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About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1924)
S P R IN G F IE L D — THE O IV O T C O TO I N T » R « * T O F B P R IN O F IIL O A N O T M I F A R M E R S OP T H « W IL L A M E T T E VALLEY W ESTERN T E R M IN A L O F THE NATRON C U T O F F THS SPRINGFIELD NEWS KPHINGFIELI), LANE COUNTY, OREGON^ TH lTtSIM Y , AUGUST 21, 1824 TW ENT Y -FI 11ST Y E A11 BRATTA« TRACT m i 8E OPENED Meeting Celled of Land Com pany to Elect New President and Board of Director* and to Decide on Future Action. DEFENSE L E G IO N S IG N S F IF T E E N • a - “Rain Padre” N E W M E M B E R S IN D R IV E ¡C arl »«nsanay't Campaign; T u rn Lsgionnalrss W ln n .r Shlngl« of Named to Patriotic M ak. P ossibility of th» opening of the Ilrstta ln addition a*»’ of T enth street for the building of rssld en css 1« seen In u m eeting c a ll'd aoon of th e Brut- tain Land company. An inform a. me. ting was held thia week and an o th er haa been called, according to Mr» Amelia Hmlth. p resid en t of the com pany. At lh m eeting a new praal- d en t end board of d irector» will be chosen. Mra Sm ith. who has been III for aonie tim e paat. doea not feel able to keep the r< aponslbillty of her rm ttlo n . For 25 ycara F»*' r Jerom e S. T he Imul. whluh •• an hO arre tract, Rlcard haa sen t . daily w eather ittity I»«’ |x>'*lbljr be divided Into lot» rep o rts to th e U rm ere n ear the at th» w rit ••«<! n a il to the city of S anta C lara iL a lii.) U niversity. Now the K nights of Columbus are Hprtnfffiald. but a <1 fin lt« d ach lo n conducting a cam paign to tr a c t a h«« not yet b ^ n reached a» to Ju»t new observatory to r him. w hat course will be purauod. It 1» |rv e |. and hboii’fl develop tn ’o un ad- tnlrablv alto for n* w hon»»** »» the HOME LAUNDRY SOLD tow n extanda it» r«*aldantlal d istrict. TA m c c u c c i MAM S * members added to the organiza- TO C R E S W E L L M A N , |o || ltlI |U(),, Ib< following names: W I). F ritts. Paul Basford. It. L. B urnett. The Home L aundry, which has M R S . H U F F M A N , 20 Y E A R S Ira liako. H erbert H enderson. N orm an been run by Fred H ake for eom* O L D . D IE S A T H O S P IT A L I time past, wan so'd this week to Mr. Anderson. Fred Knox. Levi Neet. Emil Bower, Itu sse'l K -enan, Paul Movers, House of Creswell. T he deul waa Jack G orrle. Jam es G orrle Ftnlth Mrs H elen Itulh Huffm an. 20 years , com pleted on Monday, and Mr Houae Montjoy, H arold Perkins. W infred old. wife of A J H uffm an of Alrlle, will tak e charge of th e business and .May, and A. W. M ltzner of O akridge. died at tlie Goshen hosital August IS. fixture» a week from tom orrow. Mrs H uffm an fo rm 'rly m ade h er T he cam paign for m em bers, w hich la Mr Hakn Is to be em ployed by the part of a s ta te and nation-w ide m ove home a t Lowell, w here her p aren ts W estern lum ber company a t W estfir, m ent. will be continued through the ■till reside. Ph" sa » m arried about w here he la rem oving with his wife g m onth of S eptem ber under a general n y ear ag<a and ynnved w ith h e r day o r tw o a fte r the tra n a fe r of rnan- leadership, hu t w ithout th e team com husband to Alrlle In h er last lllneea ugem ent will tak e place. Mrs. H ake petition. she was brought to th e Goshen hos I has sig n « ! a contract to teach school pital for treatm en t. at Kula. H er anbool begin« th e last She ta survived by h er hit,hand. A. Monday In fcwptember. A ccording to Returned from W a s h in g to n — M r. J H uffm an of Alrlle. by h er fath er Mr H ake th e laundry will p ro b ab ly ! and Mrs. John C. l*arker retu rn ed and m other. Mr and Mrs. A. J. R en be conducted under th e sam e name. 1 front S eattle W ednesday night. They fro of L0W«4l. and by five slaters and w ore accom panied to B rem erton by th ree brother», also of Low«!!. th eir eon. E rro l E arl P ark er, who C H A M B E R M E E T S M O N D A Y T he body was brought to the Walk boarded his ship, th e Arizona, a t dock e r chapel In Springfield, and funeral IN B U S IN E S S S E S S IO N ____________________ there. Mr. and Mrs. P a rk e r w ent serv ices w ere conducted at th-- Ixtwell The Ables Irrigation p roject a n d ! ,b o " rJ “ nd w , e " how" OTer «be b« ‘ scihool houae at 10:30 o'clock W ed tleshlp. T hey visited relativ es on nesday m orning by ev. Randal) Scotl p’nna for s 're e t paving will be topics of discussion at the reg u lar Spring : tb elr “ *>' h a c k -M re P a rk e r s sister, of the M ethodist church. In term en t w as In the l-owell c m e te ry . The fun field cham ber of com m erce m eeting Mr« Jam es P eters In C en tralia, W ash Ou>' » ‘-'hop. her b ro th er eral was very largely atten d ed by peo- Monday night at 8 o'elock P rec-dlng , iH« 'o a' the m eeting a board of d irecto rs | ,n «kehällä. In P ortland they called . pie from all over Lowell and vicinity upon M r and Mrs. W. L. McCullough. w here young Mra. H uffm an had been m eeting has been called for 7 o'clock It ta thought th a t the project of reared. paving of Mill stre e t to th e bridge Is to he soon, as plans a re now well W ell-W ater Said Bad I’aera of Well w ater a re urged by underw ay. Most of th e pro p erty own Dr W II Pollard, city health offlcei. ers have signed the petition for Im to again m ake aure th a t th e w ate. provem ent. Mobollzation Test In Springfield. Surprise For M r. Montgomery. L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N MANY LIONS WILL ROAR HERE FRIOAY Arch Killer O rganizations T he A m erican le g io n m em bership Following a com m unication iro n ., team headed by Carl Senaeny waa an- W alter M 1’1‘rce, governor of the nouuced as w inner over C. A. S w arU ’ »?»«« of Oregon, asking for a su itab le! I team at th e reg u lar m eeting of th e com m em oration of N ational D efense! I.eglon F rid ay night In the W. O. W. •»•X. S eptem ber 12, Mayor Charles F. ball. T he Het »food p to « In favor Eggim ann haa announced a commit- of Mr. S en aen y a team . T h e new H " of Springfield c lt li 'n s whom h e ' men were elected to m em bership, a* ‘,BB ap to ln ted to m ake plan» for th e ) well a» two o r th ree other» who sen t ‘ t” '®1“ c - A Sw art*. representing th e In appllcatfona a fte r th e co n test A m erican Legion, will head the com- closed. T he Initiation will be bela « “ » •• » ' general chairm an. O ther K e p t'" ‘her 6. with the losing team m «tnb«rs are: Mra. John F. K etela, I stag in g the e n tertain m en t and ban- ° f the O au rh t' ra of the A niericin r quet. Revolution. Mra. Edith Laxton. of th e I The Legion voted to help th e m<m- l-adl»» of the Grand Army of the (h e r, of th e F ree M thodlal church In B«P“ hllc, Sam Richmond, of the Span- W est Springfield In th eir un d ertak in g f"** W ar \e 'e r a n s , and M ajor M. B. of shingling th e ir church. A num ber of H untley, of the veteran» of Foreign m* n co ntributed th eir labor la»t eve- " “ rii “ I am Bsked hv the governm ent to ' nlng. and th e work will be com pleted tonight, according to Legion official«. cooperate In the m ater of a test of It w m decided to aecure a s e t of o u r N ational Defense to be held Sep colors fo r the organization. Including tem ber 12 of thl« year, the sixth a n an A m erican flag and a poet banner, niversary of the b attle of St. Mlhlel," jlce Cream and cake w ere served to ,* be G overnor'» ocm m unlcation state*. | member« of the Legion and th e Lad- He fu rth e r urge» th a t Oregon'« part tea' auxiliary following th eir business ,n tb ® ntelonal program be successful to th e fullest degree. •uTI meeting. A N U M B E R 32 C O M M IT T E E H E R E N A M E D BY M A Y O R In O fficers Church, DAY "Th* P w p H i P aper" F Nea-ly 200 from Willamette Valley Cities Expected to be Present and Assist in Spring- field Club Charter Ceremonies N early 200 Lions and th e ir wives from all the dens of the W illam ette valley are expected to visit Springfield Friday -evening, which ta c h a rte r night for th e local club. P ortland. Salem , Lebanon, E ugene and C ottage Grove j are sending big delegations which will | provide the entertain m en t for th “ eve ning. A s tre e t parade will precede a banquet a t th e W. O. W. hall a t 8 o’clock. The Springfield den, organized a m onth ago, is being chartered with 20 m em bers, local business men. T he Lions club Is a business man'3 organL Police of Hanover, Germany, be | zatlon, form ed to prom ote civic and lieve Fritz Haarman has murdered : social b etterm en t an-d loyalty to gov more than fifty, although he admits but twenty-two victims lured to ernm ent. M em bership Is by invitation his modest residence and murdered. and is lim ited to one man from each Craving notoriety seems to be his business concern. I only reason. • P lates a re being laid for 175 at the banquet and se p a ra te e n tertain m en t la | being provided for the visiting women L A B O R D A Y C E L E B R A T IO N P resident' Ralph Dippel. of the Spring- C A L L E D F O R W E N D L IN G fleid club, will preside. W. F. W alker, A num ber of friends of Mrs. Al --------- president of th e C ham b-r of Com- M ontgomery gave a surprise party in N early 4000 Attendance is Be' n9 merce, and M. M. Peerv, will welcome h e r honor on T uesday evening at her Planned For by Comm ittees the visitors to th e city in behalf of the home, the occasion being h er b irth in Charge of A ffa ir. cham ber and citizen. T h irty m inutes of day Mrs Vine McLean, whose b irth snappy e n tertain m en t Is being pro day cam e on Monday, the day before, j p lan s for the big 4L Labor Day vided by each of the visiting clubs. was a special honor guest. The party celebration to be held S eptem ber, 1 E. W. M errel. neat president of th e waa planned by Mra. C harles F. Eggl- Bt W endling are well underw ay, w ith Eugene club, will p re s-n t th e ch arter, m ann and Miss Mary Roberta. O ther com m i'teem en from Springfield, ( The c h a rte r m em bers of the local ladl s present w ere: Mrs. B eatrice W endling and Eugene In charge of den Include the fo'low lng: W. Henry- t a n \a lz a h . Mrs. EHa Lom bard, Mrs. the arrangem ents. A rep o rt will be A drian, C. Ivan Anderson, G. G. Rush- t« m Richmond, Mrs. W illiam Don- made each of the groups a t an ex- man, V ice-President, S Ralph Dippel. uldson. Mrs. May C raft. Mrs. F ran k ecutlve m eeting h e ll thta evening. A p re s id e n tju llu s Fulop. treasu rer. Wm. B arnard. and Mra. R obert Van Val- m eeting w as held A ugust 19 In the O. Hughe«, Jo h n H enderer. O. H. J a r xah. Ice cream and cake w ere served. E ugene office of the Booth-Kelly com- re tt. director, John F. K etela, tail pany to d 'd d e on place and the tw ister H. E 'tn»r Maxey, W. C. Mc- Many Enrich Treasury. n atu re of th e event. O ver 4000 per- Lagan, J. C. McM urray, director, D. Fin in,», for traffic offensee were paid sons. Including m em bers and th e ir B. Murphy, Jam es A. P ointer. W. C. as feciows this week In the court of^fam lles. a re expected to attend. ReMian. director. J. E S tew art, di- Ju d g e J. W. Coffin: John Stlvera, Eu- T h ere will be a program of sports, rector, H arry M. Stew art, Lion T am er gene, passing stre e tc a r while it was music, and several speakers, w ith a W illiam F. W alker, Flovd C. W ester- unloading passengers, 12.50; Jam es picnic lunch served a t noon. The com- field, secretary , W. C. W right. P arker. Iowa, cu ttin g corners. »5; O. m lttee will furnish the coffee, and t h e --------------------------- — G oodpasture. Eugene, speeding, »10; m em bers will ta k e b ask et lunches. ; M ayor and W ife to V is it East. Cecil Woolley. Eugene, speeding. »10; T here will probably be dancing In th e An extended trip through the east M arshall Fleld3, speeding, - i afternoon and evening «in v j Corvallis, » C om plete and gouth is pIanned by M ayor ! R1Ch‘ rd8' C onrallls' will be announced la te r by of- an„ M„ ch arJes p E sgjm ann Ing, »10; C. E Pierce. P ortland, speed pflcals of the local. T he eslebratton nln, „ ,, ning S eptem ber 14. T h e y wdll go di Ing. »10. Is one of many held by the organiza rectly to D etroit, M ichigan, via Se tion throughout the N orthw est. attle and Chicago, and In D etroit via At Family Reunion. it Mrs. E ggim ann's father. They will tf) Ff>rt w > yne t<> Dr. and Mr*. W. H. Pollard and see Mr. E ggim ann's b rother. Edwina j children W illiam. Ruth, R obert and Eggimann. and to H untington. Indian* jju le , atten d ed a fam ily reunion held to see hi3 sister. Mrs. G W. Sum- |a t Jefferson on Sunday. Besides the rners. B efore retu rn in g hom e they paases health U»ta. Two out of th e Springfield m em bers of the fam ily will visit th e historic city of New Oi>- th re e lestif mntle dpils week werte F A L L S F R O M T R E E A N D .th e re w ire those from P ortland and leans. La., th e G rand Canyon of the found to he below san itary conditions. LAYS 2 H O URS U NFO U ND INTRODUCING SA LLIE T igard A ttending w ere: Mr. ano Colorado, th e ir old home In San Die- Due to th e low condition of th e w ater S a'lie Is a m odern, p re tty young creatu re, with all the em otions and de- Mrs. John Hohman of P ortland. Mr. go, California, and stop in San Fran- th e wells l '“nd to be bad at thia tim e Irving Crow, son-ln law of Al Illg of the year, Dr. Pollard said. One gins of T ren t, suffered a severe In- alreu you yourself had when you w ere a t th a t glorious age th a t lies some- and Mra. J. W. MacDonald and th ree cisco to visit with Mrs. E ggim ann's I children, Mrs. A. W. V incent and son aunt, Mrs. C. C. Goodrich. T he trip well was condem ned on Mill e tre e t Jury t o his »fine about 11 o'clock on whern betw een sixteen and tw enty-five. Again she la your own d aughter, or th e d au g h ter of your very b s t A rthur. Mr. and Mrs. C harles T igard, will take a m onth's time. entne tim e ago. Some of th e w ater Sunday m orning when he fell about Is rendered fit for drinking by boiling. 50 feet from a tree In which he was friend. In o th er words, th e re Is some one d e a r to you w ith th e sam e son, and d au g h ter G race, who is on Returns to Minneapolis. gal,boring nioas. lie lav two hours on w arm th of sen tim en t, th e sam e etern al struggle betw een “right and w rong," -er w ay from San F rancisco to Wel- It ’ey college, all of Tigard. Viola Have Birthday Party. th e ground nt tie foot of the tree atid u n d ern eath It all. th a t In n ate d esire to "do rig h t" th a t God creates in Mrs. E dw ard L. Coffin, m other of Mr and Mrs. A. C. Peddlcord e n before he was found by neighbor-! all our little g irls—th a t prom pting spirit called conscience to be tenderly ami 'la b e l MacDonald returned to Mrs. Alfred J. M organ, who has been Spring. "Id with the P ollards for sev- ( tertain ed with a card p arty on T u e s Two v erteb rae hsd been crushed am. n u rtu red and m ade stro n g by d e a n thoughts and actions or left to grow m aking a visit of several w eeks In eral w eeks’ visit. day evening, celeb ratin g Mr P ddl- his left forearm broken ' >»* " t ' 1 Im perfect hi a weed. j Springfield, re tu rn e d to .her home In Although his low er lim bs a re now | » “» If ev ery w h ere The eyes of the world a re upon the ultim ate out- cord's birthday. G uests w ere Mr. snd Minneapolis. M innesota today. Mr. Mr» Troy tlu lb u rt. Mr and Mrs Fred eom,pi lely paralvzed due (n th e tn- “ "» e of h er m oral code Is sh e going to w eaken her c re td of right and , C arson to P aint School. and jjr« . M organ and d aughter Mil- (lin e , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cline. Mr. Jury to the spine, th ere a re .hopes th at ' '»nt »nd stre tc h h er philosophy of life to th a t of the girls who have a j T he contract ft - p ain tin g the gym idred. and Mrs. Donald Young of Eu- nasium a t the Li 'coln school w as gene accom panied Mrs. Coffin as far nnd Mrs. W aller Laxton, Mrs, W alter be will be ahle to w alk again a fte r "good ' tim e? l.lpi s slid daughter». T helm a and W il from 8 o r 10 m onths tn a venr. ac | '» »his day of cig arettes, cocktails and co rsets parked at the dance, your aw arded to George Carson of Spring- as P ortland In the Morgan c ar r>ui ma. anil Mra Hugh Jolllff anil daugh cording to Dr R ag en - K ester tie- n t - ] little girl Is Just w here S allle is. Sho m ust decide for herself. Your pro- ,f ield at a s p e c ie j n c d l n g of the h er stay her«« Mrs. Coffin has been te r T he evening wns spent playing t -adlng physlclnn. It will be some toi lin g a n a s cannot roach out to h er when problem s arise*. Do not be too school board held T ues lry night In extensively entertained. Mrs. J. O. "high 6." Light refresh m en ts were M in e before an operation will be p, r «mug and «elf-satlafled about your d au g h ter being "different" from the re s t the city hall to close the bids. Mr. Holt of E ugene en tertain ed a group formed to rellove th e p ressu re on ! "f h er crowd. They are all S allies at h 'o r t. P erhaps SaUle’s own ex-1 C arson was the low est b ld ’cr, and of ladies last T hursday at h e r country served by the hostess the . I Inal cord which Is lh " direct la rleiicc. put down tru th fu lly from the pages of h er own life, will help your Wns aw arded the co n tract at »St. hom e honoring Mrs. Coffin. A dinner R eturned from Cal fo rn ls— Miss El can of the pnralettc condition. Mr ! S allle Io pnu «e before t* c rush a headlong Into the cataclysm th a t yaw ns was given a t the A nchorage in Eu Injured at Marcóla—Jesse Wycoff. gene one evening recently by Mr. and len T o m sith and Miss Edwina P a r Crow Is about 22 y ears old. today for every young girl. w hile w orking S aturday for th e FIs sons retu rn ed Friday from Callfronta Trs. A. E. R oberts of E ugene w ith cher lum ber com pany a t M arcóla, w as Mr. .n d M rs7 c o ffiñ as* h o w g u ^ t s w here they have been vacationing and Attends Drainage M eeting. injured In the left arm . He was sp in | Thfl M organs w1H spend ft coup,e of visiting friends. Ml«s T om seth has As n m em ber of th e hoard of di- been al Weed. C alifornia, ami Mis« " l e t 's g«t out here. Sallle," saldto be aw ay from the re s t of th e gang. " n * * ,lO<’k of when » P'evtV days In P ortland. , r cturs on th e J 1). Cox drainage ’ , nnc„ I h n 't it. old d ear?" He squeezed my ” r »b« * * d g e flew up. em- ------------------------------ P arsons at Red Illuff Miss Tom seth project n ear Jun ctio n City, It n Ted Billing«, as he cut In on a went on Io lln rrlsh u rg for a short arm nnd opening the door, wo sat ' ',lr itself in ^ h is left arm . and Went tQ port|and_ John F K etei¡, W ashhurne went to Junction City on Tin- orch estra was playing a divine di vn on the back sent of his b e a u tl - ¡ ^ verin« » v,' ln - was <»*««> t° the stay. went to P ortland Sunday accom panied , Sunday to help stak e out th e five - ’ aciflc C hrlstinn hospital in Eugene fox trot nnd th e saxophone was laugh- j ul (,Rr by Mrs. K etela' parents. Mrs. K e t:b N ew spaper Man H ere— Mr. nnd Mrs. m iles of dm lnnge ditch Io be Installed. In stan tly he produced a flask and to h" VP th * st* ’ removed and tihe Joined them th e re on T uesday. Patti M cllreo of Honolulu, H awaii, The new ditch will cut out 12 miles ing like a big. fat man. from the pocket of th e c ar a hottie wound dressed. -of II.. Long Tom river, and drain ! "Duck out Hie stdo door before th at w ere in Springfield on S atu rd ay eve ight- Back from Beach—Mr. and Mrs. S «ter H ere from P ortland—Mrs. nlng. calling on Mr. M rllree’s cousin. an a r 'a of 3100 acr 4 w est of th at bird b reak s on uh ; he’s been rnahlng and tw o glasses. ’ See, what a thought cold ,„ hn „ n .lrirnVll , litp r ,,f Mrg A n F rank A p e P u e and son. F rank, re 380- you all evening.” I lw.lded my head. fu! little hoy T am ," said T ed; "cold Mr. W ashburn« owns Mr« L ida MaeGowsn before, going on city j W ashbitrr.e. m otored down from her turned Friday night a fte r a trip to * We danced h u rried ly and, w ith a ginger-ale for the ladles. to C arm el, California. They have been acre tra c t in Hint vicinity. 1 propped my silver-slippered feet home In Portland on S aturday to Cannon beach, w here they stopped at ------------------------------ (purpose th e width of th e ballroom . nmklng a tour of the coast. Mr. Me Back from M ontana— Mr. m il Mr« and out through the door, still keep on tire little se a t of the c ar and »pend th e week-end a t the home of tbo cottage of th eir d au g h ter and son- F ree Is a new spaper man In Hono h er sister. She returned to P ortland in la w , Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Foster. Il A. Johasou and little daughter, lug tim e to the must,., a s wo crossed sighed contentedly. lulu. T he moon sailed full and clear fol-1 on Monday. They also sp en t a few days la P o rt Dori«, retu rn ed Monday from M n n ta n a ith e porch. H ere end th e re In lh» land. Left for South—It. J. W ard left when- they hml been since Ju n e 2 ..shadow* couples w ere grouped In pairs lowed bv a cortege of little clouds Visited a t Albany—Mr. and Mrs. T hursday on n trip Io southern O re T il-y visited Mrs. Jo h n so n 's parents, and they called ou t gully to us ita we th at w ero ru ffs of dusk-blend chiffon N. A. l'ow o. accom panied by Miss Clerking In Store— Miss Mildred from the tro u sseau of a bride. A gon mid C alifornia H e will visit In Mr and Mrs. J. M. R eeves at Great passed. Bernice N eher, visited In Albany ov W ard Is em ployed as a clerk tn the soft breeze played In the palm s: It Ted piloted me by th e arm . to hts Ashland at the home of his aiater- Falls, M ontana, and Mr. Johnson'» e r Sunday. They stopped a t th e hom e l 'V lnzenrlod grocery store, and will In-lnw, Mrs. F rankie W est. Iw fore go m other, Mrs J. R. W hiting of H ig h -(car. which wa» parked quite a dla- even reached up to the little cloud* of John fotm hrty. son of Mrs. Rowe. (’ake th e place of Mrs. F. M. Mulligan and scurried them fa ste r and faster ing on to MacDowell, Callfcirnl*. At wood, M ontana. On th e way home tan ce from lihe club nt th e edge of the and also visited Mrs. P ater L a m b e rty ,1» h er absence In th e e a st for two across th e sky. Macl>ow«ll 4v* will v isit his slsfer and tihey stopped a t Seaside, Tacom a, and golf course. of P ortland, who Is M in the A lbany ( month«. Mias W ard was forniezly "Snap out it," in terru p ted Ted, hrwther lu-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S Ball- S eattle, vlrlted Mrs Johnson** a u n t.l "1 alw ays stop h ere," he an passing me a tall glass. “T h at's fin» hospital. They returned to Springfield »mployed ta the C om m unity Cast* •sy, and tw o nlee.oa. Mr«. E v erett Mrs. Dee K hinam an In C en tralia, nnd nou n ced ; " a good place to ta k e a Sunday evening » Jsto re . (Ç ontlnued on Page 8) atoppesl over with relativ es in Peeco. nip, and besides. If* nice and cozy T rep h ren «nd Mm. Field Rio*. p tíltÍO H S 5 : A stronom y,-Y es-A nd Ted Billings .J««-'. . /