Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1924)
"• •nn? RPRtNGPtBLD NEWS frA G » p o r a I JULY St. 1924 Oana to Utah— Mm. I »an Drtaroll aion (tom Ih» aaaoclatlon aa a poasl U«| «a vaaatia«—Mm Seil« Cas- OREGON POULTRY GROUP and family are anjoylu« a »Uit of aa» bl« penalty. PLAN LAYING C O N TEST eral «raaka In U ta h M r D rto ro ll did tr«l| left tor ForUand MoadM* on har vacation. 8ha ardi gu on to htowpert to «pan,I noma tim«. Hara on Butin» -Mr. and Mr«. Vera Par-, cornar. Washington to vlalt thalr bro-1 Gone to San Franc! They William McCullough and eon Robert. '.rip to San thar and family on Thursday.. ___ k in a left Sunday on a returned to their homes on Tuesday ar* “* * on bu'lneae Ptanrtaco. California. tnom inf J They In Springfield on Mon day. Couain Vtoltlng— Miss Jo sep hin e Has Eugene P oaltlon-M ax Coglll w w Ft.ftiw«— l»r. W. C. Rebhan C o o p e r o f t.y m a n . W a s h in g to n . I» »la- j McMurr, r «shin« Frl ltliwt at the home of her coaatn, Mil sraut to work In the E nron. Southern ' j Pacific depot on Tuesday morning. ) l(<y >t Th(,lllp, . , n^ re, t>r| „„ , h() Mc. to n Cyr. TOWN AND VICINITY TIIU R B D A Y . Kt-nxle riser. They returned In the Left tor Washington— Mr». Pen Purchased Residence— Wallace Wat- evening with i t red-aide trout, which Shi ner left Friday on a »Hit at the «*» M*-» purchaaed a new reetdenc* averaged around Id Inches |n length. borne of her father tn Wenatchee. » Prunevllle. I, Is the first house Back from Voliiwstone— Mr ant Waehington. «*•< ®* * • ®- E L** ’»«'•»*• Mrs. J a ,k Larson returned Saturday Frank Sharmnn I» from a trip to Yollowatone National M o v in g H o u ti Bom— \ t the Pacific Christian ho» pltal In Eugene, July !«, 19S4. to Dr. moving his ho«, 10 Douglas Gardent park being gone from Springfield 16 ' hla lot on Fourth and B street! day- They »tailed W allace Crane at and Mrs W. C. Rebhan a daughter. ' to thia week. Pomeroy. Washington during their ab srelpht T*s pounds. sence. They report a fine trip. Sh pp ng Lumber—The local Booth i S pen din g S u m m e r a t B rid g e — M lsa V is itin g fr a m C a lifo r n ia — M r and Kelly sawmill loaded IS.OOo feet of i Mice Q uirt. Portland school toacher. lumber for Oakridge on Saturday, and »«*•*’’ «>'"”**1' Springfield Tuesday Mrs. R. E. Stewart of San Pt'dro, Cal i morning motoring to her tummer ifornia have been spending several it »ras shipped out on Tuesday. day« m Springfield and vicinity. They i home at McKcmle bridge. Q .| have gone on a trip up the McKenala Moving to Montana—Mrs. L. Helms and family are moving to War-j Came from Portland— Wi’llam Hen at the present time. Mr». Stewart derson of Portland arrived Saturday waa Mi«n Wanna McKenney before land. Montana, where they will Join night, spending the week-end with Hu- her marriage. Mr. Halm« bert llendresen. He went on to Belk- Here on Business—O. A. Prince of nap springs on Monday for a week Dr. Ralph 8, Dtppel. Dentist, Vitus «ales department of the Booth-Kelly or ten days. building, Springfield. Oregon. Intnbcr company was in Springfield P ic n ic k e d a t R iv e rs id e — Mr. and on business from the Eugene office Mrs. C. E Swart«. Miss Kdna Swart.«, yaaterdav morning. and Mr and rMa. O. B K essrf took v isa rTeua r ana remi their picnic dinner to Riverside park On Vacation is taking a two-week vacation from on Sunday. W hile there they enjoyed her work in the office of Dr. W. C. the boating on the river. Rebhan. beginning Monday. She plans Spending Week-end at Newport— to visit the coast. Mrs. E. E Morrison, daughter Vernata Returned from Fishing trip— Her atri son. Gearald. accompanied by Mrs bert Cox and Riley Snodgra«- return M. A. Clingan. mother of Mrs Murrt ed Thursday night from a fishing trip •*« yesterday morning to spend above Oakridge. They went about 30 the w eek end. or possibly a week at N ewport m iles into the timber. Fty <•«« «alaa at fair profita th« ble caai factor waa declared to I.« tha law not accompany Ihem. but I« continu Oregon la to bara an act ,g ouppU and demand, and that with ¡In« hla contrae llu« worh In Hprlii« ’ lltciaaaa In the supply of ■ - field, “ contaat aacnnd to non« and aM« to the rapid I «. ca|>ry f, m„ l(f worW rmx)nl eggs cornea lha need tor greater con Old Friand Vialta—Swan Nelson, a fhieha Into e»ary country of the world. sumption. The campaign "Kat mor« Thia decision waa made by the alala Kgga" now Under way waa endorsed friend of 40 vesos slat,ding, slopped off between trains yeslenlay to visit pnultryravn’a association In oonvan The Oregon co-operative poultry | (', E Kwarta whom he u»ed to know t i , w at the »tat, college, l'orm ili». marketing association got the stamp Mr Nelson July iti of approval along with the pledge of! In tloodland, K»n«a, _ The content will he organised and I help In enll-dlng all Oregon gnawer» i now a resident of la»' Angeles, Call fornla. and was on hie way home fron, ready to start November I. t?2& Jusl aa members. a trip lo untarlo. Canati« where It will be located, how II will The college was askr-d Io provide be financed, and wdtat Ils character the services of a poultry veterinarian Went Fishing—Joe l emmon«. Job,, will be. are io h,, worked out and ; to care for the big poultry dlsan»« Wlnaetirled and J. U Hell of Huge»« reported by a comm ittee of five ero went to I.<>sl Creek ranch up the Me- ' problem» growing more acute. powered to take executive action in Kensle river Saturday night, going the matter. Tha committee appoint over the (rail to (««at Lake the follow cd to ascertain whether the college Ing morning to do sotata trout flailing H a d W a c k -E n d Q u esta— M r and would provide the grounds reported They return«! Io Hprlngfleld Sunday In the affirmative, but selection of the Mr». Ralph Kadderty and eon, Ralph night. location was left to the c o n tm llte e j Junior, of Portland and Mr. ami Mrs William Dawson and aon. Illlly, of Visited at Look Home—Dr and The association went on record aa A.'bnnv arrived Friday for a »toll at Mrs J I. Hunt of taxi Angeles and opposing quostlonab'e bunlnnaa me the W Adrian home. Mr and Mrs Mr» Cnullne Ml*e of Salem »tolled thods and false advertising, and will Lrltoy Myers of Salem ami Mr ami wllh their nelce. Mrs. F E Louk thia appoint the editor of a poultry Journal Mrs Kirby Ross Bnd »on. Stuart, also w e e k Kdgar la>uk has gone lo Mapleton to hear ran,plaints from the public of Salem, arrived on Saturday. All the guests left for home on Sunday Io spend len day». against any dishonest practice .real R e tu rn e d fro m R an ch — M arsh M a r or fancied. The question will be re ferred to the executive com m ittee of tin who «pent some time at his ranrh S P E C IA L P R IC K on p la te w o rk Dr. N W K n ie ry . <1«o lia i S u llo n Bldg, th« association for '.rial. wl,h expul at Vida returned last week end I Enjoying Vacations—Jack Henderec returned to his work at the Mountain States Power Company on Tuesday after two weeks vacation. D W. Al bers. also of the power company left hla work Tuesday to take a two weeks' vacation. Enjoyed Picnic—Oswald M. Olson, and mother Mrs. Emma Obon. and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lansberry and children Junior. Maxine anti Phyllis went on a picnic on Camp Creek Sun day Returned from Portland— Dr. A. C. Oaterholm returned to Springfield Monday morning after spending the tim e since Saturday in that city on a business trip. Home from Monmouth— Miss Doro thy Ditto is home from Monmouth normal school «pending the summer with her parents, Mr and Mrs. George Ditto. She has signed a contract to teach the Goshen school next year O u rA u ^ tU t lu r n itu v e S a le i L o c a tin g H ere— W ayne C-lover. who has, been manager of the Coast Range lumber company at Mabie has re signed his position and is locating here in Springfield. With him are Mrs. Clover and their daughter. 7 0 0 P ie c e s o f F u r n itu r e REDUCED 10% t o 50% Here from Sacremento— Mrs. L. N McKown of Sacremento, California lr here spending th - summer with her parent« Mr. and Mrs. Hans F u r u s e - Before her recent marriage Mrs. Mc Kown was iMss Florence Furuset. She taught In the Sacremento high school during the past year. Returned from Visit— Mrs. N. W. Emery returned from Portland Sun H e r e fro m A lb a n y — Mr. and Mrs day night after a week's absence. Homer Davis and children. Robert and W hile in Portland she visited her »la Nancy Jane, visited at the home of ter», Miss Emma Massey and Miss Mrs Davis' mother. Mrs. Wilbur Lep- Abbie Massey. toy the past week-end. They arrived S topped In Springfield— Winfred on Friday. YOU ARE W ELCOME TO C R ED IT EVEN AT T H ESE SPECIAL SALE PRICES a , . p -o o , o , we extend during this Annual August Sale all the with home while values .d u . o, are greatest, and save as you can «n'y at this store. May. of the office force of the Booth- Kelly sawmill at Wendllng. stopped Here ,ron’ Seattle— Mrs A. L. Win in Springfield and visited the local lom- s,8ter of Dr- w - Rebhan' Booth Kelly plant on his wav home ' toiling this week at the home of her from Bandon and other coast points.j b«»’her Mrs. Windom came from her j home In Seattle in company with her S J . WaJl. from the Burroughs of- jHtt1« daughter. Marjorie Anne. They flee in Eugene was In Springfield i *»* Joined here by Dr. A. L. Wln- W ednesday overhauling the adding dom this week-end. machines at the Booth Kelly sawmill. Went Fishing— Arthur Robert*. L. K Page is painting the house oc cupied by Mrs. Whittaker between E Earl Roberts. C. B Bicknell and Ben- jie Endwicott went fishing Sunday and F itreets on Fifth. near Belknap springs. While there H e r e fro m V a n c o u v e r— B. B. Cole they saw six deer in the forests. They and J N. Cole, brothers of W. B. Cole made a large catch of fbh. of Springfield, arrived here from Van- Here from Vancouver— B. B. Cole Phenomenal Values Like These Are Numerous On Dining Room Furniture Any h o m e- anyw here—contem plating the purehaBe of dining room furniture will shop at W ethertiee- owe first B The values listed below a re only representative— there are scores of other pieces equally low priced. oo William & Mary Diners in W alnut, one set only $5.50 $6.00 Oak Diners. Genuine Leather Seats, choice of M a h o g a n y W n i» I T a b le s, q u - r i . A nne. on three pattenw IT’S COM ING Oregon’s Own Drama The NEXT WEEK COVERED W AGON EME•/;? OF TH. HOUGH’S MIGHTY EPIC ¿EGON PIONEERS 3000 P L A Y E h j----- 1000 HORSES AUGUST 4-5-Ó-7 FIRST TIM E SHOWN R EX 600 OXEN C ^W U t , , S295O $30.00 Mahogany Buffet, Italian design <4000 $65.00 M ahogany Buffet, Italian design • $60.00 Mahogany Buffet, Queen Ann- $95.00 Seven-pie e le Dining Set in W alnut, Windsor $66 00 design, table and six chairs.............................. You will find listed below a few of our exceptional values in the Drap ery Department offering a saving of from 10 to 50% 100 Yards. 36-in. Wide Fibre Silk, Sunfast DRAPERY Color Bose, Rose and Blue, and Green R egular $1.75 Now $1.39 CRETONNES Special lot. of six patt -ms, values to $1.65 Now 89c THEATRE UTE EUGENE SILK GAUZE All the popular shades and colors—45 to 50 Inches wide R egular $2.00 per Yard Now $1.45 Yard Extra Special On VOILE, FILET. MARQUISETTE Values to 75c per Ycrd Now 39c Yard Now For Your Living Room, Won derful Savings On Mohair— Velour— Tapestry Covered Davenports—Chairs —Rockers Our Annual August Kale brings to homo furnishers most im|x»rtant values In upholstered fum lttrre for the living room. Splendid new num bers In Davenports, (’hairs and R ockers in designs not shown before In coverings of Mohair. Velour and Ta|(estry nil nt lowered prices thnt set a new standard for value-giving. $185.00 Overstuffed Bed Davenports In Velour, choice of three factory m akes $140 00 $25o.oo Brocaded or Plain Mohair I>aven|iorts $173.50 $200.00 Brocaded Mohair Davenports $150.00 $100.00 Tapestry Davenports $69.50 $48.00 Gate-leg Table (Wallace Nutting) $36.50 $10.00 Mahogany Davenport End Table....... $5.95 Included In This Sale Are Many Carpets-Rugs—Linoleums Never before have we offered such a comprehensive array of floor coverings as in this August Kale and never at such low enil prices. Rugs Carpets Linoleums— in all w anted designs, grades and colorings In a size for every need. Conte to W ethjrbee-Pow ers during this sale and Pro«t- • $145.00 W orsted Wilton Ru. . ¡2 $117.50 $ 80.00 Body B russels Rog. ! \ ' ' $50.00 $ 2.45 A Grade Inlaid Lli le in $1.95 $ 2.00 C Grade Inlaid Linoleum ..................... $1 60 ■^/ETHERBEE WE CHARGE Y C 'R C, NO INTEREST IT AT P 0 F Ü U Î5 PRiGES «