Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1924)
PAGE THWBB T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS TULL’S CAFE I Roy Stauffer, Prop. All American An Ideal place to dine, where right service Is given at the right time. Orchestra music while you eat. W. E. Naylor, Prop. Phone 220 E ugene’s Co A d v e r tisin g P lan City Cleaners Cleaning - Pressing Repairing - Dyeing 956 Willamette St. Appeal to Rural District People for Mutual Commercial Interests The Real Shoe Shop Elliott Implements Seed Store When In Eugene take yo u r »hoes to the It«»ul Shoe Shop to he re p a ir ed. R epairing done w hile you w ait. M all orders given prom pt atte n tio n . LOGGERS SHOES made to order ami to please the wearer. Prices fro m $ 10.(Ml to 116.00 The Heal Shoe Shop We guarantee to make your watch keep time or refund your money. Expert« on Hwlsa Bracelet Watches Skeie’s Jewelry Store .--------from-------- Oanner-Robertson 77 Ninth h e . East Guns, A m m u n i t i o n , Flahlng Tackle, Spald ing A t h l e t i c Goods, Camping Goods. M A C K ’S A U T O SU PPLY H O U SE loth & Oak St*. Eugene <>r®- Welders Supplies Gas A- Equipment Springs Pistons * Rings New Replacement Parts for all cars Differential A Timing Gears, Valves Prest-O-Lite Batteries and Service B rake UB w E Battery and Electrical Service 89 W 9th Phone 1619 Develop Lane County GOOD SHOES At Cheap Shoe Prices STAR SHOE STORE ----- 35 West 8th S t.------ The d e v e l o p m e n t of Lane county as a whole de pends, not on the growth of the cities therein alone, hut the concerted effort of every individual in the couuty. It Is the co-opera tion of jthe man ton the farm and the man in the cities. Just out of the high rent district. Walk ’/ j block and save $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ THE HUB 646 Willamette For Camping Supplies, Outing Goods, Leather Puttees, Bathing Suits, Men’s Furnishings, Hats, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Equip your m otor with “Kant Skore” Pistons for SPEED, POWER, ECONOMY CYLINDER GRINDING, CRANKSHAFT TUNING 674 Olive Phone 843 C J. PEMBROOK ► Parts for all Cars at the Reclaimed Auto Pails Co. 136 West 8th Eugene >71 DEPAR3TgyT>STQ BI3 Dry Goods, Clothing Shoes— Ready to wear 131 East 9th Phone 1192 Eugene, Oregon 597 W illa m e tte St. Buy Your Sporting Goods McCormick - Deering Farm Implement« Fall Grain & Grass Seed Sperry Feed's for Poultry & Stock To best attain the end desired It is evident that as much as possible, the wealth here, be retained. Do not send to the mall order houses your money for they are doing nothing in return to help build up the country. Phones 60 and 149 512 EUGENE W illa m e tte St. O REG O N Wo Invite you to our store. We have been In the home furnishing business In Eugene for 35 years and we believe we can help you solve your furniture problems. Try us. Furniture for every room in the house 941 Willamette St. Books, Stationery Office Supplies Harry Garrett Merchant T.ailor Eugene’s Leading Bicycle Store We Do Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing 2T E. 9th Ave. (Greund Floor) , PHONE 1744 EUGENE, OREGON Columbia, Rambler, ttkelby and Heavy Sorvlee Bicycles P L A N T A N D O F F IC E P H O N E 122 245 E. N IN T H The Eugene merchants are co-operating In com bating the mail order busi ness. Through their adver tisements on this page they are offering values that heat the "book salesman” in many ways. CAMPING SUPPLIES Love & Barrett M A IN O F F IC E P H O N E 75 829 W IL L A M E T T E MARX’S EUGENE DYEING & CLEANING WORKS M A S T E R C L E A N E R S . D Y E R S , PR E S S E R S AND PLEATERS “BLUE BELL’’ ICE CREAM Wagon Calls at Springfield Tuesday and Friday. Johnson Furniture Co. Special Prices During August. Ask about them. Lime - Plaster Brick - Cement Fire Place Supplies Hollow Tile Building Blocks “ Johnson Sells for Cash and 629 Willamette St. Furniture WETHERBEE -POWERS DR. GEORGE A. SIMON EAST NINTH AND OAK Phone 355J 916 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon Use your credit We charge no interest C. J. BREIER CO. DR. M. L. HANDSHUH A Chain Store Foot specialist; corns, callouses removed; bun ions, fallen arches, all f o o t aliments. Hoars dally, 10 to 6. 613 Wil lamette, ground Moor. Phone 344. Cor. 6th and Willamette Ladies Satin, Suede. Kid, Calf and Pattent Leather Pump, and Oxfords Exceptionally good values. Ask for E U G E N E , OREG O N Its success and growth merits your investigation Examination Free $C.85 — $9.89 — $4.50 — $4.95 154 8 th St.. West TFXTS F ° r Sale T E N T S — F o r Ken¿ 30 East 9th St. CHIROPODIST H. R. LARSEN 734 WILLAMETTE ST. Coe Stationery Co. Chiropractic Eugene, Oregon The Tollman Studio Phone 770 Phone 1188 Phone 650 864 Willamette St. SHOES H O S IE R Y Sells for Less” MANVILLE BROS. 67 E 9th All m o d e r a te ly p r i c e d . Every salesman an ex pert shoe fitter. The largest stock of style, and qua! lty shoes in the valley. ------------------- - M a n d o l i n * M M. »7.00. »«.00. V lo llin »5.00, »11.00 »15.00. G u itar* »5 00, »5.00. »10.00 »12.00. Kt no H aram erle»» S h o t Gun »25.00. C o m m o n H am m er lea» S h o t G un »10,00. F in e 22 W in c h e s te r »10.00. Stationery, Office Supplies, Kodaks, School Supplies For the Best of PHOTOGRAPHY 53 East 9th St. M. S. B A R K E R KOKF -TIFFANY CO. A Shoe Dept. Store Comparisons of quality and values of goods, with the same "description” of goods in distant states soon shows you the difference Groceries MATLOCK’S Dry Goods 950 Willamette Eugene, Oregon Scobert’s Warehouse Co. Eugene, Ore. For the man who cares THE Florsheim SHOE MODEL Shoe Store Eugene, Oregcti Eugene Auto Sheet Metal Co. Radiators, Fenders and » Bodies Repaired 7tb Ohameitoa, B a g e m l