r will look like new growers through cooperating newspaJ elude scon:«. Industrial, and h r i-, 8 l » k - l f a ,omp of salt I. P ". N. A. Chaffee and family of Dexter m&tcri&K The films nrv toADcd, kem in th < u i are enjoying a visit from Adna Chaf-j csl some fr»«e of charge and others for f u>* L d ’ in t i TH’ "1O'h’ ®WWr” fe« of Long Beach, a sister of Mr. I a small rental fee. They are eepo E n .m .l U t . n . l , ^ « ' "n’‘ '”'” r Chaffee. d a ily popular with schools, church,«. h " " ." " T * *’ """ *“ J A. Higgins and wife have moved and community o rg a n iw io n s a ’* ' “ r h‘>P»l*»»ly ruin nlceet a p p le ,hat „ takes the com- to Hills Creek to operate the sawmill __________ _________ | n r f<xxl hail burned in blned effort« of >ta!(on. newwpaper« Now Fall Designs In Moulding Just Received In All Stylos they recently purchased from Asher Good Roads Pay Dividends ' p l,c e * ihi*ture of strong soap and growers io prevent their doing it Veatch. A clever statistician has estim ated 1 i',' "*''" , ” *n* aUl* »“ »w to stand With the combination working at ton and Prices At L. P. Toll and family of Gonhen that the state highways of Oregon. ., r'* ° r fOUr <li‘vs without changing "P*«l th ,\ vrorttss are balk 1,1 and have Springfield Mrs moved lj«nr. to n -.ia ’ a’ to Z . 7 live. " ; wrhleh repressot a total state Invest w“ *er- T!” “ P«ur th« water o f f / “T ed Into tin» hits of fertiliser on Sierr-- Uadro »’ai ** dreD ° f "»*« of «bout »70.000.000. besides the > u, **/ " h * *°n c,o,h- * « «he «PP|«' '’«' P W !«•< Itofore they can h / / .n » , , ' r*,uraed county nvads that feed . „ d serve , bl‘ ckn<s* w“ > «W**W-r Do not fruit a s with Mr. and Mrs tb,.m actually return the state a fo lr . ^ _ ^ ,Ore >o,k,n< «» <A* enamel I Field observations ar« made bv th • D E Ferguson and Rev , nd Mrs T ? “ ’ *ClU1“ y “ will crack. George Warner. ' J«“ «cest on ».100.000.000 This return _ ____ v .. r ¡»««Ion to 'check” on th« hrnoding ___ ________________ comes in the way of tourist reven u es.’gh can b* thoroughly rage estimate*. All Indications were tbal without the comprehensive sys "k , J ” ««"I «hen that the second generation of moth- • FARM B F M lw n c D C • tem Of iI ,t e road’ would never reach „ * f '' n ,h’* ,r ,,e l* ni» *” would reach their greatest number hr a . 'T ™ « tX J N O E R S \ the «axe. Inveatments «hat pay . ” * ‘ ahed' the wo.d tha end of ,as< w.vk The cap«.»»- 7 West 7th, Eugsne, Oregon SHOW SPRAY T IM E NEAR We Specialize in Framing People - - - In Pictures- Baker-Button’s Winged forms of the currant aphids “ 1^ “ “ “ “ ,belr normal c ,p begin to appear In the fa!’ in Ore i,,llx ,,,o n ou’ h« ,o be safe anywhere non and fl,"from bush to h u S i h e * rO“,,S ,hW *' b’ yond When Z i- ' wlH T “ ' » “0 J ’ b W‘U be *°n ,nd “ ™»M«>hab.e. P‘‘“ r ' h* ’ ‘* U°" lM * ' r ,u “ ‘ froa Euffy. P“Pae transformed from worms that were In little app.e, picked up from ! sexed forms evolve and the males lav '*aCh ° f '*** ’ ’““ P ^ c r m ak.« such s 7 ~ ------- un':,’r 'he trees Mnv eggs on the hark where some « m i l» R ^ m m e n led ? ° U‘ ’ P* rk ’hrr>U<h ' ‘ mr < «11 winter. Aphids hatch birth to reffon iD *” « P“ st has built paved ”rs mwuled for mokers and camp- as the free ones Kodaks. Films, Kodak Finishing They go 1 young. Lime sulfhur 1 to JO plu r<,‘“<!8 ot a '¡uaJlt-v comparable to city _____________The doseage Is often Increased In | _ _ _ _ _ (hla third spray to S pounds of pow nicotine sulfate 1 to 800. is the stand- Bv recognlxlng reeognixlng the advan - ~ — ------ — of - ’ hock . . absorbing . Spent W**k-En< W e e k -E n d l « “ — dered lead arsenate "o 200 gallons of' ard spray for this pest recommended “eces3i,y ®P*"‘ Monroe------ by the experiment station. qualities in a pavement It has not- MrS Tba<l '“" • ’«» Mrs. Thad A A. I'"rh" Barber. f Clayton I » water. Barber, ----- and Miss Ella -wes McCurry j only he’d down first costs but It has . I---------• urry o of r ------------- ----- ----------- rel,lced «u’ lh'enance costs to a m in i-iEuKene- ’ pent the w eekend with Mr SPECIAL PRÎCF ,,n »late _».». Hungarian vetch, because of it« Dr I ’« mum. This l a t t e r I . . . » . . . “ J « n d Mrs F . V P o r t e r e , u _____ . . N \v \ n t|P r winter hardiness and resistance to mum. This latter item has wrecked “ n 1 Mr* Fav por«««' of Monroe, nt Sutton Bldg over wat ring, la coming into favor to many a good roads program due » to to , thelr coun,ry home th er^ Oregon as a cover and green manure the J useless drain it entails on tax EXCELLENT office or small alore j Don't start anything you can't fl«>- crop especially in orchards. I: has room for rent. Inquire at News office 11’ h- forest fires, for Instance not been w interkilled on the »Xpert- - S. Ralph Dippel. Dentist. Vitas ' _?**?’ fires from little sparks are ment station farms or other farms re building, Springfield. Oregon pr“a 1 Springfield News » 1 25 per year. porting. even at a temperature of 10 degrees when other vetches were Eye Specialis, will fit g ia ,,e, for - severely damaged. cordwood. Address Box 532. Eugene. MAKE SURE You Get This Special C ylinder ln the W asher Y ou Buy f I Proper pruning of the bearing grape vine removes about 90 per cent of the wood—a heavier pruning than Is given any other fruit. A matn’-e vine making good rrovr'h 1« left the same number of buds it had the »reviou« season in ” ie O. A. C. Exprlrnent station plantings while a weakened vine i2 allowed a fewer number of buds. Very vigorous vines are no’ pruned so heavi»- hot sr» lowed to expend more of their energy in fruit production. Straight, even honey combs made up of worker cells are used in the O. A. C. station apiaries to facilitate handling and increase the output of the colony. It is necessary to use full sheets of foundation In the frames to get this type of comb. Lumber Sale* Incresciog. Statistics for the present month In- dlca’e that sawmills in lumber pro ducing sections ar« selling more pro ducts than they are cutting Lumbermen are not trying to crowd np present prices but are preferring to bold roduc'Ioq to the present level. This is ,he policy of keeping the m o* labor employed without glut ting (he supply on hand. For Instanc .■ i n West Coast saw mill» In a single week fhfcj month manufactured 21,1)00.000 feet hnt sold and »hipped 104,000.000 feet During the first 31 weeks of this year the sam,. mills produced 2,804,000,000 f e l l and shipped 3.029.000,000 feet, «hip-1 ment exceeding production by 165 - 1 000,000 feet. F-oduction for 31 weeks In 1924 was about 3lx per cent less than for tb -i «*n s period In 1923 and 15 per cent lose Than In 1922. There is a perfectly harmonious re latlon between saw m ||im en and th , r employes, showing a willingness on «».- part of labor to adjust Itself to best Industrial conditions. The Western Pine manufacturers have curtail.-' production about flf t«en per cent. There Is a continued marl ed Increase in volume of busl- ®« ks placed. Eternal Youth. Mr*. Mary Saundnr*. 74. Blloxo. Ml«*., had b tr hair bobbed b»fora marrying her eighth hueband, aged ♦♦ î ! The Safe Road to Success J a r Fply a m atter of right buying. You buy right, here. r d a i e ! 4 WP It ia a .markH ,he beginning of ou r tw enty-third U y° U t0 enr° U DOW ,n OOe of our r'*'Kular G ood I n v e a tm e n t in a G ood Ask for full inform ation. PHONE 66 Eugene Business College EUCENP o r n n iu EUGENE, n OREGON A. E. Roberta. President W e Appreciate Children’s Accounts T h e First Bank OF E U Q E N | Slnea IMS T 992 W illam ette Street cylinder is an innovation in metal * cylinder dm g n . N o other cylinder is like it. N o other cylinder has such advantages. T he C O N L O N cylinder is all-aluminum—easy to keep clean. Its lk»r is ribbed to give it great strength - » " ¿ a s n° »older is used anywhere In its construction, it is aoubiy strong. i rO u <Xhr r Tk® Cover alway> « « P on T he C O N I O N cylinder, for it is made over a cam aluminum SK jn S n O F F IC E that mean your entire satisfaction. EASY TERMS There 1 s nothing that ___ m akes us happier than to have some tiny tot saving bis pennies with us here a t the First Na tional. His progress per haps might seem slow, but the good he derives from saving does not lie in the am ount stored away. It is in the habit of thrift that is being in stilled into him early in life. Why not open an account for your young ster? 40 Years of Helpful Service Phons 688 z S c h o o l. Eastman Grocery ------ - il r » n A business training leads the way to success, and this Is a 7 /n n e r her >OU a re 8 profe“ ,onal ,na,‘- a m erchant, or THRIFT National >' It Hosts no more to get The CONLON than an ordinary w a sh e r. $15.00 IMJWN and the bal ance In term s less per m onth Ilian it coats you to get your waahing done. There In no need to have other than the beat. Come In and «ee The CONLON today. -£l To P o rtla n d Low round trip fares $5.30 $6.20 to Portland and return. Sold on Friday*, Saturdays and Sundays. Return lim it »h«, following Tuesday. to Portland and retu rn . Sold any day. Return lim it 15 days. Stopovers any* where. Its comfort, aonvenience and safety make Southern Pacific service worth more to you than a ny other form of transportation. For full in communicate with C. OLSON, Local A g en t Pacific Mountain States Pawer Go « •* »