Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1924)
O g V O T B O TO IN T i U - O F B P R IN Q F IC L D « N D T H I PARMBRS OF T H F W IL L A M B T T I V A L L IV THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW BNTY - PI 11ST Y BA II SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, W orld’« Record JULY 31, 1924 FOUR L’S TAKE STEPS | LOCAL LIONS AT CLUB FOR FIRE PREVENTION MEETING IN LEBANON To Ua< Auto Sticker«; Many Ques- Gat “ Low Gown” on W h a t to Expact tlona Discussed at M onthly at C h arter Night In Springfield, M eeting In Springfield August IS. "The People's Rapar” A L IV E NEW SPAPER TOW N IN A L iv e NUMBER 29 WATER TURNED IN NEW PROJECT A fire prevention measure was de Charter eight of the Lebanon LI oim System started in 1919 and rided In the! rv upon ur v at I. the aa a 4L meeting , . **" «‘tended by a party from the lo- j Fought with Many Difficuties W. O. W hall Monday night to make who raotorBd th# I Now Completed and Large 'T , “ . T ” " , "lo«“ n : county city Saturday night. They re-I which wI V ask proteotlon fur the - , ’ . » . Head of Water delivered to . - P °rt » royal welcome and iiayln g .forests In putting out fires, thus pre- . ... 285 Acre Farm. I___ . _ , __t _____ ! . _ gained a lot of InaPle dope” on how serving Ihe lumber resources. A com- to twtot the Lion’s tai J to make him I t'linaldcratl n nt I ho coming mem- I mitten o f George Haven port. O. H. i liarahlp drive will be pan of the bust- roar at the Springfield charter night. | Water was turned in the ditches on ¡Jarrett and Han W. Crlte« are work- n**»a nt the Antorli an Legioa meeting which la to be August 15. the L. C. Ables farm north of Spring- I Ing out the design and plan for the tomorrow night in the W O. W. hall The party going from here included field, and the first Irrigation pro ¡sticker*. nt x o'« lock Plans arc «d u g forward i John F Ketets, Hr. » Ra'ph Dip- ject In this section of Oregon became ) The meeting went on record a« pro- for the drive under the two captain.. ! pel, Harry Stewart, G G. Bukhman a reality. While there has been wa | pouncing the Springfield Fourth of utal F. W. Walker <’. A. Swart» and Carl Hcnacny, the* ter In the main canal before this 1« July co'ehratlon "the beet hot dog loaltig team to furnish a feed to the ■ The local Lions club la now m eet the first tim e since It was brought celebration ever seen." winners at the clone of the campaign I ing each Friday and plans are being down to proper grade that a larga Since the rrieotlng a letter has been The state of Oregon In now fourth of, made for the charter night -here. ; head of water came through and Is | received by D. W McKinnon, local nil the atnt.n In the union In the I Tuesday noon members of the I evidence that the big ditch will fnne- ¡secretary, from W. C. Ruegnltx, exe- meinberahlp drive, and every e ffo rt; Springfield Lion« u'ub went to Eu I tlon. ! cutlve secretary at the Portland head- la being made by legionalrea of the, gene and had luncheon at the Os I quarters of the Loyal Legion of Log- The project was started off with a trtta to go over the top burn hotel with the Eugene Lions, ; igera and Lumbermen, announcing the Rotary and Klwanls cluba and Cham- i big Jubilee In Sprlngfiel 1. June 12, 13 A meeting of llte l o u i t l i n tillers of various 1-abnr Hay celebrations and 14, and has been in the making the posts throughout the w hole eoun-: ber of Commerce. The meeting was ' I throughout the local organization«. off and on ever since. After a cour ty was held Friday night In the Bo- addressed by John Ihlder. manager of i I-abor Hay was announced as being ageous fight through litigation and Cane chamber of commerce room s,; the Civic deportment of the Ulnted l September 1. with 4L picnics and cele- Stages Chamber of Commerce, who j engineering mistakes Mr. Ables has The Springfield post was represented ' brat Iona being considered and plan- ! won out single handed and this week by Howard It Freeland, local co m -, Is on a Pacific Coast tour Mr. Ihlder ! ned by many -local and In all the 1 »aw abundant water com e through tnauder, who will dlacuan plana at the stressed the importance of business districts. The Pugent Sound locals. the main canal and deliver on his Friday meeting of the legion The men In world leadership. Told how ' Including Feattle and vh-lnltv will j 285 acre farm Just outside this city. dates of August 1 to 10 have been , the Dawes -peace plan w as the out ; celebrate, as will Willapa Harbor lo-! i Water rights hare been secured to aet for the drive, [A ^TootTSql growth of business leadership and | cals (Raymond and South Rend. t irrigate about 20.000 acres and with Word received yesterday from 8ou ; predicted that the peace of the world Margaret Wilson, daughter of ¡W ashington.) The Silverton, Oregon thern Pacific railway headquarters In; depended on putting Into practice the the late President Woodrow Wil ! a little work on the ditch every (arm • local 1» to repeat Its big celebration l*ortland. stated that the American; son. as she arrived at the Demo ! in thia section may now have water If j In Ihe Silverton park with an tneita- principles of sound business cratic Convention to root for her 1 the owner desires it. While the t.rglnn dances ntav continue Indefln Robert I-egender, of Newark, brother-in-law, Wm. G. McAdoo. . ; ditch Is now completed so far as the Itely In the open air dance pavilion ' N. J , one American champion, who ) tlon extended to Por’/and locals anil - Safety Measures Taken. those of the Columbia river to Join ' i Ables farm Is concerned the chelf on the railroad's land south of the broke the world's record by 8 Safety first measures were report ' them. A meeting of the Portland lo- | value of the project at prerent Is edu- post office until the maintenance de Inches u. winning the O lym pic ed Installed at the meeting of the title with a 1-- -.1 ii - - f * « ! cala was held the night of July 28 ANNOYED MOTHER-IN-LAW I cational. Mr. Ables proposes to dem partment has been heard from, ac Safety First committee at Ihe Booth- lo make preliminary plane. It la ex- cording to Mr Freeland Tbla coun COURT GRANTS DECREES onstrate what water will do in the Kelly sawmill Tuesday night. These ! peoted to make It the biggest 4L | termand« the letter received earlier fertile soil of this section. It is ex- Include screens placed on the north ¡event next to the 1924 Tacoma Fourth Alleging that his wife kept com i pected that either an irrigation dis In the week from E. L King, super MANY GO TO COTTAGE side of the mill to keep sparks from of July picnic -held In any 4L dis pany with other men and neglected trict will be formed or water sold out intendent of the Portland dlvblnn. going ln*o the mill, and a guard GROVE CAMP MEETING trict. her home, Walter J. Nielsen was given right to tihe farmers when once the stating that the Legion's application placed around the air compressor so I - .......... j Newport. Washington, local has In- a decree Tuesday In circuit court on value of Irrigation Is recognised by t<> continue the occupation of the prop that If the belt should break no one Springfield has been represented vlted the town to share In a mam- a croaa complaint after his wife, Beat people of this locality. erty could not be approved The regu would be lnjurde. rice, had sued him for divorce. The lar Wednesday and Saturday night “ • the Methodist ramp m eetings In outh pli-ntc. Sandpoint. Idaho has According to the custom the chair The writer haa lived In the Yakima dances can thus continue as usual Cottage Grove at all the various considered Joining with the Kootenai man of the meeting who was thia couple were married February 21. valley irrigated sections and has al ! local for celebrating. Deer Park. seaaloRS. 1921. a and have one child wihlch the while Ihe railroad la reconsidering tim e W. P. T rion, appointed a mem so seen the big project In the Imperial father is given custody of. Among those going from here ore: Washington may have a picnic. ih» matter. The lot owned by James ber of the committee to serve aa valley and other sections of Califor Because he threatened to burn his Laxton on 7th and Main «traete tins R ef. and Met. TU>m«s D. Yamee. M r. thaimnM at the next. Jess Smitson mother-in-laws' horde and struck his nia. but has never seen a project where been offered by Mr Laxton os a free and Mrs Lawrence May. Mr and Mrs. CHAMBER HOLDS PICNIC will be the succeeding chairman. wife on numerous occassfons. Non. nature has done so much in supplying site for the pavilion during the reet J. T Moore. Mr and Mrs. J. P. IN HANSEN AUTO PARK Wilson was given a decree of divorce the water as it haa in the McKenzie of the summer In case It must be Vaughn,' Ml«» Marguret Morris. Il W. Celebrate Birthday. from Sherman Wilson. They were river where this project is taken out. t.n ith . .Mr». Emma Olson, Mrs. Platt moved. A picnic In Hansen's Auto park Ordinarily to build an irrigation sy s The tenth birthday of Miss June married in 1920. Election of a new adjutant will he an,| Ml-» Edna Platt. Mrs. W. H. took the place o f the regular meet- delight- A. C. Anderson has been granted tem the magnitude of the Ables pro hel-l Friday night to replace Verdon ants and Fay. Mrs. L. E. Thompson. | ng of tlj,e Springfield Ghamber o f ' Hanks was the occasion of a _ a divorce from B erth yl; Anderson by ject would cost maii 5 hundreds of rcP Monday evening Member« L * h®m® May who has resigned to more to Mr- II. lie gpong. Mrs T J. Mac- of dollars. A long slough, Cl areola. a M< Elhaney. Mrs. B,)(| (heir fam ilies attended with well her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. E default. She ran arour.d with other thousands t'racken, Mrs u. I . G. said to have once been the original Hanks near Springfield Junction on men and called him v’le names the Bench, Mrs. Cruxan, Mr. and Mrs. filled baskets and "the evening meal channel of the river leaves the main William O. Hughes, Hr. nnd Mra. W. was eaten under ihe trees in the Saturday, lit the afternoon from 2:30 husband claimed. PARTIES LEAVE FOR branch near the McKenxle stock farm ♦o 5:30 o'clock. Guests were Helen CLEAR LAKE WATER TRIP II. Pollurd, Mr. and Mis 8. 8. PnH*1- northwest corner of the park. and parallels the river nearly to Hay Swarls. Maxine Swarta. Hlldred Wy- E ntertains fo r Mra. Coffin. Mr. and Mrs Verdon May. Mr. and | -p(,p OTen| ny was spent around the den bridge. It is from this slough coff, Mildred Wycoff. Geneva Wvcoft. 1 Honoring Mrs. Edward L. Coffin, Investigating the Clear Lake water Mra. Vorl» and Mary. Mr.). Rice and camp , | rp w|th mandolin music, the water Is taken, carried In the Jean Scott. In vern o Pugh, Ermeine I mothpr of Mra Allrewl J Morgan who( project which has been proposed to ’ Marian. Mrs Ed Kester. Mrs W illiam; .p(,„ street paving committee ro Stewart. Rolard Stewart. Mr and Mr«. !s herP frT>m Minneapolis. Minesota, large canal and flumes to the Ables ster supply to the entire W U-. tJtnsberry. Mrs. Parshall, Mr. and ; ported Informally that progress was give wat farm about three m iles away. If It Ida Col«’ ;being made on the Mill street paving Harold Stewari A special feature o f »r. pn(Jing , he w m nier. Mrs. John F. lam ette valley re Percy nrown. W. Mr«. Charles Myers. Mrs. Id Geneflcld were not for this ditch dug by nature * T Gordon of the First National bank. !«nd children. Mr and Mr*. B ntchel-, ,,|ana Members of the comm ittee ex- Ihe occasion was a large birthday 1 K eteb entertained the many thousand* of dollars would have Sain Moshler. City councilman. J W ! dor. Mr and Mrs Bailey, anil Dor- pressed the belief that at least three- cake with ten pink candles on It. bridge club at a porch party at her to be spent In delivering the water on Games were played. home on Friday afternoon. The porch E. Davidson and Jxt- ! then, Mrs It fourths of the property abutting the McArthur, water hoard engineer. Hon- the farm. was elaborately decorated with crepe 4 street would be signed up for the Im ifctd Young, attorney, all of Eugene, land Mrs. Sam Masterson wa here Tues paper stream ers carrying out the yel Workmen have been busy all this provement. and H Elmer Maxev of Springfield- day from Camp creek on a buying trip. low and white color scheme. Garden spring bringing the canal down te The men left last night by auto for M arrlage Licenses Issued. flowers added a color note. The ladies grade and from the head of water Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Blakely of Belknap springs, where they will get During the past week marriage li spent the afternoon playing bridge reaching the farm last Friday It Is of Goshen Mrs. Elmer Ferguson Prunevllle were In Springfield on bus horses lo pack In to Clear luike to censes have been Issued lo the fol- and "500." was In tri 'n Tuesday evident the main canal will now func iness Tuesday. Tho Inspection excursion) as | inar(ng couples by the county clerk day tion properly. M. Ables began irri planned hv the l*ure Water D evelop-|J!t p |a| r Luckey and Catherine Mallon, gating a clover field and putting the ment longue. W»Mo Anderaon. proal- ,(n(h Eugene; Elbert H-,skins and water Into his orchard. The whole deni, leaves Albany this morning. ¡Ethel Marsh, both of Eugene; Thomas country around Springfield show » Eugene business men were urged u „ rolil Pilcher and Ruth MeKIhhen. badly the lack of rain this season. to Join the caravan to Ihe lake at a ,Hlth of c ot(agp Grove; Virgil Edwin With the water In the ditch It Is meeting of the Eugene chamber of K„yt „n,, Mnrguerette Vern N 'a n ford, easily to renllxe what a difference this commerce at a meeting Tuesday, when |K,(h nf Eugene; Paul Richard (Virls- would have made in iproduction thia Carl Wa Itburne. president, addro. Bn,| Wilma Dwell, both of Ven year, especially if one has ever been ed the men nt the Joint «i'rvlce-c1tih (.,a . Knrl J. W ells and Crystel Martin, In an irrigation section and seen the luncheon at ihe Oshnrn hotel The Of Swtsshome; nnd Theodore Clear Lake project wns declared the | | u,|;.nn_ Bremerton, W ashlng'on, nr 1 effects of water on land. biggest problem before the people nf p m Dnwson. both of Eugene An Irrigation expert from eastern the W illam ette valley at the present! _______________ . Oregon. Mr. Hobson, has been placed time. in charge of irrigating the Ablee farm. Rev. Moore to Preach. Tile pinna for the d-velomnent of He declares he has never seen as fine Next Sunday at the Methodist Clear lak<> Include the tapping of the a head of water in a new ditch, before church. Rev. .1 T. Moore will preach body of wn«er for use by the val-'ey and that the soil here Is easy to work nt 11 a m and I'rof Randall Scon rltles, nnd the plnclng of power plnnts nnd will respond to irrigation with ex will pri aril In the evening at X p. in. along the pit e line which will furnish cellent results. Rev. T D Ynrnes left Monday for power fhr Industrial devetonnient m A-ih'nnd where he will sponk at the la discussing the project this week well ns decren«e Ihe pressure of the "Morning Watch" service every day Mr. Ables said. “ I promised Ihe peo wnter to normal. during the Epworth Longue Institute. ple of Springfield that I would com Eugene men going by (nrnvan nre plete this ilrst Irrigation project with Mr Wnshburne, mayor E J ' Parks. Charh-s Grant was In front Thurston out anybod'! m orteacing their farms Dr Jo-hn Lnnslm rv of the H nlvorally (ho on Monday. to pay for It. Although I have had of On-grin, anil Carl McClain nf George Plait of Thurston was In many dlfflcultlos to overcome I have water board. Springfield on hu«ln«-«- Monday. kept my word. I fully believe that Mrs, Charles Hayden of Camp time will seo all this section Irrigated New Postofflee. ereek was a Springfield business visi In small tracts and the population and A new postofflee Inis now been es tor on Tuesday. wealth of Ihe community Increased tablished at Rainbow camp on the many fold.” McKenxle river between Blue river R*turne«l from Canada—Mr. and and Yldn with Lewis Quinby, propri Mr«. N A Rowe returned Sunday night etor of the camp, named as the new The CarboUneum Wood-Preserving from Vancouver, British Columbia. ,, , , ....... .. of the new post master. The name company ahlrped a “carload of polee „ „ b. a . . n „ . . b T b .,« " « 7™ which had received a coating of creo apd Waahlngton. They vlultod In enntp will he supplied from the Spring- sote In their plant to Michigan on Portland with Mrs. Rowe’s sone, Peter field postofflee by the McKenale river Saturday, an another on Monday. and Nick Lamliorty, ami In Alhany star route. There will bo a mall The Morrison-Knudsen conxpany re with John Lamborty nn«l family. each way dally except Sunday. ceived a shipment of a carload of While In Seattle they visited with Ur. coal from Utah on Monday. Inspector Here— L R. Oray, lumber and Mrs. Z. Strong and fam lkt Dr. The Springfield Mill and Grain Strong and Mr. Rowe nre old friend«, Inspector for the Southern Pacific company received a carload of feed having known each other In Nome. railway company with headquarters from Portland on Saturday. In Port,land, was here yesterday In- Alaska 26 year» ago The l l o v w had Mbrri« Hill of Jasper was In tow* been gone from Springfield elnce July wpectlng a car of lumber for the com Monday. It. pany at the Booth Kelly aawmlll. Metnberahip Drive to Be Held August 1 to 10; Election of Adjutant Scheduled; Dance Pavilion Not to Be Moved. •AND THEY ARE NOT IRON CROSSES EITHER'