Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1924)
T iH r fla r u v , july » i , im the O. A. C. experiment atitH n Tile drainage changoa lands from productive value aw low an Io be of Correspondants uncertain profit, to doubt« inc yield for a good profit. Home white m ill UPPER WILLAMETTE ed land« on the 0 . A. C. aPidon farm.» I rodured 12 to 16 bu»he'» per U' re. Mr. ami Mr» Cooper ami dnughtor, and went a« high aa 83 ’»urhtD per ap«nt Humlay at Monmouth. acre after tiling. Mr and Mr» E. II Tinker »pent Cleaning up crop rwtnatitt, It'ter, the week-end at the home of Mr, Tink rubbish, and weed plots aid very ma er'« »I'ler. Mra E. f t Godholt, of Bod j Bluff, Calif. Mr. and Mr* Tinker: terially In cleaning out the earwig will lake a short hualntwa trip on i post, the (). A. C. experiment station ha» found. Tdieae heap« of ri fuse »out It from lied Bluff. AI hiu I SB of the Pleanant Hill and are hiding and breeding plar»». Va Springfield Christian Endeavor So cant lota In earwig district* ars good ciety. Including Rev. and Mr». W A r«»fuge ground» for thb pent. Prem- Elkina of Eugene enjoyed a picnic ta»ii cleaned up In fall and winter Sunday, July 27 nt the Thompson favor a potaon mn>h campaign that will eradicate or greatly reduce tho placo. Key. and Mr», Arlo Bristow and past. Community News THURSTON NOTES Mr. and M i, Jam»'* t'alv«rt nf Jum lloll apont Ihs flrat part ut the wank h»ra. Mr and Mr». T W. Leavitt ami family left Tuirtilay for Halnm Their n»xi meeting will bn In Kingston. Wash., but they (|an to miurn to Hprltutflnlil In January. Mamin Ktlmlston left Wedmmdsy for Hwlaahntnw on an »xlnndeil visit lla io l Kilmlalon 1» visiting friend» nt Kimdil J. T. Hllvnn and fsniPy of Eugnn« »pent Wndmaulav «venlng »billing at the J It Edmlaton bom«. Mr and Mr» Itnrt Weaver and fam ily of Eugene »tailed at tbe A W. Weaver borne Humlay, , Mr and Mr*. Chari«« Wlllton and fumlly of Montana are moving to the Wtlllon Itroihers sawmill. It a I ph llonnle nt Swlsshom« vlaltud friend* here the flr»t part of the week Mrs, W t'llsm Egler wax accidently »hot last week by her huaband who wa» »hooting a hawk Two or three ■hot lodged Ju»l above her knee» She 1» getting alright now Mr». Wilson and Mr» Hangman»! of l ’endleton are visiting their parent», Mt and Mr« George Milder Price who 1» working at Me Kenai« Bridge »pent Saturday night at her horn« here Fran»')« Gray who wax operatnd on last week la at the Ira Gray home The company thrtwher started Mon day noon on the Barnett place Ho»» Mathew« 1» moving hla furni ture to Oakridge where he will live after hop picking He will again run tho »tore at the J W Seavey hop yard. While Win Egler wa» driving near Goshen Sunday their car turned over •lightly Injuring Mr» Egler’* hand bo lid e c u llin g a r v e r a l oth er«. A» ha turned a blind corner a car waa park ed on the highway turning out to ml»« It, thia threw the steering ap pnratus out and ho waa unable to turn back into road PAGE T U R E » THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS By Spadai And the Band Played On. «uch a« thia canhot bait Its growth f Cheater: “ Who on ewrth W that and progrww." The new building which will lake homely *,rl Jack’» danqlng with?" Jh n : ■‘‘That’» iny »later.h the place of the one Just destroy*»! will follow the »ame plan, so admIra hie did that, plan prove Io be. T h e 1 It la easier to put out fire In tbe amphitheater probably will be niaile howl of your pipe, than when It Ja aoiuewhat larger, but the general com. burning over one hundred and alxty ■tructlon will be the Maine aa before. I acre» of tlmherland. It «eema that It cannot be bettered. "Put your campfire out,”—»ay It with water. TWeZeoT Zinc Stearate fie Just Loves It! Flanery’s Drug Store z»* «Rer-olt Eastman Grocery g u .l e If you bap|ien to eouie In contact wllh Eugene Myer, Jr., who Is now traveling through Urn West, you ■night got valuable information. It 1» sold I»»' luteuds to put the average tulue of cattle up »U> a head. That would help »erne By A rth u r B risb an e WHEAT IS COING UP. EUGENE MYER JR. IN CHARGE. BEER AND SHIPS. MORE THAN AIR MAIL SERVICE. The I h»|>nrt ment of Agriculture say« farmer« ull lost money mi their wheat last year. II eoat »1.24 u bushel to grow It. Th»1 nverage prlre wa« !«• cent«, t'nlcsa all signs full, farmer» will get all the wheat eontg this ywir and n good di'al more. Many section« of the country pro ducing fewer I linn 15 bushel« of when! to III»' acre, with labor and fertlllr.»T ,»»sting what they do, It 1» hard In see bow wheat can pay, even at »1.21 Tbe »«publican plan Is to fori»' tbe price to »1.W1. lbiw many vote« would that la* worth? If farmers hnve any whent un sold from tbe last crop- they usually hnve mm»' when lb»' price goes up li t them bang on t»> It And If they nr»' wise they will bold for bb/li prices Ill«' wheal no» I. In: threshed. When tin' really big |tco|ile want wliiat to go up. a< Hi»'}' »Io now, It goes up. They have the |»iW«r to multi' II go. It 1« not like on»' In ilhbluul. professional wheal gam bler. or IHtic pool, trying to light the wolves of the "short aide." - Giber grains, corn especially, ami cotton and slocks, will travel upward with the wheat What Itopilbllean vli-icy. B ill VICTORY. ib iiihi I i I m 1» a i i .perlty boom. You'll have It. Renders inny I'emonibiT that this writer, whim cotton was lielow 25. announced that II would travel up to 115. It dl(l, moving steadily ami higher than 15. What the big fel lows want really happens. Eugene M.ver, Jr., able young cltl- gen of many millions, Is In charge of tbe plan to put up tho prices or wheal mid of other farm products to make farmers happy. ami enable tho Government to lend them more ""nnN T GAMBLE, HOWEVER. It Js virtuous to pray that farmers may have better times and better prices. H's foolish to gamble on It. No little man Is smart enough or quick enough to survive In that A time Is coming w hen' lade of American owned ship« will cost us more billions than that naim* lack cost lu the last war, 'I be varloii* brands of lieer, reli gion, foreign entanglements, etc., all la v e their Imisirlam»'. Hut none 1» as lintsirtant as the safety of the country. And that te- is-nda mi ships. ON the water for carrying go»»ls amt tauojia. ABOVE the water and UNDER tho water, for lighting. , What It Means to You A busines education means future success and financial independence. It is the difference between a mere job at so much per, and a real position. Our school will be in session during the summer months, and we invite you to Join one of our classes Monday. It's a good school the rates are reasonable. Eugene Business College EUGENE, OREGON A. E. Roberts, President However, thou' on the other «Idc »if the fence say .M it ,' LENGTH of life Is not the Impoiiant tiling. It doesn't mallei- so much bow LONG you live, aa how EFFICIENTLY you livo." Tho .vounger 1’ltt. for Instant»*, nmbiul Icilly drunk blmsclf to denth. lint while lie llv»»l lie kepi N u | m >I o 4 iii llouaparto out of Eigtland. And that was more Importaiit Io English men than having him live to he ono liltndriaf ami fifty would have been. Again, It may lie «aid that If lie 1IAD drunk only water, be might have been twb-e an good a l'rlintv Minister in addition to living to la* n liiuidi»»l. » About these things we, aa yet, know nothing. YYTilI« you are ahs'plng, tilers for tho |HiNt otllep are erosNlug Die con tinent, guided by "light jintchea'’ blazing with llghta of many uillllon candle iwiwer. Rvenlually, of courae, that lighting will bo chonp. It la only a question o f powysr, of !ior- rowlng from the sun lu the dn.vlluie enoqgh energy to dupllento sunlight feebly at night. Postmaster General New Is toiho congratulated on Ids ex,client work In developing the aerial mall .deliv ery What ho doea for a greater mall delivery, while most Important, Is of far less value than Ills admirable work In developing the American llylhg machine and American tilers »92 W illamette Street Phone #6« A little while ago we were hog ging England to make room for our soldier» In her ship«, and paying Eugllsli shipping companies tlrst cabin rate« for Icsa than steerage a>»»iinm<Htatfon for American sol diers sent over to help England and Franco But all that wvins to tic forgotten. Dr K. Lyman Fisk, sclent If- authority, says "Alcohol is a liabil ity." Tests prove that “moderate drinkers do mil live longer than total abslahicrs." That's Interesting and Imimrtnii*. Rr. 8. Ralph Dtppel. Dentist. Vltua building. Springfield. Oregon. Inspector Here— A. Anderson of Portland, representative of the Nico lai Door-Manufacturing company, waa In Springfield Monday Inspecting a carload of lumber which hla firm pur It would be a fine thing If the peo chased from the local BoothrKelly The safe fires are those which are ple who throw cigarette« from auto sawmill. never started. ilaoghhr of Snohnntlnh. Wash., ar« »pending a month'» vacation at the; LIKE A PHOENIX home of W S Bri»tow FROM THE FLAMES Mrs Kellog of Portland, O re. 1» visiting In Pleasant Hill. Mrs. Kef The eople of »he Northwest were log’» parent» were charter member» dismayed Wednesday afternoon. July of the Pleasant HIP church, which 21. when they heard of the dl»a«ter Was organised about 7B years ago. which bad overtaken the great Paci The I’leanant Hill Sunday echool I fic International U v e Stock Exposl- ha» passed the 10<> mark and ha-: s e ll tlon. Its mugnlficlent building In their goal at 150 North Portland. Oregon, caught fire Ml«» opal Moore ha» returned heme from a burning shingle mill, and In a after a short visit In Ixn Angel»», C a l.' half hour was reduced to ashea. Mr gnd .Mr« Frank Swift and Ml«» , This splendid plant, the largest and Alice Swift of Portland attended the most conveniently arranged and fun» ral ot their mother Mr«. <’. A. equipped structure of Its kind In the Swift world, covered over 10 acre« of land. It cost approximately $500,000. How ever It wax Inxurod for about 350.000, and General Manager O. M. Plummer FARM REMINDERS • » • • • • • • • • states roslllvef" that the Exposition Full foundation »beets provide will be held November 1 to 8.. Inclu T h e s e sweltering summer straight ronth* for manipulation, save sive, without fall, and that already as days and nights are the time wax In producing comb honey, and surances are coming from every quart- when baby’s health and comfort cause th« bees to hull»! worker cell*. ter of the compasa of aid and entries must be looked after with spe If left to them iclve«, be»»« are prone of livestock. He says; cial care. "The Exposition will be bigger and to build many dron«- cell» Frames Dust his skin frequently with fitted for full sheet» of foundation better than ever. Naturally, all our Puretest Zinc, Stearate — the may be brought from bee supply men. plan» have not been complotM. but pure, smooth, delicately-scented and direction» for manipulation will we expect to rebuild and work will dusting powder. It protects the be «upplted on request to the O. A. be commenced at once. The Pacific skin from chafing, relieves the International Live Stock Exposition irritation of prickly heat and C. department of entomology la so solidly founded and so Important the effects of excessive ¡»erspir-l Eight advantages of copper carbon an Institution that even a great blow ation. ate »lust treatment of seed wheat for Puretest Zinc Stearate is wa smut control are a» follow»»: effective I terproof. It positively prevents control; low co»t: le»» labor; good diaper rash! germination; thicker «land; vigorous plant»; no Io»» from holding after treatment; one fourth of seed aav»«d. Plenty of Esperltnc«. -is largely a matter of Mr». Ouatum: "Can yon do washing Farm and O. A C. station toots have proved Hie auceaa of the new method. right buying. You buy and Ironing?” right, here. New Servant (sym pathetically): Hop red »ptdera collect on the un "Oh. ye«—I used to he married and der surface of hop lewve» a» tile sea- iiu v e a borne of niy own ” son advances. The first 'njury ap Drug S tu n pear» as small pale specks Op the leaf S pent W s s k -E n d a t N o r th B and— surface They apin fine webs on th i Phone 15 Springfield, Or*. PHONE 66 Mr«. Aune Harvey. Mrs Maud Smith surface of the leave« and lay lic e and Loyal Scott motored to North »pherlcal igg» In them. They have llcnd Saturday and returned Monday,' needle-like part« with which they «pending the week-end with Mr.* pierce the tissues. Sulphur la the Scott's slater. standard remedy recommended by THRIFT mobile« could sps«d a day fighting forest fire«. Red Crown.Sir- from theSed.White and Slue Pump / ” Much o f the strongest praise that "Red Crown” gets comes from the 6000 dealers who sell it and know what it will do. Their faith is backed by the performance which makes "Red Crown” the most popular "gas” in the West. To save carburetor adjustments, and to improve your car’s performance on the hills and the long steady pulls, for power and mileage and true economy, use "Red Crown.” Y ou’ll always be glad if you do. T C f t lC t T t b c T — T ake along one o r two Standard O il Scrip Books—two yards o f this scrip w ill take you about 1S00 miles. O btainsble in ¿5, ¿10 and ¿20 denom inations at all Standard O il Service Stations. Convenient! — saves handling cash and is redeemable by dealers as well as at all Standard O il Com pany Service Stations. Springfield Garage -------------------------- Springfield H. L. Mooney ______ ------------------- W est Springfield Bangs G arage______ ... Cor 8th & Pearl Sta., Eugene O. F. B e v e r r _______ — ...... ..............W est Springfield F- E. C la y to n ____ _ ------------------------------;------ Vida W. M. Clark A Son ------------------------------ Leaburg Coburg Mere. Co....... --------- ------------------------ Coburg Earl Couch ___ East 7th St., Eugene E ug ene V u lc . W o r k s ______ . 957 Oak St., Eugene Gas O il In n ______________ _________ _ Franklin ____ Blvd., Eugene B. F Goodpasture Cor. 7th & Olive S t s . Eugene Gray', Cash A Carry Store East 7th SL. Eugene H. G. Hayes --------------------------- — McKenxie Bridge G. W Holloway .............. ............................ ...... Alvadore Jackson A Addison ......................................... ...... Lorane Johnson Bros. Motor Co. .. 265 W est 8th St.. Eugene J. M. Jones ................. ......................... ............ Blue River Wm. G. Klussman ________ _____________ ___ Irving Land A Clack ............... ..................................Creswell Glenn J. Loffer ___ ____ ____________ ____ Dexter J. O. McKinney ............................................ Fall Creek Guss L. Neely Service sta , Cor 8th & Olive. Eugene Perry Neff ------------------ River Road Paeschke Bros. ___________________ ......................... River Road L. W. Rowling .................................... ...... Santa Clara Wells Bros............... Cabin City Auto Camp. Eugene J- E. Woodson Motor Company ______ ___ Creswell J. E. Yoder ...... ........ .. Cor. 2nd & High Sts. Eugene Hunt's Service Station Cor 5th & Blair, Eugene F E Blair ----------------------------------------- Ixywell Wilkinson Bros. _____________________ Veneta P. P. Colcord _____________________________ Eliuira J. C. Horn ...... ........................................... ............ Elmira T ry painting O j B floors your t h VI -i. i s season Acme Quality projects your flooring. It gives a beautiful suri.;- e that is easily cleaned. N o need to scrub fi t imbedded dirt. T he paint seals tbe pores < tbe wood. Goes on easily and dries quickly. We recommend Acme Quality Floor Paint (G ranite.) O ur guarunu goes with every can. Call upon us for any thing in the paint line. W e are here to serve you. ACME QUALITY FLO O R P A IN T Wright & Son STANDARD OF QUALITY STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( C l i f o r n H ia UIBRWiaHM HH a Briaai^JBH EH ) BaRBRBHMI