Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1924)
TlfURSDAY, PAGE FIVE JULY TULL’S CAFE 1 Roy Stauffsr, Prop. All American An Ideal place to dine, where right service 1» given nt the right time. O rchestra music while you eat. E ugene’s C o-op erative A d v ertisin g Plan 956 Willamette St. Appeal to Rural District People for Mutual Commercial Interests The Real Shoe Shop Elliot! Implement & Seed Store J. C. Penney Co. Inc. McCormick - Deering Dry Goods, Clothing When In Eugene lake your h 1 io «' h to the Reni Shoe Hhnp to he repair ed. Repairing done while you wait. Mull ortlets given prom,i< attention. LOGGERS SHOES made to order and to please the wearer. Prices from >IU.oo to >10.00 The Real Shoe Shop Fall Grain & Grass Seed Skeie’s Jewelry Store for Poultry & Stock Eugene, Oregon 131 EaBt 9th Phone 1192 597 W illam ette St. Buy Your Sporting Goods from Danner-Robeitson 77 Ninth Ave. East GOOD SHOES At Cheap Shoe Prices STAR SHOE STORE ------35 West 8th S t .------- (luna, A m in u n 11 I o n. h'lMhlng Tackle, Spald ing A t h l e t i c Goods, Dumping Good«. M A C K ’S A U T O SU PPL Y H O U SE 10th * Oak Sts Eugene Ore. Welder» Supplies Gan & Equipment Spring» Pistons & Ring:. New Replacement Part» for all car» Differential & Timing Gear», Valve» Just out of the high rent district. Walk ’/ j block and save $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ THE HUB 646 Willamette Eor Camping Supplies, Outing Good», Leather Puttee», Bathing Suits, Men's Furnishings, Hats, (Nothing, Boots and Shoes. Prest-O-Lite Batteries and Service 1RAKE10VHITE Equip your motor with “Kant Skore Pistons” B attery and Electrical * Service 89 W’ 9th for SPEED, POWER, ECONOMY CYLINDER GRINDING, CRANK SHAFT TUNING Phone 1619 674 Olivo Phone 843 C J. PEMBROOK Parts for all Care Groceries MATLOCK’S Dry Goods at the Phones 60 and 149 Reclaimed Auto Parle Co. 53 East 9th St. 136 W est 8th Eugene Furm Implements We guarantee to make your watch keep tim e or refuud your money. Experts on Kwltts Bracelet W atches Shoes— Musical instrument» «7 E 9th Instrum ent, Repair- II ITIÄ 8,2 In» Willamette 3t. Try us. EUGENE Furniture for every room in the house Repairing - Dyeing 959 Willamette Eugene, Oregon K0KE -TIFFANY CO. Supplies, Kodaks, 864 Willamette St. A Shoe Dept. Store For the Best of PHOTOGRAPHY m o d e ra tely p r i c e d . Every salesman an ex pert shoe fitter. The largest stock of style, and qual ity shoe« In the valley. Its success and growth The Tollman Studio 734 WILLAMETTE ST. Phone 770 SHOES HOSIERY Coe Stationery Co. 941 Willamette St. Books, Stationery Office Supplies For Sale For Rent CAMPING SUPPLIES TENTS- LOVE & BARTLETT 30 E ast 9th St. PLANT AND OFFICE PHONE 122 245 E. NINTH MAIN OFFICE PHONE 75 829 WILLAMETTE MARX’S EUGENE DYEING & CLEANING WORKS Ask for “BLUE BELL’’ MASTER CLEANERS, DYERS. PRESSERS ANO PLEATERS ICE CREAM ” EUGENE, OREGON Johnson Furniture Co. Lime - Plaster Brick - Cement Special Prices During August. Fire Place Supplies Ask about them. Building Blocks Hollow Tile “Johnson Sells for Cash and Sells for Less” Phone 1188 WETHERBEE - POWERS DR. GEORGE A. SIMON Phono 355.1 916 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon EAST NINTH AND OAK Use your credit Scobert’s W arehouse Co. Eugene, Ore. 629 Willamette St. Furniture Chiropractic Exam ination F ee We invite you to our store. We have been in the home furnishing business in Eugene for 35 years and we believe we can help you solve your furniture problems. Cleaning - Pressing Ready to wear m erits your investi* ition Eugene. Oregon Sirin»»' »lid Suppl'*® iL Phone 650 City Cleaner» School Supplies M. 8. BARKER MANVILLE BROS. Phone 220 Stationery, Office 8j»erry Feed’s With a desire and the Intent to make Eugene a bigger, bet ter. (railing center, a campaign him been launnhed by business men of (hat city. It la a com munity project. In which vari ous bu«lne»s concern« have Join edtd. During the month of Au gust there will be published In the News special price conces sions. A saving opportunity is presented. Eugene merchants are muklng these concessions from their regular stocks and the goods are consequently de pendable. It Is a campaign to keep the dollars working at home—a plan commendable. Surrounded by the best agri cultural district In the Willa m ette valley, Eugene Is steadily forging ahead. Vnusally good things are apparently In store for the old town, and the bus! ness folks are alive to the sit uation. They propose to make this such an attractive place that there will be no desire to "wan der from your own fireside." The movement Is under way and the best way to keep It going Is to lend a hand. Loyal ty to your home county Is quite aa eoseotlal a* loyalty to your country. , Eugene merchants are crowd ing their shoulders to the wheel of progress with a vira which Is going to bring results. They want the business of this local ity In preference to mall order house» and the great metropolis of Oregon; and they are going to get tt If price Inducements and courteous service count for anything at all. There Is not one that Is not a dependable concern. There Is another thought In connection with this campaign of loyalty to your home county which Is worthy of considera tion. Whether you are a busi ness man. farmer, laborer, you are Interested In IU welfare. If taine county as a whole pros pers, you must share In this prosperity — every city and town and every community. L ik ew ise. on the other hand, if It goes the other way we each share the loss. Thl3 Is Inevitable and Is In evidence In various forms—depreciation in town property. In farm property, the loss of a Job and numerous other ways. Help build the county by patronlxing county Industries. • W. E. Naylor, Prop. We charge no interest For the man who cares THE Floasheim SHOE MODEL Shoe Store Eugene, Oregon OREGON H. R. LARSEN Harry Garrett Merchant Tailor Eugene’s Leading Bicycle Store We Do Cleaning, Pressing nd Repairing Columbia, Rambler, Shelby and Heavy 27 E lit Ave. * (Grot; id Floor) PHONE 1719 EUGENE, OREGON Service Bicycles C. J. BREIERCO. A Chain Store Cor. 6th and Willamette Ladies Satin, Suede, Kid, C " ai d P attern Leather Pumps and Oxfords Exceptionally good values. $2.85 — $3.89 — $4.50 — $4.95 154 8th St., West CHIROPODIST Eugene Auto Sheet DR. M. L. HANDSHUH Metal Co. Foot spe a lis t; corns, callouses r< loved; bun ions. fal l arches, all f o o t alin uts. Hours daily, 10 t. 3. 613 Wil lam ette, ground floor. Phone 308. Radiators, Fenders and Bodies Repaired 7th Cham elton, Eugene