Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1924)
THURSDAY, AVGUST 1 1, 1821 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX Myrna McKinnon has been ill dur elfte railway at Marshfield, was In . ¿»timefield last w o t * « , end with Mrs. ing the past week. Lemmons. Mr». Lemmons will spend Itolore, Ca«teel h»a suffered from next week-end with her hiMhand In sickness this week. Marshfield. Mr. Ithelnhelmer aud entail daugh- Went Fi»hi««g—Jack Oliver went mon. Thwxlvrv. and the nurse wont •cr were here y«*»t»rilay iron» Triangle Picnicked at H atchery— M r. and fl.'hlne Sun.lny Î0 miles up the Me ion the train. lake. Mrs. C. A. S n a rls aud daughters Max- K e n a le r iv e r He re p o rts • ¡rood H A. Washburtte »peni yesterday In Rented Apartm ent«— Rev. T. E bb4 aa<l c . K. Sw Brt, nw . catch. Griffith, evanrellet. Saturday rentedL , , h(> Ml.Kvn„ e ,.|sh hBlrherv Eugene ou business Mias Thelma Cole went to Olym Had Tonsils Removed— Clayton B ar the upstairs in -he D S Beals b u ild -, Sull(|ily on # pUnle pia. Washington this w«ek to visit her had his tonsils removed on Sat- lug. He moved in on Monday. _ Vlelted Sister»—Mr. and Mrs. X. A. friends. M'""r*PoH— M®011 J Ebbert of Condon Glllman county Returned from Springe— Mr». O. B. 11» of »ho Anderson M anufacturingjcanw |,.rl,)BT |0 Mr Kbhert's sis Dr Ralph S. D ippel. D e n tis t, V it u t * K essev returned Thursday after corporation left Monday night to visit (<>rs John w in w n rled aud Mrs. huilii I ng. Springfield, Oregon. spending several days on a vacation relative» in Minneapolis. Minnesota, j p power». trip to K it,on S p r in g L#n f#|> VaeBtio„ Tr ^ Karl Rob. TOWN AND VICINITY ’ »-•« 'O' Want Fi-hing—James Mitchell and L n n aa Wright left Sunday for a week's fishing trip up the McKettale river. «rta and Paul Nice left Monday morn- Tldj n|ece of Mrs E B Luther, who In* for McKcnxIe bridge to go camp- h>x herr fof tllaie Um# They will return in< and fishing . left for her home in California on Friday. ; Tuesday. FREE Visited Uncle— Errol and Roland Parker left yesterday morning for Walton, where they spent the day with their uncle. James C Parker Flanery’s Drug Store 77>v Did you leave your markers on th* GREAT TIN CAN TRAIL last time Phone IS you went camping? B 1 GRAY'S CASH 8 CARRY die donkey the Democratic 19 L e ft fo C allfron la— C h arle , Back from Springs— M is , M abel for r la Charles M frBm Wa»hlngton Mrs Lit Roof and grandmother. Mrs. Kennedy. Dority left Sunday noon for Srin Die- Knos and , Wl> ona p'Oyd and Lyle returned home Friday after several go. Callfronla to Join hla niece. He of Salmon. W ash, left Mon days spent at Kit»en Springs. expects to spend som e time in the dav fOr h0BM af, er „ we»k'a v| S]t with south. ’ Mr. Enos' sister. Mrs L. W Elliott. Sold Let—P. D Calm es sold a lot in Midway Park to Fred Furrow of P u rch ased Tyson Residence— Made Shipm ent of H o t » » — Charle» ias p u r c h é the Tay|or makJn< a , hlpment of ru< Eugvne. The property is a prune Charles Stark has orchard property owned b hy \ \ H .c y T ru • . | O Southern Pacific contrae on Mill and L streets. The deal was ¡tors In Oakridge this week. Boro—At the Pacific Christian hos- cotnpje (ed Monday, pltal in Eugene. Friday. August S. Leave fo r C a lifo rn ia — Mr and Mrs 1934. to Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Luther. V i . i t from Florence— M r and Mrs .................. a , on Floyd D. Thompson and daughter. U ’f,s or 3On' E u * " ,,,ft Hester Jean, came Saturday from ,ht* tor “ ,r^ “ > ‘»»»•“ oma Viaited at C orvallie-M r. and Mrs Flo„ Ece to v„ lt fr,en«is Bnd r e s t iv e . Th,*Y w ,i* «“ b’r * “Y of Yellowstone Ronald Roberta and family went to ,n S p r Uhe' »returned on park. “ 3<I r^ ,irn through Corvallis Saturday evening to (pend Tuesj av ’ ¡California. While U Oklahoma they the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J«ss ** ¡expect to visit Mr. T aylora parents because Thomas Nast. the Seavey Mrs. Seavey Is a sister of Motored to Newport— Mrs R P » nd brothers and sisters as well as noted cartoonist, portrayed the Mr». Roberts. Mortensen and daughter. Margaret. ™an.v friend». He will also look after Democrats ns a donkey in 1870. motored to Newport Sunday with F hl» oil property there. The Taylors He showed them kicking Edwin Here on W ay to Springs— Ralph L | L Beard of Eugene. Mrs. Beard. «"M be gone from two to torce M. Stanton, a statesman of Brackett of the Crescent Paper com- „ , , , . who had spent a week at Newport, re- , months, that period. In the rough and pany. Portland, stopped In Springfield tumble of politics, work or 5— (turned with them in the evening, Back a t W o rk — E W Albers was on Friday on his way to Belknap sports Springs to spend two weeks on an Endicott» Visit__Mr. and Mr». J N. ■bark •* work Tuesday at tha Mountain R U B a ,N C outing there. ¡Endicott of Two Rivera. Washington. States Powar plant after a two-weeks 4* ‘ c * ' * ALCOHOL ; passed through Springfield on Tne» vacation He and Mrs. Albert visited Purchased Property—Dr R. P Mor- d>y |(> E n d i v e , brother Cra,*r Luke and other point« during brings quit k refreshment to l’ ~ D. 2 ° ? J B Endicott near Hendricks bridge I‘»e interval. bones and muscles, aching anti acres at Trent from Floyd P. Lawson Thev called on Isaac N. Endicott In Fished on Siutlaw— A party Includ tired from exerti on. of Yoncalla. The deal was transacted Springfield, also a brother. Pureteet Rubbing Alcohol lim ling Mr. and .Mrs Clyde Morgan. Bax through the Springfield Realty com bers up stiff johits, removes ¡ter Young. Mr and Mr». Tad Luck pany. Taking Vacation— Mrs. Clara Faw- odors of perspiration and sooth yer. office assistant for Dr. Eugene e y , Mr. and Mrs. J. L Clark and son. Returned to California— Mr. a n l Joe. Byron Cowart and Mr. and Mrs es the face after shaving. Sum Kester, began her two-week vacation Mrs. George Simon of Sacretnento J E. Stewar' and son Louts picnicked mer's most delightful halm for Monday. She plans to visit her moth- home, club house or camp. California, who have been visiting at Sunday on the Siuslaw river. er, at Marshfield- Mfss Isalene Kes the L. K. Page home, returned to Sac- One of 200 Puretest prepara ter. the doctor's niece. Is taking her Moving to W estfir— Mr. and Mrs. remento Tuesday, as did their small tions for health and hygiene. place in her absence. Charles Pet’.ljohn are moving to W est son. Theordore. who has been 111 in Every item the best that skill fir to make their home They shipped the Mercy hospital in Mr. _ Eugene. ____ ___ H ere from M ar»hfield— Joe Lem , and care can produce. Simon motored back, while Mrs. Si- n o n '. engineer for the Southern Pa ¡ lbelr «<**» Yesterday. Mr. — ......... Jo h n it already In WestLr. and z—— ___ Mrs. Petttjohn m 'i Join him ther». | $7.50 Electric Iron Early Crawford Freestone Peaches Here Saturday at P r u t S fa r t Spong '& Thomas ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW CAFE Friday Morning, August 15. Building next to Springfield Tnxl Co. Table and Counter Dinners B o o th s ------- Fountain Service New Equipment ami a Standard of Service that lias never been equaled before Springfield. Or» ..................... . 1 M M M b a H M a M a m a H a M M n a M n a M a a M m M with every Meadolark August Clearance Sale of Furniture Washing Machine sold this month. Henderer Electric Supply Will Buy a Westinghouse Battery in one-piece acid proof case for the Buick, Chev rolet, Ford, Hup., Studebaker, and many other cars. Why not have battery satisfaction when you can get it at this low price? To make room for our new fall goods, our entiae stock of FURNITURE (contract goods RUGS and LINOLEUMS INOLEUMS will be redui reduced for the next 10 days excepted), 10» to 40% 85c square yard. Felt Bare Floor Covering, sq. yd. 63c >105.00 Universal Cast Range, white enamel $83.75 >120.00 Orbon all Enamel Range, for $98.59 >00.00 Axminlster Rug 8x12 .................... $43.00 >36.00 Tapestry Rug 8x12 ..................... $29.00 >32.75 Tapestry Rugs, 8x12 ..... $26.50 >38.00 Muhognay Dining Table for $26.40 >32.75 Leather Rockers for ......... $26.75 >32.00 Walnut Dressing Table $24.50 >24.75 Ivory Dressing 'fable 319.90 Roy Long Battery - Electrical Service Eugene, Oregon 971 Oak St. Phone 1105 !’ W R IG H T $51.25 Ivory Vanity ................................... >53.0(1 Ivory Dresser .... $31.50 Ivory Bowfoot Bed $2.10 Bow Back CliHH $1.25 Printed Linoleum, sq, yd. $18.50 Certalnteed Felt. Base Rugs, 8x12 $17.25 Fir Dining Table $18.75 Brown Mahogany Davenport Table $80.00 Tapestry Davenport See our windows for these specials. $43.50 $43.50 $24.75 $1.68 $1.00 $14.40 $13.90 $13.90 $62.50 & SO N » k *.«» <» ** »• M »