Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1924)
S P R IN G F IE L D --T H E I O t V O T ID TO I N T I R I I T O F S P R IN G F IIL O A N O T H I FA R M E R S OF T H F W IL L A M IT T I VALLEY THi- Ä „. ol 0 UW*" TW ENTY-FIRST YEAR W ESTERN NATRON SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNT Y. OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1924 New Davis Manager _____ • On** of thn lyear-ob l twin* ol Mr and Mr,*. J /C McKnigtot l»th and Kincaid a t , Eugene. alarmed her par«nla on Tu*aday morn I ng by ih ew ln s llie top off a glaaa bottle. Little Mlaa McNight ft*» no teeth, t'lt ahe < hoae Ihe moat brittle pari of the bottle. Juat where the cork KO** In to sain a hold The Infant did not walolw any of the I !*c*n* of glana, It la thought, a» all were found except two very «mall piece*. The Spring- field phvalrlan attending her »aya Ihe Infant Will auffer no bad ef- feet» thia tim e from h* r unfor'iiu lite choice of the bottle a* a lid- * • * * * • * * * * • * • * * • * I I THE FORMER BANKER AND MAYOR HERE PASSES Charles Scott, Prom nent Citizen of Springfield. Died Yesterday In Portland. CUTOFF "The A People’« P ip e r" L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 31 Light Turns Comer ! SEWERS OF TBWN CARRYING MAXIMUM Engineer Reports Further Ex Charles L. Scott, prominent citizen tensions will Have to be Tak of Springfield, where he was formerly banker and mayor, died yesterday en Care of With New Trunk morning In Portland, where he had System; Explains Plans for gone for medical irtatm ent accom Service. panied by his wife. Mr Scott was at one time a teach The condition of the Springfield A :>«"» building may rise on Mein er in Lane county, and for several sewer system and possibilities of ex elrtmi Juat east of thi, Commercial years cashier of the First National tension were discussed by Englneet HUI« bank II plana bolus mad« by J, I bank. In 1920. when he retired from Simon Klovdahl before members of A Seavey Wiliam*'ta valley bop active business, he was the heaviest the city council Monday evening. The man who own« the lot. materialize. • stm kbo'der and president of the bank. council not having a quorum pres Mr Seavcy la ai pr«aent on hl* b op .* He served one t'Tm aa mayor of ent adjourned until the next regular ranch at Corvallla amt »#« not reach- ' • Springfield, taking office In the fall meeting night without taking action, ■»I today but ba baa a*ke*l local c o n -* b i t • of 1912. He was a very active mem- on any official matters. tra* lore to propre «Mimai»* on a one • e e e e e e e Clem L. Shaver, of W est Virginia, b«r of the Methodist church, and of Edward S Berry, Lynn. M s « ., the The engineer reported that the pres etory conerci» airu*lure 40 l«*«t wldu 4 L'S WILL OBSERVE wa» the choke of John W. Davit, I man who developed fused quartz to ent sewer system was loaded to capa and k'< feet Ions as the new Chairmi 1 of the Demo the I. O. Oj F. lodge such clearness that light, heat and ’ LABOR DAY AT PARK cratic National Committee, to di He Is survived by his wife, by one city and there wan not sufficient Whether h« baa d efin ite'/ d ecid ed . violet ray» can be directed and p - t *1« rect his compaign for election. daughter, Mrs. Norman Byrne of Eu to travel around a corner. grade to extend ft bevond 10th street to put up the atrudure he haa not an • A commit lee to plan a Labor hay gene. and by two sons, Randall B. or connect the south and north sides nounced It I» known, however, that featlvlty for the 41. orsantxntlon waa Scott of Springfield, and Paul 8cott TOM S PLACE MOVES ti-nanta are available (or a room of REMODELING SPRINGFIELD of town with It. H e suggested that appointed at a meeting Wednetday of Spokane. Washington. a few lines be run this summer eo Itila allo at pr*»ent. TO ELITE BUILDING The funeral will he held tomorrow noon at ih e local (lam of the Ilorplh- POST OFFICE THIS WEEK that Intelligent planning could be The Flr«t National Hank baa plana K'Sly company. W h. Smith. 4L afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Walk done In finding possible sew er outlets for building on the aatue aide of the field officer from Portland, gave a The restaurant known as “T om 's; er chape! The body has been ship The remodeling of the Springfield ; for sections of town that will goon aireet at the corner of Fifth and talk to the men at 12:30 o'clock * He Piece'- operated for nearly a year b y , ped from Portland to the Walker un post office in the rear of the Com need a sewer. Also he reported the Main atreeta. Several other property j | a<.UMe4 ware* and working condl- Mrs Belle Spong and Thomas T h om as. mercial State bank building is well present sewer outlet In the river at dertaking parlor«. holders are considering building In ,n lunlbPr ¡« t r y . end between Third and Fourth streets on underway, work having been started the foot or C street was In an unsani the near fuiur« Builder« ere w atch-. th„ plantll un,^ r , h„ «j, Ma n la being moved to_lhe quarters' ¡on Tuesday. George Perkins has the tary condition and that p'.an3 would ing Ihe railroad carefully and aa aoon rrglm„ „ b„ln< »Up .rl<lr both. He former'y occupied by the Mode milli BAPTISTS TO TALK general contract, and I»n g and Cross hare to be made to vxtend it into aa Ihe Natron cutoff progresses auf 1 wa* accompanied from Portland by nery shop In the Elite building near' ABOUT QUEEN OF SHEBA are doing the plumbing. deep water either along the slougn flclently and a start 1» made on the William Normoyle. a field officer from the corn*r of Third and Main. The The quarters are being materially it now enmpties Into or across a grav The Queen of Sheba will be the sub- cur ahopa In Springfield there will another dlatrlrt, who la traveling with new room will be larger, and allow enlarged, with the south wall moved el bar to deep water in the Willam no <|»ubt he a multitude of new bual- him to learn condition! In this part for table, counter and booth service ect of the sermon In the Baptist out further, and the two room« to ette river. church at 8 o’clock Sunday night. nraa structure erected. i Instead of counter service alont. The of the country. the southeast added to the main of- Mr. Klovdahl suggested serving the This Is the last of a special series ¡flce. A change in the lighting sys Brattatn and Stewart addition and The Labor Dav celebration, which owners plan to open It for business of sermons by Rev. E. B. Luther on LITTLE GIRLS DROWNED • will be Monday, September l.'m a y Friday morning. tem will be made, which will necessi the north side of town as well with Bible characters The series has ex tate the putting In of another sky a new trunk sew er system to K street, IN POND BURIED HERE possibly be In the Hansen auto park, tended over a feriod of two months. according Io George Davenport. ohalr- ELECTED TO HIGH light. Walls and celltng3 In lobby thence along K to the north and ea3t The women and the men have been Funeral services for Evelyn Chet- man of the local. SCHOOL FACULTY HERE alternating In having charge of the and office will be cleaned and re- side residences. Into this trunk line wood and Weona Edith Hell Park, II- calsomined- Clear glass will replace wou'd run laterals serving the d is A com ittee Including O. II. Jarrett, muelcla program, and the like, and yearold girl* who with Maud Wolf, and A. C. |Dtxon o f the Eugene office Mr». A'fred J. Morgan was elected this Sunday It Is ttoe women's turn. the sand-blown windows in the par tricts. a awa'I companion, were drowned of the Booth Kelly, representing the to serve on ttoe faculty of the Spring- tition between office and lobby. Mayor Charles Egglmann and Coun- There wlil be special music. Including Monday afternoon. August t l. at Ulen- emrloyea. and W. Percy Tyson. D. W. field schools at a Special meeting of I A fire-proof burglar-proof safe is cilmen Lepley and McKlin were the s solo by Miss Richmond, of Eugene. I.rook, were held In ihe Walker chapel McKinnon, and George A. Cox repre the school board held Monday night The special services have been re ¡to be added to the post office equip only members of the council present at 1:30 o'clock yeaterdey afternoon. senting employes, will meet In Eugene In the city hall, th e w ill'ta k e the' warded by an Increase In attendance ment. New furniture will include at ttoe meeting. Adjutant Howe of the Rug* ne Salve thia evening In the Booth Kelly office p’aoe of Mrs. C. E Lambert at the. tables, chairs, desks and rack.,. of 1*9 per cent, according to the pas tloa Army officiated Interment waa there, to confer with a comm ittee Lincoln school. Mre. Lambert's r«a PHILO WILCOX. PIONEER. tor. "Faith's Frultatlon" will be tbc In Laurel Hill cemetery. The little sent down from the Wendllng saw tgnatlon was accepted at a meeting a Golden Sued. morning service topic. LAID TO REST TUESDAY Wolf girt waa burled at Corvallis. I Seeking to collect various amounts mill. George Davenport, aa chairman short time ago. Evelyn Chetwood was the daughter of ihe local, will go along In an ad alleged due his clients Harold J. Bids for the work of painting the Legion Meets Fridvy. Philo Wilcox, aged pioneer, who or Mr and Mre. T M Chetwood of visory capacity. gymnasium are now open, and will A regular meeting of the Spring- W ells, Eugene attorney, has filed died at his home near Seavey’s ferry Hprlngfl«ld. and Wenona Park the close August 19. at which tim e a ' field post of the American Legion suit In circuit court against R. M. August 9. was laid to rest on Tuesday daughter of Mr. and Mre. Holt Park special meeting of the board will be will be held Friday night at 8 o'clock Golden. W elb c'alm s Golden owes morning following funeral services a*. H. E. ETHELL. CHAMBER of Eugene held. , | In the W. O. W. hal. A social dim e sums as follows: $214.79 to M. and 10 o'clock in the Walker chapel. Rev. Tho three little girts had been wad SECRETARY. RESICNS POST with refreshments will follow the regu 8. Weinetein. $80 50 to the Portland Thomas D. Yarnes officiated. Inter ing along near the shore In the pond Cars Damaged In A cciden t lar buelness session. The committee Hat and Cap company and $369 to ment was in the Mulkey cem etery Rev. H. C. EtheP. who has been m V’e Jnmeetown Oregon lumber An accident which did considerable near Eugene. on arrangement* Includes Charles W einstein brothers. company The fond 1« an artificial nrcruUtry o f tho chamber of com damage to the automobiles concern- Scctt and Jess Meats. Mr. Mulkey was. at the time of his merce for some tim e past, has re one. and Mutnr» had previously been C ivic Club Plctne. rd. bn’ without personal Injury, oc death. 89 years. 9 months and 9 days blasted out on the site According signed his position, and expect« to A picnic dinner was enjoved by curred Friday morning, when the MRS. MOORE DIED AT old. He was a retired farmer. His Io the lltt'e Chetwood girl's brother, leave some lim e this month for Cali members of the Ladies' Civic club Ford runabout driven by Vera Sen- residence in this vicinity date3 back who gave the alarm, the little girls fornia. Ills resignation was rresent- HOME LAST SUNDAY and their families In '.he Hansen auto seny crashed Into the Nash driven about half a century. He is survived *> d at the meeting of the chamber suddenly dropped out of sight Into park on Tuesday evening. About 30 by Dr. R P. Mortensen, at the June Lydia Elmir! Moore, wife of Earl persons attended. The dinner was by two daughters, Mrs. 8. E. McBee, one of the hole« T he pond was board of director« on Thursday eve lion of tfm Pacific and McKenzie Moore died at h -r home In Soring- served at 6:30 o'clock, followed by of Springfield, and Mrs. T. M. John drained and the bodies recovered, but nlng. Rev. Rttoell baa two sisters river highways. Dr. Mortensen was son of Echo. Oregon, and by one bro fleld August 10, a .. er a long illness ice cream, furnished not until afler they hail been In tote living In California, and he may de by Mayor driving due east from West Spring- from tuberculosis. Funeral service« Charles F. Eggfmann. A raido con ther, John Wilcox, of Salem. water nearly an hour. Three doctors cide to settle there. He »zpects to field Into Springfield, and Miss Sen- were held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 cert was heard in the evening » re ca ’led but resuscitation was Im re-eatahllah his connection with the set:/ was approaching on the road His Lucky Accident. Naxarene ministry. o'clock In ’he Walker chapel. Rev through the radio on the W. Henry possible. from Goshen. The damage to the I It was lucky for Sterling P. Sharp. James Pointer, pastor of the Baptist t Adrian automobile. Mortensen car Included the tearing that a cow stepped on him as he lay church officiating, ’nterment was In BAND CONCERT WILL LYONS TO ENTERTAIN off of the running board. H hole knock in a hay field 45 years ago. Sharp un Laurel Hill cemetery. Charles Pember. proprietor of the BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY ( **d In the cowl, and som e Injury to I MANY CHARTER NIGHT Mrs. Moore was. at the tim e of her general store at tValtervll'-e, was In expectedly called on his siste r in the hood. The Senaeny car was Sacremento, Sal., after an absence o f Concerto h.v the Springfield band ¡damaged to sucto a degree that It had d»ath. 30 years. 7 months and 28 days • Porlngfleld yesterday on business. Plans for the charter presentation 25 years. He expressed his Joy by old. She Is survived by her husband. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wilson spent night on August 22 were dlacttMM will be given on Wednesday evenings ' to be towed Into town. The fender Earl Moore, by her small daughter, ¡Sunday in Lebanon where they at embracing her. She called the police, at a bualneee meeting of the local thereafter, according to bandmaster I axle and radius rod were badly bent., her mother, and two brothers. She tended 'he Royal Neighbors’ picnic. refusing to believe him her brother. ____________________ Lions club In the W. O. W. hall ¡John C. l ’arker. There will be no con Only ttoe cow's hoof print on his arm was a num ber of the Springfield Re F. S. Jrckson. proprietor of the gen Friday noon nt luncheon. Special cert thia Saturday night, aa has been $40 in Fines Collected. saved him from Jail and a scandal. bekah lodge. eral store f t ajsper. was a Spring- gueota of the organisation were Dr. ttoe custom this summer, but one will A lum of $40 In fines was collected Narorw escape th at! field business visitor Tuesday. Charles A Donahue. Eugene physi be held at 7:30 o'clock In the eve I) the local police court this week; Leg Broken—L. Jensen, of Marcola. ning W ednesday, August 20. The cian. E. W. Merrll of Green-Merrill, I from traffic offenders. George Hage- W omen Sue fo r Divorces. hand has money enough to finance . man of Portland, Otto Cline of Port- an employo of tho Fischer lumber L ib rary Closed. c'othtera, Eugene. company, suffered a broken leg Sat Charging that her husband accuses thia one ocnilng concert, bandmaster Committees appointed by Dr. 8. i land, and Ernest Boeholt of Seattle. | The Springfield library will re Ralph Dlppel, president, met during Parker said, nnd after that further Washington, were each fined $10 for urday when a yard truck from which main closed for the remainder of ttoe her of being untrue. Alzalla Gillland the week The program ha* not as ipublic subscriptions will have to be ¡speeding, while Ed Johnson of Eugene he was unloading lumber was over- month of August to allow for the has filed suit for divorce from Lyle turned, throwing ttoe load i^iSalnst checking up and repairing of the Gillland in circuit court. The couple yet been made public, hut It 1« under taken up. and Robert Malcomb of Cottage his leg and striking It below the 1840 volumes in the collection. AH were married In October 1915. She stood that Lions from all over the Grove paid $5 fines for cutting corn knee. He received surgical attention ¡books are being called in and the says »he husband^ has boen oruel Berteh New Trustee. sta le will he present. ers. In Springfield, where the bones were work of rebinding, pasting and clean and Inhuman to her in recent years. Committee! for tho event are ae J w Tier'eh waa appointed a new Demanding the custody of their »et. follows: Entertainment. James Point ing is going forward. Taking Motor Trip—Mr. nnd Mr» trustee at the last quarterly m eet four children and $60 a month toward er, Online II Murphy. W. C Rehhan; ing of the year held In the Methodist John C. Parker Bnd son, Errol, will their support Cora Evaltn Alford has decorations, John F Ketels, John Hon- Guests at Kessey Home— Mr. and church Monday night. Dr. 8. A. San leave Springfield Saturday night on Changing Residence—Oswald M. started suit for divorce from Rollle derer, W. Henry Adrian; reception, ford of Eugene, district superintend a motor trip to Seattle. They will I t n . Ernest Richards of Salem, came Olson and mother. Mrs. Emma Olson, Everett Alford. The couple were J E. Stownrt. W Fret Walker. H. E l ent, presided* Trustees Who were atop over In Centralia, Washington, Monday for a visit at ttoe home of who have resided on E street between married June 19. 1913. mer Maxey, William O. Hughes, W. reappointed woro: Dr. W. H. Pollard, to visit Mrs. Parker's sister, Mrs. MY. nnd Mrs. O. B. Kessey. They Seventh and Elghtth for som e time, C M<I*agan, O. II Jarrett, Ivan An R. W. Smith. Eugene McElhaney. 1 James Peterh. Errol Parker will re- left yesterday morning for their home. are moving their household effects to M arriage Licenses fo r W eek. derson, G. G Bushman; building com Miss Margaret Morris, R. E Davldeon. I turn lo his work n* first class fire M.-. Richards Is a professor In Wil the hou>se owned by L. K. Page on m ittee, Floyd C, Westerfb-ld, Julius William O Hughes. Frank 11. Hamlin, County clerk R. S. Bryson has Is lam ette university at Salem. man on the battleship “Arlsona'' now Fifth street between E and F. The sued during ttoe past week marriage Fulop. W Fred Walker. W Henry and L. M May. docked In Bremmerton. Mr. nnd moving was begun yesterday and Is Adrian; street decorations, W. C. licenses to the following: Wallace V. Visiting from Idaho— Miss Grace A history of the Methodist church I Mrs. Parker expect lo be back In going forward today. Wrlgtot. Dallaa B. Murphy, William Hemenwny. Mapelton, and Hilda Dec Thognas returned yesterday to her Springfield by Tuesday evening. In Springfield and vicinity dating hack O Hughes; banquet, Harry M. Stew ker, Eugene; Paul L. Jenkins. Pprlng- home In Lewiston, Idaho, after visit to It* beginning In 1868 was read by 1 Railroad Men Here— F. E. Cavender fteld, and Milder Fendall. Eugene; art, O. H. Jarrett H Elmer Maxey. ing in town for a few days. Rev. Thomas D. Vnrnes, tho pastoi. Went to Eastern Oregon— Mr. nnn At the luncheon tomorrow the van (of Brooklyn, Oregon, m aster car Clinton Wttham, Eugene, and Alice Rev. Ynrtbs lias complied the sketch Mra. Emery Richardson and family ohm committee« wll give reports on builder for Ihe Southern Pacific rail Carlson. Eugene; W illis Chamberlain V sited at W endllng— M r. and Mrs. hlinse'f. and It will be left on tho left last week-end for eastern Ore the progress of the work, mid the way, accompanied by George W. Mon- and Olive Thorp, bo'h of Eugene: church records hern. Regular busi gon, to spend a vacation near Bend. L. E. Dauks and daughter, June, went jroe, car foreman at Eugene, were Robert. Ivan Morris, Salem, and Hes regular Lion business will bo trans ness for the flnl-hlng up of the year Mr Richardson has two w eeks’ vaca to Wendllng Sunday where they took ' In Springfield yesterday morning on ter Mclntnrff, Wendllng. acted. was transacted. The ladles of tho tion from his work nt Ihe local pi m l dinner with Mr. Banks’ sister, Mr«. business at tihe local depot. church served dinner preceding (too of the Mountain States Power com Joe Kennedy and family. Injured at Camp. Visit et Van Valzah Home— Dr. iind meeting. pany. H. R. Cook, employed at the W est Mrs. Robert V hii Valxab ami daughter, Took Inspection Trip—W. C. Me- Returned from Springe— Mrs. C. E. Anne, came Saturday night from Port Lagan, superintendent of tho local ern Lumber company at Westfir, had Went to Belknap Springs—Mr. and Swarts, daughter Miss Edna Swarts. Ml ■ Elsie Wertdlr pud Mlaa Fran land to violi Mr«. A, It, Van Valxab, plant of the Mountain States Power his arm broken and suffered other and granddaughter, Margaret Swarta Mrs. IL M. Ebbe went to R elk.ap tho doctor's mother. Dr Van Val i ces Travis returned Inst evening after company, made a trip of Inspection Injuries Tuesday when he was struck Springs this week for a two-week out daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Swarts, rah left Monday for Staten, hut his spending a ws»k nt Gold Beach, ¡.In Dal'as ever Saturday and Sunday by a log He was taken to the Eu returned home Monday evening aftei ing. They left Springfield T u esd ay. gene hospital tor treatment. wife nnd daughter will moke a more Marshfield. Coquille. Tort Orford, and ¡o look over the plant there. «pending some time at Kltson Springs. morning. other coast, points. extended visit In Springfield. I 1 I J, A. S«avoy, Hop Man, Who Owns Lot Next to Commer cial State Bank, Asks Esti mates on New Concrete Structure. I OF SPRINGFIELD NEWS C H IL O H A S NO T E E T H • B U T C H E W S G LA SS * * T E R M IN A L