Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1924)
THURSDAY. JULY »4, ÌM4- THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS g* AO E SIX (Continued fmm Page Fivei laird. Profeev.or Kirk was formerly auptwfnteudent of the Springfield public school* Oa Sunday the two couples and the Pollard ch ild .'« . Wil liam. Ku h. Robert and Juie went to Cottar»- Grove to attend the M»*thodlst i-aaip meet Inc returning In the eve American Explorer Brings New ning Professor and Mrs. Kirk left People From San Bias on Monday morning for Albany and Country Which Starts other points. White Indians in Lost Tribe of Panama But What Makes Them White, Now Question W hite Indians Arrive In N ew York Scientific Discussion The farlm llneuiu Wood l*ra»«rvln< Ths Springfield Mill and Grain company received a carload of corn conipanv received a « » lo a d of polos from the north W illamette valley yes yesterday from the middle wssL terday to treat with a creosoiing pro K L. King, suportnlendebt of the eras A double carload of treated i*ortland division of the Suullii-rn I'u to lls 1» now being loaded for West clfic railway company went through Virginia Springfield on hl» way to Oakrldxr Klin r Russell shipped two rar’uada and ha, k again ye»l«rda> of pole» ywiterdsy from Pall creek Io Hsnry Mai hews was here from the Southern i'aclfic company in Cal Goshen today Ifi rnla. Mr- Kdith llaydrn was hers from Itl.haid Hart of Cedar »"at waa In Mapleton calling »n friend» Tu<sda> yesterday ” ?! U V • dr« and daughter ol Ito.» Mathews was hers from Thurs Camp Creek were in »own y«»terday. ton yeetenlay, William Darting has left on a two Bert Mathews of Thurston was la weeks' trip to California. on business today Mr». Arthur Nest is recovering E W I.evee waa here from Hayden her recent Illness. Bridge yesterday on a buying trip Kph Malbews o f I'le a s a u l H i l l was Kd Griffin of Kugm e motor routs it was In Springfield for medi al a Springfield visitor this morning (reatniont .Monday Dr Ralph H Dlppoi. D en lt.i. Vllus J A. Olson was In front Jasper yes. terday » hi business building. Springfield. Oregon Leaving for Newberg— Mr and Mr» Arthur Hannan and family are ex By Robert Puller. pectin* to change l«x-ati»»a soon, mor We New York. July 34 —Yew in g to Nesrberg. Oregon have white Indiana The question now. however. 1» Moved to McMinnville— Chandoa U |„ What makes them w hite.' Chase and family moved to McMinn Man* of the leading scientists in ril'o, Oregon this week, where they the United States are discussing the , w ill m ake their homo -kibjec". pokli) I probVug. tw isting ears and looking down the throats of! M arried In Roseburg— Prien Is of Miss Edna IMrve and Clarence Brad- ' hr~ homesick liu te toU i . N s w ley were Intereeied to of their Tork, bought here by Richard O j marriage which occured in Roseburg M .rsh. American explorer. lat t week summer discovered a trib* of 406 in i the San Bias country of Panama v siting Brother and Sister— Sira Brought from the Jungle where they Holland and Mrs Childs of Califor- wore no clothes, garbed in cirilixa- Here are shown three white Indian children of ? » " •« * nia have been visiting their brother, tion's modem dress and thrown sud-i a rd O M a rsh of New York, who discovered Ahe tribe ol 400 in the O . H. Jarrett, and sister, Mrs. Cart denly into the world's largest city— ‘ ■untry , f Param a. Th« c h ild re n falle»! to be impressed B iss Girard this week. »he ’hree children. Chepu. Oto. and j witn anything they »aw m th¿ w violer city of c iv ilis a tio n . New Y ork. Margaret submit to a critical exam l-, T o o k M o to r T r i o — Mr and Mrs. M nation without seem ingly a flicker In Nsw York they do nothing bu' J. McKlin and son. Howard Cotton feel mg passing across their stolid little to the three little white Indians, returned Sunday from Portland, aftet countenances, beneath shocks of They are. p erh a js the ioniiest chil -tare »tare They The blink their queer, squint-j being gene five days. They made a bris'itng tow-colored hair dren In the world. And quit« the tng blue eye» at the crow ds the build- 1 trip up the Columbia river on Satur- -j-be children are not alone. Older most bewildered lugs, the traffic. Sometime-. Msr- day. Whi'-e in Portland they were members of the tribe and parents "The little girl had worn c ’-otheo caret cries Ato and Chepu shed nev- guests at the home o f Mr.-and Mrs. were brought along—«afe return to but nel'her of the boys had ever w o r u - r a tear; they are men. and their \Y B Wheeler, former Springfield their Darien region o f the Panama a strip until I got them." »aid Mr stoicism is as typically Mongolian as being assured and guaranteed Moat Marsh. "I tied a red bandanna hand are their prominent cheek bone.» and - rrsidents. Hut they do not i of the older members nr* of brown kerchief on each When I got them flattened noses W eet Fishing—Isaac N Endlcot' skins and of no norma! Indian char- to Colon I put them In shirts and »mils, either; and one feels that per-j and son Benjamin. Arthur Roberts, ac-eristics pants, but I had a lot of trouble haps, when they crawl into strange and Earl Roberts went fishing Sunday It was at first thought that Mr at first to keep them from undress beds at 'he Waldorf, and th e lights* T h a t's » combination that w ill make the old bus * eight m iles above Belknap Springs. Marsh had brought a group of stray log right In the hotel, they were so go out. they hug sach other q u ite ; look like a million dollars. A ll you need i« the right tinuh T h -y left here Saturday night, re albinos out of the forests of Panama hot and uncomfortable." lightly, in their utter darkness and the nght mstructiona W e can «uppiy them. Wg turning Sunday night. The caught and war calling »hem white Indians. carry a lull line of the genuine Acme ^Juality M otor Car 51 red-side trout which averaged After a critical ex»m lr<lon by a MOTOR VEHICLES PAY A <leriv»sj from the sale of b >n is. both Finishes. from 12 to 14 inches in length. State and local General property larre group of our best scientists It FIFTH OF HIGHWAY INCOME D o n ’ t start the n u w r with a »hahby car. Come m taxes contributed lees than half the was agreed th at they were white arid see ua W e have other vnapi y color tombuutioiifc M c to re d to Roseburg— Mr. and >ir< highway income, or 44 4 per cent Thi* Tndians— but abnormal and pathologi An analysts of tiie various sources Traman Gay. Mr and Mrs. Charle» means, worked out in another way. Do it Yourself with cal cases of highway funds since 1914 made by Gay. Mr. and Mrs. George Chenoweth Explorer T ells How T rib e wav Fcund the Bureau o f Public Roads of the that of every dollar collected by tne amd daughter Frances. and M rs., Sta'es. counties, cities, townships, Mr. Marsh described bow he first United States Department of Agri- Grace Roberts motored to Roseturg and other taxing districts, only 1! 4 Sunday, taking along a picnic lunch saw white Indians In Panama ’ast culture shows that there is a marked cents was used for highway purposes. summer and determined to return with tendency to collect a larger propor- MOTOR CAR FINISHES They returned in the evening The average annual expenditure per , a property equipped err edition. He tion of highway funds from the own Bu ld'eq Filling Station— E E Kep- told how he anproached the Smith- er» and user* of motor vehicles. In pe rson per mile 1.» only 0.0034 cen t— . . . . . . I cent for each 366 m iles of toad Be*, with the assistance of a carpen- «on’an !n«‘itution at Washington. th, . . . . ____ _________ 7 i This ranges from 6 0615 cent In the : tor. is erecting a f.’ling a n l service Museum of Natural H istory here and o , »346.363 784. the collections iron w est North Central Sratea to 0 101 ■ ta tto o on his p ro p e rty a* Fifth nnd A U niversity of R oche-'er in order ,-noto,- vehicles amounted to 913.383. cent per person per mile In the Pa « r e e ls . The building b to be of that th»v ro’vht send reorewentatives psj „ j _ j ppr „( ,j,e total. In frame construction, facing the corner , n the expedition. so that Its results ,«-si. M ven years later, the motor I cific States. ____________________ T he date of opening has not yet been would obtai" 'h e cdr.fldence of the vehicle owners and operators paid - •A e * ~ 3 > £ -X - arnoonced sedeottfle world »118.943.70« In motor vehicle fee» and SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. D r These r<-pre««—tstivrs were pre- »3,«$S.46O in gasoline 'axes, which I N W. Emery, d'ntlat Sutton Bldg Went Bssimmlnp—A parte Includine Phocbe Barn»“. L^ura C am ecter. Ln- ent when he left New York I»st Jan- together equaled 10 8 per rent of the nary, and wrben he got to Psnam s total income for highw ay purpose« efl!«» Carpen--r. and Juaaita Walkcr be received help bv 'he d e'sllin r of g sim ilar compilation of payments w»ut ssrtam lng in thè Willaraette a -W I-n a l observer» f*otn th e Unit- made by owners and operators of mo- « v e r Sunday afternoon. «»- States Armv. the Panarr.’ C s ” e I tor vehicles for licenses and permits Returned frees San Frattcitco— Dr 7 -re Government and the Republic m jgj;; »bows a iota! contribution on 1 Eugene Kester returned Monday from of Panama. their psrt of 818*'p7H,992. In the tw> w eeks spen- in Sac Francisco He told of the rasroh to the in'erlor same year gasoline taxes levied by 35 w her- he took a special advanced in which rr»*t dlff'cnl'les w e re o v e r -j States amounted to 838.813.939 The m edical course. come Before the trio « n led altno»t , motor vehicle».,, accordingly, contrl- ' the erttre partv bad been taken serl- bu'ed a total of 8225,784.931. or 19.5 i w»re from Carlton—Rev. Waiter »03»1» i’l. and 'wo m ee,b»*r*. the yerrw - prr cent of the entire 1923 highway ' B- -y visited his icoth<»r-in-law Mrs *ee*stlve of the Smlth«ontan In stliu -, income. In the six Now England ! FI -U. on Sunday, coming up from h is »ioe snd 'h e Republic of Panama, died sta tes this contribution is 35.1 per Route ih Carlton. He delivered the of fever i c e n t This increase Is accounted for, •ervnor. in the Baptist church Sunday It w ss n«t n -t'l the verv end of the by the increase in the total number j evening. trtn. be «aid th»t in » wh‘»e Indians of vehicles registered and in the i R -t.-n ed from Canada—Mr afti were yrwstj«e tba rim or had change in the av*rage payment p e r 1 Mrs. Floyd B Flanery and daughter, nrece»*ed p” "» ,bat its o b j e c t « « vehicle, which has risen from 81170 DoiXRfcT^ returned Monday from a trip »o ’»>» surb Indians Into captivity in 1921 to ,1 5 per vehicle In 1923. to Vi tort* and Vancouver, British a r -’ b r t-r them away. j A very substantial part of the to- i ColumM*. P’nsllly. after m ak l-r friends wt»h tai highway income, 38.1 per real, was j sb Indian chief of a eoastsl trtk» and j ------------------------------------ ------------------ H r— from Aberdeen— Reginald ru. , r - msn y other- of va- _ T rr. ion. daughter of M y m * . ac- T„. th<, Oneortunltv to eom piaied by his brother-in-law and w|n W md«ihln of all the trib«-« I family, all of Aberdeen. Waahitigton. r , jj,. bv gtamring out two epi- j warns Sunday for a vtott w ith relatives o f »„„iipog 85c VOILES and friends here They left yester Tb»t, b e was allowed to see the ALL 35— 40c FAST COLOR GINGHAM TO CLOSE «•ay morning Mr Thompson is a white Indians whose ’ resence had Bephew of L. E and J M Thosnp- »lwavs been denied. H» nersuaded ALL 30c FAST COLOR GINGHAM. TO CLOSE ........................ Bon the nat've chleD that their difflcnl- ALL $1.25, $1 50 SILK HOSE D C England ’’“" eonld he e«tablt«hed between the L e ft fo r H o m e— M rs whl»e Ind'ans and th" white people I. o ' W - timber Oregon le ft th e C. $2.50. $6.00 CORSETS, SMALL SIZES ONLY of ‘he north. He saw abou' 400 of _____________ _ to return to C .irr - home Monday W es- mber after a month s visit with »*“’ * 1»'” » '» ° f »>’ *n'1 Phot°-1 BATHING SUITS 1-3rd. OFF FRIDAY — SATURDAY ber parents. She sra.s acc»jm;anted rra»'t’»-l shout a hundred of them. ,- a W' Maroon B o d y — Black Fenders— Cream Wheels ACME QUALITY Wright & Son The Farmers Exchange Closing Out 30Ntis Seasonable Merchandise AT VERY LOW PRICES BELL 59c 26c J9C 9gc S I . 49 Theatre bv her four children. Lillian. David. D ’s co ver, Valuable Aid to Medielee. One sch n tlst I’ of the opinion that I Trit end Donald Ji»-k Gorrie. her brother, took them to their home In ¡the condition under which white fn- Jdiani arc pr*vdi*»-ei is bv lencodermia 1 b car. ; He is Dr Cnlhbert f'hris’v. of the j R~; jr r e d to Springfield— M r I. Rmltb^on’an InstPntioo, and an ex You cannot offord to miss this BycJiard. who hvs b een v ls ltir r for pert On f*or!rgl diseases He has 1 great production. th e past 10 m onths a t the hom e of h er made a thorough evumination of the 1 Comedy and News. son 4o m iles below R oseburg returned white frdian children. week, and ha- been tu Springfield »»j believe Mr. M arsh has m ad ; a : v isitin g at *h‘ h me of Mr. and Mrs. ■cat dlscovorey.’’ he sa il. "Rut not' SUNDAY ONLY Jt J. McKUn. S ie » ill again occupy > Blue»» in th e I »111 o ' an ' nronologv b • ri--lii»nce Ir. FI- riegfiebd which Is a» In th e fie'd of tropical medicine, j rated by the Jp tzge family There is an Interesling disease esn e-J being a re m oving to Engine. t.ngene. d a lly prev alen t in th e W es, Indies in . .. _ hich Is known as |e-,codertnln. When, Return'd from Newport— ,.Tr M d , . .... . . ,, , I erem nert tbe«e children T found , Mrs Alfred Morgan and dauah-er Mil- ‘ , , . , , . marking« or them mor - -ymme'rinsi dr'-d Mrs Morgan parents. Mr an, , J _ ' u i_ lhan 'hose you observe In the H e r ', Mr:;. Coffin o f Minneapolis. Mimie ” ’ rota, and Mr’ Donald Young and ,n‘ _ ' 1 ‘ children retu -n ed S atu rd ay ftom Now- " a e o .rm 'ss on h e r . ; Also Comedy • io Invest.gate these c - “»-si think It j port where they spent som e time. ’ u-onld lead to Important resul'« , Enjoy Chautsuqua—A numlier of There has B 'ver been any success WEDNESDAY Springfield people have been attend-,»» getting at »he cause of the disease j JACKIE COOCAN ir g the Ellison W hite chautaqurr Eu from the W est Indian cases, and It j gei.e this Among tlior . 'to has fceen tried repeat«pilv. Bu, with In 1, re gone over at various tim e- -re th -se observations localized as they ‘ MY BOY” Mrs. t t K essey. Mrs. Henry K L ,»re it «»ema to me ’here may be hope- M is. " MacGowan. Mi»« Elsie of finding the cause and devising a I and W»dd ■ 'ra John F. Ketei«, Mr. and euro.’ ’ “ The Way of a Man” Mrs. Hi —y W. Whitney, and daughter This trip 'mm their native Jungles Mary Elizabeth Whitney. I to the very heart of civilization means Zane G ray’s “To the Last M an” Hoot Gibson “Forty Horse Hawkins” ONE BIG LOT OF LADIES SHOES FORMERLY SOLD $5.00, $6.00 CUT TO S I . 75» $ 2 ,0 0 $2,9 8 98c $1.50 CHILDREN PLAY SUITS .......................... 98c LADIES HATS. YOUR CHOICE $ 1 .9 8 $1.25. $200 MEN’S SUMMER UNION 98c $1.25 MEN S WORK SHIRT. BEST GRADE 85c $1.00 MEN S SILK HOSE 59c $3.50 MEN S ELK HIDE SHOES, FINE GRADE $2.2 5 JAPANESE AND CHINESE UMBRELLAS, TO CLOSE Lots of Bargains to close Come to see them early Sale three days only --- Starting July 25th The Farmers Exchange THE STORE QF SPRINGFIELD